mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 13:29:58 +00:00
- Remove *.* from AppleSingle filter spec, since "all files" now works just fine. - Make "all files" the default if nothing is configured.
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938 lines
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* CiderPress
* Copyright (C) 2007 by faddenSoft, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
* See the file LICENSE for distribution terms.
* Application UI classes.
#ifndef APP_MAIN_H
#define APP_MAIN_H
#include "ContentList.h"
#include "GenericArchive.h"
#include "PrefsDialog.h"
#include "ActionProgressDialog.h"
#include "ProgressCounterDialog.h"
#include "AddFilesDialog.h"
#include "ExtractOptionsDialog.h"
#include "ConvFileOptionsDialog.h"
#include "DiskConvertDialog.h"
#include "FileNameConv.h"
//#include "ProgressCancelDialog.h"
/* user-defined window messages */
#define WMU_START (WM_USER+1) // used by ActionProgressDialog
// The filter index is saved in the registry, so if you reorder this list
// you will briefly annoy existing users.
enum FilterIndex {
kFilterIndexFIRST = 1, // first index, must be non-Generic
kFilterIndexNuFX = 1,
kFilterIndexBinaryII = 2,
kFilterIndexACU = 3,
kFilterIndexAppleSingle = 4,
kFilterIndexDiskImage = 5,
kFilterIndexLASTNG = 5, // last non-Generic index
kFilterIndexGeneric = 6, // *.* filter used
kFilterIndexMAX = 6 // highest valid number
struct FileCollectionEntry; // fwd
* The main UI window.
class MainWindow : public CFrameWnd
* Override the pre-create function to tweak the window style.
BOOL PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs) override;
* Override GetClientRect so we can factor in the status and tool bars.
* (The method in question isn't declared virtual, so we're not actually
* overriding it.)
void GetClientRect(LPRECT lpRect) const;
// get a pointer to the preferences
const Preferences* GetPreferences(void) const { return &fPreferences; }
Preferences* GetPreferencesWr(void) { return &fPreferences; }
// apply an update from the Preferences pages
void ApplyNow(PrefsSheet*);
// get the text of the next file in the selection list
int GetPrevFileText(ReformatHolder* pHolder, CString* pTitle);
int GetNextFileText(ReformatHolder* pHolder, CString* pTitle);
// update the progress meter
void SetProgressBegin(void);
int SetProgressUpdate(int percent, const WCHAR* oldName,
const WCHAR* newName);
void SetProgressEnd(void);
* Set a number in the "progress counter". Useful for loading large archives
* where we're not sure how much stuff is left, so showing a percentage is
* hard.
* Pass in -1 to erase the counter.
* Returns "true" if we'd like things to continue.
bool SetProgressCounter(const WCHAR* fmt, long val);
* Handle a double-click in the content view.
* Individual items get special treatment, multiple items just get handed off
* to the file viewer.
void HandleDoubleClick(void);
// do some idle processing
void DoIdle(void);
* Come up with a title to put at the top of a printout. This is essentially
* the same as the window title, but without some flags (e.g. "read-only").
CString GetPrintTitle(void);
// raise flag to abort the current print job
void SetAbortPrinting(bool val) { fAbortPrinting = val; }
bool GetAbortPrinting(void) const { return fAbortPrinting; }
* Printer abort procedure; allows us to abort a print job. The DC
* SetAbortProc() function calls here periodically. The return value from
* this function determine whether or not printing halts.
* This checks a global "print cancel" variable, which is set by our print
* cancel button dialog.
* If this returns TRUE, printing continues; FALSE, and printing aborts.
static BOOL CALLBACK PrintAbortProc(HDC hDC, int nCode);
bool fAbortPrinting;
// track printer choice
HANDLE fhDevMode;
HANDLE fhDevNames;
// set flag to abort current operation
//void SetAbortOperation(bool val) { fAbortOperation = val; }
//bool fAbortOperation;
* Go to sleep for a little bit, waking up 100x per second to check
* the idle loop. Used for debugging.
void EventPause(int duration);
ContentList* GetContentList(void) const { return fpContentList; }
void SetActionProgressDialog(ActionProgressDialog* pActionProgress) {
fpActionProgress = pActionProgress;
void SetProgressCounterDialog(ProgressCounterDialog* pProgressCounter) {
fpProgressCounter = pProgressCounter;
GenericArchive* GetOpenArchive(void) const { return fpOpenArchive; }
* Extract every part of the file into "ReformatHolder". Does not try to
* reformat anything, just extracts the parts.
* Returns IDOK on success, IDCANCEL if the user cancelled, or -1 on error.
* On error, the reformatted text buffer gets the error message.
int GetFileParts(const GenericEntry* pEntry,
ReformatHolder** ppHolder) const;
* Allow events to flow through the message queue whenever the
* progress meter gets updated. This will allow us to redraw with
* reasonable frequency.
* Calling this can result in other code being called, such as Windows
* message handlers, which can lead to reentrancy problems. Make sure
* you're adequately semaphored before calling here.
* Returns TRUE if all is well, FALSE if we're trying to quit.
BOOL PeekAndPump();
* After successful completion of a command, make a happy noise (but only
* if we're configured to do so).
void SuccessBeep(void);
* If something fails, make noise if we're configured for loudness.
void FailureBeep(void);
* Remove a file. Returns a helpful error string on failure.
* The absence of the file is not considered an error.
CString RemoveFile(const WCHAR* fileName);
* Figure out where they want to add files.
* If the volume directory of a disk is chosen, *ppTargetSubdir will
* be set to NULL.
bool ChooseAddTarget(DiskImgLib::A2File** ppTargetSubdir,
DiskImgLib::DiskFS** ppDiskFS);
* Put up the ImageFormatDialog and apply changes to "pImg".
* "*pDisplayFormat" gets the result of user changes to the display format.
* If "pDisplayFormat" is NULL, the "query image format" feature will be
* disabled.
* Returns IDCANCEL if the user cancelled out of the dialog, IDOK otherwise.
* On error, "*pErrMsg" will be non-empty.
int TryDiskImgOverride(DiskImg* pImg, const WCHAR* fileSource,
DiskImg::FSFormat defaultFormat, int* pDisplayFormat,
bool allowUnknown, CString* pErrMsg);
* Do a block copy or track copy from one disk image to another.
* If "bulk" is set, warning dialogs are suppressed. If "partial" is set,
* copies between volumes of different sizes are allowed.
DIError CopyDiskImage(DiskImg* pDstImg, DiskImg* pSrcImg, bool bulk,
bool partial, ProgressCancelDialog* pPCDialog);
// Determine whether path matches the pathname of the currently open archive.
bool IsOpenPathName(const WCHAR* path);
// raise a flag to cause a full reload of the open file
void SetReopenFlag(void) { fNeedReopen = true; }
* Configure a ReformatHolder based on the current preferences.
static void ConfigureReformatFromPreferences(ReformatHolder* pReformat);
* Convert a DiskImg format spec into a ReformatHolder SourceFormat.
static ReformatHolder::SourceFormat ReformatterSourceFormat(DiskImg::FSFormat format);
* Saves a buffer of data as a file in a disk image or file archive.
* Utility function used by cassette import.
* May modify contents of *pDetails.
* On failure, returns with an error message in errMsg.
static bool SaveToArchive(GenericArchive::LocalFileDetails* pDetails,
const uint8_t* dataBuf, long dataLen,
const uint8_t* rsrcBuf, long rsrcLen,
CString* pErrMsg, CWnd* pDialog);
static const WCHAR kOpenNuFX[];
static const WCHAR kOpenBinaryII[];
static const WCHAR kOpenACU[];
static const WCHAR kOpenAppleSingle[];
static const WCHAR kOpenDiskImage[];
static const WCHAR kOpenAll[];
static const WCHAR kOpenEnd[];
static const WCHAR kModeNuFX[];
static const WCHAR kModeBinaryII[];
static const WCHAR kModeACU[];
static const WCHAR kModeAppleSingle[];
static const WCHAR kModeDiskImage[];
// Command handlers
afx_msg int OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpcs);
afx_msg LONG OnLateInit(UINT, LONG);
afx_msg void OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy);
afx_msg void OnGetMinMaxInfo(MINMAXINFO* pMMI);
afx_msg void OnPaint(void);
afx_msg void OnSetFocus(CWnd* pOldWnd);
afx_msg BOOL OnHelpInfo(HELPINFO* lpHelpInfo);
afx_msg BOOL OnQueryEndSession(void);
afx_msg void OnEndSession(BOOL bEnding);
afx_msg LRESULT OnFindDialogMessage(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
afx_msg void OnFileNewArchive(void);
afx_msg void OnFileOpen(void);
afx_msg void OnFileOpenVolume(void);
afx_msg void OnUpdateFileOpenVolume(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnFileReopen(void);
afx_msg void OnUpdateFileReopen(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnFileSave(void);
afx_msg void OnUpdateFileSave(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnFileClose(void);
afx_msg void OnUpdateFileClose(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnFileArchiveInfo(void);
afx_msg void OnUpdateFileArchiveInfo(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnFilePrint(void);
afx_msg void OnUpdateFilePrint(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnFileExit(void);
* Copy data to the clipboard.
afx_msg void OnEditCopy(void);
afx_msg void OnUpdateEditCopy(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
* Paste data from the clipboard, using the configured defaults.
afx_msg void OnEditPaste(void);
afx_msg void OnUpdateEditPaste(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
* Paste data from the clipboard, giving the user the opportunity to select
* how the files are handled.
afx_msg void OnEditPasteSpecial(void);
afx_msg void OnUpdateEditPasteSpecial(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnEditFind(void);
afx_msg void OnUpdateEditFind(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnEditSelectAll(void);
afx_msg void OnUpdateEditSelectAll(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnEditInvertSelection(void);
afx_msg void OnUpdateEditInvertSelection(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnEditPreferences(void);
afx_msg void OnEditSort(UINT id);
afx_msg void OnUpdateEditSort(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
* View a file stored in the archive.
* Control bounces back through Get*FileText() to get the actual
* data to view.
afx_msg void OnActionsView(void);
afx_msg void OnUpdateActionsView(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
* View a file stored in the archive.
* Control bounces back through Get*FileText() to get the actual
* data to view.
afx_msg void OnActionsOpenAsDisk(void);
afx_msg void OnUpdateActionsOpenAsDisk(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
* Add files to an archive.
afx_msg void OnActionsAddFiles(void);
afx_msg void OnUpdateActionsAddFiles(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
* Add a disk to an archive. Not all archive formats support disk images.
* We open a single disk archive file as a DiskImg, get the format
* figured out, then write it block-by-block into a file chosen by the user.
* Standard open/save dialogs work fine here.
afx_msg void OnActionsAddDisks(void);
afx_msg void OnUpdateActionsAddDisks(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
* Create a subdirectory inside another subdirectory (or volume directory).
* Simply asserting that an existing subdir be selected in the list does
* away with all sorts of testing. Creating subdirs on DOS disks and NuFX
* archives is impossible because neither has subdirs. Nested volumes are
* selected for us by the user.
afx_msg void OnActionsCreateSubdir(void);
afx_msg void OnUpdateActionsCreateSubdir(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
* Extract files.
afx_msg void OnActionsExtract(void);
afx_msg void OnUpdateActionsExtract(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
* Test files.
afx_msg void OnActionsTest(void);
afx_msg void OnUpdateActionsTest(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
* Delete archive entries.
afx_msg void OnActionsDelete(void);
afx_msg void OnUpdateActionsDelete(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
* Rename archive entries. Depending on the structure of the underlying
* archive, we may only allow the user to alter the filename component.
* Anything else would constitute moving the file around in the filesystem.
afx_msg void OnActionsRename(void);
afx_msg void OnUpdateActionsRename(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
* Edit a comment, creating it if necessary.
afx_msg void OnActionsEditComment(void);
afx_msg void OnUpdateActionsEditComment(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
* Edit file properties.
* This causes a reload of the list, which isn't really necessary. We
* do need to re-evaluate the sort order if one of the fields they modified
* is the current sort key, but it would be nice if we could at least retain
* the selection. Since we're not reloading the GenericArchive, we *can*
* remember the selection.
afx_msg void OnActionsEditProps(void);
afx_msg void OnUpdateActionsEditProps(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
* Change a volume name or volume number.
afx_msg void OnActionsRenameVolume(void);
afx_msg void OnUpdateActionsRenameVolume(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
* Recompress files.
afx_msg void OnActionsRecompress(void);
afx_msg void OnUpdateActionsRecompress(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
* Select files to convert.
afx_msg void OnActionsConvDisk(void);
afx_msg void OnUpdateActionsConvDisk(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
* Select files to convert.
afx_msg void OnActionsConvFile(void);
afx_msg void OnUpdateActionsConvFile(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
* Convert BAS, INT, or BIN to a cassette-audio WAV file.
* (not implemented)
afx_msg void OnActionsConvToWav(void);
afx_msg void OnUpdateActionsConvToWav(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
* Convert a WAV file with a digitized Apple II cassette tape into an
* Apple II file, and add it to the current disk.
afx_msg void OnActionsConvFromWav(void);
afx_msg void OnUpdateActionsConvFromWav(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
* Import an Applesoft BASIC program from a text file.
* We currently allow the user to select a single file for import. Someday
* we may want to allow multi-file import.
afx_msg void OnActionsImportBAS(void);
afx_msg void OnUpdateActionsImportBAS(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
// edit a disk
afx_msg void OnToolsDiskEdit(void);
// convert a disk image from one format to another
afx_msg void OnToolsDiskConv(void);
// bulk disk conversion
afx_msg void OnToolsBulkDiskConv(void);
// merge two SST images into a single NIB image
afx_msg void OnToolsSSTMerge(void);
afx_msg void OnToolsVolumeCopierVolume(void);
afx_msg void OnToolsVolumeCopierFile(void);
// scan and report on the end-of-line markers found in a file
afx_msg void OnToolsEOLScanner(void);
// edit the properties (but not the disk image inside) a .2MG disk image
afx_msg void OnToolsTwoImgProps(void);
// create a new disk image
afx_msg void OnToolsDiskImageCreator(void);
afx_msg void OnHelpContents(void);
afx_msg void OnHelpWebSite(void);
afx_msg void OnHelpOrdering(void);
afx_msg void OnHelpAbout(void);
afx_msg void OnRtClkDefault(void);
// Handle command-line arguments.
void ProcessCommandLine(void);
void ResizeClientArea(void);
* Draw what looks like an empty client area.
void DrawEmptyClientArea(CDC* pDC, const CRect& clientRect);
* Extract a record to the temp folder and open it with a new instance of
* CiderPress. We might want to extract disk images as 2MG files to take
* the mystery out of opening them, but since they're coming out of a
* ShrinkIt archive they're pretty un-mysterious anyway.
* We tell the new instance to open it read-only, and flag it for
* deletion on exit.
* Returns 0 on success, nonzero error status on failure.
int TmpExtractAndOpen(GenericEntry* pEntry, int threadKind,
const WCHAR* modeStr);
* Extract a record to the temp folder and open it with an external viewer.
* The file must be created with the correct extension so ShellExecute
* does the right thing.
* The files will be added to the "delete on exit" list, so that they will
* be cleaned up when CiderPress exits (assuming the external viewer no longer
* has them open).
* The GetTempFileName function creates a uniquely-named temp file. We
* create a file that has that name plus an extension. To ensure that we
* don't try to use the same temp filename twice, we have to hold off on
* deleting the unused .tmp files until we're ready to delete the
* corresponding .gif (or whatever) files. Thus, each invocation of this
* function creates two files and two entries in the delete-on-exit set.
* Returns 0 on success, nonzero error status on failure.
int TmpExtractForExternal(GenericEntry* pEntry);
void DoOpenArchive(const WCHAR* pathName, const WCHAR* ext,
FilterIndex filterIndex, bool readOnly);
GenericArchive* CreateArchiveInstance(FilterIndex filterIndex) const;
* Load an archive, using the appropriate GenericArchive subclass.
* "filename" is the full path to the file, "extension" is the
* filetype component of the name (without the leading '.'), "filterIndex"
* is the offset into the set of filename filters used in the standard
* file dialog, and "readOnly" reflects the state of the stdfile dialog
* checkbox.
* Returns 0 on success, nonzero on failure.
int LoadArchive(const WCHAR* filename, const WCHAR* extension,
FilterIndex filterIndex, bool readOnly);
* Open a raw disk volume. Useful for ProDOS-formatted 1.44MB floppy disks
* and CFFA flash cards.
* Assume it's a disk image -- it'd be a weird place for a ShrinkIt archive.
* CFFA cards can actually hold multiple volumes, but that's all taken care
* of inside the diskimg DLL.
* Returns 0 on success, nonzero on failure.
int DoOpenVolume(CString drive, bool readOnly);
* Switch the content list to a new archive, closing the previous if one
* was already open.
void SwitchContentList(GenericArchive* pOpenArchive);
* Close the existing archive file, but don't try to shut down the child
* windows. This should only be used from the destructor.
void CloseArchiveWOControls(void);
* Close the existing archive file, and throw out the control we're
* using to display it.
void CloseArchive(void);
* Set the title bar on the main window.
* "pathname" is often different from pOpenArchive->GetPathName(), especially
* when we were launched from another instance of CiderPress and handed a
* temp file whose name we're trying to conceal.
void SetCPTitle(const WCHAR* pathname, GenericArchive* pArchive);
* Set the title bar to something boring when nothing is open.
void SetCPTitle(void);
* Get the one selected item from the current display. Primarily useful
* for the double-click handler, but also used for "action" menu items
* that insist on operating on a single menu item (edit prefs, create subdir).
* Returns NULL if the item couldn't be found or if more than one item was
* selected.
GenericEntry* GetSelectedItem(ContentList* pContentList);
* Handle a request to view stuff.
* If "query" pref is set, we ask the user to confirm some choices. If
* not, we just go with the defaults.
* We include "damaged" files so that we can show the user a nice message
* about how the file is damaged.
void HandleView(void);
void DeleteFileOnExit(const WCHAR* name);
* Close and re-open the current archive.
void ReopenArchive(void);
* ===== Actions.cpp =====
* Load the requested part.
void GetFilePart(const GenericEntry* pEntry, int whichThread,
ReformatHolder* pHolder) const;
* Handle a bulk extraction.
void DoBulkExtract(SelectionSet* pSelSet,
const ExtractOptionsDialog* pExtOpts);
* Extract a single entry.
* If pHolder is non-NULL, it holds the data from the file, and can be
* used for formatted or non-formatted output. If it's NULL, we need to
* extract the data ourselves.
* Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool ExtractEntry(GenericEntry* pEntry, int thread,
ReformatHolder* pHolder, const ExtractOptionsDialog* pExtOpts,
bool* pOverwriteExisting, bool* pOvwrForAll);
* Open an output file.
* "outputPath" holds the name of the file to create. "origPath" is the
* name as it was stored in the archive. "pOverwriteExisting" tells us
* if we should just go ahead and overwrite the existing file, while
* "pOvwrForAll" tells us if a "To All" button was hit previously.
* If the file exists, *pOverwriteExisting is false, and *pOvwrForAll
* is false, then we will put up the "do you want to overwrite?" dialog.
* One possible outcome of the dialog is renaming the output path.
* On success, *pFp will be non-NULL, and IDOK will be returned. On
* failure, IDCANCEL will be returned. The values in *pOverwriteExisting
* and *pOvwrForAll may be updated, and *pOutputPath will change if
* the user chose to rename the file.
int OpenOutputFile(CString* pOutputPath, const PathProposal& pathProp,
time_t arcFileModWhen, bool* pOverwriteExisting, bool* pOvwrForAll,
FILE** pFp);
bool DoBulkRecompress(ActionProgressDialog* pActionProgress,
SelectionSet* pSelSet, const RecompressOptionsDialog* pRecompOpts);
* Compute the total size of all files in the GenericArchive.
void CalcTotalSize(LONGLONG* pUncomp, LONGLONG* pComp) const;
* Print a ContentList.
void PrintListing(const ContentList* pContentList);
* ===== Clipboard.cpp =====
* Create a list of selected files.
* The returned string uses tab-delineated fields with CSV-style quoting
* around the filename (so that double quotes in the filename don't confuse
* applications like MS Excel).
CString CreateFileList(SelectionSet* pSelSet);
* Double-up all double quotes.
static CString DblDblQuote(const WCHAR* str);
* Compute the size of everything currently on the clipboard.
long GetClipboardContentLen(void);
* Create the file collection.
HGLOBAL CreateFileCollection(SelectionSet* pSelSet);
* Copy the contents of the file referred to by "pEntry" into the buffer
* "*pBuf", which has "*pBufLen" bytes in it.
* The call fails if "*pBufLen" isn't large enough.
* Returns an empty string on success, or an error message on failure.
* On success, "*pBuf" will be advanced past the data added, and "*pBufLen"
* will be reduced by the amount of data copied into "buf".
CString CopyToCollection(GenericEntry* pEntry, void** pBuf, long* pBufLen);
* Do some prep work and then call ProcessClipboard to copy files in.
void DoPaste(bool pasteJunkPaths);
* Process the data in the clipboard.
* Returns an empty string on success, or an error message on failure.
CString ProcessClipboard(const void* vbuf, long bufLen,
bool pasteJunkPaths);
* Process a single clipboard entry.
* On entry, "buf" points to the start of the first chunk of data (either
* data fork or resource fork). If the file has empty forks or is a
* subdirectory, then "buf" is actually pointing at the start of the
* next entry.
CString ProcessClipboardEntry(const FileCollectionEntry* pCollEnt,
const WCHAR* pathName, const uint8_t* buf, long remLen);
* ===== Tools.cpp =====
* Determines the settings we need to pass into DiskImgLib to create the
* desired disk image format.
* Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure.
int DetermineImageSettings(int convertIdx, bool addGzip,
DiskImg::OuterFormat* pOuterFormat, DiskImg::FileFormat* pFileFormat,
DiskImg::PhysicalFormat* pPhysicalFormat,
DiskImg::SectorOrder* pSectorOrder);
* Converts one image during a bulk conversion.
* On failure, the reason for failure is stuffed into "*pErrMsg".
void BulkConvertImage(const WCHAR* pathName, const WCHAR* targetDir,
const DiskConvertDialog& convDlg, CString* pErrMsg);
* Opens one of the SST images. Configures "pDiskImg" appropriately.
* Returns 0 on success, nonzero on failure.
int SSTOpenImage(int seqNum, DiskImg* pDiskImg);
* Copies 17.5 tracks of data from the SST image to a .NIB image.
* Data is stored in all 16 sectors of track 0, followed by the first
* 12 sectors of track 1, then on to track 2. Total of $1a00 bytes.
* Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure.
int SSTLoadData(int seqNum, DiskImg* pDiskImg, uint8_t* trackBuf,
long* pBadCount);
* Compute the destination file offset for a particular source track. The
* track number ranges from 0 to 69 inclusive. Sectors from two adjacent
* "cooked" tracks are combined into a single "raw nibbilized" track.
* The data is ordered like this:
* track 1 sector 15 --> track 1 sector 4 (12 sectors)
* track 0 sector 13 --> track 0 sector 0 (14 sectors)
* Total of 26 sectors, or $1a00 bytes.
long SSTGetBufOffset(int track);
* Count the number of "bad" bytes in the sector.
* Strictly speaking, a "bad" byte is anything that doesn't appear in the
* 6&2 decoding table, 5&3 decoding table, special list (D5, AA), and
* can't be used as a 4+4 encoding value.
* We just use $80 - $92, which qualify for all of the above.
long SSTCountBadBytes(const uint8_t* sctBuf, int count);
* Run through the data, adding 0x80 everywhere and re-aligning the
* tracks so that the big clump of sync bytes is at the end.
void SSTProcessTrackData(uint8_t* trackBuf);
* Select a volume and then invoke the volcopy dialog.
void VolumeCopier(bool openFile);
* Edit the properties of a 2MG file.
* Returns "true" if the file was modified, "false" if not.
bool EditTwoImgProps(const WCHAR* fileName);
// set when one of the tools modifies the file we have open
bool fNeedReopen;
CToolBar fToolBar;
CStatusBar fStatusBar;
// currently-open archive, if any
GenericArchive* fpOpenArchive;
// name of open archive, for display only -- if this is a temporary
// file launched from another instance of CP, this won't be the name
// of an actual file on disk.
CString fOpenArchivePathName; // for display only
// archive viewer, open when file is open
// NOTE: make a super-class for a tree-structured display or other
// kinds of display, so we can avoid the if/then/else. Rename
// ContentList to DetailList or FlatList or something.
ContentList* fpContentList;
// currently selected set of goodies; used when viewing, extracting, etc.
//SelectionSet* fpSelSet;
// action progress meter, if any
ActionProgressDialog* fpActionProgress;
// progress counter meter, if any
ProgressCounterDialog* fpProgressCounter;
// modeless standard "find" dialog
CFindReplaceDialog* fpFindDialog;
CString fFindLastStr;
bool fFindDown;
bool fFindMatchCase;
bool fFindMatchWholeWord;
// our preferences
Preferences fPreferences;
* Manage a list of files that must be deleted before we exit.
class DeleteList {
class DeleteListNode {
DeleteListNode(const CString& name) : fName(name),
fPrev(NULL), fNext(NULL) {}
~DeleteListNode(void) {}
DeleteListNode* fPrev;
DeleteListNode* fNext;
CString fName;
DeleteList(void) { fHead = NULL; }
~DeleteList(void) {
LOGD("Processing DeleteList (head=0x%p)", fHead);
DeleteListNode* pNode = fHead;
DeleteListNode* pNext;
while (pNode != NULL) {
pNext = pNode->fNext;
if (_wunlink(pNode->fName) != 0) {
LOGW(" WARNING: delete of '%ls' failed, err=%d",
(LPCWSTR) pNode->fName, errno);
} else {
LOGI(" Deleted '%ls'", (LPCWSTR) pNode->fName);
delete pNode;
pNode = pNext;
LOGD("Processing DeleteList completed");
void Add(const CString& name) {
DeleteListNode* pNode = new DeleteListNode(name);
if (fHead != NULL) {
fHead->fPrev = pNode;
pNode->fNext = fHead;
fHead = pNode;
LOGI("Delete-on-exit '%ls'", (LPCWSTR) name);
DeleteListNode* fHead;
DeleteList fDeleteList;
#define GET_MAIN_WINDOW() ((MainWindow*)::AfxGetMainWnd())
#define SET_PROGRESS_BEGIN() ((MainWindow*)::AfxGetMainWnd())->SetProgressBegin()
#define SET_PROGRESS_UPDATE(perc) \
((MainWindow*)::AfxGetMainWnd())->SetProgressUpdate(perc, NULL, NULL)
#define SET_PROGRESS_UPDATE2(perc, oldName, newName) \
((MainWindow*)::AfxGetMainWnd())->SetProgressUpdate(perc, oldName, newName)
#define SET_PROGRESS_END() ((MainWindow*)::AfxGetMainWnd())->SetProgressEnd()
((MainWindow*)::AfxGetMainWnd())->SetProgressCounter(NULL, val)
#define SET_PROGRESS_COUNTER_2(fmt, val) \
((MainWindow*)::AfxGetMainWnd())->SetProgressCounter(fmt, val)
#define GET_PREFERENCES() ((MainWindow*)::AfxGetMainWnd())->GetPreferences()
#define GET_PREFERENCES_WR() ((MainWindow*)::AfxGetMainWnd())->GetPreferencesWr()
#endif /*APP_MAIN_H*/