Andy McFadden f6647b9978 Convert WSMG to LOG
Mostly a bulk conversion of debug messages, primarily with sed:

 sed -e 's/\(WMSG[0-9]\)\(.*\)\(\\n"\)/LOGI\2"/'

This removes the '\n' from the end of the log messages, and sets
them all to "info" severity.

We want to prefix each line with file/line and/or a timestamp,
so it doesn't make sense to have a partial line, and there's no
value in embedding the '\n' in every string.
2014-11-18 14:16:35 -08:00

524 lines
14 KiB

* CiderPress
* Copyright (C) 2007 by faddenSoft, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
* See the file LICENSE for distribution terms.
* Implementation of the Windows FAT filesystem.
* Right now we just try to identify that a disk is in a PC format rather
* than Apple II. The trick here is to figure out whether block 0 is a
* Master Boot Record or merely a Boot Sector.
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "DiskImgPriv.h"
* ===========================================================================
* ===========================================================================
const int kBlkSize = 512;
const long kBootBlock = 0;
const unsigned short kSignature = 0xaa55; // MBR or boot sector
const int kSignatureOffset = 0x1fe;
const unsigned char kOpcodeMumble = 0x33; // seen on 2nd drive
const unsigned char kOpcodeBranch = 0xeb;
const unsigned char kOpcodeSetInt = 0xfa;
typedef struct PartitionTableEntry {
unsigned char driveNum; // dl (0x80 or 0x00)
unsigned char startHead; // dh
unsigned char startSector; // cl (&0x3f=sector, +two hi bits cyl)
unsigned char startCylinder; // ch (low 8 bits of 10-bit cylinder)
unsigned char type; // partition type
unsigned char endHead; // dh
unsigned char endSector; // cl
unsigned char endCylinder; // ch
unsigned long startLBA; // in blocks
unsigned long size; // in blocks
} PartitionTableEntry;
* Definition of a Master Boot Record, which is block 0 of a physical volume.
typedef struct DiskFSFAT::MasterBootRecord {
* Begins immediately with code, usually 0xfa (set interrupt flag) or
* 0xeb (relative branch).
unsigned char firstByte;
* Partition table starts at 0x1be. Four entries, each 16 bytes.
PartitionTableEntry parTab[4];
} MasterBootRecord;
* Definition of a boot sector, which is block 0 of a logical volume.
typedef struct DiskFSFAT::BootSector {
* The first few bytes of the boot sector is called the BIOS Parameter
* Block, or BPB.
unsigned char jump[3]; // usually EB XX 90
unsigned char oemName[8]; // e.g. "MSWIN4.1" or "MSDOS5.0"
unsigned short bytesPerSector; // usually (always?) 512
unsigned char sectPerCluster;
unsigned short reservedSectors;
unsigned char numFAT;
unsigned short numRootDirEntries;
unsigned short numSectors; // if set, ignore numSectorsHuge
unsigned char mediaType;
unsigned short numFATSectors;
unsigned short sectorsPerTrack;
unsigned short numHeads;
unsigned long numHiddenSectors;
unsigned long numSectorsHuge; // only if numSectors==0
* This next part can start immediately after the above (at 0x24) for
* FAT12/FAT16, or somewhat later (0x42) for FAT32. It doesn't seem
* to exist for NTFS. Probably safest to assume it doesn't exist.
* The only way to be sure of what we're dealing with is to know the
* partition type, but if this is our block 0 then we can't know what
* that is.
unsigned char driveNum;
unsigned char reserved;
unsigned char signature; // 0x29
unsigned long volumeID;
unsigned char volumeLabel[11]; // e.g. "FUBAR "
unsigned char fileSysType[8]; // e.g. "FAT12 "
* Code follows. Signature 0xaa55 in the last two bytes.
} BootSector;
// some values for MediaType
enum MediaType {
kMediaTypeLarge = 0xf0, // 1440KB or 2800KB 3.5" disk
kMediaTypeHardDrive = 0xf8,
kMediaTypeMedium = 0xf9, // 720KB 3.5" disk or 1.2MB 5.25" disk
kMediaTypeSmall = 0xfd, // 360KB 5.25" disk
* Unpack the MBR.
* Returns "true" if this looks like an MBR, "false" otherwise.
/*static*/ bool
DiskFSFAT::UnpackMBR(const unsigned char* buf, MasterBootRecord* pOut)
const unsigned char* ptr;
int i;
pOut->firstByte = buf[0x00];
ptr = &buf[0x1be];
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
pOut->parTab[i].driveNum = ptr[0x00];
pOut->parTab[i].startHead = ptr[0x01];
pOut->parTab[i].startSector = ptr[0x02];
pOut->parTab[i].startCylinder = ptr[0x03];
pOut->parTab[i].type = ptr[0x04];
pOut->parTab[i].endHead = ptr[0x05];
pOut->parTab[i].endSector = ptr[0x06];
pOut->parTab[i].endCylinder = ptr[0x07];
pOut->parTab[i].startLBA = GetLongLE(&ptr[0x08]);
pOut->parTab[i].size = GetLongLE(&ptr[0x0c]);
ptr += 16;
if (pOut->firstByte != kOpcodeBranch &&
pOut->firstByte != kOpcodeSetInt &&
pOut->firstByte != kOpcodeMumble)
return false;
bool foundActive = false;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (pOut->parTab[i].driveNum == 0x80)
foundActive = true;
else if (pOut->parTab[i].driveNum != 0x00)
return false; // must be 0x00 or 0x80
// CFFA cards don't seem to set the "active" flag
//if (!foundActive)
// return false;
return true;
* Unpack the boot sector.
* Returns "true" if this looks like a boot sector, "false" otherwise.
/*static*/ bool
DiskFSFAT::UnpackBootSector(const unsigned char* buf, BootSector* pOut)
memcpy(pOut->jump, &buf[0x00], sizeof(pOut->jump));
memcpy(pOut->oemName, &buf[0x03], sizeof(pOut->oemName));
pOut->bytesPerSector = GetShortLE(&buf[0x0b]);
pOut->sectPerCluster = buf[0x0d];
pOut->reservedSectors = GetShortLE(&buf[0x0e]);
pOut->numFAT = buf[0x10];
pOut->numRootDirEntries = GetShortLE(&buf[0x11]);
pOut->numSectors = GetShortLE(&buf[0x13]);
pOut->mediaType = buf[0x15];
pOut->numFATSectors = GetShortLE(&buf[0x16]);
pOut->sectorsPerTrack = GetShortLE(&buf[0x18]);
pOut->numHeads = GetShortLE(&buf[0x1a]);
pOut->numHiddenSectors = GetLongLE(&buf[0x1c]);
pOut->numSectorsHuge = GetLongLE(&buf[0x20]);
if (pOut->jump[0] != kOpcodeBranch && pOut->jump[0] != kOpcodeSetInt)
return false;
if (pOut->bytesPerSector != 512)
return false;
return true;
* See if this looks like a FAT volume.
/*static*/ DIError
DiskFSFAT::TestImage(DiskImg* pImg, DiskImg::SectorOrder imageOrder)
DIError dierr = kDIErrNone;
unsigned char blkBuf[kBlkSize];
MasterBootRecord mbr;
BootSector bs;
dierr = pImg->ReadBlockSwapped(kBootBlock, blkBuf, imageOrder,
if (dierr != kDIErrNone)
goto bail;
* Both MBR and boot sectors have the same signature in block 0.
if (GetShortLE(&blkBuf[kSignatureOffset]) != kSignature) {
dierr = kDIErrFilesystemNotFound;
goto bail;
* Decode it as an MBR and as a partition table. Figure out which
* one makes sense. If neither make sense, fail.
bool hasMBR, hasBS;
hasMBR = UnpackMBR(blkBuf, &mbr);
hasBS = UnpackBootSector(blkBuf, &bs);
LOGI(" FAT hasMBR=%d hasBS=%d", hasMBR, hasBS);
if (!hasMBR && !hasBS) {
dierr = kDIErrFilesystemNotFound;
goto bail;
if (hasMBR) {
LOGI(" FAT partition table found:");
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
LOGI(" %d: type=0x%02x start LBA=%-9lu size=%lu",
i, mbr.parTab[i].type,
mbr.parTab[i].startLBA, mbr.parTab[i].size);
if (hasBS) {
LOGI(" FAT boot sector found:");
LOGI(" OEMName is '%.8s'", bs.oemName);
// looks good!
return dierr;
* Test to see if the image is a FAT disk.
/*static*/ DIError
DiskFSFAT::TestFS(DiskImg* pImg, DiskImg::SectorOrder* pOrder,
DiskImg::FSFormat* pFormat, FSLeniency leniency)
/* must be block format, should be at least 360K */
if (!pImg->GetHasBlocks() || pImg->GetNumBlocks() < kExpectedMinBlocks)
return kDIErrFilesystemNotFound;
if (pImg->GetIsEmbedded()) // don't look for FAT inside CFFA!
return kDIErrFilesystemNotFound;
DiskImg::SectorOrder ordering[DiskImg::kSectorOrderMax];
DiskImg::GetSectorOrderArray(ordering, *pOrder);
for (int i = 0; i < DiskImg::kSectorOrderMax; i++) {
if (ordering[i] == DiskImg::kSectorOrderUnknown)
if (TestImage(pImg, ordering[i]) == kDIErrNone) {
*pOrder = ordering[i];
*pFormat = DiskImg::kFormatMSDOS;
return kDIErrNone;
LOGI(" FAT didn't find valid FS");
return kDIErrFilesystemNotFound;
* Get things rolling.
DIError dierr = kDIErrNone;
strcpy(fVolumeName, "[MS-DOS]"); // max 11 chars
strcpy(fVolumeID, "FATxx [MS-DOS]");
// take the easy way out
fTotalBlocks = fpImg->GetNumBlocks();
return dierr;
* Blank out the volume usage map.
VolumeUsage::ChunkState cstate;
long block;
cstate.isUsed = true;
cstate.isMarkedUsed = true;
cstate.purpose = VolumeUsage::kChunkPurposeUnknown;
for (block = fTotalBlocks-1; block >= 0; block--)
fVolumeUsage.SetChunkState(block, &cstate);
* Fill a buffer with some interesting stuff, and add it to the file list.
A2FileFAT* pFile;
char buf[768]; // currently running about 430
static const char* kFormatMsg =
"The FAT12/16/32 and NTFS filesystems are not supported. CiderPress knows\r\n"
"how to recognize MS-DOS and Windows volumes so that it can identify\r\n"
"PC data on removable media, but it does not know how to view or extract\r\n"
"files from them.\r\n"
"Some information about this FAT volume:\r\n"
" Volume name : '%s'\r\n"
" Volume size : %ld blocks (%.2fMB)\r\n"
"(CiderPress limits itself to 8GB, so larger volume sizes may not be shown.)\r\n"
long capacity;
capacity = fTotalBlocks;
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
sprintf(buf, kFormatMsg,
(double) capacity / 2048.0);
pFile = new A2FileFAT(this);
pFile->SetFakeFile(buf, strlen(buf));
strcpy(pFile->fFileName, "(not supported)");
* ===========================================================================
* A2FileFAT
* ===========================================================================
* Dump the contents of the A2File structure.
A2FileFAT::Dump(void) const
LOGI("A2FileFAT '%s'", fFileName);
* Not a whole lot to do.
A2FileFAT::Open(A2FileDescr** ppOpenFile, bool readOnly,
bool rsrcFork /*=false*/)
A2FDFAT* pOpenFile = NULL;
if (fpOpenFile != NULL)
return kDIErrAlreadyOpen;
if (rsrcFork)
return kDIErrForkNotFound;
assert(readOnly == true);
pOpenFile = new A2FDFAT(this);
fpOpenFile = pOpenFile;
*ppOpenFile = pOpenFile;
return kDIErrNone;
* ===========================================================================
* ===========================================================================
* Read a chunk of data from the fake file.
A2FDFAT::Read(void* buf, size_t len, size_t* pActual)
LOGI(" FAT reading %d bytes from '%s' (offset=%ld)",
len, fpFile->GetPathName(), (long) fOffset);
A2FileFAT* pFile = (A2FileFAT*) fpFile;
/* don't allow them to read past the end of the file */
if (fOffset + (long)len > pFile->fLength) {
if (pActual == NULL)
return kDIErrDataUnderrun;
len = (size_t) (pFile->fLength - fOffset);
if (pActual != NULL)
*pActual = len;
memcpy(buf, pFile->GetFakeFileBuf(), len);
fOffset += len;
return kDIErrNone;
* Write data at the current offset.
A2FDFAT::Write(const void* buf, size_t len, size_t* pActual)
return kDIErrNotSupported;
* Seek to a new offset.
A2FDFAT::Seek(di_off_t offset, DIWhence whence)
di_off_t fileLen = ((A2FileFAT*) fpFile)->fLength;
switch (whence) {
case kSeekSet:
if (offset < 0 || offset > fileLen)
return kDIErrInvalidArg;
fOffset = offset;
case kSeekEnd:
if (offset > 0 || offset < -fileLen)
return kDIErrInvalidArg;
fOffset = fileLen + offset;
case kSeekCur:
if (offset < -fOffset ||
offset >= (fileLen - fOffset))
return kDIErrInvalidArg;
fOffset += offset;
return kDIErrInvalidArg;
assert(fOffset >= 0 && fOffset <= fileLen);
return kDIErrNone;
* Return current offset.
return fOffset;
* Release file state, and tell our parent to destroy us.
return kDIErrNone;
* Return the #of sectors/blocks in the file.
A2FDFAT::GetSectorCount(void) const
A2FileFAT* pFile = (A2FileFAT*) fpFile;
return (long) ((pFile->fLength+255) / 256);
A2FDFAT::GetBlockCount(void) const
A2FileFAT* pFile = (A2FileFAT*) fpFile;
return (long) ((pFile->fLength+511) / 512);
* Return the Nth track/sector in this file.
A2FDFAT::GetStorage(long sectorIdx, long* pTrack, long* pSector) const
return kDIErrNotSupported;
* Return the Nth 512-byte block in this file.
A2FDFAT::GetStorage(long blockIdx, long* pBlock) const
return kDIErrNotSupported;