/* * CiderPress * Copyright (C) 2007 by faddenSoft, LLC. All Rights Reserved. * See the file LICENSE for distribution terms. */ /* * Import BASIC programs stored in a text file. * * The current implementation is a bit lame. It just dumps text strings into * a read-only edit buffer, instead of providing a nicer UI. The real trouble * with this style of interface is that i18n is even more awkward. */ #include "StdAfx.h" #include "../reformat/BASIC.h" #include "BasicImport.h" #include "HelpTopics.h" /* * ========================================================================== * BASTokenLookup * ========================================================================== */ void BASTokenLookup::Init(const char* tokenList, int numTokens, int tokenLen) { int i; ASSERT(tokenList != NULL); ASSERT(numTokens > 0); ASSERT(tokenLen > 0); delete[] fTokenPtr; // in case we're being re-initialized delete[] fTokenLen; fTokenPtr = new const char*[numTokens]; fTokenLen = new int[numTokens]; fNumTokens = numTokens; for (i = 0; i < numTokens; i++) { fTokenPtr[i] = tokenList; fTokenLen[i] = strlen(tokenList); tokenList += tokenLen; } } int BASTokenLookup::Lookup(const char* str, int len, int* pFoundLen) { int longestIndex, longestLen; int i; longestIndex = longestLen = -1; for (i = 0; i < fNumTokens; i++) { if (fTokenLen[i] <= len && fTokenLen[i] > longestLen && strnicmp(str, fTokenPtr[i], fTokenLen[i]) == 0) { longestIndex = i; longestLen = fTokenLen[i]; } } *pFoundLen = longestLen; return longestIndex; } /* * ========================================================================== * ImportBASDialog * ========================================================================== */ BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(ImportBASDialog, CDialog) ON_COMMAND(IDHELP, OnHelp) END_MESSAGE_MAP() BOOL ImportBASDialog::OnInitDialog(void) { CDialog::OnInitDialog(); // base class init PathName path(fFileName); CString fileNameOnly(path.GetFileName()); CString ext(fileNameOnly.Right(4)); if (ext.CompareNoCase(L".txt") == 0) { LOGI("removing extension from '%ls'", (LPCWSTR) fileNameOnly); fileNameOnly = fileNameOnly.Left(fileNameOnly.GetLength() - 4); } CEdit* pEdit = (CEdit*) GetDlgItem(IDC_IMPORT_BAS_SAVEAS); pEdit->SetWindowText(fileNameOnly); pEdit->SetSel(0, -1); pEdit->SetFocus(); /* * Do the actual import. If it fails, disable the "save" button. */ if (!ImportBAS(fFileName)) { CButton* pButton = (CButton*) GetDlgItem(IDOK); pButton->EnableWindow(FALSE); pEdit->EnableWindow(FALSE); } return FALSE; // keep our focus } static const char kFailed[] = "failed.\r\n\r\n"; static const char kSuccess[] = "success!\r\n\r\n"; bool ImportBASDialog::ImportBAS(const WCHAR* fileName) { FILE* fp = NULL; ExpandBuffer msgs(1024); long fileLen, outLen, count; char* buf = NULL; char* outBuf = NULL; bool result = false; msgs.Printf("Importing from '%ls'...", fileName); fp = _wfopen(fileName, L"rb"); // EOL unknown, open as binary and deal if (fp == NULL) { msgs.Printf("%sUnable to open file.", kFailed); goto bail; } /* determine file length, and verify that it looks okay */ fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END); fileLen = ftell(fp); rewind(fp); if (ferror(fp) || fileLen < 0) { msgs.Printf("%sUnable to determine file length.", kFailed); goto bail; } if (fileLen == 0) { msgs.Printf("%sFile is empty.", kFailed); goto bail; } if (fileLen >= 128*1024) { msgs.Printf("%sFile is too large to be Applesoft.", kFailed); goto bail; } buf = new char[fileLen]; if (buf == NULL) { msgs.Printf("%sUnable to allocate memory.", kFailed); goto bail; } /* read the entire thing into memory */ count = fread(buf, 1, fileLen, fp); if (count != fileLen) { msgs.Printf("%sCould only read %ld of %ld bytes.", kFailed, count, fileLen); goto bail; } /* process it */ if (!ConvertTextToBAS(buf, fileLen, &outBuf, &outLen, &msgs)) goto bail; result = true; SetOutput(outBuf, outLen); bail: if (fp != NULL) fclose(fp); delete[] buf; /* copy our error messages out */ CEdit* pEdit = (CEdit*) GetDlgItem(IDC_IMPORT_BAS_RESULTS); char* msgBuf = NULL; long msgLen; msgs.SeizeBuffer(&msgBuf, &msgLen); CString msgStr(msgBuf); pEdit->SetWindowText(msgStr); delete[] msgBuf; return result; } bool ImportBASDialog::ConvertTextToBAS(const char* buf, long fileLen, char** pOutBuf, long* pOutLen, ExpandBuffer* pMsgs) { ExpandBuffer output(32768); CString msg; const char* lineStart; const char* lineEnd; long textRemaining; int lineNum; fBASLookup.Init(ReformatApplesoft::GetApplesoftTokens(), ReformatApplesoft::kTokenCount, ReformatApplesoft::kTokenLen); lineEnd = buf; textRemaining = fileLen; lineNum = 0; while (textRemaining > 0) { lineNum++; lineStart = lineEnd; lineEnd = FindEOL(lineStart, textRemaining); if (!ProcessBASLine(lineStart, lineEnd - lineStart, &output, /*ref*/ msg)) { pMsgs->Printf("%sLine %d: %ls", kFailed, lineNum, (LPCWSTR) msg); return false; } textRemaining -= lineEnd - lineStart; } /* output EOF marker */ output.Putc(0x00); output.Putc(0x00); /* grab the buffer */ char* outBuf; long outLen; output.SeizeBuffer(&outBuf, &outLen); if (outLen >= 0xc000) { pMsgs->Printf("%sOutput is too large to be valid", kFailed); delete[] outBuf; return false; } /* go back and fix up the "next line" pointers, assuming a $0801 start */ if (!FixBASLinePointers(outBuf, outLen, 0x0801)) { pMsgs->Printf("%sFailed while fixing line pointers", kFailed); delete[] outBuf; return false; } *pOutBuf = outBuf; *pOutLen = outLen; pMsgs->Printf("%sProcessed %d lines", kSuccess, lineNum); pMsgs->Printf("\r\nTokenized file is %d bytes long", *pOutLen); return true; } /* From an Applesoft disassembly by Bob Sander-Cederlof: D56C- E8 1420 PARSE INX NEXT INPUT CHARACTER D56D- BD 00 02 1430 .1 LDA INPUT.BUFFER,X D570- 24 13 1440 BIT DATAFLG IN A "DATA" STATEMENT? D572- 70 04 1450 BVS .2 YES (DATAFLG = $49) D574- C9 20 1460 CMP #' ' IGNORE BLANKS D576- F0 F4 1470 BEQ PARSE D578- 85 0E 1480 .2 STA ENDCHR D57A- C9 22 1490 CMP #'" START OF QUOTATION? D57C- F0 74 1500 BEQ .13 D57E- 70 4D 1510 BVS .9 BRANCH IF IN "DATA" STATEMENT D580- C9 3F 1520 CMP #'? SHORTHAND FOR "PRINT"? D582- D0 04 1530 BNE .3 NO D584- A9 BA 1540 LDA #TOKEN.PRINT YES, REPLACE WITH "PRINT" TOKEN D586- D0 45 1550 BNE .9 ...ALWAYS D588- C9 30 1560 .3 CMP #'0 IS IT A DIGIT, COLON, OR SEMI-COLON? D58A- 90 04 1570 BCC .4 NO, PUNCTUATION !"#$%&'()*+,-./ D58C- C9 3C 1580 CMP #';'+1 D58E- 90 3D 1590 BCC .9 YES, NOT A TOKEN 1600 *-------------------------------- 1610 * SEARCH TOKEN NAME TABLE FOR MATCH STARTING 1620 * WITH CURRENT CHAR FROM INPUT LINE 1630 *-------------------------------- D590- 84 AD 1640 .4 STY STRNG2 SAVE INDEX TO OUTPUT LINE D592- A9 D0 1650 LDA #TOKEN.NAME.TABLE-$100 D594- 85 9D 1660 STA FAC MAKE PNTR FOR SEARCH D596- A9 CF 1670 LDA /TOKEN.NAME.TABLE-$100 D598- 85 9E 1680 STA FAC+1 D59A- A0 00 1690 LDY #0 USE Y-REG WITH (FAC) TO ADDRESS TABLE D59C- 84 0F 1700 STY TKN.CNTR HOLDS CURRENT TOKEN-$80 D59E- 88 1710 DEY PREPARE FOR "INY" A FEW LINES DOWN D59F- 86 B8 1720 STX TXTPTR SAVE POSITION IN INPUT LINE D5A1- CA 1730 DEX PREPARE FOR "INX" A FEW LINES DOWN D5A2- C8 1740 .5 INY ADVANCE POINTER TO TOKEN TABLE D5A3- D0 02 1750 BNE .6 Y=Y+1 IS ENOUGH D5A5- E6 9E 1760 INC FAC+1 ALSO NEED TO BUMP THE PAGE D5A7- E8 1770 .6 INX ADVANCE POINTER TO INPUT LINE D5A8- BD 00 02 1780 .7 LDA INPUT.BUFFER,X NEXT CHAR FROM INPUT LINE D5AB- C9 20 1790 CMP #' ' THIS CHAR A BLANK? D5AD- F0 F8 1800 BEQ .6 YES, IGNORE ALL BLANKS D5AF- 38 1810 SEC NO, COMPARE TO CHAR IN TABLE D5B0- F1 9D 1820 SBC (FAC),Y SAME AS NEXT CHAR OF TOKEN NAME? D5B2- F0 EE 1830 BEQ .5 YES, CONTINUE MATCHING D5B4- C9 80 1840 CMP #$80 MAYBE; WAS IT SAME EXCEPT FOR BIT 7? D5B6- D0 41 1850 BNE .14 NO, SKIP TO NEXT TOKEN D5B8- 05 0F 1860 ORA TKN.CNTR YES, END OF TOKEN; GET TOKEN # D5BA- C9 C5 1870 CMP #TOKEN.AT DID WE MATCH "AT"? D5BC- D0 0D 1880 BNE .8 NO, SO NO AMBIGUITY D5BE- BD 01 02 1890 LDA INPUT.BUFFER+1,X "AT" COULD BE "ATN" OR "A TO" D5C1- C9 4E 1900 CMP #'N "ATN" HAS PRECEDENCE OVER "AT" D5C3- F0 34 1910 BEQ .14 IT IS "ATN", FIND IT THE HARD WAY D5C5- C9 4F 1920 CMP #'O "TO" HAS PRECEDENCE OVER "AT" D5C7- F0 30 1930 BEQ .14 IT IS "A TO", FIN IT THE HARD WAY D5C9- A9 C5 1940 LDA #TOKEN.AT NOT "ATN" OR "A TO", SO USE "AT" 1950 *-------------------------------- 1960 * STORE CHARACTER OR TOKEN IN OUTPUT LINE 1970 *-------------------------------- Note the special handling for "AT" and "TO". When it examines the next character, it does NOT skip whitespace, making spaces significant when differentiating between "at n"/"atn" and "at o"/"ato". */ bool ImportBASDialog::ProcessBASLine(const char* buf, int len, ExpandBuffer* pOutput, CString& msg) { const int kMaxTokenLen = 7; // longest token; must also hold linenum const int kTokenAT = 0xc5 - 128; const int kTokenATN = 0xe1 - 128; char tokenBuf[kMaxTokenLen+1]; bool gotOne = false; bool haveLineNum = false; char ch; int tokenLen; int lineNum; int foundToken; if (!len) return false; /* * Remove the CR, LF, or CRLF from the end of the line. */ if (len > 1 && buf[len-2] == '\r' && buf[len-1] == '\n') { //LOGI("removed CRLF"); len -= 2; } else if (buf[len-1] == '\r') { //LOGI("removed CR"); len--; } else if (buf[len-1] == '\n') { //LOGI("removed LF"); len--; } else { //LOGI("no EOL marker found"); } if (!len) return true; // blank lines are okay /* * Extract the line number. */ tokenLen = 0; while (len > 0) { if (!GetNextNWC(&buf, &len, &ch)) { if (!gotOne) return true; // blank lines with whitespace are okay else { // end of line reached while scanning line number is bad msg = L"found nothing except line number"; return false; } } gotOne = true; if (!isdigit(ch)) break; if (tokenLen == 5) { // theoretical max is "65535" msg = L"line number has too many digits"; return false; } tokenBuf[tokenLen++] = ch; } if (!tokenLen) { msg = L"line did not start with a line number"; return false; } tokenBuf[tokenLen] = '\0'; lineNum = atoi(tokenBuf); LOGI("FOUND line %d", lineNum); pOutput->Putc((char) 0xcc); // placeholder pOutput->Putc((char) 0xcc); pOutput->Putc(lineNum & 0xff); pOutput->Putc((lineNum >> 8) & 0xff); /* * Start scanning tokens. * * We need to find the longest matching token (i.e. prefer "ONERR" over * "ON"). Grab a bunch of characters, ignoring whitespace, and scan * for a match. */ buf--; // back up len++; foundToken = -1; while (len > 0) { const char* dummy = buf; int remaining = len; /* load up the buffer */ for (tokenLen = 0; tokenLen < kMaxTokenLen; tokenLen++) { if (!GetNextNWC(&dummy, &remaining, &ch)) break; if (ch == '"') break; tokenBuf[tokenLen] = ch; } if (tokenLen == 0) { if (ch == '"') { /* * Note it's possible for strings to be unterminated. This * will go unnoticed by Applesoft if it's at the end of a * line. */ GetNextNWC(&buf, &len, &ch); pOutput->Putc(ch); while (len--) { ch = *buf++; pOutput->Putc(ch); if (ch == '"') break; } } else { /* end of line reached */ break; } } else { int token, foundLen; token = fBASLookup.Lookup(tokenBuf, tokenLen, &foundLen); if (token >= 0) { /* match! */ if (token == kTokenAT || token == kTokenATN) { /* have to go back and re-scan original */ const char* tp = buf +1; while (toupper(*tp++) != 'T') ; if (toupper(*tp) == 'N') { /* keep this token */ assert(token == kTokenATN); } else if (toupper(*tp) == 'O') { /* eat and emit the 'A' so we get the "TO" instead */ goto output_single; } else { if (token == kTokenATN) { /* reduce to "AT" */ token = kTokenAT; foundLen--; } } } pOutput->Putc(token + 128); /* consume token chars, including whitespace */ for (int j = 0; j < foundLen; j++) GetNextNWC(&buf, &len, &ch); //LOGI("TOKEN '%s' (%d)", // fBASLookup.GetToken(token), tokenLen); /* special handling for REM or DATA */ if (token == 0xb2 - 128) { /* for a REM statement, copy verbatim to end of line */ if (*buf == ' ') { /* eat one leading space, if present */ buf++; len--; } while (len--) { ch = *buf++; pOutput->Putc(ch); } } else if (token == 0x83 - 128) { bool inQuote = false; /* for a DATA statement, copy until ':' */ if (*buf == ' ') { /* eat one leading space */ buf++; len--; } while (len--) { ch = *buf++; if (ch == '"') // ignore ':' in quoted strings inQuote = !inQuote; if (!inQuote && ch == ':') { len++; buf--; break; } pOutput->Putc(ch); } } } else { /* * Not a quote, and no token begins with this character. * Output it and advance. */ output_single: GetNextNWC(&buf, &len, &ch); pOutput->Putc(toupper(ch)); } } } pOutput->Putc('\0'); return true; } bool ImportBASDialog::FixBASLinePointers(char* buf, long len, uint16_t addr) { uint16_t val; char* start; while (len >= 4) { start = buf; val = (*buf) & 0xff | (*(buf+1)) << 8; if (val == 0) break; if (val != 0xcccc) { LOGI("unexpected value 0x%04x found", val); return false; } buf += 4; len -= 4; /* * Find the next end-of-line marker. */ while (*buf != '\0' && len > 0) { buf++; len--; } if (!len) { LOGI("ran off the end?"); return false; } buf++; len--; /* * Set the value. */ val = (unsigned short) (buf - start); ASSERT((int) val == buf - start); addr += val; *start = addr & 0xff; *(start+1) = (addr >> 8) & 0xff; } return true; } const char* ImportBASDialog::FindEOL(const char* buf, long max) { ASSERT(max >= 0); if (max == 0) return NULL; while (max) { if (*buf == '\r' || *buf == '\n') { if (*buf == '\r' && max > 0 && *(buf+1) == '\n') return buf+2; return buf+1; } buf++; max--; } /* * Looks like the last line didn't have an EOL. That's okay. */ return buf; } bool ImportBASDialog::GetNextNWC(const char** pBuf, int* pLen, char* pCh) { static const char* kWhitespace = " \t\r\n"; while (*pLen > 0) { const char* ptr; char ch; ch = **pBuf; ptr = strchr(kWhitespace, ch); (*pBuf)++; (*pLen)--; if (ptr == NULL) { *pCh = ch; return true; } } return false; } void ImportBASDialog::OnOK(void) { CEdit* pEdit = (CEdit*) GetDlgItem(IDC_IMPORT_BAS_SAVEAS); CString fileName; pEdit->GetWindowText(fileName); if (fileName.IsEmpty()) { CString appName; appName.LoadString(IDS_MB_APP_NAME); MessageBox(L"You must specify a filename.", appName, MB_OK); } /* * Write the file to the currently-open archive. */ GenericArchive::FileDetails details; details.entryKind = GenericArchive::FileDetails::kFileKindDataFork; details.origName = L"Imported BASIC"; details.storageName = fileName; details.access = 0xe3; // unlocked, backup bit set details.fileType = kFileTypeBAS; details.extraType = 0x0801; details.storageType = DiskFS::kStorageSeedling; time_t now = time(NULL); GenericArchive::UNIXTimeToDateTime(&now, &details.createWhen); GenericArchive::UNIXTimeToDateTime(&now, &details.archiveWhen); GenericArchive::UNIXTimeToDateTime(&now, &details.modWhen); CString errMsg; fDirty = true; if (!MainWindow::SaveToArchive(&details, (const unsigned char*) fOutput, fOutputLen, NULL, -1, /*ref*/errMsg, this)) { goto bail; } /* success! close the dialog */ CDialog::OnOK(); bail: if (!errMsg.IsEmpty()) { CString msg; msg.Format(L"Unable to import file: %ls.", (LPCWSTR) errMsg); ShowFailureMsg(this, msg, IDS_FAILED); return; } return; } void ImportBASDialog::OnHelp(void) { WinHelp(HELP_TOPIC_IMPORT_BASIC, HELP_CONTEXT); }