
909 lines
30 KiB

* CiderPress
* Copyright (C) 2007 by faddenSoft, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
* See the file LICENSE for distribution terms.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "SelectFilesDialog.h"
#include "PathName.h"
#include "Util.h"
#include <dlgs.h>
void SelectFilesDialog2::OnInitDone()
// Tweak the controls
SetControlText(IDOK, L"Accept");
HideControl(stc2); // "Files of type"
HideControl(cmb1); // (file type combo)
// Configure a window proc to intercept events. We need to do it this
// way, rather than using m_ofn.lpfnHook, because the CFileDialog hook
// does not receive messages intended for the standard controls of the
// default dialog box. Since our goal is to intercept the "OK" button,
// we need to set a proc for the whole window.
CWnd* pParent = GetParent();
fPrevWndProc = (WNDPROC) ::SetWindowLongPtr(pParent->m_hWnd, GWL_WNDPROC,
(LONG_PTR) MyWindowProc);
// Stuff a pointer to this object into the userdata field.
::SetWindowLongPtr(pParent->m_hWnd, GWL_USERDATA, (LONG_PTR) this);
void SelectFilesDialog2::OnFolderChange()
// We get one of these shortly after OnInitDone. We can't do this in
// OnInitDone because the dialog isn't ready yet.
// Ideally we'd just call GetFolderPath(), but for some reason that
// returns an empty string for places like Desktop or My Documents
// (which, unlike Computer or Libraries, do have filesystem paths).
// You actually get the path in the string returned from the multi-select
// file dialog, but apparently you have to use a semi-hidden method
// to get at it from OnFolderChange.
// In other words, par for the course in Windows file dialogs.
fCurrentDirectory = L"";
CWnd* pParent = GetParent();
LRESULT len = pParent->SendMessage(CDM_GETFOLDERIDLIST, 0, NULL);
if (len <= 0) {
LOGW("Can't get folder ID list, len is %d", len);
} else {
LPCITEMIDLIST pidlFolder = (LPCITEMIDLIST) CoTaskMemAlloc(len);
if (pidlFolder == NULL) {
LOGE("Unable to allocate %d bytes", len);
len = pParent->SendMessage(CDM_GETFOLDERIDLIST, len,
(LPARAM) pidlFolder);
ASSERT(len > 0); // should fail earlier, or not at all
BOOL result = SHGetPathFromIDList(pidlFolder, buf);
if (result) {
fCurrentDirectory = buf;
} else {
fCurrentDirectory = L"";
CoTaskMemFree((LPVOID) pidlFolder);
LOGD("OnFolderChange: '%ls'", (LPCWSTR) fCurrentDirectory);
BOOL SelectFilesDialog2::OnFileNameOK()
// This function provides "custom validation of filenames that are
// entered into a common file dialog box". We don't need to validate
// filenames here, but we do require it for another reason: if the user
// double-clicks a file, the dialog will accept the name and close
// without our WindowProc getting a WM_COMMAND.
// This function doesn't get called if we select a file or files and
// hit the OK button or enter key, because we intercept that before
// the dialog can get to it. It also doesn't get called if you
// double-click directory, as directory traversal is handled internally
// by the dialog.
// It's possible to click then shift-double-click to select a range,
// so we can have content in both the list and the text box. This is
// really just another way to hit "OK".
CFileDialog* pDialog = (CFileDialog*) GetParent();
FPResult fpr = OKButtonClicked(pDialog);
switch (fpr) {
case kFPDone:
return 0; // success, let the dialog exit
case kFPPassThru:
LOGW("WEIRD: got OK_PASSTHRU from double click");
return 1;
case kFPNoFiles:
LOGW("WEIRD: got OK_NOFILES from double click");
return 1;
case kFPError:
return 1;
return 1;
// not reached
/*static*/ LRESULT CALLBACK SelectFilesDialog2::MyWindowProc(HWND hwnd,
UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
SelectFilesDialog2* pSFD =
(SelectFilesDialog2*) ::GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_USERDATA);
if (uMsg == WM_COMMAND) {
// React to a click on the OK button (also triggered by hitting return
// in the filename text box).
if (HIWORD(wParam) == BN_CLICKED && LOWORD(wParam) == IDOK) {
// Obtain a CFileDialog pointer from the window handle. The
// SelectFilesDialog pointer only gets us to a child window
// (the one used to implement the templated custom stuff).
CFileDialog* pDialog = (CFileDialog*) CWnd::FromHandle(hwnd);
FPResult fpr = pSFD->OKButtonClicked(pDialog);
switch (fpr) {
case kFPDone:
// Success; close the dialog with IDOK as the return.
LOGD("Calling EndDialog");
return 0;
case kFPPassThru:
LOGD("passing through");
// User typed a single name that didn't resolve to a
// simple file. Let the CFileDialog have it so it can
// do a directory change. (We don't just want to return
// nonzero -- fall through to call prior window proc.)
case kFPNoFiles:
// No files have been selected. We popped up a message box.
// Discontinue processing.
return 0;
case kFPError:
// Something failed internally. Don't let the parent dialog
// continue on.
return 0;
return 0;
return ::CallWindowProc(pSFD->fPrevWndProc, hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
SelectFilesDialog2::FPResult SelectFilesDialog2::OKButtonClicked(CFileDialog* pDialog)
// There are two not-quite-independent sources of filenames. As
// ordinary (non-directory) files are selected, they are added to the
// edit control. The user is free to edit the text in the box. This is
// then what would be returned to the user of the file dialog. With
// OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST, the dialog would even confirm that the files exist.
// It is possible to select a bunch of files, delete the text, type
// some more names, and hit OK. In that case you would get a completely
// disjoint set of names in the list control and edit control.
// Complicating matters somewhat is the "hide extensions for known file
// types" feature, which strips the filename extensions from the entries
// in the list control. As the files are selected, the names -- with
// extensions -- are added to the edit box. So we'd really like to get
// the names from the edit control.
// (Win7: Control Panel, Appearance and Personalization, Folder Options,
// View tab, scroll down, "Hide extensions for known file types" checkbox.)
// So we need to get the directory names out of the list control, because
// that's the only place we can find them, and we need to get the file
// names out of the edit control, because that's the only way to get the
// full file name (not to mention any names the user typed).
// We have a special case: we want to be able to type a path into
// the filename field to go directly there (e.g. "C:\src\test", or a
// network path like "\\webby\fadden"). If the text edit field contains
// a single name, and the name isn't a simple file, we want to let the
// selection dialog exercise its default behavior.
// reset array in case we had a previous partially-successful attempt
// add a slash to the directory name, unless it's e.g. "C:\"
CString curDirSlash = fCurrentDirectory;
if (curDirSlash.GetAt(curDirSlash.GetLength() - 1) != '\\') {
curDirSlash += '\\';
// Get the contents of the text edit control.
CString editStr;
LRESULT editLen = pDialog->SendMessage(CDM_GETSPEC, 0, NULL);
if (editLen > 0) {
LPTSTR buf = editStr.GetBuffer(editLen);
pDialog->SendMessage(CDM_GETSPEC, editLen, (LPARAM) buf);
LOGV("textedit has '%ls'", (LPCWSTR) editStr);
// Parse the contents into fFileNameArray.
int fileCount = ParseFileNames(editStr);
if (fileCount < 0) {
return kFPError;
// find the ShellView control
CWnd* pListWrapper = pDialog->GetDlgItem(lst2);
if (pListWrapper == NULL) {
LOGE("Unable to find ShellView (lst2=%d) in file dialog", lst2);
return kFPError;
// get the list control, with voodoo
CListCtrl* pList = (CListCtrl*) pListWrapper->GetDlgItem(1);
if (pList == NULL) {
LOGE("Unable to find list control");
return kFPError;
// Check to see if nothing is selected, or exactly one directory has
// been found in the text box.
int listCount = pList->GetSelectedCount();
LOGD("Found %d selected items", listCount);
if (listCount + fileCount == 0) {
MessageBox(L"Please select one or more files and directories.",
m_ofn.lpstrTitle, MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING);
return kFPNoFiles;
} else if (fileCount == 1 && listCount == 0) {
CString file(fFileNameArray[0]);
CString path;
if (file.Find('\\') == -1) {
// just the filename, prepend the current dir
path = curDirSlash + file;
} else {
// full (?) path, don't alter it
path = file;
DWORD attr = GetFileAttributes(path);
LOGV("Checking to see if '%ls' is a directory: 0x%08lx",
(LPCWSTR) path, attr);
return kFPPassThru;
// Run through the list, looking for directories. We have to prepend the
// current directory to each entry and check the filesystem.
int index = pList->GetNextItem(-1, LVNI_SELECTED);
int dirCount = 0;
while (listCount--) {
CString itemText(pList->GetItemText(index, 0));
CString path(curDirSlash + itemText);
DWORD attr = GetFileAttributes(path);
LOGV(" %d: 0x%08lx '%ls'", index, attr, (LPCWSTR) itemText);
index = pList->GetNextItem(index, LVNI_SELECTED);
LOGV(" added %d directories", dirCount);
return kFPDone;
int SelectFilesDialog2::ParseFileNames(const CString& str)
// The filename string can come in two forms. If only one filename was
// selected, the entire string will be the filename (spaces and all). If
// more than one file was selected, the individual filenames will be
// surrounded by double quotes. All of this assumes that the names were
// put there by the dialog -- if the user just types a bunch of
// space-separated filenames without quotes, we can't tell that from a
// single long name with spaces.
// Double quotes aren't legal in Windows filenames, so we don't have
// to worry about embedded quotes.
// So: if the string contains any double quotes, we assume that a series
// of quoted names follows. Anything outside quotes is accepted as a
// single space-separated name. If the string does not have any '"',
// we just grab the whole thing as a single entry.
// It's possible to see a full path here -- we allow a special case
// where the user can type a path into the text box to change directories.
// We only expect to see one of those, though, so it must not be quoted.
// The dialog seems to leave an extra space at the end of multi-file
// strings.
LOGD("ParseFileNames '%ls'", (LPCWSTR) str);
if (str.GetLength() == 0) {
// empty string
return 0;
} else if (str.Find('\"') == -1) {
// no quotes, single filename, possibly with spaces
return 1;
} else if (str.Find('\\') != -1) {
// should not be multiple full/partial paths, string is invalid
LOGW("Found multiple paths in '%ls'", (LPCWSTR) str);
return -1;
const WCHAR* cp = str;
const WCHAR* start;
while (*cp != '\0') {
// consume whitespace, which should only be spaces
while (*cp == ' ') {
if (*cp == '\0') {
// reached end of string
} else if (*cp == '\"') {
// grab quoted item
start = cp;
while (*cp != '\"' && *cp != '\0') {
if (cp == start) {
// empty quoted string; ignore
LOGV(" found empty string in '%ls'", (LPCWSTR) str);
} else {
CString name(start, cp - start);
LOGV(" got quoted '%ls'", (LPCWSTR) name);
if (*cp != '\0') {
cp++; // advance past closing quote
} else {
LOGV(" (missing closing quote)");
} else {
// found unquoted characters
start = cp;
while (*cp != ' ' && *cp != '\"' && *cp != '\0') {
CString name(start, cp - start);
LOGV(" got unquoted '%ls'", (LPCWSTR) name);
return 0;
* Our CFileDialog "hook" function.
* "hdlg" is a handle to the child dialog box. Use the GetParent() function
* to get the handle of the dialog box window.
* uiMsg identifies the message being received. If it's WM_INITDIALOG, then
* lParam points to the OPENFILENAME structure.
* Do not call EndDialog from here. Instead, PostMessage a WM_COMMAND with
* IDABORT. (Looks like you can EndDialog on the parent and have it work, at
* least for IDCANCEL.)
* Return zero to enable standard processing, nonzero to claim ownership of
* the message.
/*static*/ UINT CALLBACK SelectFilesDialog::OFNHookProc(HWND hDlg, UINT uiMsg,
WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
SelectFilesDialog* pSFD = NULL;
pOfn = (OPENFILENAME*) GetWindowLong(hDlg, GWL_USERDATA);
if (pOfn != NULL) {
pSFD = (SelectFilesDialog*) pOfn->lCustData;
/* allow our "this" pointer to play with the window */
/* [does not seem to cause double-frees on cleanup] */
if (pSFD->m_hWnd == NULL)
pSFD->m_hWnd = hDlg;
switch (uiMsg) {
LOGD("WM_INITDIALOG, OFN=0x%08lx", lParam);
SetWindowLong(hDlg, GWL_USERDATA, lParam);
case WM_NOTIFY: // 0x4e
return pSFD->HandleNotify(hDlg, (LPOFNOTIFY)lParam);
return pSFD->HandleCommand(hDlg, wParam, lParam);
case WM_SIZE:
return pSFD->HandleSize(hDlg, wParam, LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam));
case WM_HELP:
return pSFD->HandleHelp(hDlg, (LPHELPINFO) lParam);
LOGV("OFNHookProc: hDlg=0x%p uiMsg=0x%08lx "
"wParam=0x%08lx lParam=0x%08lx",
hDlg, uiMsg, wParam, lParam);
return 0;
* Handle WM_NOTIFY messages.
* You can indicate displeasure with the CDN_* messages by using SetWindowLong
* to alter the DWL_MSGRESULT value.
UINT SelectFilesDialog::HandleNotify(HWND hDlg, LPOFNOTIFY pofn)
// int count;
switch (pofn->hdr.code) {
return 1;
return 1;
case CDN_HELP:
/* act like they hit the Accept button */
// MyOnFileNameChange(&count);
// if (count != 0) {
// LOGI("Count = %d, accepting CDN_FILEOK", count);
// MyOnAccept();
// } else {
// pOfn = (OPENFILENAME*) GetWindowLong(hDlg, GWL_USERDATA);
// LOGI("Count=0, name='%ls'", pOfn->lpstrFile);
// }
/* must do this every time, or it fails in funky ways */
SetWindowLong(hDlg, DWL_MSGRESULT, 1);
return 1;
LOGI(" HandleNotify, code=%d, pOfn=0x%p", pofn->hdr.code, pofn);
return 0;
* Handle WM_COMMAND messages.
UINT SelectFilesDialog::HandleCommand(HWND hDlg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
LOGD(" HandleCommand wParam=%d lParam=0x%08lx", wParam, lParam);
if ((int) wParam == fAcceptButtonID) {
return 1;
} else if (wParam == IDCANCEL) {
return 1;
} else {
return MyOnCommand(wParam, lParam);
* Handle WM_SIZE.
UINT SelectFilesDialog::HandleSize(HWND hDlg, UINT nType, int cx, int cy)
LOGD("Dialog: old size %d,%d (ready=%d)",
fLastWinSize.Width(), fLastWinSize.Height(), fReady);
LOGD("Dialog: new size %d,%d", cx, cy);
// we get called once before we have a chance to initialize
if (!fReady)
return 0;
int deltaX, deltaY;
deltaX = cx - fLastWinSize.Width();
deltaY = cy - fLastWinSize.Height();
LOGD("Delta is %d,%d", deltaX, deltaY);
ShiftControls(deltaX, 0 /*deltaY*/);
// TODO: this is wrong
return 1;
* User hit F1 or applied the '?' button to something. Our heritage is
* dubious, so use global functions to access the help file.
UINT SelectFilesDialog::HandleHelp(HWND hDlg, LPHELPINFO lpHelpInfo)
CWnd* pWndMain = ::AfxGetMainWnd();
CWinApp* pAppMain = ::AfxGetApp();
DWORD context = lpHelpInfo->iCtrlId;
BOOL result;
//LOGI("Handling help with context %ld", context);
result = ::WinHelp(pWndMain->m_hWnd, pAppMain->m_pszHelpFilePath,
//LOGI("SFD WinHelp returned %d", result);
return TRUE; // yes, we handled it
* When the CFileDialog finishes doing its thing, we "fix" stuff a bit.
* We can't really do this earlier, because we'd be destroying windows that
* the parent dialog wants to move.
* We need to shift everything up by the difference between the IDOK button
* and our "accept" button.
void SelectFilesDialog::MyOnInitDone(void)
CWnd* pParent = GetParent();
CWnd* pWnd;
CRect okRect, cancelRect, acceptRect;
int vertDiff;
ASSERT(pParent != NULL);
pWnd = GetDlgItem(fAcceptButtonID);
pWnd = pParent->GetDlgItem(IDOK);
pWnd = pParent->GetDlgItem(IDCANCEL);
vertDiff = -;
LOGD("vertDiff = %d (horizDiff=%d)", vertDiff,
acceptRect.left - okRect.left);
ShiftControls(0, -vertDiff);
// DestroyItem(pParent, stc3); // "File name"
// DestroyItem(pParent, edt1); // (file name edit)
DestroyItem(pParent, stc2); // "Files of type"
DestroyItem(pParent, cmb1); // (file type combo)
DestroyItem(pParent, IDOK); // "Open"/"Save"
DestroyItem(pParent, IDCANCEL); // "Cancel"
DestroyItem(this, stc32); // our placeholder
fLastWinSize.bottom -= vertDiff;
// let sub-classes initialize the data fields
fReady = true;
* Shift the controls when the window size changes. This is a bit tricky
* because the CFileDialog is also moving the controls, though it doesn't
* move them in quite the way we want.
void SelectFilesDialog::ShiftControls(int deltaX, int deltaY)
if (deltaX == 0 && deltaY == 0) {
LOGI("SFD OnSize: no meaningful change");
} else {
LOGI("ShiftControls x=%d y=%d", deltaX, deltaY);
MoveControl(this, fAcceptButtonID, deltaX, deltaY, false);
MoveControl(this, IDCANCEL, deltaX, deltaY, false);
//StretchControl(this, IDC_FVIEW_EDITBOX, deltaX, deltaY);
// erase & redraw
* Get the list view control out of the common file dialog.
* Returns "NULL" if it can't find it.
CWnd* SelectFilesDialog::GetListCtrl(void)
CWnd* pItem;
CWnd* pList;
/* our dialog is a child; get our parent, then grab the shellview */
pItem = GetParent()->GetDlgItem(lst2);
ASSERT(pItem != NULL);
if (pItem == NULL)
return NULL;
/* pull the listview out of the shellview */
pList = pItem->GetDlgItem( 1);
ASSERT(pList != NULL);
return pList;
* When the selection changes, update our dialog.
void SelectFilesDialog::MyOnFileNameChange(void)
CListCtrl* pList;
pList = (CListCtrl*) GetListCtrl();
if (pList == NULL) {
LOGI("GLITCH: could not get list control");
ASSERT(pList != NULL);
//LOGI("Selected count=%d", pList->GetSelectedCount());
//*pCount = pList->GetSelectedCount();
//CWnd* pItem;
//pItem = GetDlgItem(IDC_SELECT_ACCEPT);
//ASSERT(pItem != NULL);
//pItem->EnableWindow(*pCount != 0);
* The user hit the "Accept" button. Package up the file selection.
void SelectFilesDialog::MyOnAccept(void)
* Either the user hit the "Accept" button or the OFN dialog has indicated
* that it wants to close.
* Returns "true" if all went well, "false" if it failed (e.g. because the
* user hasn't selected any files).
bool SelectFilesDialog::PrepEndDialog(void)
CListCtrl* pList;
int nextSpot = 0;
// let sub-classes copy data out
if (!MyDataExchange(true)) {
LOGW("MyDataExchange failed!");
return false;
* Start with the set of stuff that the window wants to tell us about.
* Run through the list, converting all '\0' to '\\'. Later on we
* convert them back.
* nFileOffset will be zero if they click on "accept" instead of hitting
* return in the edit box or double-clicking on files. This can make it
* tricky to have names in the text field and files selected, because
* clicking rather than hitting "enter" will yield different results.
* The OFN dialog does add names to the box as they are selected, which
* makes it awkward to do anything reasonable.
* Fortunately I believe the world is divided into "typers" and
* "clickers", and so long as their paths don't cross we're fine.
LOGD("PrepEndDialog: got max=%d off=%d str='%ls'",
m_ofn.nMaxFile, m_ofn.nFileOffset, m_ofn.lpstrFile);
if (m_ofn.nFileOffset != 0) {
WCHAR* buf = m_ofn.lpstrFile;
buf += m_ofn.nFileOffset;
while (*buf != '\0') {
if (buf > m_ofn.lpstrFile)
*(buf-1) = '\\';
LOGD(" File '%ls'", buf);
buf += wcslen(buf) +1;
nextSpot = (buf - m_ofn.lpstrFile) -1;
ASSERT(*(m_ofn.lpstrFile + nextSpot) == '\0');
ASSERT(*(m_ofn.lpstrFile + nextSpot+1) == '\0');
/* stick a '\' on the very end, so we get double-null action later */
*(m_ofn.lpstrFile + nextSpot) = '\\';
LOGD("Last offset was %d", nextSpot);
#if 0
/* make it clear that they're only getting one */
/* (bad case: click on some files and hit "Accept") */
if (nextSpot == 0) {
CWnd* pEditWnd;
CString editText;
pEditWnd = GetParent()->GetDlgItem(edt1);
if (!editText.IsEmpty()) {
return false;
* Now merge in the selected files.
pList = (CListCtrl*) GetListCtrl();
if (pList == NULL) {
LOGW("GLITCH: could not get list control");
return false;
ASSERT(pList != NULL);
CString fileNames;
int count = pList->GetSelectedCount();
LOGD("List control has %d items; nextSpot=%d", count, nextSpot);
if (count == 0) {
if (nextSpot == 0) {
MessageBox(L"Please select one or more files and directories.",
m_ofn.lpstrTitle, MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING);
/* make it clear that we're ignoring the names they typed */
return false;
/* nothing but typed-in names */
LOGD("Using typed-in names");
fileNames = m_ofn.lpstrFile;
fFileNameOffset = m_ofn.nFileOffset;
} else {
bool compare;
if (nextSpot == 0) {
fileNames = GetFolderPath();
LOGD("set filenames to folder path (%ls)", (LPCWSTR) fileNames);
/* add a trailing '\', which gets stomped to '\0' later on */
if (fileNames.Right(1) != L"\\")
fileNames += L"\\";
fFileNameOffset = fileNames.GetLength();
compare = false;
} else {
fileNames = m_ofn.lpstrFile;
ASSERT(fileNames.Right(1) == L"\\");
fFileNameOffset = m_ofn.nFileOffset;
compare = true;
ASSERT(fFileNameOffset > 0);
posn = pList->GetFirstSelectedItemPosition();
if (posn == NULL) {
/* shouldn't happen -- Accept button should be dimmed */
return false;
while (posn != NULL) {
/* do this every time, because "fileNames" can be reallocated */
const WCHAR* tailStr = fileNames;
tailStr += fFileNameOffset-1;
int num = pList->GetNextSelectedItem(posn); // posn is updated
/* here we make a big assumption: that GetItemData returns a PIDL */
pidl = (LPITEMIDLIST) pList->GetItemData(num);
if (SHGetPathFromIDList(pidl, buf)) {
/* it's a relative PIDL but SHGetPathFromIDList wants a full
one, so it returns CWD + filename... strip bogus path off */
CString compareName(L"\\");
PathName path(buf);
compareName += path.GetFileName();
compareName += L"\\";
//LOGI(" Checking name='%ls'", compareName);
if (compare && Stristr(tailStr, compareName) != NULL) {
LOGI(" Matched '%ls', not adding", (LPCWSTR) compareName);
} else {
if (compare) {
LOGI(" No match on '%ls', adding", (LPCWSTR) compareName);
} else {
LOGI(" Found '%ls', adding", (LPCWSTR) compareName);
fileNames += path.GetFileName();
fileNames += L"\\";
} else {
/* expected, for things like "Control Panels" or "My Network" */
LOGI(" No path for '%ls'",
(LPCWSTR) pList->GetItemText(num, 0));
if (fileNames.GetLength() >= (int)m_ofn.nMaxFile) {
LOGW("GLITCH: excessively long file name list");
return false;
LOGI("Final result: names at %d, len=%d, str='%ls'",
fFileNameOffset, wcslen(fileNames), (LPCWSTR) fileNames);
* Null-terminate with extreme prejudice. Every filename should be
* separated with a null, and the last filename should be followed by
* two. Every component was followed by '\\', and the last one
* naturally has a null, so we should be in great shape after this.
* Could probably have done it entirely with CString, but I'm not sure
* how CStrings react to buffers with multiple null-terminated
* sub-strings.
ASSERT(fFileNames != m_ofn.lpstrFile);
delete[] fFileNames;
fFileNames = wcsdup(fileNames);
WCHAR* cp = fFileNames;
cp += fFileNameOffset-1;
while (*cp != '\0') {
if (*cp == '\\')
*cp = '\0';
fExitStatus = IDOK;
CDialog* pDialog = (CDialog*) GetParent();
return true;
* User hit our cancel button.
void SelectFilesDialog::MyOnCancel(void)
fExitStatus = IDCANCEL;
CDialog* pDialog = (CDialog*) GetParent();
* Clear the filename field.
void SelectFilesDialog::ClearFileName(void)
CWnd* pWnd = GetParent()->GetDlgItem(edt1);
if (pWnd != NULL)