/* * CiderPress * Copyright (C) 2007 by faddenSoft, LLC. All Rights Reserved. * See the file LICENSE for distribution terms. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "ImageFormatDialog.h" #include "HelpTopics.h" #include "../diskimg/DiskImg.h" BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(ImageFormatDialog, CDialog) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_DECONF_HELP, OnHelp) ON_WM_HELPINFO() END_MESSAGE_MAP() /* * Conversion tables. * * If you add something else, remember to turn off "sort" in the drop list. * * The tables contain only the formats we currently support, and are in the * order in which we want to present them to the user. * * THOUGHT: drop "name" from the tables, and use a DiskImg::ToString lookup * to get the text string. That way we'd be consistent. */ typedef struct ImageFormatDialog::ConvTable { int enumval; // a DiskImg::enum type const WCHAR* name; } ConvTable; const int kLastEntry = -1; /* DiskImg::OuterFormat */ static const ConvTable gOuterFormats[] = { { DiskImg::kOuterFormatUnknown, L"Unknown format" }, { DiskImg::kOuterFormatNone, L"(none)" }, // { DiskImg::kOuterFormatCompress, L"UNIX compress" }, { DiskImg::kOuterFormatGzip, L"gzip" }, // { DiskImg::kOuterFormatBzip2, L"bzip2" }, { DiskImg::kOuterFormatZip, L"Zip archive" }, { kLastEntry, NULL } }; /* DiskImg::FileFormat */ static const ConvTable gFileFormats[] = { { DiskImg::kFileFormatUnknown, L"Unknown format" }, { DiskImg::kFileFormatUnadorned, L"Unadorned raw data" }, { DiskImg::kFileFormat2MG, L"2MG" }, { DiskImg::kFileFormatNuFX, L"NuFX (ShrinkIt)" }, { DiskImg::kFileFormatDiskCopy42, L"DiskCopy 4.2" }, // { DiskImg::kFileFormatDiskCopy60, L"DiskCopy 6.0" }, // { DiskImg::kFileFormatDavex, L"Davex volume image" }, { DiskImg::kFileFormatSim2eHDV, L"Sim //e HDV" }, { DiskImg::kFileFormatDDD, L"DDD" }, { DiskImg::kFileFormatTrackStar, L"TrackStar image" }, { DiskImg::kFileFormatFDI, L"FDI image" }, // { DiskImg::kFileFormatDDDDeluxe, L"DDDDeluxe" }, { kLastEntry, NULL } }; /* DiskImg::PhysicalFormat */ static const ConvTable gPhysicalFormats[] = { { DiskImg::kPhysicalFormatUnknown, L"Unknown format" }, { DiskImg::kPhysicalFormatSectors, L"Sectors" }, { DiskImg::kPhysicalFormatNib525_6656, L"Raw nibbles (6656-byte)" }, { DiskImg::kPhysicalFormatNib525_6384, L"Raw nibbles (6384-byte)" }, { DiskImg::kPhysicalFormatNib525_Var, L"Raw nibbles (variable len)" }, { kLastEntry, NULL } }; /* DiskImg::SectorOrder */ static const ConvTable gSectorOrders[] = { { DiskImg::kSectorOrderUnknown, L"Unknown ordering" }, { DiskImg::kSectorOrderProDOS, L"ProDOS block ordering" }, { DiskImg::kSectorOrderDOS, L"DOS sector ordering" }, { DiskImg::kSectorOrderCPM, L"CP/M block ordering" }, { DiskImg::kSectorOrderPhysical, L"Physical sector ordering" }, { kLastEntry, NULL } }; /* DiskImg::FSFormat */ static const ConvTable gFSFormats[] = { { DiskImg::kFormatUnknown, L"Unknown filesystem" }, { DiskImg::kFormatGenericDOSOrd, L"Generic DOS sectors" }, { DiskImg::kFormatGenericProDOSOrd, L"Generic ProDOS blocks" }, { DiskImg::kFormatGenericPhysicalOrd, L"Generic raw sectors" }, { DiskImg::kFormatGenericCPMOrd, L"Generic CP/M blocks" }, { DiskImg::kFormatProDOS, L"ProDOS" }, { DiskImg::kFormatDOS33, L"DOS 3.3" }, { DiskImg::kFormatDOS32, L"DOS 3.2" }, { DiskImg::kFormatPascal, L"Pascal" }, { DiskImg::kFormatMacHFS, L"HFS" }, // { DiskImg::kFormatMacMFS, L"MFS" }, // { DiskImg::kFormatLisa, L"Lisa" }, { DiskImg::kFormatCPM, L"CP/M" }, { DiskImg::kFormatMSDOS, L"MS-DOS FAT" }, // { DiskImg::kFormatISO9660, L"ISO-9660" }, { DiskImg::kFormatUNIDOS, L"UNIDOS (400K DOS x2)" }, { DiskImg::kFormatOzDOS, L"OzDOS (400K DOS x2)" }, { DiskImg::kFormatCFFA4, L"CFFA (4 or 6 partitions)" }, { DiskImg::kFormatCFFA8, L"CFFA (8 partitions)" }, { DiskImg::kFormatMacPart, L"Macintosh partitioned disk" }, { DiskImg::kFormatMicroDrive, L"MicroDrive partitioned disk" }, { DiskImg::kFormatFocusDrive, L"FocusDrive partitioned disk" }, { DiskImg::kFormatRDOS33, L"RDOS 3.3 (16-sector)" }, { DiskImg::kFormatRDOS32, L"RDOS 3.2 (13-sector)" }, { DiskImg::kFormatRDOS3, L"RDOS 3 (cracked 13-sector)" }, { kLastEntry, NULL } }; void ImageFormatDialog::InitializeValues(const DiskImg* pImg) { fOuterFormat = pImg->GetOuterFormat(); fFileFormat = pImg->GetFileFormat(); fPhysicalFormat = pImg->GetPhysicalFormat(); fSectorOrder = pImg->GetSectorOrder(); fFSFormat = pImg->GetFSFormat(); if (pImg->ShowAsBlocks()) fDisplayFormat = kShowAsBlocks; else fDisplayFormat = kShowAsSectors; if (!pImg->GetHasBlocks() && !pImg->GetHasSectors()) fDisplayFormat = kShowAsNibbles; fHasSectors = pImg->GetHasSectors(); fHasBlocks = pImg->GetHasBlocks(); fHasNibbles = pImg->GetHasNibbles(); // "Unknown" formats default to sectors, but sometimes it's block-only if (fDisplayFormat == kShowAsSectors && !fHasSectors) fDisplayFormat = kShowAsBlocks; fInitialized = true; } BOOL ImageFormatDialog::OnInitDialog(void) { ASSERT(fInitialized); LoadComboBoxes(); return CDialog::OnInitDialog(); // do DDX/DDV } void ImageFormatDialog::LoadComboBoxes(void) { CWnd* pWnd; CButton* pButton; pWnd = GetDlgItem(IDC_DECONF_SOURCE); ASSERT(pWnd != NULL); pWnd->SetWindowText(fFileSource); if (fQueryDisplayFormat) { pButton = (CButton*) GetDlgItem(IDC_DECONF_VIEWASSECTORS); ASSERT(pButton != NULL); pButton->SetCheck(fDisplayFormat == kShowAsSectors); if (!fHasSectors) pButton->EnableWindow(FALSE); pButton = (CButton*) GetDlgItem(IDC_DECONF_VIEWASBLOCKS); ASSERT(pButton != NULL); pButton->SetCheck(fDisplayFormat == kShowAsBlocks); if (!fHasBlocks) pButton->EnableWindow(FALSE); pButton = (CButton*) GetDlgItem(IDC_DECONF_VIEWASNIBBLES); ASSERT(pButton != NULL); pButton->SetCheck(fDisplayFormat == kShowAsNibbles); if (!fHasNibbles) pButton->EnableWindow(FALSE); } else { /* if we don't need to ask, don't show the buttons */ pWnd = GetDlgItem(IDC_DECONF_VIEWAS); pWnd->DestroyWindow(); pWnd = GetDlgItem(IDC_DECONF_VIEWASBLOCKS); pWnd->DestroyWindow(); pWnd = GetDlgItem(IDC_DECONF_VIEWASSECTORS); pWnd->DestroyWindow(); pWnd = GetDlgItem(IDC_DECONF_VIEWASNIBBLES); pWnd->DestroyWindow(); } LoadComboBox(IDC_DECONF_OUTERFORMAT, gOuterFormats, fOuterFormat); LoadComboBox(IDC_DECONF_FILEFORMAT, gFileFormats, fFileFormat); LoadComboBox(IDC_DECONF_PHYSICAL, gPhysicalFormats, fPhysicalFormat); LoadComboBox(IDC_DECONF_SECTORORDER, gSectorOrders, fSectorOrder); LoadComboBox(IDC_DECONF_FSFORMAT, gFSFormats, fFSFormat); } void ImageFormatDialog::LoadComboBox(int boxID, const ConvTable* pTable, int dflt) { CComboBox* pCombo; // const ConvTable* pBaseTable = pTable; int current = -1; int idx, idxShift; pCombo = (CComboBox*) GetDlgItem(boxID); ASSERT(pCombo != NULL); idx = idxShift = 0; while (pTable[idx].enumval != kLastEntry) { /* special-case the generic FS formats */ if (pTable == gFSFormats && !fAllowGenericFormats && DiskImg::IsGenericFormat((DiskImg::FSFormat)pTable[idx].enumval)) { LOGI("LoadComboBox skipping '%ls'", pTable[idx].name); idxShift++; } else { // Note to self: AddString returns the combo box item ID; // should probably use that instead of doing math. pCombo->AddString(pTable[idx].name); pCombo->SetItemData(idx - idxShift, pTable[idx].enumval); } if (pTable[idx].enumval == dflt) current = idx - idxShift; idx++; } if (current != -1) { LOGI(" Set default for %d/%d to %d", boxID, dflt, current); pCombo->SetCurSel(current); } else { LOGI(" No matching default for %d (%d)", boxID, dflt); } } int ImageFormatDialog::ConvComboSel(int boxID, const ConvTable* pTable) { CComboBox* pCombo; int idx, enumval; pCombo = (CComboBox*) GetDlgItem(boxID); ASSERT(pCombo != NULL); idx = pCombo->GetCurSel(); if (idx < 0) { /* nothing selected?! */ ASSERT(false); return 0; } // enumval = pTable[idx].enumval; enumval = pCombo->GetItemData(idx); ASSERT(enumval >= 0 && enumval < 100); if (pTable != gFSFormats) { ASSERT(enumval == pTable[idx].enumval); } LOGI(" Returning ev=%d for %d entry '%ls'", enumval, boxID, pTable[idx].name); return enumval; } void ImageFormatDialog::OnOK(void) { CButton* pButton; if (fQueryDisplayFormat) { pButton = (CButton*) GetDlgItem(IDC_DECONF_VIEWASSECTORS); ASSERT(pButton != NULL); if (pButton->GetCheck()) fDisplayFormat = kShowAsSectors; pButton = (CButton*) GetDlgItem(IDC_DECONF_VIEWASBLOCKS); ASSERT(pButton != NULL); if (pButton->GetCheck()) fDisplayFormat = kShowAsBlocks; pButton = (CButton*) GetDlgItem(IDC_DECONF_VIEWASNIBBLES); ASSERT(pButton != NULL); if (pButton->GetCheck()) fDisplayFormat = kShowAsNibbles; } /* outer format, file format, and physical format are immutable */ fSectorOrder = (DiskImg::SectorOrder) ConvComboSel(IDC_DECONF_SECTORORDER, gSectorOrders); fFSFormat = (DiskImg::FSFormat) ConvComboSel(IDC_DECONF_FSFORMAT, gFSFormats); if (fSectorOrder == DiskImg::kSectorOrderUnknown) { MessageBox(L"You must choose a sector ordering.", L"Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); return; } if (fFSFormat == DiskImg::kFormatUnknown && !fAllowUnknown) { MessageBox(L"You must choose a filesystem format. If not known," L" use one of the 'generic' entries.", L"Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); return; } CDialog::OnOK(); } BOOL ImageFormatDialog::OnHelpInfo(HELPINFO* lpHelpInfo) { WinHelp(lpHelpInfo->iCtrlId, HELP_CONTEXTPOPUP); return TRUE; // indicate success?? } void ImageFormatDialog::OnHelp(void) { WinHelp(HELP_TOPIC_DISK_IMAGES, HELP_CONTEXT); }