Andy McFadden b2cd857031 File selection dialog update, part 1
This adds a replacement for the SelectFilesDialog class.  It has
been updated to use Explorer-style dialogs, which are a bit nicer
than the old-style dialogs.  Hopefully this will eliminate some of the
brain damage, like the disappearing Accept button.

This change only updates MDC.  A second change will update the main
app and remove the old code.

Also, updated the MDC version to 3.0.0, and changed the web site
linked in the Help menu from to
2014-12-02 17:39:56 -08:00

277 lines
9.7 KiB

* CiderPress
* Copyright (C) 2007 by faddenSoft, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
* See the file LICENSE for distribution terms.
* File selection dialog, a sub-class of "Open" that allows multiple selection
* of both files and directories.
* This is something of a nightmare to work through. The standard Windows
* dialog will return multiple selected files, but omits the directories,
* leaving the developer to find alternative means of acquiring the complete
* list of files. The most popular approach is to dig into the CListView
* object (lst2) and peruse the set of selected files from the control itself.
* Complicating this is the existence of three very different dialog
* implementations, known as "old style", "explorer" and "vista". Since
* we are currently targeting WinXP as a minimum OS level, and I would
* prefer not to have multiple implementations, this code targets the
* explorer-style dialogs.
* The API follows the standard file dialog multi-select pattern, which
* returned a directory name followed by a series of files in that directory.
* We simplify things a bit by returning the pathname separately and the
* filenames in a string array.
* The current implementation owes a debt to Hojjat Bohlooli's
* SelectDialog sample (
* Other relevant links:
* I wish I could say all this nonsense was fixed in the "vista" dialogs,
* but it isn't (e.g. ).
* File selection, based on an "open" file dialog.
* DoModal will return with IDCANCEL to indicate that the standard fields
* (like lpstrFile) are not actually filled in. Use the provided fields
* to get exit status and filename info.
* Defer any dialog initialization to MyDataExchange.
class SelectFilesDialog : public CFileDialog {
enum { kFileNameBufSize = 32768 };
SelectFilesDialog(const WCHAR* rctmpl, CWnd* pParentWnd = NULL) :
CFileDialog(true, NULL, NULL, OFN_HIDEREADONLY, NULL, pParentWnd,
0, FALSE /*disable Vista style*/)
m_ofn.lpTemplateName = rctmpl;
m_ofn.hInstance = AfxGetInstanceHandle();
m_ofn.lpstrFile = new WCHAR[kFileNameBufSize];
m_ofn.lpstrFile[0] = m_ofn.lpstrFile[1] = '\0';
m_ofn.nMaxFile = kFileNameBufSize;
m_ofn.nFileOffset = -1;
m_ofn.Flags |= OFN_ENABLEHOOK;
m_ofn.lpfnHook = OFNHookProc;
m_ofn.lCustData = (LPARAM) this;
fExitStatus = IDABORT;
fFileNames = new WCHAR[2];
fFileNames[0] = fFileNames[1] = '\0';
fFileNameOffset = 0;
fAcceptButtonID = IDOK;
fReady = false; // used by WM_SIZE handler
virtual ~SelectFilesDialog(void) {
delete[] m_ofn.lpstrFile;
delete[] fFileNames;
int GetExitStatus(void) const { return fExitStatus; }
const WCHAR* GetFileNames(void) const { return fFileNames; }
int GetFileNameOffset(void) const { return fFileNameOffset; }
// set the window title; must be called before DoModal
void SetWindowTitle(const WCHAR* title) {
m_ofn.lpstrTitle = title;
// stuff values into our filename holder
void SetFileNames(const WCHAR* fileNames, size_t len, int fileNameOffset) {
ASSERT(len > wcslen(fileNames));
ASSERT(fileNames[len] == '\0');
ASSERT(fileNames[len-1] == '\0');
LOGD("SetFileNames '%ls' %d %d", fileNames, len, fileNameOffset);
delete[] fFileNames;
fFileNames = new WCHAR[len];
memcpy(fFileNames, fileNames, len * sizeof(WCHAR));
fFileNameOffset = fileNameOffset;
// would be overrides
virtual void MyOnInitDone(void);
virtual void MyOnFileNameChange(void);
// like DoDataExchange, but ret val replaces pDX->Fail()
virtual bool MyDataExchange(bool saveAndValidate) { return true; }
// would be message handlers
virtual UINT HandleNotify(HWND hDlg, LPOFNOTIFY pofn);
virtual UINT HandleCommand(HWND hDlg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
virtual UINT HandleSize(HWND hDlg, UINT nType, int cx, int cy);
virtual UINT HandleHelp(HWND hDlg, LPHELPINFO lpHelp);
virtual UINT MyOnCommand(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { return 0; }
virtual void MyOnAccept(void);
virtual void MyOnCancel(void);
// utility functions
virtual CWnd* GetListCtrl(void);
virtual void ShiftControls(int deltaX, int deltaY);
virtual void DestroyItem(CWnd* pDlg, int id) {
CWnd* pWnd = pDlg->GetDlgItem(id);
if (pWnd == NULL) {
LOGW("Could not find item %p %d", pDlg, id);
virtual bool PrepEndDialog(void);
// make this a little easier
int MessageBox(LPCTSTR lpszText, LPCTSTR lpszCaption = NULL,
UINT nType = MB_OK)
return GetParent()->MessageBox(lpszText, lpszCaption, nType);
// we're in a library, so the app resources have to tell us this
int fAcceptButtonID;
static UINT CALLBACK OFNHookProc(HWND hdlg, UINT uiMsg, WPARAM wParam,
LPARAM lParam);
void ClearFileName(void);
bool fReady;
int fExitStatus;
int fFileNameOffset;
WCHAR* fFileNames;
CRect fLastWinSize;
* File selection, based on an "open" common file dialog.
class SelectFilesDialog2 : public CFileDialog {
SelectFilesDialog2(const WCHAR* rctmpl, CWnd* pParentWnd = NULL) :
CFileDialog(true, NULL, NULL, OFN_HIDEREADONLY, NULL, pParentWnd,
0, FALSE /*disable Vista style*/)
// Set flags. We specify ALLOWMULTISELECT but no filename buffer;
// we want the multi-select behavior but we don't want to return
// the filenames in the filename buf.
// Configure use of a template. The dialog template must have
// WS_CHILD and WS_CLIPSIBLINGS set, and should have DS_3DLOOK and
// DS_CONTROL set as well.
m_ofn.lpTemplateName = rctmpl;
m_ofn.hInstance = AfxGetInstanceHandle();
virtual ~SelectFilesDialog2(void) {}
* Gets the directory name where the files live. This is a full path.
const CString& GetDirectory(void) const { return fCurrentDirectory; }
* Gets the file name array. This is only valid if the dialog exited
* successfully (DoModal returned IDOK).
const CStringArray& GetFileNames(void) const { return fFileNameArray; }
* Sets the window title; must be called before DoModal.
void SetWindowTitle(const WCHAR* title) {
fCustomTitle = title;
m_ofn.lpstrTitle = (LPCWSTR) fCustomTitle;
* Finish configuring the file dialog.
virtual void OnInitDone() override;
* Track changes to the current directory.
* Updates fCurrentDirectory with the path currently being used by the
* dialog. For items with no path (e.g. Computer or Libraries), this
* will set an empty string.
virtual void OnFolderChange() override;
* Custom filename validation; in our case, it's a double-click trap.
* Returns 0 if the name looks good, 1 otherwise. If we return 1, the
* dialog will not close.
virtual BOOL OnFileNameOK() override;
* Our WindowProc callback function. Watches for the OK button.
static LRESULT CALLBACK MyWindowProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam,
LPARAM lParam);
// filename parse result
enum FPResult { kFPDone, kFPPassThru, kFPNoFiles, kFPError };
* The "OK" (actually "Open" or "Accept") button was clicked. Extract
* the filenames from the list control.
* Possible return values:
* We have successfully obtained the list of files and folders.
* Let the parent dialog process the event. This is done when the
* edit box contains a directory name -- we want the dialog to
* change to that directory.
* No files were selected. Keep the dialog open.
* Something went wrong.
FPResult OKButtonClicked(CFileDialog* pDialog);
* Parses the file name string returned by the dialog. Adds them to
* fPathNameArray. Returns the number of names found, or -1 if the
* string appears to be invalid.
int ParseFileNames(const CString& str);
* Previous WindowProc. Most messages will be forwarded to this.
WNDPROC fPrevWndProc;
CString fCustomTitle;
// Directory the dialog is currently accessing. Prepend this to the
// entries in fFileNameArray to get the full path.
CString fCurrentDirectory;
// File names of selected files.
CStringArray fFileNameArray;