/* * CiderPress * Copyright (C) 2009 by CiderPress authors. All Rights Reserved. * Copyright (C) 2007 by faddenSoft, LLC. All Rights Reserved. * See the file LICENSE for distribution terms. */ /* * Sub-classes of the base classes defined in DiskImg.h. * * Most applications will not need to include this file, because the * polymorphic interfaces do everything they need. If something needs to * examine the actual directory structure of a file, it can do so through * these declarations. */ #ifndef DISKIMG_DISKIMGDETAIL_H #define DISKIMG_DISKIMGDETAIL_H #include "../nufxlib/NufxLib.h" #include "../zlib/zlib.h" #include "DiskImg.h" #ifndef EXCISE_GPL_CODE # include "libhfs/hfs.h" #endif namespace DiskImgLib { /* * =========================================================================== * Outer wrappers * =========================================================================== */ /* * Outer wrapper class, representing a compression utility or archive * format that must be stripped away so we can get to the Apple II stuff. * * Outer wrappers usually have a filename embedded in them, representing * the original name of the file. We want to use the extension from this * name when evaluating the file contents. Usually. */ class OuterWrapper { public: OuterWrapper(void) {} virtual ~OuterWrapper(void) {} // all sub-classes should have one of these //static DIError Test(GenericFD* pGFD, long outerLength); // open the file and prepare to access it; fills out return values // NOTE: pGFD must be a GFDFile. virtual DIError Load(GenericFD* pOuterGFD, di_off_t outerLength, bool readOnly, di_off_t* pWrapperLength, GenericFD** ppWrapperGFD) = 0; virtual DIError Save(GenericFD* pOuterGFD, GenericFD* pWrapperGFD, di_off_t wrapperLength) = 0; // set on recoverable errors, like a CRC failure virtual bool IsDamaged(void) const = 0; // indicate that we don't have a "fast" flush virtual bool HasFastFlush(void) const { return false; } virtual const char* GetExtension(void) const = 0; private: OuterWrapper& operator=(const OuterWrapper&); OuterWrapper(const OuterWrapper&); }; class OuterGzip : public OuterWrapper { public: OuterGzip(void) { fWrapperDamaged = false; } virtual ~OuterGzip(void) {} static DIError Test(GenericFD* pGFD, di_off_t outerLength); virtual DIError Load(GenericFD* pGFD, di_off_t outerLength, bool readOnly, di_off_t* pTotalLength, GenericFD** ppNewGFD); virtual DIError Save(GenericFD* pOuterGFD, GenericFD* pWrapperGFD, di_off_t wrapperLength); virtual bool IsDamaged(void) const { return fWrapperDamaged; } virtual const char* GetExtension(void) const { return NULL; } private: DIError ExtractGzipImage(gzFile gzfp, char** pBuf, di_off_t* pLength); DIError CloseGzip(void); // Largest possible ProDOS volume; quite a bit to hold in RAM. Add a // little extra for .hdv format. enum { kMaxUncompressedSize = kGzipMax +256 }; bool fWrapperDamaged; }; class OuterZip : public OuterWrapper { public: OuterZip(void) : fStoredFileName(NULL), fExtension(NULL) {} virtual ~OuterZip(void) { delete[] fStoredFileName; delete[] fExtension; } static DIError Test(GenericFD* pGFD, di_off_t outerLength); virtual DIError Load(GenericFD* pGFD, di_off_t outerLength, bool readOnly, di_off_t* pTotalLength, GenericFD** ppNewGFD); virtual DIError Save(GenericFD* pOuterGFD, GenericFD* pWrapperGFD, di_off_t wrapperLength); virtual bool IsDamaged(void) const { return false; } virtual const char* GetExtension(void) const { return fExtension; } private: class LocalFileHeader { public: LocalFileHeader(void) : fVersionToExtract(0), fGPBitFlag(0), fCompressionMethod(0), fLastModFileTime(0), fLastModFileDate(0), fCRC32(0), fCompressedSize(0), fUncompressedSize(0), fFileNameLength(0), fExtraFieldLength(0), fFileName(NULL) {} virtual ~LocalFileHeader(void) { delete[] fFileName; } DIError Read(GenericFD* pGFD); DIError Write(GenericFD* pGFD); void SetFileName(const char* name); // unsigned long fSignature; unsigned short fVersionToExtract; unsigned short fGPBitFlag; unsigned short fCompressionMethod; unsigned short fLastModFileTime; unsigned short fLastModFileDate; unsigned long fCRC32; unsigned long fCompressedSize; unsigned long fUncompressedSize; unsigned short fFileNameLength; unsigned short fExtraFieldLength; unsigned char* fFileName; // extra field enum { kSignature = 0x04034b50, kLFHLen = 30, // LocalFileHdr len, excl. var fields }; void Dump(void) const; }; class CentralDirEntry { public: CentralDirEntry(void) : fVersionMadeBy(0), fVersionToExtract(0), fGPBitFlag(0), fCompressionMethod(0), fLastModFileTime(0), fLastModFileDate(0), fCRC32(0), fCompressedSize(0), fUncompressedSize(0), fFileNameLength(0), fExtraFieldLength(0), fFileCommentLength(0), fDiskNumberStart(0), fInternalAttrs(0), fExternalAttrs(0), fLocalHeaderRelOffset(0), fFileName(NULL), fFileComment(NULL) {} virtual ~CentralDirEntry(void) { delete[] fFileName; delete[] fFileComment; } DIError Read(GenericFD* pGFD); DIError Write(GenericFD* pGFD); void SetFileName(const char* name); // unsigned long fSignature; unsigned short fVersionMadeBy; unsigned short fVersionToExtract; unsigned short fGPBitFlag; unsigned short fCompressionMethod; unsigned short fLastModFileTime; unsigned short fLastModFileDate; unsigned long fCRC32; unsigned long fCompressedSize; unsigned long fUncompressedSize; unsigned short fFileNameLength; unsigned short fExtraFieldLength; unsigned short fFileCommentLength; unsigned short fDiskNumberStart; unsigned short fInternalAttrs; unsigned long fExternalAttrs; unsigned long fLocalHeaderRelOffset; unsigned char* fFileName; // extra field unsigned char* fFileComment; // alloc with new[] void Dump(void) const; enum { kSignature = 0x02014b50, kCDELen = 46, // CentralDirEnt len, excl. var fields }; }; class EndOfCentralDir { public: EndOfCentralDir(void) : fDiskNumber(0), fDiskWithCentralDir(0), fNumEntries(0), fTotalNumEntries(0), fCentralDirSize(0), fCentralDirOffset(0), fCommentLen(0) {} virtual ~EndOfCentralDir(void) {} DIError ReadBuf(const unsigned char* buf, int len); DIError Write(GenericFD* pGFD); // unsigned long fSignature; unsigned short fDiskNumber; unsigned short fDiskWithCentralDir; unsigned short fNumEntries; unsigned short fTotalNumEntries; unsigned long fCentralDirSize; unsigned long fCentralDirOffset; // offset from first disk unsigned short fCommentLen; // archive comment enum { kSignature = 0x06054b50, kEOCDLen = 22, // EndOfCentralDir len, excl. comment }; void Dump(void) const; }; enum { kDataDescriptorSignature = 0x08074b50, kMaxCommentLen = 65535, // longest possible in ushort kMaxEOCDSearch = kMaxCommentLen + EndOfCentralDir::kEOCDLen, kZipFssep = '/', kDefaultVersion = 20, kMaxUncompressedSize = kGzipMax +256, }; enum { kCompressStored = 0, // no compression //kCompressShrunk = 1, //kCompressImploded = 6, kCompressDeflated = 8, // standard deflate }; static DIError ReadCentralDir(GenericFD* pGFD, di_off_t outerLength, CentralDirEntry* pDirEntry); DIError ExtractZipEntry(GenericFD* pOuterGFD, CentralDirEntry* pCDE, unsigned char** pBuf, di_off_t* pLength); DIError InflateGFDToBuffer(GenericFD* pGFD, unsigned long compSize, unsigned long uncompSize, unsigned char* buf); DIError DeflateGFDToGFD(GenericFD* pDst, GenericFD* pSrc, di_off_t length, di_off_t* pCompLength, unsigned long* pCRC); private: void SetExtension(const char* ext); void SetStoredFileName(const char* name); void GetMSDOSTime(unsigned short* pDate, unsigned short* pTime); void DOSTime(time_t when, unsigned short* pDate, unsigned short* pTime); char* fStoredFileName; char* fExtension; }; /* * =========================================================================== * Image wrappers * =========================================================================== */ /* * Image wrapper class, representing the format of the Windows files. * Might be "raw" data, might be data with a header, might be a complex * or compressed format that must be extracted to a buffer. */ class ImageWrapper { public: ImageWrapper(void) {} virtual ~ImageWrapper(void) {} // all sub-classes should have one of these // static DIError Test(GenericFD* pGFD, di_off_t wrappedLength); // open the file and prepare to access it; fills out return values virtual DIError Prep(GenericFD* pGFD, di_off_t wrappedLength, bool readOnly, di_off_t* pLength, DiskImg::PhysicalFormat* pPhysical, DiskImg::SectorOrder* pOrder, short* pDiskVolNum, LinearBitmap** ppBadBlockMap, GenericFD** ppNewGFD) = 0; // fill out the wrapper, using the specified parameters virtual DIError Create(di_off_t length, DiskImg::PhysicalFormat physical, DiskImg::SectorOrder order, short dosVolumeNum, GenericFD* pWrapperGFD, di_off_t* pWrappedLength, GenericFD** pDataFD) = 0; // push altered data to the wrapper GFD virtual DIError Flush(GenericFD* pWrapperGFD, GenericFD* pDataGFD, di_off_t dataLen, di_off_t* pWrappedLen) = 0; // set the storage name (used by some formats) virtual void SetStorageName(const char* name) { // default implementation assert(false); } // indicate that we have a "fast" flush virtual bool HasFastFlush(void) const = 0; // set by "Prep" on recoverable errors, like a CRC failure, for some fmts virtual bool IsDamaged(void) const { return false; } // if this wrapper format includes a file comment, return it //virtual const char* GetComment(void) const { return NULL; } /* * Some additional goodies required for accessing variable-length nibble * tracks in TrackStar images. A default implementation is provided and * used for everything but TrackStar. */ virtual int GetNibbleTrackLength(DiskImg::PhysicalFormat physical, int track) const { if (physical == DiskImg::kPhysicalFormatNib525_6656) return kTrackLenNib525; else if (physical == DiskImg::kPhysicalFormatNib525_6384) return kTrackLenNb2525; else { assert(false); return -1; } } virtual void SetNibbleTrackLength(int track, int length) { /*do nothing*/ } virtual int GetNibbleTrackOffset(DiskImg::PhysicalFormat physical, int track) const { if (physical == DiskImg::kPhysicalFormatNib525_6656 || physical == DiskImg::kPhysicalFormatNib525_6384) { /* fixed-length tracks */ return GetNibbleTrackLength(physical, 0) * track; } else { assert(false); return -1; } } // TrackStar images can have more, but otherwise all nibble images have 35 virtual int GetNibbleNumTracks(void) const { return kTrackCount525; } private: ImageWrapper& operator=(const ImageWrapper&); ImageWrapper(const ImageWrapper&); }; class Wrapper2MG : public ImageWrapper { public: static DIError Test(GenericFD* pGFD, di_off_t wrappedLength); virtual DIError Prep(GenericFD* pGFD, di_off_t wrappedLength, bool readOnly, di_off_t* pLength, DiskImg::PhysicalFormat* pPhysical, DiskImg::SectorOrder* pOrder, short* pDiskVolNum, LinearBitmap** ppBadBlockMap, GenericFD** ppNewGFD); virtual DIError Create(di_off_t length, DiskImg::PhysicalFormat physical, DiskImg::SectorOrder order, short dosVolumeNum, GenericFD* pWrapperGFD, di_off_t* pWrappedLength, GenericFD** pDataFD); virtual DIError Flush(GenericFD* pWrapperGFD, GenericFD* pDataGFD, di_off_t dataLen, di_off_t* pWrappedLen); virtual bool HasFastFlush(void) const { return true; } //virtual const char* GetComment(void) const { return NULL; } // (need to hold TwoImgHeader in the struct, rather than as temp, or // need to copy the comment out into Wrapper2MG storage e.g. StorageName) }; class WrapperNuFX : public ImageWrapper { public: WrapperNuFX(void) : fpArchive(NULL), fThreadIdx(0), fStorageName(NULL), fCompressType(kNuThreadFormatLZW2) {} virtual ~WrapperNuFX(void) { CloseNuFX(); delete[] fStorageName; } static DIError Test(GenericFD* pGFD, di_off_t wrappedLength); virtual DIError Prep(GenericFD* pGFD, di_off_t wrappedLength, bool readOnly, di_off_t* pLength, DiskImg::PhysicalFormat* pPhysical, DiskImg::SectorOrder* pOrder, short* pDiskVolNum, LinearBitmap** ppBadBlockMap, GenericFD** ppNewGFD); virtual DIError Create(di_off_t length, DiskImg::PhysicalFormat physical, DiskImg::SectorOrder order, short dosVolumeNum, GenericFD* pWrapperGFD, di_off_t* pWrappedLength, GenericFD** pDataFD); virtual DIError Flush(GenericFD* pWrapperGFD, GenericFD* pDataGFD, di_off_t dataLen, di_off_t* pWrappedLen); virtual bool HasFastFlush(void) const { return false; } void SetStorageName(const char* name) { delete[] fStorageName; if (name != NULL) { fStorageName = new char[strlen(name)+1]; strcpy(fStorageName, name); } else fStorageName = NULL; } void SetCompressType(NuThreadFormat format) { fCompressType = format; } private: enum { kDefaultStorageFssep = ':' }; static NuResult ErrMsgHandler(NuArchive* pArchive, void* vErrorMessage); static DIError OpenNuFX(const char* pathName, NuArchive** ppArchive, NuThreadIdx* pThreadIdx, long* pLength, bool readOnly); DIError GetNuFXDiskImage(NuArchive* pArchive, NuThreadIdx threadIdx, long length, char** ppData); static char* GenTempPath(const char* path); DIError CloseNuFX(void); void UNIXTimeToDateTime(const time_t* pWhen, NuDateTime *pDateTime); NuArchive* fpArchive; NuThreadIdx fThreadIdx; char* fStorageName; NuThreadFormat fCompressType; }; class WrapperDiskCopy42 : public ImageWrapper { public: WrapperDiskCopy42(void) : fStorageName(NULL), fBadChecksum(false) {} virtual ~WrapperDiskCopy42(void) { delete[] fStorageName; } static DIError Test(GenericFD* pGFD, di_off_t wrappedLength); virtual DIError Prep(GenericFD* pGFD, di_off_t wrappedLength, bool readOnly, di_off_t* pLength, DiskImg::PhysicalFormat* pPhysical, DiskImg::SectorOrder* pOrder, short* pDiskVolNum, LinearBitmap** ppBadBlockMap, GenericFD** ppNewGFD); virtual DIError Create(di_off_t length, DiskImg::PhysicalFormat physical, DiskImg::SectorOrder order, short dosVolumeNum, GenericFD* pWrapperGFD, di_off_t* pWrappedLength, GenericFD** pDataFD); virtual DIError Flush(GenericFD* pWrapperGFD, GenericFD* pDataGFD, di_off_t dataLen, di_off_t* pWrappedLen); void SetStorageName(const char* name) { delete[] fStorageName; if (name != NULL) { fStorageName = new char[strlen(name)+1]; strcpy(fStorageName, name); } else fStorageName = NULL; } virtual bool HasFastFlush(void) const { return false; } virtual bool IsDamaged(void) const { return fBadChecksum; } private: typedef struct DC42Header DC42Header; static void DumpHeader(const DC42Header* pHeader); void InitHeader(DC42Header* pHeader); static int ReadHeader(GenericFD* pGFD, DC42Header* pHeader); DIError WriteHeader(GenericFD* pGFD, const DC42Header* pHeader); static DIError ComputeChecksum(GenericFD* pGFD, unsigned long* pChecksum); char* fStorageName; bool fBadChecksum; }; class WrapperDDD : public ImageWrapper { public: static DIError Test(GenericFD* pGFD, di_off_t wrappedLength); virtual DIError Prep(GenericFD* pGFD, di_off_t wrappedLength, bool readOnly, di_off_t* pLength, DiskImg::PhysicalFormat* pPhysical, DiskImg::SectorOrder* pOrder, short* pDiskVolNum, LinearBitmap** ppBadBlockMap, GenericFD** ppNewGFD); virtual DIError Create(di_off_t length, DiskImg::PhysicalFormat physical, DiskImg::SectorOrder order, short dosVolumeNum, GenericFD* pWrapperGFD, di_off_t* pWrappedLength, GenericFD** pDataFD); virtual DIError Flush(GenericFD* pWrapperGFD, GenericFD* pDataGFD, di_off_t dataLen, di_off_t* pWrappedLen); virtual bool HasFastFlush(void) const { return false; } enum { kMaxDDDZeroCount = 4, // 3 observed, 4 suspected }; private: class BitBuffer; enum { kNumTracks = 35, kNumSectors = 16, kSectorSize = 256, kTrackLen = kNumSectors * kSectorSize, }; static DIError CheckForRuns(GenericFD* pGFD); static DIError Unpack(GenericFD* pGFD, GenericFD** ppNewGFD, short* pDiskVolNum); static DIError UnpackDisk(GenericFD* pGFD, GenericFD* pNewGFD, short* pDiskVolNum); static bool UnpackTrack(BitBuffer* pBitBuffer, unsigned char* trackBuf); static DIError PackDisk(GenericFD* pSrcGFD, GenericFD* pWrapperGFD, short diskVolNum); static void PackTrack(const unsigned char* trackBuf, BitBuffer* pBitBuf); static void ComputeFreqCounts(const unsigned char* trackBuf, unsigned short* freqCounts); static void ComputeFavorites(unsigned short* freqCounts, unsigned char* favorites); short fDiskVolumeNum; }; class WrapperSim2eHDV : public ImageWrapper { public: static DIError Test(GenericFD* pGFD, di_off_t wrappedLength); virtual DIError Prep(GenericFD* pGFD, di_off_t wrappedLength, bool readOnly, di_off_t* pLength, DiskImg::PhysicalFormat* pPhysical, DiskImg::SectorOrder* pOrder, short* pDiskVolNum, LinearBitmap** ppBadBlockMap, GenericFD** ppNewGFD); virtual DIError Create(di_off_t length, DiskImg::PhysicalFormat physical, DiskImg::SectorOrder order, short dosVolumeNum, GenericFD* pWrapperGFD, di_off_t* pWrappedLength, GenericFD** pDataFD); virtual DIError Flush(GenericFD* pWrapperGFD, GenericFD* pDataGFD, di_off_t dataLen, di_off_t* pWrappedLen); virtual bool HasFastFlush(void) const { return true; } }; class WrapperTrackStar : public ImageWrapper { public: enum { kTrackStarNumTracks = 40, kFileTrackStorageLen = 6656, kMaxTrackLen = kFileTrackStorageLen - (128+1+2), // header + footer kCommentFieldLen = 0x2e, }; WrapperTrackStar(void) : fStorageName(NULL) { memset(&fNibbleTrackInfo, 0, sizeof(fNibbleTrackInfo)); fNibbleTrackInfo.numTracks = -1; } virtual ~WrapperTrackStar(void) { delete[] fStorageName; } static DIError Test(GenericFD* pGFD, di_off_t wrappedLength); virtual DIError Prep(GenericFD* pGFD, di_off_t wrappedLength, bool readOnly, di_off_t* pLength, DiskImg::PhysicalFormat* pPhysical, DiskImg::SectorOrder* pOrder, short* pDiskVolNum, LinearBitmap** ppBadBlockMap, GenericFD** ppNewGFD); virtual DIError Create(di_off_t length, DiskImg::PhysicalFormat physical, DiskImg::SectorOrder order, short dosVolumeNum, GenericFD* pWrapperGFD, di_off_t* pWrappedLength, GenericFD** pDataFD); virtual DIError Flush(GenericFD* pWrapperGFD, GenericFD* pDataGFD, di_off_t dataLen, di_off_t* pWrappedLen); virtual bool HasFastFlush(void) const { return false; } virtual void SetStorageName(const char* name) { delete[] fStorageName; if (name != NULL) { fStorageName = new char[strlen(name)+1]; strcpy(fStorageName, name); } else fStorageName = NULL; } private: static DIError VerifyTrack(int track, const unsigned char* trackBuf); DIError Unpack(GenericFD* pGFD, GenericFD** ppNewGFD); DIError UnpackDisk(GenericFD* pGFD, GenericFD* pNewGFD); int fImageTracks; char* fStorageName; /* * Data structure for managing nibble images with variable-length tracks. */ typedef struct { int numTracks; // should be 35 or 40 int length[kMaxNibbleTracks525]; int offset[kMaxNibbleTracks525]; } NibbleTrackInfo; NibbleTrackInfo fNibbleTrackInfo; // count and lengths for variable formats // nibble images can have variable-length data fields virtual int GetNibbleTrackLength(DiskImg::PhysicalFormat physical, int track) const { assert(physical == DiskImg::kPhysicalFormatNib525_Var); assert(fNibbleTrackInfo.numTracks > 0); return fNibbleTrackInfo.length[track]; } virtual void SetNibbleTrackLength(int track, int length); #if 0 { assert(track >= 0); assert(length > 0 && length <= kMaxTrackLen); assert(track < fNibbleTrackInfo.numTracks); fNibbleTrackInfo.length[track] = length; } #endif virtual int GetNibbleTrackOffset(DiskImg::PhysicalFormat physical, int track) const { assert(physical == DiskImg::kPhysicalFormatNib525_Var); assert(fNibbleTrackInfo.numTracks > 0); return fNibbleTrackInfo.offset[track]; } virtual int GetNibbleNumTracks(void) const { return kTrackStarNumTracks; } }; class WrapperFDI : public ImageWrapper { public: WrapperFDI(void) {} virtual ~WrapperFDI(void) {} static DIError Test(GenericFD* pGFD, di_off_t wrappedLength); virtual DIError Prep(GenericFD* pGFD, di_off_t wrappedLength, bool readOnly, di_off_t* pLength, DiskImg::PhysicalFormat* pPhysical, DiskImg::SectorOrder* pOrder, short* pDiskVolNum, LinearBitmap** ppBadBlockMap, GenericFD** ppNewGFD); virtual DIError Create(di_off_t length, DiskImg::PhysicalFormat physical, DiskImg::SectorOrder order, short dosVolumeNum, GenericFD* pWrapperGFD, di_off_t* pWrappedLength, GenericFD** pDataFD); virtual DIError Flush(GenericFD* pWrapperGFD, GenericFD* pDataGFD, di_off_t dataLen, di_off_t* pWrappedLen); virtual bool HasFastFlush(void) const { return false; } enum { kSignatureLen = 27, kCreatorLen = 30, kCommentLen = 80, }; private: static const char* kFDIMagic; /* what type of disk is this? */ typedef enum DiskType { kDiskType8 = 0, kDiskType525 = 1, kDiskType35 = 2, kDiskType3 = 3 } DiskType; /* * Contents of FDI header. */ typedef struct FDIHeader { char signature[kSignatureLen+1]; char creator[kCreatorLen+1]; // CR + LF char comment[kCommentLen+1]; // MS-DOS EOF unsigned short version; unsigned short lastTrack; unsigned char lastHead; unsigned char type; // DiskType enum unsigned char rotSpeed; unsigned char flags; unsigned char tpi; unsigned char headWidth; unsigned short reserved; // track descriptors follow, at byte 152 } FDIHeader; /* * Header for pulse-index streams track. */ typedef struct PulseIndexHeader { long numPulses; long avgStreamLen; int avgStreamCompression; long minStreamLen; int minStreamCompression; long maxStreamLen; int maxStreamCompression; long idxStreamLen; int idxStreamCompression; unsigned long* avgStream; // 4 bytes/pulse unsigned long* minStream; // 4 bytes/pulse; optional unsigned long* maxStream; // 4 bytes/pulse; optional unsigned long* idxStream; // 2 bytes/pulse; optional? } PulseIndexHeader; enum { kTrackDescrOffset = 152, kMaxHeads = 2, kMaxHeaderBlockTracks = 180, // max 90 double-sided cylinders kMinHeaderLen = 512, kMinVersion = 0x0200, // v2.0 kMaxNibbleTracks35 = 80, // 80 double-sided tracks kNibbleBufLen = 10240, // max seems to be a little under 10K kBitBufferSize = kNibbleBufLen + (kNibbleBufLen / 4), kMaxSectors35 = 12, // max #of sectors per track //kBytesPerSector35 = 512, // bytes per sector on 3.5" disk kPulseStreamDataOffset = 16, // start of header to avg stream kBitRate525 = 250000, // 250Kbits/sec }; /* meaning of the two-bit compression format value */ typedef enum CompressedFormat { kCompUncompressed = 0, kCompHuffman = 1, } CompressedFormat; /* node in the Huffman tree */ typedef struct HuffNode { unsigned short val; struct HuffNode* left; struct HuffNode* right; } HuffNode; /* * Keep a copy of the header around while we work. None of the formats * we're interested in have more than kMaxHeaderBlockTracks tracks in * them, so we don't need anything beyond the initial 512-byte header. */ unsigned char fHeaderBuf[kMinHeaderLen]; static void UnpackHeader(const unsigned char* headerBuf, FDIHeader* hdr); static void DumpHeader(const FDIHeader* pHdr); DIError Unpack525(GenericFD* pGFD, GenericFD** ppNewGFD, int numCyls, int numHeads); DIError Unpack35(GenericFD* pGFD, GenericFD** ppNewGFD, int numCyls, int numHeads, LinearBitmap** ppBadBlockMap); DIError PackDisk(GenericFD* pSrcGFD, GenericFD* pWrapperGFD); DIError UnpackDisk525(GenericFD* pGFD, GenericFD* pNewGFD, int numCyls, int numHeads); DIError UnpackDisk35(GenericFD* pGFD, GenericFD* pNewGFD, int numCyls, int numHeads, LinearBitmap* pBadBlockMap); void GetTrackInfo(int trk, int* pType, int* pLength256); int BitRate35(int trk); void FixBadNibbles(unsigned char* nibbleBuf, long nibbleLen); bool DecodePulseTrack(const unsigned char* inputBuf, long inputLen, int bitRate, unsigned char* nibbleBuf, long* pNibbleLen); bool UncompressPulseStream(const unsigned char* inputBuf, long inputLen, unsigned long* outputBuf, long numPulses, int format, int bytesPerPulse); bool ExpandHuffman(const unsigned char* inputBuf, long inputLen, unsigned long* outputBuf, long numPulses); const unsigned char* HuffExtractTree(const unsigned char* inputBuf, HuffNode* pNode, unsigned char* pBits, unsigned char* pBitMask); const unsigned char* HuffExtractValues16(const unsigned char* inputBuf, HuffNode* pNode); const unsigned char* HuffExtractValues8(const unsigned char* inputBuf, HuffNode* pNode); void HuffFreeNodes(HuffNode* pNode); unsigned long HuffSignExtend16(unsigned long val); unsigned long HuffSignExtend8(unsigned long val); bool ConvertPulseStreamsToNibbles(PulseIndexHeader* pHdr, int bitRate, unsigned char* nibbleBuf, long* pNibbleLen); bool ConvertPulsesToBits(const unsigned long* avgStream, const unsigned long* minStream, const unsigned long* maxStream, const unsigned long* idxStream, int numPulses, int maxIndex, int indexOffset, unsigned long totalAvg, int bitRate, unsigned char* outputBuf, int* pOutputLen); int MyRand(void); bool ConvertBitsToNibbles(const unsigned char* bitBuffer, int bitCount, unsigned char* nibbleBuf, long* pNibbleLen); int fImageTracks; char* fStorageName; /* * Data structure for managing nibble images with variable-length tracks. */ typedef struct { int numTracks; // expect 35 or 40 for 5.25" int length[kMaxNibbleTracks525]; int offset[kMaxNibbleTracks525]; } NibbleTrackInfo; NibbleTrackInfo fNibbleTrackInfo; // count and lengths for variable formats // nibble images can have variable-length data fields virtual int GetNibbleTrackLength(DiskImg::PhysicalFormat physical, int track) const { assert(physical == DiskImg::kPhysicalFormatNib525_Var); assert(fNibbleTrackInfo.numTracks > 0); return fNibbleTrackInfo.length[track]; } virtual void SetNibbleTrackLength(int track, int length); virtual int GetNibbleTrackOffset(DiskImg::PhysicalFormat physical, int track) const { assert(physical == DiskImg::kPhysicalFormatNib525_Var); assert(fNibbleTrackInfo.numTracks > 0); return fNibbleTrackInfo.offset[track]; } virtual int GetNibbleNumTracks(void) const { return fNibbleTrackInfo.numTracks; } }; class WrapperUnadornedNibble : public ImageWrapper { public: static DIError Test(GenericFD* pGFD, di_off_t wrappedLength); virtual DIError Prep(GenericFD* pGFD, di_off_t wrappedLength, bool readOnly, di_off_t* pLength, DiskImg::PhysicalFormat* pPhysical, DiskImg::SectorOrder* pOrder, short* pDiskVolNum, LinearBitmap** ppBadBlockMap, GenericFD** ppNewGFD); virtual DIError Create(di_off_t length, DiskImg::PhysicalFormat physical, DiskImg::SectorOrder order, short dosVolumeNum, GenericFD* pWrapperGFD, di_off_t* pWrappedLength, GenericFD** pDataFD); virtual DIError Flush(GenericFD* pWrapperGFD, GenericFD* pDataGFD, di_off_t dataLen, di_off_t* pWrappedLen); virtual bool HasFastFlush(void) const { return true; } }; class WrapperUnadornedSector : public ImageWrapper { public: static DIError Test(GenericFD* pGFD, di_off_t wrappedLength); virtual DIError Prep(GenericFD* pGFD, di_off_t wrappedLength, bool readOnly, di_off_t* pLength, DiskImg::PhysicalFormat* pPhysical, DiskImg::SectorOrder* pOrder, short* pDiskVolNum, LinearBitmap** ppBadBlockMap, GenericFD** ppNewGFD); virtual DIError Create(di_off_t length, DiskImg::PhysicalFormat physical, DiskImg::SectorOrder order, short dosVolumeNum, GenericFD* pWrapperGFD, di_off_t* pWrappedLength, GenericFD** pDataFD); virtual DIError Flush(GenericFD* pWrapperGFD, GenericFD* pDataGFD, di_off_t dataLen, di_off_t* pWrappedLen); virtual bool HasFastFlush(void) const { return true; } }; /* * =========================================================================== * Non-FS DiskFSs * =========================================================================== */ /* * A "raw" disk, i.e. no filesystem is known. Useful as a placeholder * for applications that demand a DiskFS object even when the filesystem * isn't known. */ class DISKIMG_API DiskFSUnknown : public DiskFS { public: DiskFSUnknown(void) : DiskFS() { strcpy(fDiskVolumeName, "[Unknown]"); strcpy(fDiskVolumeID, "Unknown FS"); } virtual ~DiskFSUnknown(void) {} virtual DIError Initialize(DiskImg* pImg, InitMode initMode) { SetDiskImg(pImg); return kDIErrNone; } virtual const char* GetVolumeName(void) const { return fDiskVolumeName; } virtual const char* GetVolumeID(void) const { return fDiskVolumeID; } virtual const char* GetBareVolumeName(void) const { return NULL; } virtual bool GetReadWriteSupported(void) const { return false; } virtual bool GetFSDamaged(void) const { return false; } virtual DIError GetFreeSpaceCount(long* pTotalUnits, long* pFreeUnits, int* pUnitSize) const { return kDIErrNotSupported; } // Use this if *something* is known about the filesystem, e.g. the // partition type on a MacPart disk. void SetVolumeInfo(const char* descr) { if (strlen(descr) > kMaxVolumeName) return; fDiskVolumeName[0] = '['; strcpy(fDiskVolumeName+1, descr); strcat(fDiskVolumeName, "]"); strcpy(fDiskVolumeID, "Unknown FS - "); strcat(fDiskVolumeID, descr); } private: enum { kMaxVolumeName = 64 }; char fDiskVolumeName[kMaxVolumeName+3]; char fDiskVolumeID[kMaxVolumeName + 20]; }; /* * Generic "container" DiskFS class. Contains some common functions shared * among classes that are just containers for other filesystems. This class * is not expected to be instantiated. * * TODO: create a common OpenSubVolume() function. */ class DISKIMG_API DiskFSContainer : public DiskFS { public: DiskFSContainer(void) : DiskFS() {} virtual ~DiskFSContainer(void) {} protected: virtual const char* GetDebugName(void) = 0; virtual DIError CreatePlaceholder(long startBlock, long numBlocks, const char* partName, const char* partType, DiskImg** ppNewImg, DiskFS** ppNewFS); virtual void SetVolumeUsageMap(void); }; /* * UNIDOS disk, an 800K floppy with two 400K DOS 3.3 volumes on it. * * The disk itself has no files; instead, it has two embedded sub-volumes. */ class DISKIMG_API DiskFSUNIDOS : public DiskFSContainer { public: DiskFSUNIDOS(void) : DiskFSContainer() {} virtual ~DiskFSUNIDOS(void) {} static DIError TestFS(DiskImg* pImg, DiskImg::SectorOrder* pOrder, DiskImg::FSFormat* pFormat, FSLeniency leniency); static DIError TestWideFS(DiskImg* pImg, DiskImg::SectorOrder* pOrder, DiskImg::FSFormat* pFormat, FSLeniency leniency); virtual DIError Initialize(DiskImg* pImg, InitMode initMode) { SetDiskImg(pImg); return Initialize(); } virtual const char* GetVolumeName(void) const { return "[UNIDOS]"; } virtual const char* GetVolumeID(void) const { return "[UNIDOS]"; } virtual const char* GetBareVolumeName(void) const { return NULL; } virtual bool GetReadWriteSupported(void) const { return false; } virtual bool GetFSDamaged(void) const { return false; } virtual DIError GetFreeSpaceCount(long* pTotalUnits, long* pFreeUnits, int* pUnitSize) const { return kDIErrNotSupported; } private: virtual const char* GetDebugName(void) { return "UNIDOS"; } DIError Initialize(void); DIError OpenSubVolume(int idx); }; /* * OzDOS disk, an 800K floppy with two 400K DOS 3.3 volumes on it. They * put the files for disk 1 in the odd sectors and the files for disk 2 * in the even sectors (the top and bottom halves of a 512-byte block). * * The disk itself has no files; instead, it has two embedded sub-volumes. * Because of the funky layout, we have to use the "sector pairing" feature * of DiskImg to treat this like a DOS 3.3 disk. */ class DISKIMG_API DiskFSOzDOS : public DiskFSContainer { public: DiskFSOzDOS(void) : DiskFSContainer() {} virtual ~DiskFSOzDOS(void) {} static DIError TestFS(DiskImg* pImg, DiskImg::SectorOrder* pOrder, DiskImg::FSFormat* pFormat, FSLeniency leniency); virtual DIError Initialize(DiskImg* pImg, InitMode initMode) { SetDiskImg(pImg); return Initialize(); } virtual const char* GetVolumeName(void) const { return "[OzDOS]"; } virtual const char* GetVolumeID(void) const { return "[OzDOS]"; } virtual const char* GetBareVolumeName(void) const { return NULL; } virtual bool GetReadWriteSupported(void) const { return false; } virtual bool GetFSDamaged(void) const { return false; } virtual DIError GetFreeSpaceCount(long* pTotalUnits, long* pFreeUnits, int* pUnitSize) const { return kDIErrNotSupported; } private: virtual const char* GetDebugName(void) { return "OzDOS"; } DIError Initialize(void); DIError OpenSubVolume(int idx); }; /* * CFFA volume. A potentially very large volume with multiple partitions. * * This DiskFS is just a container that describes the position and sizes * of the sub-volumes. */ class DISKIMG_API DiskFSCFFA : public DiskFSContainer { public: DiskFSCFFA(void) : DiskFSContainer() {} virtual ~DiskFSCFFA(void) {} static DIError TestFS(DiskImg* pImg, DiskImg::SectorOrder* pOrder, DiskImg::FSFormat* pFormat, FSLeniency leniency); virtual DIError Initialize(DiskImg* pImg, InitMode initMode) { SetDiskImg(pImg); return Initialize(); } virtual const char* GetVolumeName(void) const { return "[CFFA]"; } virtual const char* GetVolumeID(void) const { return "[CFFA]"; } virtual const char* GetBareVolumeName(void) const { return NULL; } virtual bool GetReadWriteSupported(void) const { return false; } virtual bool GetFSDamaged(void) const { return false; } virtual DIError GetFreeSpaceCount(long* pTotalUnits, long* pFreeUnits, int* pUnitSize) const { return kDIErrNotSupported; } private: virtual const char* GetDebugName(void) { return "CFFA"; } static DIError TestImage(DiskImg* pImg, DiskImg::SectorOrder imageOrder, DiskImg::FSFormat* pFormatFound); static DIError OpenSubVolume(DiskImg* pImg, long startBlock, long numBlocks, bool scanOnly, DiskImg** ppNewImg, DiskFS** ppNewFS); DIError Initialize(void); DIError FindSubVolumes(void); DIError AddVolumeSeries(int start, int count, long blocksPerVolume, long& startBlock, long& totalBlocksLeft); enum { kMinInterestingBlocks = 65536 + 1024, // less than this, ignore kEarlyVolExpectedSize = 65536, // 32MB in 512-byte blocks kOneGB = 1024*1024*(1024/512), // 1GB in 512-byte blocks }; }; /* * Macintosh-style partitioned disk image. * * This DiskFS is just a container that describes the position and sizes * of the sub-volumes. */ class DISKIMG_API DiskFSMacPart : public DiskFSContainer { public: DiskFSMacPart(void) : DiskFSContainer() {} virtual ~DiskFSMacPart(void) {} static DIError TestFS(DiskImg* pImg, DiskImg::SectorOrder* pOrder, DiskImg::FSFormat* pFormat, FSLeniency leniency); virtual DIError Initialize(DiskImg* pImg, InitMode initMode) { SetDiskImg(pImg); return Initialize(); } virtual const char* GetVolumeName(void) const { return "[MacPartition]"; } virtual const char* GetVolumeID(void) const { return "[MacPartition]"; } virtual const char* GetBareVolumeName(void) const { return NULL; } virtual bool GetReadWriteSupported(void) const { return false; } virtual bool GetFSDamaged(void) const { return false; } virtual DIError GetFreeSpaceCount(long* pTotalUnits, long* pFreeUnits, int* pUnitSize) const { return kDIErrNotSupported; } private: virtual const char* GetDebugName(void) { return "MacPart"; } struct PartitionMap; // fwd struct DriverDescriptorRecord; // fwd static void UnpackDDR(const unsigned char* buf, DriverDescriptorRecord* pDDR); static void DumpDDR(const DriverDescriptorRecord* pDDR); static void UnpackPartitionMap(const unsigned char* buf, PartitionMap* pMap); static void DumpPartitionMap(long block, const PartitionMap* pMap); static DIError TestImage(DiskImg* pImg, DiskImg::SectorOrder imageOrder); DIError OpenSubVolume(const PartitionMap* pMap); DIError Initialize(void); DIError FindSubVolumes(void); enum { kMinInterestingBlocks = 2048, // less than this, ignore kDDRSignature = 0x4552, // 'ER' kPartitionSignature = 0x504d, // 'PM' }; }; /* * Partitioning for Joachim Lange's MicroDrive card. * * This DiskFS is just a container that describes the position and sizes * of the sub-volumes. */ class DISKIMG_API DiskFSMicroDrive : public DiskFSContainer { public: DiskFSMicroDrive(void) : DiskFSContainer() {} virtual ~DiskFSMicroDrive(void) {} static DIError TestFS(DiskImg* pImg, DiskImg::SectorOrder* pOrder, DiskImg::FSFormat* pFormat, FSLeniency leniency); virtual DIError Initialize(DiskImg* pImg, InitMode initMode) { SetDiskImg(pImg); return Initialize(); } virtual const char* GetVolumeName(void) const { return "[MicroDrive]"; } virtual const char* GetVolumeID(void) const { return "[MicroDrive]"; } virtual const char* GetBareVolumeName(void) const { return NULL; } virtual bool GetReadWriteSupported(void) const { return false; } virtual bool GetFSDamaged(void) const { return false; } virtual DIError GetFreeSpaceCount(long* pTotalUnits, long* pFreeUnits, int* pUnitSize) const { return kDIErrNotSupported; } private: virtual const char* GetDebugName(void) { return "MicroDrive"; } struct PartitionMap; // fwd static void UnpackPartitionMap(const unsigned char* buf, PartitionMap* pMap); static void DumpPartitionMap(const PartitionMap* pMap); static DIError TestImage(DiskImg* pImg, DiskImg::SectorOrder imageOrder); DIError OpenSubVolume(long startBlock, long numBlocks); DIError OpenVol(int idx, long startBlock, long numBlocks); DIError Initialize(void); DIError FindSubVolumes(void); enum { kMinInterestingBlocks = 2048, // less than this, ignore kPartitionSignature = 0xccca, // 'JL' in little-endian high-ASCII }; }; /* * Partitioning for Parsons Engineering FocusDrive card. * * This DiskFS is just a container that describes the position and sizes * of the sub-volumes. */ class DISKIMG_API DiskFSFocusDrive : public DiskFSContainer { public: DiskFSFocusDrive(void) : DiskFSContainer() {} virtual ~DiskFSFocusDrive(void) {} static DIError TestFS(DiskImg* pImg, DiskImg::SectorOrder* pOrder, DiskImg::FSFormat* pFormat, FSLeniency leniency); virtual DIError Initialize(DiskImg* pImg, InitMode initMode) { SetDiskImg(pImg); return Initialize(); } virtual const char* GetVolumeName(void) const { return "[FocusDrive]"; } virtual const char* GetVolumeID(void) const { return "[FocusDrive]"; } virtual const char* GetBareVolumeName(void) const { return NULL; } virtual bool GetReadWriteSupported(void) const { return false; } virtual bool GetFSDamaged(void) const { return false; } virtual DIError GetFreeSpaceCount(long* pTotalUnits, long* pFreeUnits, int* pUnitSize) const { return kDIErrNotSupported; } private: virtual const char* GetDebugName(void) { return "FocusDrive"; } struct PartitionMap; // fwd static void UnpackPartitionMap(const unsigned char* buf, const unsigned char* nameBuf, PartitionMap* pMap); static void DumpPartitionMap(const PartitionMap* pMap); static DIError TestImage(DiskImg* pImg, DiskImg::SectorOrder imageOrder); DIError OpenSubVolume(long startBlock, long numBlocks, const char* name); DIError OpenVol(int idx, long startBlock, long numBlocks, const char* name); DIError Initialize(void); DIError FindSubVolumes(void); enum { kMinInterestingBlocks = 2048, // less than this, ignore }; }; /* * =========================================================================== * DOS 3.2/3.3 * =========================================================================== */ class A2FileDOS; /* * DOS 3.2/3.3 disk. */ class DISKIMG_API DiskFSDOS33 : public DiskFS { public: DiskFSDOS33(void) : DiskFS() { fVTOCLoaded = false; fDiskIsGood = false; } virtual ~DiskFSDOS33(void) {} static DIError TestFS(DiskImg* pImg, DiskImg::SectorOrder* pOrder, DiskImg::FSFormat* pFormat, FSLeniency leniency); virtual DIError Initialize(DiskImg* pImg, InitMode initMode) { SetDiskImg(pImg); return Initialize(initMode); } virtual DIError Format(DiskImg* pDiskImg, const char* volName); virtual const char* GetVolumeName(void) const { return fDiskVolumeName; } virtual const char* GetVolumeID(void) const { return fDiskVolumeID; } virtual const char* GetBareVolumeName(void) const { // this is fragile -- skip over the "DOS" part, return 3 digits assert(strlen(fDiskVolumeName) > 3); return fDiskVolumeName+3; } virtual bool GetReadWriteSupported(void) const { return true; } virtual bool GetFSDamaged(void) const { return !fDiskIsGood; } virtual DIError GetFreeSpaceCount(long* pTotalUnits, long* pFreeUnits, int* pUnitSize) const; virtual DIError NormalizePath(const char* path, char fssep, char* normalizedBuf, int* pNormalizedBufLen); virtual DIError CreateFile(const CreateParms* pParms, A2File** ppNewFile); virtual DIError DeleteFile(A2File* pFile); virtual DIError RenameFile(A2File* pFile, const char* newName); virtual DIError SetFileInfo(A2File* pFile, long fileType, long auxType, long accessFlags); virtual DIError RenameVolume(const char* newName); /* * Unique to DOS 3.3 disks. */ int GetDiskVolumeNum(void) const { return fDiskVolumeNum; } void SetDiskVolumeNum(int val); static bool IsValidFileName(const char* name); static bool IsValidVolumeName(const char* name); // utility function static void LowerASCII(unsigned char* buf, long len); static void ReplaceFssep(char* str, char replacement); enum { kMinTracks = 17, // need to put the catalog track here kMaxTracks = 50, kMaxCatalogSectors = 64, // two tracks on a 32-sector disk }; /* a T/S pair */ typedef struct TrackSector { char track; char sector; } TrackSector; friend class A2FDDOS; // for Write private: DIError Initialize(InitMode initMode); DIError ReadVTOC(void); void UpdateVolumeNum(void); void DumpVTOC(void); void SetSectorUsage(long track, long sector, VolumeUsage::ChunkPurpose purpose); void FixVolumeUsageMap(void); DIError ReadCatalog(void); DIError ProcessCatalogSector(int catTrack, int catSect, const unsigned char* sctBuf); DIError GetFileLengths(void); DIError ComputeLength(A2FileDOS* pFile, const TrackSector* tsList, int tsCount); DIError TrimLastSectorUp(A2FileDOS* pFile, TrackSector lastTS); void MarkFileUsage(A2FileDOS* pFile, TrackSector* tsList, int tsCount, TrackSector* indexList, int indexCount); //DIError TrimLastSectorDown(A2FileDOS* pFile, unsigned short* tsBuf, // int maxZeroCount); void DoNormalizePath(const char* name, char fssep, char* outBuf); DIError MakeFileNameUnique(char* fileName); DIError GetFreeCatalogEntry(TrackSector* pCatSect, int* pCatEntry, unsigned char* sctBuf, A2FileDOS** ppPrevEntry); void CreateDirEntry(unsigned char* sctBuf, int catEntry, const char* fileName, TrackSector* pTSSect, unsigned char fileType, int access); void FreeTrackSectors(TrackSector* pList, int count); bool CheckDiskIsGood(void); DIError WriteDOSTracks(int sectPerTrack); DIError ScanVolBitmap(void); DIError LoadVolBitmap(void); DIError SaveVolBitmap(void); void FreeVolBitmap(void); DIError AllocSector(TrackSector* pTS); DIError CreateEmptyBlockMap(bool withDOS); bool GetSectorUseEntry(long track, int sector) const; void SetSectorUseEntry(long track, int sector, bool inUse); inline unsigned long GetVTOCEntry(const unsigned char* pVTOC, long track) const; // Largest interesting volume is 400K (50 tracks, 32 sectors), but // we may be looking at it in 16-sector mode, so max tracks is 100. enum { kMaxInterestingTracks = 100, kSectorSize = 256, kDefaultVolumeNum = 254, kMaxExtensionLen = 4, // used when normalizing; ".gif" is 4 }; // DOS track images, for initializing disk images static const unsigned char gDOS33Tracks[]; static const unsigned char gDOS32Tracks[]; /* some fields from the VTOC */ int fFirstCatTrack; int fFirstCatSector; int fVTOCVolumeNumber; int fVTOCNumTracks; int fVTOCNumSectors; /* private data */ int fDiskVolumeNum; // usually 254 char fDiskVolumeName[7]; // "DOS" + num, e.g. "DOS001", "DOS254" char fDiskVolumeID[32]; // sizeof "DOS 3.3 Volume " +3 +1 unsigned char fVTOC[kSectorSize]; bool fVTOCLoaded; /* * There are some things we need to be careful of when reading the * catalog track, like bad links and infinite loops. By storing a list * of known good catalog sectors, we only have to handle that stuff once. * The catalog doesn't grow or shrink, so this never needs to be updated. */ TrackSector fCatalogSectors[kMaxCatalogSectors]; bool fDiskIsGood; }; /* * File descriptor for an open DOS file. */ class DISKIMG_API A2FDDOS : public A2FileDescr { public: A2FDDOS(A2File* pFile) : A2FileDescr(pFile) { fTSList = NULL; fIndexList = NULL; fOffset = 0; fModified = false; } virtual ~A2FDDOS(void) { delete[] fTSList; delete[] fIndexList; //fTSList = fIndexList = NULL; } //typedef DiskFSDOS33::TrackSector TrackSector; friend class A2FileDOS; virtual DIError Read(void* buf, size_t len, size_t* pActual = NULL); virtual DIError Write(const void* buf, size_t len, size_t* pActual = NULL); virtual DIError Seek(di_off_t offset, DIWhence whence); virtual di_off_t Tell(void); virtual DIError Close(void); virtual long GetSectorCount(void) const; virtual long GetBlockCount(void) const; virtual DIError GetStorage(long sectorIdx, long* pTrack, long* pSector) const; virtual DIError GetStorage(long blockIdx, long* pBlock) const; private: typedef DiskFSDOS33::TrackSector TrackSector; TrackSector* fTSList; // T/S entries for data sectors int fTSCount; TrackSector* fIndexList; // T/S entries for T/S list sectors int fIndexCount; di_off_t fOffset; // current position in file di_off_t fOpenEOF; // how big the file currently is long fOpenSectorsUsed; // how many sectors it occupies bool fModified; // if modified, update stuff on Close void DumpTSList(void) const; }; /* * Holds DOS files. Works for DOS33, DOS32, and "wide" DOS implementations. * * Catalog contents are public so anyone who wants gory details of DOS 3.3 * stuff can poke at whatever they want. Anybody else can use the virtual * interfaces to get standardized answers for things like file type. * * The embedded address and length fields found in Applesoft, Integer, and * Binary files are quietly skipped over with the fDataOffset field when * files are read. * * THOUGHT: have "get filename" and "get raw filename" interfaces? There * are no directories, so maybe we don't care about "raw pathname"?? Might * be better to always return the "raw" value and let the caller deal with * things like high ASCII. */ class DISKIMG_API A2FileDOS : public A2File { public: A2FileDOS(DiskFS* pDiskFS); virtual ~A2FileDOS(void); // assorted constants enum { kMaxFileName = 30, }; typedef enum { kTypeUnknown = -1, kTypeText = 0x00, // 'T' kTypeInteger = 0x01, // 'I' kTypeApplesoft = 0x02, // 'A' kTypeBinary = 0x04, // 'B' kTypeS = 0x08, // 'S' kTypeReloc = 0x10, // 'R' kTypeA = 0x20, // 'A' kTypeB = 0x40, // 'B' kTypeLocked = 0x80 // bitwise OR with previous values } FileType; /* * Implementations of standard interfaces. */ virtual const char* GetFileName(void) const { return fFileName; } virtual const char* GetPathName(void) const { return fFileName; } virtual char GetFssep(void) const { return '\0'; } virtual long GetFileType(void) const; virtual long GetAuxType(void) const { return fAuxType; } virtual long GetAccess(void) const; virtual time_t GetCreateWhen(void) const { return 0; } virtual time_t GetModWhen(void) const { return 0; } virtual di_off_t GetDataLength(void) const { return fLength; } virtual di_off_t GetDataSparseLength(void) const { return fSparseLength; } virtual di_off_t GetRsrcLength(void) const { return -1; } virtual di_off_t GetRsrcSparseLength(void) const { return -1; } virtual DIError Open(A2FileDescr** ppOpenFile, bool readOnly, bool rsrcFork = false); virtual void CloseDescr(A2FileDescr* pOpenFile) { assert(pOpenFile == fpOpenFile); delete fpOpenFile; fpOpenFile = NULL; } virtual bool IsFileOpen(void) const { return fpOpenFile != NULL; } void Dump(void) const; typedef DiskFSDOS33::TrackSector TrackSector; /* * Contents of directory entry. * * We don't hold deleted or unused entries, so fTSListTrack is always * valid. */ short fTSListTrack; // (could use TrackSector here) short fTSListSector; unsigned short fLengthInSectors; bool fLocked; char fFileName[kMaxFileName+1]; // "fixed" version FileType fFileType; TrackSector fCatTS; // track/sector for our catalog entry int fCatEntryNum; // entry number within cat sector // these are computed or determined from the file contents unsigned short fAuxType; // addr for bin, etc. short fDataOffset; // for 'A'/'B'/'I' with embedded len di_off_t fLength; // file length, in bytes di_off_t fSparseLength; // file length, factoring sparse out void FixFilename(void); DIError LoadTSList(TrackSector** pTSList, int* pTSCount, TrackSector** pIndexList = NULL, int* pIndexCount = NULL); static FileType ConvertFileType(long prodosType, di_off_t fileLen); static bool IsValidType(long prodosType); static void MakeDOSName(char* buf, const char* name); static void TrimTrailingSpaces(char* filename); private: DIError ExtractTSPairs(const unsigned char* sctBuf, TrackSector* tsList, int* pLastNonZero); A2FDDOS* fpOpenFile; }; /* * =========================================================================== * ProDOS * =========================================================================== */ class A2FileProDOS; /* * ProDOS disk. * * THOUGHT: it would be undesirable for the CiderPress UI, but it would * make things somewhat easier internally if we treated the volume dir * like a subdirectory under which everything else sits, instead of special- * casing it like we do. This is awkward because volume dirs have names * under ProDOS, giving every pathname an extra component that they don't * really need. We can never treat the volume dir purely as a subdir, * because it can't expand beyond 51 files, but the storage_type in the * header is sufficient to identify it as such (assuming the disk isn't * broken). Certain operations, such as changing the file type or aux type, * simply aren't possible on a volume dir, and deleting a volume dir doesn't * make sense. So in some respects we simply trade one kind of special-case * behavior for another. */ class DISKIMG_API DiskFSProDOS : public DiskFS { public: DiskFSProDOS(void) : fBitMapPointer(0), fTotalBlocks(0), fBlockUseMap(NULL) {} virtual ~DiskFSProDOS(void) { if (fBlockUseMap != NULL) { assert(false); // unexpected delete[] fBlockUseMap; } } static DIError TestFS(DiskImg* pImg, DiskImg::SectorOrder* pOrder, DiskImg::FSFormat* pFormat, FSLeniency leniency); virtual DIError Initialize(DiskImg* pImg, InitMode initMode) { SetDiskImg(pImg); return Initialize(initMode); } virtual DIError Format(DiskImg* pDiskImg, const char* volName); virtual DIError NormalizePath(const char* path, char fssep, char* normalizedBuf, int* pNormalizedBufLen); virtual DIError CreateFile(const CreateParms* pParms, A2File** ppNewFile); virtual DIError DeleteFile(A2File* pFile); virtual DIError RenameFile(A2File* pFile, const char* newName); virtual DIError SetFileInfo(A2File* pFile, long fileType, long auxType, long accessFlags); virtual DIError RenameVolume(const char* newName); // assorted constants enum { kMaxVolumeName = 15, }; typedef unsigned long ProDate; virtual const char* GetVolumeName(void) const { return fVolumeName; } virtual const char* GetVolumeID(void) const { return fVolumeID; } virtual const char* GetBareVolumeName(void) const { return fVolumeName; } virtual bool GetReadWriteSupported(void) const { return true; } virtual bool GetFSDamaged(void) const { return !fDiskIsGood; } virtual long GetFSNumBlocks(void) const { return fTotalBlocks; } virtual DIError GetFreeSpaceCount(long* pTotalUnits, long* pFreeUnits, int* pUnitSize) const; //A2FileProDOS* GetVolDir(void) const { return fpVolDir; } static bool IsValidFileName(const char* name); static bool IsValidVolumeName(const char* name); static unsigned short GenerateLowerCaseBits(const char* upperName, const char* lowerName, bool forAppleWorks); static void GenerateLowerCaseName(const char* upperName, char* lowerNameNoTerm, unsigned short lcFlags, bool fromAppleWorks); friend class A2FDProDOS; private: struct DirHeader; enum { kMaxExtensionLen = 4 }; // used when normalizing; ".gif" is 4 DIError Initialize(InitMode initMode); DIError LoadVolHeader(void); void SetVolumeID(void); void DumpVolHeader(void); DIError ScanVolBitmap(void); DIError LoadVolBitmap(void); DIError SaveVolBitmap(void); void FreeVolBitmap(void); long AllocBlock(void); int GetNumBitmapBlocks(void) const { /* use fTotalBlocks rather than GetNumBlocks() */ assert(fTotalBlocks > 0); const int kBitsPerBlock = 512 * 8; int numBlocks = (fTotalBlocks + kBitsPerBlock-1) / kBitsPerBlock; return numBlocks; } DIError CreateEmptyBlockMap(void); bool GetBlockUseEntry(long block) const; void SetBlockUseEntry(long block, bool inUse); bool ScanForExtraEntries(void) const; void SetBlockUsage(long block, VolumeUsage::ChunkPurpose purpose); DIError GetDirHeader(const unsigned char* blkBuf, DirHeader* pHeader); DIError RecursiveDirAdd(A2File* pParent, unsigned short dirBlock, const char* basePath, int depth); DIError SlurpEntries(A2File* pParent, const DirHeader* pHeader, const unsigned char* blkBuf, bool skipFirst, int* pCount, const char* basePath, unsigned short thisBlock, int depth); DIError ReadExtendedInfo(A2FileProDOS* pFile); DIError ScanFileUsage(void); void ScanBlockList(long blockCount, unsigned short* blockList, long indexCount, unsigned short* indexList, long* pSparseCount); DIError ScanForSubVolumes(void); DIError FindSubVolume(long blockStart, long blockCount, DiskImg** ppDiskImg, DiskFS** ppDiskFS); void MarkSubVolumeBlocks(long block, long count); A2File* FindFileByKeyBlock(A2File* pStart, unsigned short keyBlock); DIError AllocInitialFileStorage(const CreateParms* pParms, const char* upperName, unsigned short dirBlock, int dirEntrySlot, long* pKeyBlock, int* pBlocksUsed, int* pNewEOF); DIError WriteBootBlocks(void); DIError DoNormalizePath(const char* path, char fssep, char** pNormalizedPath); void UpperCaseName(char* upperName, const char* name); bool CheckDiskIsGood(void); DIError AllocDirEntry(A2FileDescr* pOpenSubdir, unsigned char** ppDir, long* pDirLen, unsigned char** ppDirEntry, unsigned short* pDirKeyBlock, int* pDirEntrySlot, unsigned short* pDirBlock); unsigned char* GetPrevDirEntry(unsigned char* buf, unsigned char* ptr); DIError MakeFileNameUnique(const unsigned char* dirBuf, long dirLen, char* fileName); bool NameExistsInDir(const unsigned char* dirBuf, long dirLen, const char* fileName); DIError FreeBlocks(long blockCount, unsigned short* blockList); DIError RegeneratePathName(A2FileProDOS* pFile); /* some items from the volume header */ char fVolumeName[kMaxVolumeName+1]; char fVolumeID[kMaxVolumeName + 16]; // add "ProDOS /" unsigned char fAccess; ProDate fCreateWhen; ProDate fModWhen; unsigned short fBitMapPointer; unsigned short fTotalBlocks; //unsigned short fPrevBlock; //unsigned short fNextBlock; //unsigned char fVersion; //unsigned char fMinVersion; //unsigned char fEntryLength; //unsigned char fEntriesPerBlock; unsigned short fVolDirFileCount; // A2FileProDOS* fpVolDir; // a "fake" file entry for the volume dir /* * This is a working copy of the block use map from blocks 6+. It should * be loaded when we're about to modify files on the disk and freed * immediately afterward. The goal is to facilitate speedy updates to the * bitmap without creating problems if the application decides to modify * one of the bitmap blocks directly (e.g. with the disk sector editor). * It should never be held across calls. */ unsigned char* fBlockUseMap; /* * Set this if the disk is "perfect". If it's not, we disallow write * access for safety reasons. */ bool fDiskIsGood; /* set if something fixes damage so CheckDiskIsGood can't see it */ bool fEarlyDamage; }; /* * File descriptor for an open ProDOS file. * * This only represents one fork. */ class DISKIMG_API A2FDProDOS : public A2FileDescr { public: A2FDProDOS(A2File* pFile) : A2FileDescr(pFile), fModified(false), fBlockList(NULL), fOffset(0) {} virtual ~A2FDProDOS(void) { delete[] fBlockList; fBlockList = NULL; } friend class A2FileProDOS; virtual DIError Read(void* buf, size_t len, size_t* pActual = NULL); virtual DIError Write(const void* buf, size_t len, size_t* pActual = NULL); virtual DIError Seek(di_off_t offset, DIWhence whence); virtual di_off_t Tell(void); virtual DIError Close(void); virtual long GetSectorCount(void) const; virtual long GetBlockCount(void) const; virtual DIError GetStorage(long sectorIdx, long* pTrack, long* pSector) const; virtual DIError GetStorage(long blockIdx, long* pBlock) const; void DumpBlockList(void) const; private: bool IsEmptyBlock(const unsigned char* blk); DIError WriteDirectory(const void* buf, size_t len, size_t* pActual); /* state for open files */ bool fModified; long fBlockCount; unsigned short* fBlockList; di_off_t fOpenEOF; // current EOF unsigned short fOpenBlocksUsed; // #of block used by open piece int fOpenStorageType; bool fOpenRsrcFork; // is this the resource fork? di_off_t fOffset; // current file offset }; /* * Holds a ProDOS file. */ class DISKIMG_API A2FileProDOS : public A2File { public: A2FileProDOS(DiskFS* pDiskFS) : A2File(pDiskFS) { fPathName = NULL; fSparseDataEof = fSparseRsrcEof = -1; fpOpenFile = NULL; fParentDirBlock = 0; fParentDirIdx = -1; fpParent = NULL; } virtual ~A2FileProDOS(void) { delete fpOpenFile; delete[] fPathName; } typedef DiskFSProDOS::ProDate ProDate; /* assorted constants */ enum { kMaxFileName = 15, kFssep = ':', kInvalidBlockNum = 1, // boot block, can't be in file kMaxBlocksPerIndex = 256, }; /* ProDOS access permissions */ enum { kAccessRead = 0x01, kAccessWrite = 0x02, kAccessInvisible = 0x04, kAccessBackup = 0x20, kAccessRename = 0x40, kAccessDelete = 0x80 }; /* contents of a directory entry */ typedef struct DirEntry { int storageType; char fileName[kMaxFileName+1]; // shows lower case unsigned char fileType; unsigned short keyPointer; unsigned short blocksUsed; unsigned long eof; ProDate createWhen; unsigned char version; unsigned char minVersion; unsigned char access; unsigned short auxType; ProDate modWhen; unsigned short headerPointer; } DirEntry; typedef struct ExtendedInfo { unsigned char storageType; unsigned short keyBlock; unsigned short blocksUsed; unsigned long eof; } ExtendedInfo; typedef enum StorageType { kStorageDeleted = 0, /* indicates deleted file */ kStorageSeedling = 1, /* <= 512 bytes */ kStorageSapling = 2, /* < 128KB */ kStorageTree = 3, /* < 16MB */ kStoragePascalVolume = 4, /* see ProDOS technote 25 */ kStorageExtended = 5, /* forked */ kStorageDirectory = 13, kStorageSubdirHeader = 14, kStorageVolumeDirHeader = 15, } StorageType; static bool IsRegularFile(int type) { return (type == kStorageSeedling || type == kStorageSapling || type == kStorageTree); } /* * Implementations of standard interfaces. */ virtual const char* GetFileName(void) const { return fDirEntry.fileName; } virtual const char* GetPathName(void) const { return fPathName; } virtual char GetFssep(void) const { return kFssep; } virtual long GetFileType(void) const { return fDirEntry.fileType; } virtual long GetAuxType(void) const { return fDirEntry.auxType; } virtual long GetAccess(void) const { return fDirEntry.access; } virtual time_t GetCreateWhen(void) const; virtual time_t GetModWhen(void) const; virtual di_off_t GetDataLength(void) const { if (GetQuality() == kQualityDamaged) return 0; if (fDirEntry.storageType == kStorageExtended) return fExtData.eof; else return fDirEntry.eof; } virtual di_off_t GetRsrcLength(void) const { if (fDirEntry.storageType == kStorageExtended) { if (GetQuality() == kQualityDamaged) return 0; else return fExtRsrc.eof; } else return -1; } virtual di_off_t GetDataSparseLength(void) const { if (GetQuality() == kQualityDamaged) return 0; else return fSparseDataEof; } virtual di_off_t GetRsrcSparseLength(void) const { if (GetQuality() == kQualityDamaged) return 0; else return fSparseRsrcEof; } virtual bool IsDirectory(void) const { return (fDirEntry.storageType == kStorageDirectory || fDirEntry.storageType == kStorageVolumeDirHeader); } virtual bool IsVolumeDirectory(void) const { return (fDirEntry.storageType == kStorageVolumeDirHeader); } virtual DIError Open(A2FileDescr** ppOpenFile, bool readOnly, bool rsrcFork = false); virtual void CloseDescr(A2FileDescr* pOpenFile) { assert(pOpenFile == fpOpenFile); delete fpOpenFile; fpOpenFile = NULL; } virtual bool IsFileOpen(void) const { return fpOpenFile != NULL; } virtual void SetParent(A2File* pParent) { fpParent = pParent; } virtual A2File* GetParent(void) const { return fpParent; } static char NameToLower(char ch); static void InitDirEntry(DirEntry* pEntry, const unsigned char* entryBuf); virtual void Dump(void) const; /* directory entry contents for this file */ DirEntry fDirEntry; /* pointer to directory entry (update dir if file size or dates change) */ unsigned short fParentDirBlock; // directory block int fParentDirIdx; // index in dir block /* these are only valid if storageType == kStorageExtended */ ExtendedInfo fExtData; ExtendedInfo fExtRsrc; void SetPathName(const char* basePath, const char* fileName); static time_t ConvertProDate(ProDate proDate); static ProDate ConvertProDate(time_t unixDate); /* returns "true" if AppleWorks aux type is used for lower-case name */ static bool UsesAppleWorksAuxType(unsigned char fileType) { return (fileType >= 0x19 && fileType <= 0x1b); } #if 0 /* change fPathName; should only be used by DiskFS rename */ void SetPathName(const char* name) { delete[] fPathName; if (name == NULL) { fPathName = NULL; } else { fPathName = new char[strlen(name)+1]; if (fPathName != NULL) strcpy(fPathName, name); } } #endif DIError LoadBlockList(int storageType, unsigned short keyBlock, long eof, long* pBlockCount, unsigned short** pBlockList, long* pIndexBlockCount=NULL, unsigned short** pIndexBlockList=NULL); DIError LoadDirectoryBlockList(unsigned short keyBlock, long eof, long* pBlockCount, unsigned short** pBlockList); /* fork lengths without sparseness */ di_off_t fSparseDataEof; di_off_t fSparseRsrcEof; private: DIError LoadIndexBlock(unsigned short block, unsigned short* list, int maxCount); DIError ValidateBlockList(const unsigned short* list, long count); char* fPathName; // full pathname to file on this volume A2FDProDOS* fpOpenFile; // only one fork can be open at a time A2File* fpParent; }; /* * =========================================================================== * Pascal * =========================================================================== */ /* * Pascal disk. * * There is no allocation map or file index blocks, just a linear collection * of files with contiguous blocks. */ class A2FilePascal; class DISKIMG_API DiskFSPascal : public DiskFS { public: DiskFSPascal(void) : fDirectory(NULL) {} virtual ~DiskFSPascal(void) { if (fDirectory != NULL) { assert(false); // unexpected delete[] fDirectory; } } static DIError TestFS(DiskImg* pImg, DiskImg::SectorOrder* pOrder, DiskImg::FSFormat* pFormat, FSLeniency leniency); virtual DIError Initialize(DiskImg* pImg, InitMode initMode) { SetDiskImg(pImg); return Initialize(); } virtual DIError Format(DiskImg* pDiskImg, const char* volName); // assorted constants enum { kMaxVolumeName = 7, kDirectoryEntryLen = 26, }; typedef unsigned short PascalDate; virtual const char* GetVolumeName(void) const { return fVolumeName; } virtual const char* GetVolumeID(void) const { return fVolumeID; } virtual const char* GetBareVolumeName(void) const { return fVolumeName; } virtual bool GetReadWriteSupported(void) const { return true; } virtual bool GetFSDamaged(void) const { return !fDiskIsGood; } virtual DIError GetFreeSpaceCount(long* pTotalUnits, long* pFreeUnits, int* pUnitSize) const; virtual DIError NormalizePath(const char* path, char fssep, char* normalizedBuf, int* pNormalizedBufLen); virtual DIError CreateFile(const CreateParms* pParms, A2File** ppNewFile); virtual DIError DeleteFile(A2File* pFile); virtual DIError RenameFile(A2File* pFile, const char* newName); virtual DIError SetFileInfo(A2File* pFile, long fileType, long auxType, long accessFlags); virtual DIError RenameVolume(const char* newName); static bool IsValidVolumeName(const char* name); static bool IsValidFileName(const char* name); unsigned short GetTotalBlocks(void) const { return fTotalBlocks; } friend class A2FDPascal; private: DIError Initialize(void); DIError LoadVolHeader(void); void SetVolumeID(void); void DumpVolHeader(void); DIError LoadCatalog(void); DIError SaveCatalog(void); void FreeCatalog(void); DIError ProcessCatalog(void); DIError ScanFileUsage(void); void SetBlockUsage(long block, VolumeUsage::ChunkPurpose purpose); DIError WriteBootBlocks(void); bool CheckDiskIsGood(void); void DoNormalizePath(const char* name, char fssep, char* outBuf); DIError MakeFileNameUnique(char* fileName); DIError FindLargestFreeArea(int *pPrevIdx, A2FilePascal** ppPrevFile); unsigned char* FindDirEntry(A2FilePascal* pFile); enum { kMaxExtensionLen = 5 }; // used when normalizing; ".code" is 4 /* some items from the volume header */ unsigned short fStartBlock; // first block of dir hdr; always 2 unsigned short fNextBlock; // i.e. first block with data char fVolumeName[kMaxVolumeName+1]; char fVolumeID[kMaxVolumeName + 16]; // add "Pascal ___:" unsigned short fTotalBlocks; unsigned short fNumFiles; PascalDate fAccessWhen; // PascalDate last access PascalDate fDateSetWhen; // PascalDate last date setting unsigned short fStuff1; // unsigned short fStuff2; // /* other goodies */ bool fDiskIsGood; bool fEarlyDamage; /* * Pascal disks have one fixed-size directory. The contents aren't * divided into blocks, which means you can't always edit an entry * by loading a single block from disk and writing it back. Also, * deleted entries are squeezed out, so if we delete an entry we * have to reshuffle the entries below it. * * We want to keep the copy on disk synced up, so we don't hold on * to this longer than necessary. Possibly less efficient that way; * if it becomes a problem it's easy enough to change the behavior. */ unsigned char* fDirectory; }; /* * File descriptor for an open Pascal file. */ class DISKIMG_API A2FDPascal : public A2FileDescr { public: A2FDPascal(A2File* pFile) : A2FileDescr(pFile) { fOffset = 0; } virtual ~A2FDPascal(void) { /* nothing to clean up */ } friend class A2FilePascal; virtual DIError Read(void* buf, size_t len, size_t* pActual = NULL); virtual DIError Write(const void* buf, size_t len, size_t* pActual = NULL); virtual DIError Seek(di_off_t offset, DIWhence whence); virtual di_off_t Tell(void); virtual DIError Close(void); virtual long GetSectorCount(void) const; virtual long GetBlockCount(void) const; virtual DIError GetStorage(long sectorIdx, long* pTrack, long* pSector) const; virtual DIError GetStorage(long blockIdx, long* pBlock) const; private: di_off_t fOffset; // where we are di_off_t fOpenEOF; // how big the file currently is long fOpenBlocksUsed; // how many blocks it occupies bool fModified; // if modified, update dir on Close }; /* * File on a Pascal disk. */ class DISKIMG_API A2FilePascal : public A2File { public: A2FilePascal(DiskFS* pDiskFS) : A2File(pDiskFS) { fpOpenFile = NULL; } virtual ~A2FilePascal(void) { /* this comes back and calls CloseDescr */ if (fpOpenFile != NULL) fpOpenFile->Close(); } typedef DiskFSPascal::PascalDate PascalDate; // assorted constants enum { kMaxFileName = 15, }; typedef enum FileType { kTypeUntyped = 0, // NON kTypeXdsk = 1, // BAD (bad blocks) kTypeCode = 2, // PCD kTypeText = 3, // PTX kTypeInfo = 4, // ? kTypeData = 5, // PDA kTypeGraf = 6, // ? kTypeFoto = 7, // FOT? (hires image) kTypeSecurdir = 8 // ?? } FileType; /* * Implementations of standard interfaces. */ virtual const char* GetFileName(void) const { return fFileName; } virtual const char* GetPathName(void) const { return fFileName; } virtual char GetFssep(void) const { return '\0'; } virtual long GetFileType(void) const; virtual long GetAuxType(void) const { return 0; } virtual long GetAccess(void) const { return DiskFS::kFileAccessUnlocked; } virtual time_t GetCreateWhen(void) const { return 0; } virtual time_t GetModWhen(void) const; virtual di_off_t GetDataLength(void) const { return fLength; } virtual di_off_t GetDataSparseLength(void) const { return fLength; } virtual di_off_t GetRsrcLength(void) const { return -1; } virtual di_off_t GetRsrcSparseLength(void) const { return -1; } virtual DIError Open(A2FileDescr** pOpenFile, bool readOnly, bool rsrcFork = false); virtual void CloseDescr(A2FileDescr* pOpenFile) { assert(pOpenFile == fpOpenFile); delete fpOpenFile; fpOpenFile = NULL; } virtual bool IsFileOpen(void) const { return fpOpenFile != NULL; } virtual void Dump(void) const; static time_t ConvertPascalDate(PascalDate pascalDate); static A2FilePascal::PascalDate ConvertPascalDate(time_t unixDate); static A2FilePascal::FileType ConvertFileType(long prodosType); /* fields pulled out of directory block */ unsigned short fStartBlock; unsigned short fNextBlock; FileType fFileType; char fFileName[kMaxFileName+1]; unsigned short fBytesRemaining; PascalDate fModWhen; /* derived fields */ di_off_t fLength; /* note to self: don't try to store a directory offset here; they shift every time you add or delete a file */ private: A2FileDescr* fpOpenFile; }; /* * =========================================================================== * CP/M * =========================================================================== */ /* * CP/M disk. * * We really ought to be using 1K blocks here, since that's the native * CP/M format, but there's little value in making an exception for such * a rarely used Apple II format. * * There is no allocation map or file index blocks, just a single 2K * directory filled with files that have up to 16 1K blocks each. If * a file is longer than 16K, a second entry with the identical name * and user number is made. These "extents" may be sparse, so it's * necessary to use the "records" field to determine the actual file length. */ class A2FileCPM; class DISKIMG_API DiskFSCPM : public DiskFS { public: DiskFSCPM(void) : fDiskIsGood(false) {} virtual ~DiskFSCPM(void) {} static DIError TestFS(DiskImg* pImg, DiskImg::SectorOrder* pOrder, DiskImg::FSFormat* pFormat, FSLeniency leniency); virtual DIError Initialize(DiskImg* pImg, InitMode initMode) { SetDiskImg(pImg); return Initialize(); } virtual const char* GetVolumeName(void) const { return "CP/M"; } virtual const char* GetVolumeID(void) const { return "CP/M"; } virtual const char* GetBareVolumeName(void) const { return NULL; } virtual bool GetReadWriteSupported(void) const { return false; } virtual bool GetFSDamaged(void) const { return !fDiskIsGood; } virtual DIError GetFreeSpaceCount(long* pTotalUnits, long* pFreeUnits, int* pUnitSize) const { return kDIErrNotSupported; } // assorted constants enum { kDirectoryEntryLen = 32, kVolDirBlock = 24, // ProDOS block where volume dir starts kDirFileNameLen = 11, // 8+3 without the '.' kFullDirSize = 2048, // blocks 0 and 1 kDirEntryBlockCount = 16, // #of blocks held in dir slot kNumDirEntries = kFullDirSize/kDirectoryEntryLen, kExtentsInLowByte = 32, kDirEntryFlagContinued = 0x8000, // "flags" word }; // Contents of the raw 32-byte directory entry. // // From http://www.seasip.demon.co.uk/Cpm/format31.html // // UU F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 T1 T2 T3 EX S1 S2 RC .FILENAMETYP.... // AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL ................ // // If the high bit of T1 is set, the file is read-only. If the high // bit of T2 is set, the file is a "system" file. // // An entry with UU=0x20 indicates a CP/M 3.1 disk label entry. // An entry with UU=0x21 indicates a time stamp entry (2.x or 3.x). // // Files larger than (1024 * 16) have multiple "extent" entries, i.e. // entries with the same user number and file name. typedef struct DirEntry { unsigned char userNumber; // 0-15 or 0-31 (usually 0), e5=unused unsigned char fileName[kDirFileNameLen+1]; unsigned short extent; // extent (EX + S2 * 32) unsigned char S1; // Last Record Byte Count (app-specific) unsigned char records; // #of 128-byte records in this extent unsigned char blocks[kDirEntryBlockCount]; bool readOnly; bool system; bool badBlockList; // set if block list is damaged } DirEntry; static long CPMToProDOSBlock(long cpmBlock) { return kVolDirBlock + (cpmBlock*2); } private: DIError Initialize(void); DIError ReadCatalog(void); DIError ScanFileUsage(void); void SetBlockUsage(long block, VolumeUsage::ChunkPurpose purpose); void FormatName(char* dstBuf, const char* srcBuf); DIError ComputeLength(A2FileCPM* pFile); bool CheckDiskIsGood(void); // the full set of raw dir entries DirEntry fDirEntry[kNumDirEntries]; bool fDiskIsGood; }; /* * File descriptor for an open CP/M file. */ class DISKIMG_API A2FDCPM : public A2FileDescr { public: A2FDCPM(A2File* pFile) : A2FileDescr(pFile) { //fOpen = false; fBlockList = NULL; } virtual ~A2FDCPM(void) { delete fBlockList; fBlockList = NULL; } friend class A2FileCPM; virtual DIError Read(void* buf, size_t len, size_t* pActual = NULL); virtual DIError Write(const void* buf, size_t len, size_t* pActual = NULL); virtual DIError Seek(di_off_t offset, DIWhence whence); virtual di_off_t Tell(void); virtual DIError Close(void); virtual long GetSectorCount(void) const; virtual long GetBlockCount(void) const; virtual DIError GetStorage(long sectorIdx, long* pTrack, long* pSector) const; virtual DIError GetStorage(long blockIdx, long* pBlock) const; private: //bool fOpen; di_off_t fOffset; long fBlockCount; unsigned char* fBlockList; }; /* * File on a CP/M disk. */ class DISKIMG_API A2FileCPM : public A2File { public: typedef DiskFSCPM::DirEntry DirEntry; A2FileCPM(DiskFS* pDiskFS, DirEntry* pDirEntry) : A2File(pDiskFS), fpDirEntry(pDirEntry) { fDirIdx = -1; fpOpenFile = NULL; } virtual ~A2FileCPM(void) { delete fpOpenFile; } // assorted constants enum { kMaxFileName = 12, // 8+3 including '.' }; /* * Implementations of standard interfaces. */ virtual const char* GetFileName(void) const { return fFileName; } virtual const char* GetPathName(void) const { return fFileName; } virtual char GetFssep(void) const { return '\0'; } virtual long GetFileType(void) const { return 0; } virtual long GetAuxType(void) const { return 0; } virtual long GetAccess(void) const { if (fReadOnly) return DiskFS::kFileAccessLocked; else return DiskFS::kFileAccessUnlocked; } virtual time_t GetCreateWhen(void) const { return 0; } virtual time_t GetModWhen(void) const { return 0; } virtual di_off_t GetDataLength(void) const { return fLength; } virtual di_off_t GetDataSparseLength(void) const { return fLength; } virtual di_off_t GetRsrcLength(void) const { return -1; } virtual di_off_t GetRsrcSparseLength(void) const { return -1; } virtual DIError Open(A2FileDescr** ppOpenFile, bool readOnly, bool rsrcFork = false); virtual void CloseDescr(A2FileDescr* pOpenFile) { assert(pOpenFile == fpOpenFile); delete fpOpenFile; fpOpenFile = NULL; } virtual bool IsFileOpen(void) const { return fpOpenFile != NULL; } virtual void Dump(void) const; /* fields pulled out of directory block */ char fFileName[kMaxFileName+1]; bool fReadOnly; /* derived fields */ di_off_t fLength; int fDirIdx; // index into fDirEntry for part #1 DIError GetBlockList(long* pBlockCount, unsigned char* blockBuf) const; private: const DirEntry* fpDirEntry; A2FileDescr* fpOpenFile; }; /* * =========================================================================== * RDOS * =========================================================================== */ /* * RDOS disk. * * There is no allocation map or file index blocks, just a linear collection * of files with contiguous sectors. Very similar to Pascal. * * The one interesting quirk is the "converted 13-sector disk" format, where * only 13 of 16 sectors are actually used. The linear sector addressing * must take that into account. */ class A2FileRDOS; class DISKIMG_API DiskFSRDOS : public DiskFS { public: DiskFSRDOS(void) {} virtual ~DiskFSRDOS(void) {} static DIError TestFS(DiskImg* pImg, DiskImg::SectorOrder* pOrder, DiskImg::FSFormat* pFormat, FSLeniency leniency); virtual DIError Initialize(DiskImg* pImg, InitMode initMode) { SetDiskImg(pImg); return Initialize(); } virtual const char* GetVolumeName(void) const { return fVolumeName; } virtual const char* GetVolumeID(void) const { return fVolumeName; } virtual const char* GetBareVolumeName(void) const { return NULL; } virtual bool GetReadWriteSupported(void) const { return false; } virtual bool GetFSDamaged(void) const { return false; } virtual DIError GetFreeSpaceCount(long* pTotalUnits, long* pFreeUnits, int* pUnitSize) const { return kDIErrNotSupported; } int GetOurSectPerTrack(void) const { return fOurSectPerTrack; } private: static DIError TestCommon(DiskImg* pImg, DiskImg::SectorOrder* pOrder, FSLeniency leniency, DiskImg::FSFormat* pFormatFound); DIError Initialize(void); DIError ReadCatalog(void); DIError ScanFileUsage(void); void SetSectorUsage(long track, long sector, VolumeUsage::ChunkPurpose purpose); char fVolumeName[10]; // e.g. "RDOS 3.3" int fOurSectPerTrack; }; /* * File descriptor for an open RDOS file. */ class DISKIMG_API A2FDRDOS : public A2FileDescr { public: A2FDRDOS(A2File* pFile) : A2FileDescr(pFile) { fOffset = 0; } virtual ~A2FDRDOS(void) { /* nothing to clean up */ } friend class A2FileRDOS; virtual DIError Read(void* buf, size_t len, size_t* pActual = NULL); virtual DIError Write(const void* buf, size_t len, size_t* pActual = NULL); virtual DIError Seek(di_off_t offset, DIWhence whence); virtual di_off_t Tell(void); virtual DIError Close(void); virtual long GetSectorCount(void) const; virtual long GetBlockCount(void) const; virtual DIError GetStorage(long sectorIdx, long* pTrack, long* pSector) const; virtual DIError GetStorage(long blockIdx, long* pBlock) const; private: /* RDOS is unique in that it can put 13-sector disks on 16-sector tracks */ inline int GetOurSectPerTrack(void) const { DiskFSRDOS* pDiskFS = (DiskFSRDOS*) fpFile->GetDiskFS(); return pDiskFS->GetOurSectPerTrack(); } //bool fOpen; di_off_t fOffset; }; /* * File on an RDOS disk. */ class DISKIMG_API A2FileRDOS : public A2File { public: A2FileRDOS(DiskFS* pDiskFS) : A2File(pDiskFS) { //fOpen = false; fpOpenFile = NULL; } virtual ~A2FileRDOS(void) { delete fpOpenFile; } // assorted constants enum { kMaxFileName = 24, }; typedef enum FileType { kTypeUnknown = 0, kTypeApplesoft, // 'A' kTypeBinary, // 'B' kTypeText, // 'T' } FileType; /* * Implementations of standard interfaces. */ virtual const char* GetFileName(void) const { return fFileName; } virtual const char* GetPathName(void) const { return fFileName; } virtual char GetFssep(void) const { return '\0'; } virtual long GetFileType(void) const; virtual long GetAuxType(void) const { return fLoadAddr; } virtual long GetAccess(void) const { return DiskFS::kFileAccessUnlocked; } virtual time_t GetCreateWhen(void) const { return 0; } virtual time_t GetModWhen(void) const { return 0; }; virtual di_off_t GetDataLength(void) const { return fLength; } virtual di_off_t GetDataSparseLength(void) const { return fLength; } virtual di_off_t GetRsrcLength(void) const { return -1; } virtual di_off_t GetRsrcSparseLength(void) const { return -1; } virtual DIError Open(A2FileDescr** ppOpenFile, bool readOnly, bool rsrcFork = false); virtual void CloseDescr(A2FileDescr* pOpenFile) { assert(pOpenFile == fpOpenFile); delete fpOpenFile; fpOpenFile = NULL; } virtual bool IsFileOpen(void) const { return fpOpenFile != NULL; } void FixFilename(void); virtual void Dump(void) const; /* fields pulled out of directory block */ char fFileName[kMaxFileName+1]; FileType fFileType; unsigned short fNumSectors; unsigned short fLoadAddr; unsigned short fLength; unsigned short fStartSector; private: void TrimTrailingSpaces(char* filename); A2FileDescr* fpOpenFile; }; /* * =========================================================================== * HFS * =========================================================================== */ /* * HFS disk. */ class A2FileHFS; class DISKIMG_API DiskFSHFS : public DiskFS { public: DiskFSHFS(void) { fLocalTimeOffset = -1; fDiskIsGood = true; #ifndef EXCISE_GPL_CODE fHfsVol = NULL; #endif } virtual ~DiskFSHFS(void) { #ifndef EXCISE_GPL_CODE hfs_callback_close(fHfsVol); fHfsVol = (hfsvol*) 0xcdaaaacd; #endif } static DIError TestFS(DiskImg* pImg, DiskImg::SectorOrder* pOrder, DiskImg::FSFormat* pFormat, FSLeniency leniency); virtual DIError Initialize(DiskImg* pImg, InitMode initMode) { SetDiskImg(pImg); return Initialize(initMode); } #ifndef EXCISE_GPL_CODE /* these are optional, defined as no-ops in the parent class */ virtual DIError Format(DiskImg* pDiskImg, const char* volName); virtual DIError NormalizePath(const char* path, char fssep, char* normalizedBuf, int* pNormalizedBufLen); virtual DIError CreateFile(const CreateParms* pParms, A2File** ppNewFile); virtual DIError DeleteFile(A2File* pFile); virtual DIError RenameFile(A2File* pFile, const char* newName); virtual DIError SetFileInfo(A2File* pFile, long fileType, long auxType, long accessFlags); virtual DIError RenameVolume(const char* newName); #endif // assorted constants enum { kMaxVolumeName = 27, kMaxExtensionLen = 4, // used when normalizing; ".gif" is 4 }; /* mandatory functions */ virtual const char* GetVolumeName(void) const { return fVolumeName; } virtual const char* GetVolumeID(void) const { return fVolumeID; } virtual const char* GetBareVolumeName(void) const { return fVolumeName; } virtual bool GetReadWriteSupported(void) const { return true; } virtual bool GetFSDamaged(void) const { return false; } virtual long GetFSNumBlocks(void) const { return fTotalBlocks; } virtual DIError GetFreeSpaceCount(long* pTotalUnits, long* pFreeUnits, int* pUnitSize) const; #ifndef EXCISE_GPL_CODE hfsvol* GetHfsVol(void) const { return fHfsVol; } #endif // utility function, used by app static bool IsValidVolumeName(const char* name); static bool IsValidFileName(const char* name); private: enum { // Macintosh 32-bit dates start in 1904, everybody else starts in // 1970. Take the Mac date and adjust it 66 years plus 17 leap days. // The annoying part is that HFS stores dates in local time, which // means it's impossible to know absolutely when a file was modified. // libhfs converts timestamps to the current time zone, so that a // file written January 1st 2006 at 6pm in London will appear to have // been written January 1st 2006 at 6pm in San Francisco if you // happen to be sitting in California. // // This was fixed in HFS+, but we have to deal with it for now. The // value below converts the date to local time in Greenwich; the // current GMT offset and daylight saving time must be added to it. // // Curiously, the volume dates shown by Cmd-I on the volume on my // Quadra are off by an hour, even though the file dates match. kDateTimeOffset = (1970 - 1904) * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 + (60 * 60 * 24 * 17), kExpectedMinBlocks = 1440, // ignore volumes under 720K }; struct MasterDirBlock; // fwd static void UnpackMDB(const unsigned char* buf, MasterDirBlock* pMDB); static DIError TestImage(DiskImg* pImg, DiskImg::SectorOrder imageOrder); DIError Initialize(InitMode initMode); DIError LoadVolHeader(void); void SetVolumeID(void); void DumpVolHeader(void); void SetVolumeUsageMap(void); #ifdef EXCISE_GPL_CODE void CreateFakeFile(void); #else DIError RecursiveDirAdd(A2File* pParent, const char* basePath, int depth); //void Sanitize(unsigned char* str); DIError DoNormalizePath(const char* path, char fssep, char** pNormalizedPath); static int CompareMacFileNames(const char* str1, const char* str2); DIError RegeneratePathName(A2FileHFS* pFile); DIError MakeFileNameUnique(const char* pathName, char** pUniqueName); /* libhfs stuff */ static unsigned long LibHFSCB(void* vThis, int op, unsigned long arg1, void* arg2); hfsvol* fHfsVol; #endif /* some items from the volume header */ char fVolumeName[kMaxVolumeName+1]; char fVolumeID[kMaxVolumeName + 8]; // add "HFS :" unsigned long fTotalBlocks; unsigned long fAllocationBlockSize; unsigned long fNumAllocationBlocks; unsigned long fCreatedDateTime; unsigned long fModifiedDateTime; unsigned long fNumFiles; unsigned long fNumDirectories; long fLocalTimeOffset; bool fDiskIsGood; }; /* * File descriptor for an open HFS file. */ class DISKIMG_API A2FDHFS : public A2FileDescr { public: #ifdef EXCISE_GPL_CODE A2FDHFS(A2File* pFile, void* unused) : A2FileDescr(pFile), fOffset(0) {} #else A2FDHFS(A2File* pFile, hfsfile* pHfsFile) : A2FileDescr(pFile), fHfsFile(pHfsFile), fModified(false) {} #endif virtual ~A2FDHFS(void) { #ifndef EXCISE_GPL_CODE if (fHfsFile != NULL) hfs_close(fHfsFile); #endif } friend class A2FileHFS; virtual DIError Read(void* buf, size_t len, size_t* pActual = NULL); virtual DIError Write(const void* buf, size_t len, size_t* pActual = NULL); virtual DIError Seek(di_off_t offset, DIWhence whence); virtual di_off_t Tell(void); virtual DIError Close(void); virtual long GetSectorCount(void) const; virtual long GetBlockCount(void) const; virtual DIError GetStorage(long sectorIdx, long* pTrack, long* pSector) const; virtual DIError GetStorage(long blockIdx, long* pBlock) const; private: #ifdef EXCISE_GPL_CODE di_off_t fOffset; #else hfsfile* fHfsFile; bool fModified; #endif }; /* * File on an HFS disk. */ class DISKIMG_API A2FileHFS : public A2File { public: A2FileHFS(DiskFS* pDiskFS) : A2File(pDiskFS) { fPathName = NULL; fpOpenFile = NULL; #ifdef EXCISE_GPL_CODE fFakeFileBuf = NULL; #else //fOrigPathName = NULL; #endif } virtual ~A2FileHFS(void) { delete fpOpenFile; delete[] fPathName; #ifdef EXCISE_GPL_CODE delete[] fFakeFileBuf; #else //delete[] fOrigPathName; #endif } /* * Implementations of standard interfaces. */ virtual const char* GetFileName(void) const { return fFileName; } virtual const char* GetPathName(void) const { return fPathName; } virtual char GetFssep(void) const { return kFssep; } virtual long GetFileType(void) const; virtual long GetAuxType(void) const; virtual long GetAccess(void) const { return fAccess; } virtual time_t GetCreateWhen(void) const { return fCreateWhen; } virtual time_t GetModWhen(void) const { return fModWhen; } virtual di_off_t GetDataLength(void) const { return fDataLength; } virtual di_off_t GetDataSparseLength(void) const { return fDataLength; } virtual di_off_t GetRsrcLength(void) const { return fRsrcLength; } virtual di_off_t GetRsrcSparseLength(void) const { return fRsrcLength; } virtual bool IsDirectory(void) const { return fIsDir; } virtual bool IsVolumeDirectory(void) const { return fIsVolumeDir; } virtual DIError Open(A2FileDescr** pOpenFile, bool readOnly, bool rsrcFork = false); virtual void CloseDescr(A2FileDescr* pOpenFile) { assert(pOpenFile == fpOpenFile); delete fpOpenFile; fpOpenFile = NULL; } virtual bool IsFileOpen(void) const { return fpOpenFile != NULL; } enum { kMaxFileName = 31, kFssep = ':', kPdosType = 0x70646f73, // 'pdos' }; void SetPathName(const char* basePath, const char* fileName); virtual void Dump(void) const; #ifdef EXCISE_GPL_CODE void SetFakeFile(void* buf, long len) { assert(len > 0); if (fFakeFileBuf != NULL) delete[] fFakeFileBuf; fFakeFileBuf = new char[len]; memcpy(fFakeFileBuf, buf, len); fDataLength = len; } const void* GetFakeFileBuf(void) const { return fFakeFileBuf; } #else void InitEntry(const hfsdirent* dirEntry); void SetOrigPathName(const char* pathName); virtual void SetParent(A2File* pParent) { fpParent = pParent; } virtual A2File* GetParent(void) const { return fpParent; } char* GetLibHFSPathName(void) const; static void ConvertTypeToHFS(long fileType, long auxType, char* pType, char* pCreator); #endif bool fIsDir; bool fIsVolumeDir; long fType; long fCreator; char fFileName[kMaxFileName+1]; char* fPathName; di_off_t fDataLength; di_off_t fRsrcLength; time_t fCreateWhen; time_t fModWhen; long fAccess; private: #ifdef EXCISE_GPL_CODE char* fFakeFileBuf; #else //char* fOrigPathName; A2File* fpParent; #endif A2FileDescr* fpOpenFile; // only one fork can be open at a time }; /* * =========================================================================== * Gutenberg * =========================================================================== */ class A2FileGutenberg; /* * Gutenberg disk. */ class DISKIMG_API DiskFSGutenberg : public DiskFS { public: DiskFSGutenberg(void) : DiskFS() { fVTOCLoaded = false; fDiskIsGood = false; } virtual ~DiskFSGutenberg(void) {} static DIError TestFS(DiskImg* pImg, DiskImg::SectorOrder* pOrder, DiskImg::FSFormat* pFormat, FSLeniency leniency); virtual DIError Initialize(DiskImg* pImg, InitMode initMode) { SetDiskImg(pImg); return Initialize(initMode); } virtual const char* GetVolumeName(void) const { return fDiskVolumeName; } virtual const char* GetVolumeID(void) const { return fDiskVolumeID; } virtual const char* GetBareVolumeName(void) const { return fDiskVolumeName; } virtual bool GetReadWriteSupported(void) const { return true; } virtual bool GetFSDamaged(void) const { return !fDiskIsGood; } virtual DIError GetFreeSpaceCount(long* pTotalUnits, long* pFreeUnits, int* pUnitSize) const; static bool IsValidFileName(const char* name); static bool IsValidVolumeName(const char* name); // utility function static void LowerASCII(unsigned char* buf, long len); static void ReplaceFssep(char* str, char replacement); enum { kMinTracks = 17, // need to put the catalog track here kMaxTracks = 50, kMaxCatalogSectors = 64, // two tracks on a 32-sector disk }; /* a T/S pair */ typedef struct TrackSector { char track; char sector; } TrackSector; friend class A2FDGutenberg; // for Write private: DIError Initialize(InitMode initMode); DIError ReadVTOC(void); void UpdateVolumeNum(void); void DumpVTOC(void); void SetSectorUsage(long track, long sector, VolumeUsage::ChunkPurpose purpose); void FixVolumeUsageMap(void); DIError ReadCatalog(void); DIError ProcessCatalogSector(int catTrack, int catSect, const unsigned char* sctBuf); DIError GetFileLengths(void); DIError ComputeLength(A2FileGutenberg* pFile, const TrackSector* tsList, int tsCount); DIError TrimLastSectorUp(A2FileGutenberg* pFile, TrackSector lastTS); void MarkFileUsage(A2FileGutenberg* pFile, TrackSector* tsList, int tsCount, TrackSector* indexList, int indexCount); DIError MakeFileNameUnique(char* fileName); DIError GetFreeCatalogEntry(TrackSector* pCatSect, int* pCatEntry, unsigned char* sctBuf, A2FileGutenberg** ppPrevEntry); void CreateDirEntry(unsigned char* sctBuf, int catEntry, const char* fileName, TrackSector* pTSSect, unsigned char fileType, int access); void FreeTrackSectors(TrackSector* pList, int count); bool CheckDiskIsGood(void); DIError WriteDOSTracks(int sectPerTrack); DIError ScanVolBitmap(void); DIError LoadVolBitmap(void); DIError SaveVolBitmap(void); void FreeVolBitmap(void); DIError AllocSector(TrackSector* pTS); DIError CreateEmptyBlockMap(bool withDOS); bool GetSectorUseEntry(long track, int sector) const; void SetSectorUseEntry(long track, int sector, bool inUse); inline unsigned long GetVTOCEntry(const unsigned char* pVTOC, long track) const; // Largest interesting volume is 400K (50 tracks, 32 sectors), but // we may be looking at it in 16-sector mode, so max tracks is 100. enum { kMaxInterestingTracks = 100, kSectorSize = 256, kDefaultVolumeNum = 254, kMaxExtensionLen = 4, // used when normalizing; ".gif" is 4 }; /* some fields from the VTOC */ int fFirstCatTrack; int fFirstCatSector; int fVTOCVolumeNumber; int fVTOCNumTracks; int fVTOCNumSectors; /* private data */ char fDiskVolumeName[10]; // char fDiskVolumeID[11+12+1]; // sizeof "Gutenberg: " + 12 + null unsigned char fVTOC[kSectorSize]; bool fVTOCLoaded; /* * There are some things we need to be careful of when reading the * catalog track, like bad links and infinite loops. By storing a list * of known good catalog sectors, we only have to handle that stuff once. * The catalog doesn't grow or shrink, so this never needs to be updated. */ TrackSector fCatalogSectors[kMaxCatalogSectors]; bool fDiskIsGood; }; /* * File descriptor for an open Gutenberg file. */ class DISKIMG_API A2FDGutenberg : public A2FileDescr { public: A2FDGutenberg(A2File* pFile) : A2FileDescr(pFile) { fOffset = 0; fModified = false; } virtual ~A2FDGutenberg(void) { } friend class A2FileGutenberg; virtual DIError Read(void* buf, size_t len, size_t* pActual = NULL); virtual DIError Write(const void* buf, size_t len, size_t* pActual = NULL); virtual DIError Seek(di_off_t offset, DIWhence whence); virtual di_off_t Tell(void); virtual DIError Close(void); virtual long GetSectorCount(void) const; virtual long GetBlockCount(void) const; virtual DIError GetStorage(long sectorIdx, long* pTrack, long* pSector) const; virtual DIError GetStorage(long blockIdx, long* pBlock) const; private: typedef DiskFSGutenberg::TrackSector TrackSector; int fTSCount; di_off_t fOffset; // current position in file di_off_t fOpenEOF; // how big the file currently is long fOpenSectorsUsed; // how many sectors it occupies bool fModified; // if modified, update stuff on Close void DumpTSList(void) const; }; /* * Holds Gutenberg files. * */ class DISKIMG_API A2FileGutenberg : public A2File { public: A2FileGutenberg(DiskFS* pDiskFS); virtual ~A2FileGutenberg(void); // assorted constants enum { kMaxFileName = 12, }; typedef enum { kTypeText = 0x00, // 'T' } FileType; /* * Implementations of standard interfaces. */ virtual const char* GetFileName(void) const { return fFileName; } virtual const char* GetPathName(void) const { return fFileName; } virtual char GetFssep(void) const { return '\0'; } virtual long GetFileType(void) const; virtual long GetAuxType(void) const { return fAuxType; } virtual long GetAccess(void) const { return DiskFS::kFileAccessUnlocked; } virtual time_t GetCreateWhen(void) const { return 0; } virtual time_t GetModWhen(void) const { return 0; } virtual di_off_t GetDataLength(void) const { return fLength; } virtual di_off_t GetDataSparseLength(void) const { return fSparseLength; } virtual di_off_t GetRsrcLength(void) const { return -1; } virtual di_off_t GetRsrcSparseLength(void) const { return -1; } virtual DIError Open(A2FileDescr** ppOpenFile, bool readOnly, bool rsrcFork = false); virtual void CloseDescr(A2FileDescr* pOpenFile) { assert(pOpenFile == fpOpenFile); delete fpOpenFile; fpOpenFile = NULL; } virtual bool IsFileOpen(void) const { return fpOpenFile != NULL; } void Dump(void) const; typedef DiskFSGutenberg::TrackSector TrackSector; /* * Contents of directory entry. * * We don't hold deleted or unused entries, so fTSListTrack is always * valid. */ short fTrack; // (could use TrackSector here) short fSector; unsigned short fLengthInSectors; bool fLocked; char fFileName[kMaxFileName+1]; // "fixed" version FileType fFileType; TrackSector fCatTS; // track/sector for our catalog entry int fCatEntryNum; // entry number within cat sector // these are computed or determined from the file contents unsigned short fAuxType; // addr for bin, etc. short fDataOffset; // for 'A'/'B'/'I' with embedded len di_off_t fLength; // file length, in bytes di_off_t fSparseLength; // file length, factoring sparse out void FixFilename(void); static FileType ConvertFileType(long prodosType, di_off_t fileLen); static bool IsValidType(long prodosType); static void MakeDOSName(char* buf, const char* name); static void TrimTrailingSpaces(char* filename); private: DIError ExtractTSPairs(const unsigned char* sctBuf, TrackSector* tsList, int* pLastNonZero); A2FDGutenberg* fpOpenFile; }; /* * =========================================================================== * FAT (including FAT12, FAT16, and FAT32) * =========================================================================== */ /* * MS-DOS FAT disk. * * This is currently just the minimum necessary to properly recognize * the disk. */ class A2FileFAT; class DISKIMG_API DiskFSFAT : public DiskFS { public: DiskFSFAT(void) {} virtual ~DiskFSFAT(void) {} static DIError TestFS(DiskImg* pImg, DiskImg::SectorOrder* pOrder, DiskImg::FSFormat* pFormat, FSLeniency leniency); virtual DIError Initialize(DiskImg* pImg, InitMode initMode) { SetDiskImg(pImg); return Initialize(); } // assorted constants enum { kMaxVolumeName = 11, }; virtual const char* GetVolumeName(void) const { return fVolumeName; } virtual const char* GetVolumeID(void) const { return fVolumeID; } virtual const char* GetBareVolumeName(void) const { return fVolumeName; } virtual bool GetReadWriteSupported(void) const { return false; } virtual bool GetFSDamaged(void) const { return false; } virtual long GetFSNumBlocks(void) const { return fTotalBlocks; } virtual DIError GetFreeSpaceCount(long* pTotalUnits, long* pFreeUnits, int* pUnitSize) const { return kDIErrNotSupported; } private: enum { kExpectedMinBlocks = 720, // ignore volumes under 360K }; struct MasterBootRecord; // fwd struct BootSector; static bool UnpackMBR(const unsigned char* buf, MasterBootRecord* pOut); static bool UnpackBootSector(const unsigned char* buf, BootSector* pOut); static DIError TestImage(DiskImg* pImg, DiskImg::SectorOrder imageOrder); DIError Initialize(void); DIError LoadVolHeader(void); void DumpVolHeader(void); void SetVolumeUsageMap(void); void CreateFakeFile(void); /* some items from the volume header */ char fVolumeName[kMaxVolumeName+1]; char fVolumeID[kMaxVolumeName + 8]; // add "FAT %s:" unsigned long fTotalBlocks; }; /* * File descriptor for an open FAT file. */ class DISKIMG_API A2FDFAT : public A2FileDescr { public: A2FDFAT(A2File* pFile) : A2FileDescr(pFile) { fOffset = 0; } virtual ~A2FDFAT(void) { /* nothing to clean up */ } friend class A2FileFAT; virtual DIError Read(void* buf, size_t len, size_t* pActual = NULL); virtual DIError Write(const void* buf, size_t len, size_t* pActual = NULL); virtual DIError Seek(di_off_t offset, DIWhence whence); virtual di_off_t Tell(void); virtual DIError Close(void); virtual long GetSectorCount(void) const; virtual long GetBlockCount(void) const; virtual DIError GetStorage(long sectorIdx, long* pTrack, long* pSector) const; virtual DIError GetStorage(long blockIdx, long* pBlock) const; private: di_off_t fOffset; }; /* * File on a FAT disk. */ class DISKIMG_API A2FileFAT : public A2File { public: A2FileFAT(DiskFS* pDiskFS) : A2File(pDiskFS) { fFakeFileBuf = NULL; //fFakeFileLen = -1; fpOpenFile = NULL; } virtual ~A2FileFAT(void) { delete fpOpenFile; delete[] fFakeFileBuf; } /* * Implementations of standard interfaces. */ virtual const char* GetFileName(void) const { return fFileName; } virtual const char* GetPathName(void) const { return fFileName; } virtual char GetFssep(void) const { return '\0'; } virtual long GetFileType(void) const { return 0; }; virtual long GetAuxType(void) const { return 0; } virtual long GetAccess(void) const { return DiskFS::kFileAccessUnlocked; } virtual time_t GetCreateWhen(void) const { return 0; } virtual time_t GetModWhen(void) const { return 0; } virtual di_off_t GetDataLength(void) const { return fLength; } virtual di_off_t GetDataSparseLength(void) const { return fLength; } virtual di_off_t GetRsrcLength(void) const { return -1; } virtual di_off_t GetRsrcSparseLength(void) const { return -1; } virtual DIError Open(A2FileDescr** pOpenFile, bool readOnly, bool rsrcFork = false); virtual void CloseDescr(A2FileDescr* pOpenFile) { assert(pOpenFile == fpOpenFile); delete fpOpenFile; fpOpenFile = NULL; } virtual bool IsFileOpen(void) const { return fpOpenFile != NULL; } enum { kMaxFileName = 31 }; virtual void Dump(void) const; void SetFakeFile(void* buf, long len) { assert(len > 0); if (fFakeFileBuf != NULL) delete[] fFakeFileBuf; fFakeFileBuf = new char[len]; memcpy(fFakeFileBuf, buf, len); fLength = len; } const void* GetFakeFileBuf(void) const { return fFakeFileBuf; } char fFileName[kMaxFileName+1]; di_off_t fLength; private: char* fFakeFileBuf; //long fFakeFileLen; A2FileDescr* fpOpenFile; }; } // namespace DiskImgLib #endif /*DISKIMG_DISKIMGDETAIL_H*/