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synced 2025-03-11 22:36:43 +00:00
This integrates the latest NufxLib sources, and updates CiderPress to work with the API changes.
1205 lines
37 KiB
1205 lines
37 KiB
* NuFX archive manipulation library
* Copyright (C) 2000-2007 by Andy McFadden, All Rights Reserved.
* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the BSD License, see the file COPYING-LIB.
* Archive structure creation and manipulation.
#include "NufxLibPriv.h"
# include <fcntl.h>
#ifndef O_BINARY
# define O_BINARY 0
/* master header identification */
static const uint8_t kNuMasterID[kNufileIDLen] =
{ 0x4e, 0xf5, 0x46, 0xe9, 0x6c, 0xe5 };
/* other identification; can be no longer than kNufileIDLen */
static const uint8_t kNuBinary2ID[] =
{ 0x0a, 0x47, 0x4c };
static const uint8_t kNuSHKSEAID[] =
{ 0xa2, 0x2e, 0x00 };
* Offsets to some interesting places in the wrappers.
#define kNuBNYFileSizeLo 8 /* file size in 512-byte blocks (2B) */
#define kNuBNYFileSizeHi 114 /* ... (2B) */
#define kNuBNYEOFLo 20 /* file size in bytes (3B) */
#define kNuBNYEOFHi 116 /* ... (1B) */
#define kNuBNYDiskSpace 117 /* total space req'd; equiv FileSize (4B) */
#define kNuBNYFilesToFollow 127 /* (1B) #of files in rest of BNY file */
#define kNuSEAFunkySize 11938 /* length of archive + 68 (4B?) */
#define kNuSEAFunkyAdjust 68 /* ... adjustment to "FunkySize" */
#define kNuSEALength1 11946 /* length of archive (4B?) */
#define kNuSEALength2 12001 /* length of archive (4B?) */
#define kDefaultJunkSkipMax 1024 /* default junk scan size */
static void Nu_CloseAndFree(NuArchive* pArchive);
* ===========================================================================
* Archive and MasterHeader utility functions
* ===========================================================================
* Allocate and initialize a new NuArchive structure.
static NuError Nu_NuArchiveNew(NuArchive** ppArchive)
Assert(ppArchive != NULL);
/* validate some assumptions we make throughout the code */
Assert(sizeof(int) >= 2);
Assert(sizeof(void*) >= sizeof(NuArchive*));
*ppArchive = Nu_Calloc(NULL, sizeof(**ppArchive));
if (*ppArchive == NULL)
return kNuErrMalloc;
(*ppArchive)->structMagic = kNuArchiveStructMagic;
(*ppArchive)->recordIdxSeed = 1000; /* could be a random number */
(*ppArchive)->nextRecordIdx = (*ppArchive)->recordIdxSeed;
* Initialize assorted values to defaults. We don't try to do any
* system-specific values here; it's up to the application to decide
* what is most appropriate for the current system.
(*ppArchive)->valIgnoreCRC = false;
(*ppArchive)->valDataCompression = kNuCompressLZW2;
(*ppArchive)->valDataCompression = kNuCompressNone;
(*ppArchive)->valDiscardWrapper = false;
(*ppArchive)->valEOL = kNuEOLLF; /* non-UNIX apps must override */
(*ppArchive)->valConvertExtractedEOL = kNuConvertOff;
(*ppArchive)->valOnlyUpdateOlder = false;
(*ppArchive)->valAllowDuplicates = false;
(*ppArchive)->valHandleExisting = kNuMaybeOverwrite;
(*ppArchive)->valModifyOrig = false;
(*ppArchive)->valMimicSHK = false;
(*ppArchive)->valMaskDataless = false;
(*ppArchive)->valStripHighASCII = false;
/* bug: this can't be set by application! */
(*ppArchive)->valJunkSkipMax = kDefaultJunkSkipMax;
(*ppArchive)->valIgnoreLZW2Len = false;
(*ppArchive)->valHandleBadMac = false;
(*ppArchive)->messageHandlerFunc = gNuGlobalErrorMessageHandler;
return kNuErrNone;
* Free up a NuArchive structure and its contents.
static NuError Nu_NuArchiveFree(NuArchive* pArchive)
Assert(pArchive != NULL);
Assert(pArchive->structMagic == kNuArchiveStructMagic);
(void) Nu_RecordSet_FreeAllRecords(pArchive, &pArchive->origRecordSet);
pArchive->haveToc = false;
(void) Nu_RecordSet_FreeAllRecords(pArchive, &pArchive->copyRecordSet);
(void) Nu_RecordSet_FreeAllRecords(pArchive, &pArchive->newRecordSet);
Nu_Free(NULL, pArchive->archivePathnameUNI);
Nu_Free(NULL, pArchive->tmpPathnameUNI);
Nu_Free(NULL, pArchive->compBuf);
Nu_Free(NULL, pArchive->lzwCompressState);
Nu_Free(NULL, pArchive->lzwExpandState);
/* mark it as deceased to prevent further use, then free it */
pArchive->structMagic = kNuArchiveStructMagic ^ 0xffffffff;
Nu_Free(NULL, pArchive);
return kNuErrNone;
* Copy a NuMasterHeader struct.
void Nu_MasterHeaderCopy(NuArchive* pArchive, NuMasterHeader* pDstHeader,
const NuMasterHeader* pSrcHeader)
Assert(pArchive != NULL);
Assert(pDstHeader != NULL);
Assert(pSrcHeader != NULL);
*pDstHeader = *pSrcHeader;
* Get a pointer to the archive master header (this is an API call).
NuError Nu_GetMasterHeader(NuArchive* pArchive,
const NuMasterHeader** ppMasterHeader)
if (ppMasterHeader == NULL)
return kNuErrInvalidArg;
*ppMasterHeader = &pArchive->masterHeader;
return kNuErrNone;
* Allocate the general-purpose compression buffer, if needed.
NuError Nu_AllocCompressionBufferIFN(NuArchive* pArchive)
Assert(pArchive != NULL);
if (pArchive->compBuf != NULL)
return kNuErrNone;
pArchive->compBuf = Nu_Malloc(pArchive, kNuGenCompBufSize);
if (pArchive->compBuf == NULL)
return kNuErrMalloc;
return kNuErrNone;
* Return a unique value.
NuRecordIdx Nu_GetNextRecordIdx(NuArchive* pArchive)
return pArchive->nextRecordIdx++;
* Return a unique value.
NuThreadIdx Nu_GetNextThreadIdx(NuArchive* pArchive)
return pArchive->nextRecordIdx++; /* just use the record counter */
* ===========================================================================
* Wrapper (SEA, BXY, BSE) functions
* ===========================================================================
* Copy the wrapper from the archive file to the temp file.
NuError Nu_CopyWrapperToTemp(NuArchive* pArchive)
NuError err;
Assert(pArchive->headerOffset); /* no wrapper to copy?? */
err = Nu_FSeek(pArchive->archiveFp, 0, SEEK_SET);
err = Nu_FSeek(pArchive->tmpFp, 0, SEEK_SET);
err = Nu_CopyFileSection(pArchive, pArchive->tmpFp,
pArchive->archiveFp, pArchive->headerOffset);
return err;
* Fix up the wrapper. The SEA and BXY headers have some fields
* set according to file length and archive attributes.
* Pass in the file pointer that will be written to. Wrappers are
* assumed to start at offset 0.
* Wrappers must appear in this order:
* Leading junk
* Binary II
* ShrinkIt SEA (Self-Extracting Archive)
* If they didn't, we wouldn't be this far.
* I have a Binary II specification, but don't have one for SEA, so I'm
* making educated guesses based on the differences between archives. I'd
* guess some of the SEA weirdness stems from some far-sighted support
* for multiple archives within a single SEA wrapper.
NuError Nu_UpdateWrapper(NuArchive* pArchive, FILE* fp)
NuError err = kNuErrNone;
Boolean hasBinary2, hasSea;
uint8_t identBuf[kNufileIDLen];
uint32_t archiveLen, archiveLen512;
Assert(pArchive->newMasterHeader.isValid); /* need new crc and len */
hasBinary2 = hasSea = false;
switch (pArchive->archiveType) {
case kNuArchiveNuFX:
goto bail;
case kNuArchiveNuFXInBNY:
hasBinary2 = true;
case kNuArchiveNuFXSelfEx:
hasSea = true;
case kNuArchiveNuFXSelfExInBNY:
hasBinary2 = hasSea = true;
if (pArchive->headerOffset != 0 &&
pArchive->headerOffset != pArchive->junkOffset)
Nu_ReportError(NU_BLOB, kNuErrNone, "Can't fix the wrapper??");
err = kNuErrInternal;
goto bail;
} else
goto bail;
err = Nu_FSeek(fp, pArchive->junkOffset, SEEK_SET);
if (hasBinary2) {
/* sanity check - make sure it's Binary II */
Nu_ReadBytes(pArchive, fp, identBuf, kNufileIDLen);
if ((err = Nu_HeaderIOFailed(pArchive, fp)) != kNuErrNone) {
Nu_ReportError(NU_BLOB, err, "Failed reading BNY wrapper");
goto bail;
if (memcmp(identBuf, kNuBinary2ID, sizeof(kNuBinary2ID)) != 0) {
err = kNuErrInternal;
Nu_ReportError(NU_BLOB, kNuErrNone,"Didn't find Binary II wrapper");
goto bail;
/* archiveLen includes the SEA wrapper, if any, but excludes junk */
archiveLen = pArchive->newMasterHeader.mhMasterEOF +
(pArchive->headerOffset - pArchive->junkOffset) -
archiveLen512 = (archiveLen + 511) / 512;
err = Nu_FSeek(fp, kNuBNYFileSizeLo - kNufileIDLen, SEEK_CUR);
Nu_WriteTwo(pArchive, fp, (uint16_t)(archiveLen512 & 0xffff));
err = Nu_FSeek(fp, kNuBNYFileSizeHi - (kNuBNYFileSizeLo+2), SEEK_CUR);
Nu_WriteTwo(pArchive, fp, (uint16_t)(archiveLen512 >> 16));
err = Nu_FSeek(fp, kNuBNYEOFLo - (kNuBNYFileSizeHi+2), SEEK_CUR);
Nu_WriteTwo(pArchive, fp, (uint16_t)(archiveLen & 0xffff));
Nu_WriteOne(pArchive, fp, (uint8_t)((archiveLen >> 16) & 0xff));
err = Nu_FSeek(fp, kNuBNYEOFHi - (kNuBNYEOFLo+3), SEEK_CUR);
Nu_WriteOne(pArchive, fp, (uint8_t)(archiveLen >> 24));
err = Nu_FSeek(fp, kNuBNYDiskSpace - (kNuBNYEOFHi+1), SEEK_CUR);
Nu_WriteFour(pArchive, fp, archiveLen512);
/* probably ought to update "modified when" date/time field */
/* seek just past end of BNY wrapper */
err = Nu_FSeek(fp, kNuBinary2BlockSize - (kNuBNYDiskSpace+4), SEEK_CUR);
if ((err = Nu_HeaderIOFailed(pArchive, fp)) != kNuErrNone) {
Nu_ReportError(NU_BLOB, err, "Failed updating Binary II wrapper");
goto bail;
if (hasSea) {
/* sanity check - make sure it's SEA */
Nu_ReadBytes(pArchive, fp, identBuf, kNufileIDLen);
if ((err = Nu_HeaderIOFailed(pArchive, fp)) != kNuErrNone) {
Nu_ReportError(NU_BLOB, err, "Failed reading SEA wrapper");
goto bail;
if (memcmp(identBuf, kNuSHKSEAID, sizeof(kNuSHKSEAID)) != 0) {
err = kNuErrInternal;
Nu_ReportError(NU_BLOB, kNuErrNone, "Didn't find SEA wrapper");
goto bail;
archiveLen = pArchive->newMasterHeader.mhMasterEOF;
err = Nu_FSeek(fp, kNuSEAFunkySize - kNufileIDLen, SEEK_CUR);
Nu_WriteFour(pArchive, fp, archiveLen + kNuSEAFunkyAdjust);
err = Nu_FSeek(fp, kNuSEALength1 - (kNuSEAFunkySize+4), SEEK_CUR);
Nu_WriteTwo(pArchive, fp, (uint16_t)archiveLen);
err = Nu_FSeek(fp, kNuSEALength2 - (kNuSEALength1+2), SEEK_CUR);
Nu_WriteTwo(pArchive, fp, (uint16_t)archiveLen);
/* seek past end of SEA wrapper */
err = Nu_FSeek(fp, kNuSEAOffset - (kNuSEALength2+2), SEEK_CUR);
if ((err = Nu_HeaderIOFailed(pArchive, fp)) != kNuErrNone) {
Nu_ReportError(NU_BLOB, err, "Failed updating SEA wrapper");
goto bail;
return kNuErrNone;
* Adjust wrapper-induced padding on the archive.
* GS/ShrinkIt v1.1 does some peculiar things with SEA (Self-Extracting
* Archive) files. For no apparent reason, it always adds one extra 00
* byte to the end. When you combine SEA and BXY to make BSE, it will
* leave that extra byte inside the BXY 128-byte padding area, UNLESS
* the archive itself happens to be exactly 128 bytes, in which case
* it throws the pad byte onto the end -- resulting in an archive that
* isn't an exact multiple of 128.
* I've chosen to emulate the 1-byte padding "feature" of GSHK, but I'm
* not going to try to emulate the quirky behavior described above.
* The SEA pad byte is added first, and then the 128-byte BXY padding
* is considered. In the odd case described above, the file would be
* 127 bytes larger with nufxlib than it is with GSHK. This shouldn't
* require additional disk space to be used, assuming a filesystem block
* size of at least 128 bytes.
NuError Nu_AdjustWrapperPadding(NuArchive* pArchive, FILE* fp)
NuError err = kNuErrNone;
Boolean hasBinary2, hasSea;
hasBinary2 = hasSea = false;
switch (pArchive->archiveType) {
case kNuArchiveNuFX:
goto bail;
case kNuArchiveNuFXInBNY:
hasBinary2 = true;
case kNuArchiveNuFXSelfEx:
hasSea = true;
case kNuArchiveNuFXSelfExInBNY:
hasBinary2 = hasSea = true;
if (pArchive->headerOffset != 0 &&
pArchive->headerOffset != pArchive->junkOffset)
Nu_ReportError(NU_BLOB, kNuErrNone, "Can't check the padding??");
err = kNuErrInternal;
goto bail;
} else
goto bail;
err = Nu_FSeek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
if (hasSea && pArchive->valMimicSHK) {
/* throw on a single pad byte, for no apparent reason whatsoever */
Nu_WriteOne(pArchive, fp, 0);
if (hasBinary2) {
/* pad out to the next 128-byte boundary */
long curOffset;
err = Nu_FTell(fp, &curOffset);
curOffset -= pArchive->junkOffset; /* don't factor junk into account */
DBUG(("+++ BNY needs %ld bytes of padding\n", curOffset & 0x7f));
if (curOffset & 0x7f) {
int i;
for (i = kNuBinary2BlockSize - (curOffset & 0x7f); i > 0; i--)
Nu_WriteOne(pArchive, fp, 0);
if ((err = Nu_HeaderIOFailed(pArchive, fp)) != kNuErrNone) {
Nu_ReportError(NU_BLOB, err, "Failed updating wrapper padding");
goto bail;
return err;
* ===========================================================================
* Open an archive
* ===========================================================================
* Read the master header from the archive file.
* This also handles skipping the first 128 bytes of a .BXY file and the
* front part of a self-extracting GSHK archive.
* We try to provide helpful messages about things that aren't archives,
* but try to stay silent about files that are other types of archives.
* That way, if the application is trying a series of libraries to find
* one that will accept the file, we don't generate spurious complaints.
* Since there's a fair possibility that whoever is opening this file is
* also interested in related formats, we try to return a meaningful error
* code for stuff we recognize (especially Binary II).
* If at first we don't succeed, we keep trying further along until we
* find something we recognize. We don't want to just scan for the
* NuFile ID, because that might prevent this from working properly with
* SEA archives which push the NuFX start out about 12K. We also wouldn't
* be able to update the BNY/SEA wrappers correctly. So, we inch our way
* along until we find something we recognize or get bored.
* On exit, the stream will be positioned just past the master header.
static NuError Nu_ReadMasterHeader(NuArchive* pArchive)
NuError err;
uint16_t crc;
FILE* fp;
NuMasterHeader* pHeader;
Boolean isBinary2 = false;
Boolean isSea = false;
Assert(pArchive != NULL);
fp = pArchive->archiveFp; /* saves typing */
pHeader = &pArchive->masterHeader;
pArchive->junkOffset = 0;
pArchive->headerOffset = pArchive->junkOffset;
Nu_ReadBytes(pArchive, fp, pHeader->mhNufileID, kNufileIDLen);
/* may have read fewer than kNufileIDLen; that's okay */
if (memcmp(pHeader->mhNufileID, kNuBinary2ID, sizeof(kNuBinary2ID)) == 0)
int count;
/* looks like a Binary II archive, might be BXY or BSE; seek forward */
err = Nu_SeekArchive(pArchive, fp, kNuBNYFilesToFollow - kNufileIDLen,
if (err != kNuErrNone) {
err = kNuErrNotNuFX;
/* probably too short to be BNY, so go ahead and whine */
Nu_ReportError(NU_BLOB, kNuErrNone,
"Looks like a truncated Binary II archive?");
goto bail;
* Check "files to follow", so we can be sure this isn't a BNY that
* just happened to have a .SHK as the first file. If it is, then
* any updates to the archive will trash the rest of the BNY files.
count = Nu_ReadOne(pArchive, fp);
if (count != 0) {
err = kNuErrIsBinary2;
/*Nu_ReportError(NU_BLOB, kNuErrNone,
"This is a Binary II archive with %d files in it", count+1);*/
DBUG(("This is a Binary II archive with %d files in it\n",count+1));
goto bail;
/* that was last item in BNY header, no need to seek */
Assert(kNuBNYFilesToFollow == kNuBinary2BlockSize -1);
isBinary2 = true;
pArchive->headerOffset += kNuBinary2BlockSize;
Nu_ReadBytes(pArchive, fp, pHeader->mhNufileID, kNufileIDLen);
if (memcmp(pHeader->mhNufileID, kNuSHKSEAID, sizeof(kNuSHKSEAID)) == 0)
/* might be GSHK self-extracting; seek forward */
err = Nu_SeekArchive(pArchive, fp, kNuSEAOffset - kNufileIDLen,
if (err != kNuErrNone) {
err = kNuErrNotNuFX;
Nu_ReportError(NU_BLOB, kNuErrNone,
"Looks like GS executable, not NuFX");
goto bail;
isSea = true;
pArchive->headerOffset += kNuSEAOffset;
Nu_ReadBytes(pArchive, fp, pHeader->mhNufileID, kNufileIDLen);
if (memcmp(kNuMasterID, pHeader->mhNufileID, kNufileIDLen) != 0) {
* Doesn't look like a NuFX archive. Scan forward and see if we
* can find the start past some leading junk. MacBinary headers
* and chunks of HTTP seem popular on FTP sites.
if ((pArchive->openMode == kNuOpenRO ||
pArchive->openMode == kNuOpenRW) &&
pArchive->junkOffset < (long)pArchive->valJunkSkipMax)
DBUG(("+++ scanning from offset %ld\n", pArchive->junkOffset));
err = Nu_SeekArchive(pArchive, fp, pArchive->junkOffset, SEEK_SET);
goto retry;
err = kNuErrNotNuFX;
if (isBinary2) {
err = kNuErrIsBinary2;
/*Nu_ReportError(NU_BLOB, kNuErrNone,
"Looks like Binary II, not NuFX");*/
DBUG(("Looks like Binary II, not NuFX\n"));
} else if (isSea)
Nu_ReportError(NU_BLOB, kNuErrNone,
"Looks like GS executable, not NuFX");
else if (Nu_HeaderIOFailed(pArchive, fp) != kNuErrNone)
Nu_ReportError(NU_BLOB, kNuErrNone,
"Couldn't read enough data, not NuFX?");
Nu_ReportError(NU_BLOB, kNuErrNone,
"Not a NuFX archive? Got 0x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x...",
pHeader->mhNufileID[0], pHeader->mhNufileID[1],
pHeader->mhNufileID[2], pHeader->mhNufileID[3],
pHeader->mhNufileID[4], pHeader->mhNufileID[5]);
goto bail;
if (pArchive->junkOffset != 0) {
DBUG(("+++ found apparent start of archive at offset %ld\n",
crc = 0;
pHeader->mhMasterCRC = Nu_ReadTwo(pArchive, fp);
pHeader->mhTotalRecords = Nu_ReadFourC(pArchive, fp, &crc);
pHeader->mhArchiveCreateWhen = Nu_ReadDateTimeC(pArchive, fp, &crc);
pHeader->mhArchiveModWhen = Nu_ReadDateTimeC(pArchive, fp, &crc);
pHeader->mhMasterVersion = Nu_ReadTwoC(pArchive, fp, &crc);
Nu_ReadBytesC(pArchive, fp, pHeader->mhReserved1,
kNufileMasterReserved1Len, &crc);
pHeader->mhMasterEOF = Nu_ReadFourC(pArchive, fp, &crc);
Nu_ReadBytesC(pArchive, fp, pHeader->mhReserved2,
kNufileMasterReserved2Len, &crc);
/* check for errors in any of the above reads */
if ((err = Nu_HeaderIOFailed(pArchive, fp)) != kNuErrNone) {
Nu_ReportError(NU_BLOB, err, "Failed reading master header");
goto bail;
if (pHeader->mhMasterVersion > kNuMaxMHVersion) {
err = kNuErrBadMHVersion;
Nu_ReportError(NU_BLOB, err, "Bad Master Header version %u",
goto bail;
/* compare the CRC */
if (!pArchive->valIgnoreCRC && crc != pHeader->mhMasterCRC) {
if (!Nu_ShouldIgnoreBadCRC(pArchive, NULL, kNuErrBadMHCRC)) {
err = kNuErrBadMHCRC;
Nu_ReportError(NU_BLOB, err, "Stored MH CRC=0x%04x, calc=0x%04x",
pHeader->mhMasterCRC, crc);
goto bail;
* Check for an unusual condition. GS/ShrinkIt appears to update
* the archive structure in the disk file periodically as it writes,
* so it's possible to get an apparently complete archive (with
* correct CRCs in the master and record headers!) that is actually
* only partially written. I did this by accident when archiving a
* 3.5" disk across a slow AppleTalk network. The only obvious
* indication of brain-damage, until you try to unpack the archive,
* seems to be a bogus MasterEOF==48.
* Matthew Fischer found some archives that exhibit MasterEOF==0
* but are otherwise functional, suggesting that there might be a
* version of ShrinkIt that created these without reporting an error.
* One such archive was a disk image with no filename entry, suggesting
* that it was created by an early version of P8 ShrinkIt.
* So, we only fail if the EOF equals 48.
if (pHeader->mhMasterEOF == kNuMasterHeaderSize) {
err = kNuErrNoRecords;
Nu_ReportError(NU_BLOB, err,
"Master EOF is %u, archive is probably truncated",
goto bail;
* Set up a few things in the archive structure on our way out.
if (isBinary2) {
if (isSea)
pArchive->archiveType = kNuArchiveNuFXSelfExInBNY;
pArchive->archiveType = kNuArchiveNuFXInBNY;
} else {
if (isSea)
pArchive->archiveType = kNuArchiveNuFXSelfEx;
pArchive->archiveType = kNuArchiveNuFX;
if (isSea || isBinary2) {
DBUG(("--- Archive isSea=%d isBinary2=%d type=%d\n",
isSea, isBinary2, pArchive->archiveType));
/*pArchive->origNumRecords = pHeader->mhTotalRecords;*/
pArchive->currentOffset = pArchive->headerOffset + kNuMasterHeaderSize;
/*DBUG(("--- GOT: records=%ld, vers=%d, EOF=%ld, type=%d, hdrOffset=%ld\n",
pHeader->mhTotalRecords, pHeader->mhMasterVersion,
pHeader->mhMasterEOF, pArchive->archiveType, pArchive->headerOffset));*/
pHeader->isValid = true;
return err;
* Prepare the NuArchive and NuMasterHeader structures for use with a
* newly-created archive.
static void Nu_InitNewArchive(NuArchive* pArchive)
NuMasterHeader* pHeader;
Assert(pArchive != NULL);
pHeader = &pArchive->masterHeader;
memcpy(pHeader->mhNufileID, kNuMasterID, kNufileIDLen);
pHeader->mhTotalRecords = 0;
pHeader->mhMasterVersion = kNuOurMHVersion;
pHeader->mhMasterEOF = kNuMasterHeaderSize;
pHeader->isValid = true;
/* no need to use a temp file for a newly-created archive */
pArchive->valModifyOrig = true;
* Open an archive in streaming read-only mode.
NuError Nu_StreamOpenRO(FILE* infp, NuArchive** ppArchive)
NuError err;
NuArchive* pArchive = NULL;
Assert(infp != NULL);
Assert(ppArchive != NULL);
err = Nu_NuArchiveNew(ppArchive);
if (err != kNuErrNone)
goto bail;
pArchive = *ppArchive;
pArchive->openMode = kNuOpenStreamingRO;
pArchive->archiveFp = infp;
pArchive->archivePathnameUNI = strdup("(stream)");
err = Nu_ReadMasterHeader(pArchive);
if (err != kNuErrNone) {
if (pArchive != NULL)
(void) Nu_NuArchiveFree(pArchive);
*ppArchive = NULL;
return err;
* Open an archive in non-streaming read-only mode.
NuError Nu_OpenRO(const UNICHAR* archivePathnameUNI, NuArchive** ppArchive)
NuError err;
NuArchive* pArchive = NULL;
FILE* fp = NULL;
if (archivePathnameUNI == NULL || !strlen(archivePathnameUNI) ||
ppArchive == NULL)
return kNuErrInvalidArg;
*ppArchive = NULL;
fp = fopen(archivePathnameUNI, kNuFileOpenReadOnly);
if (fp == NULL) {
Nu_ReportError(NU_BLOB, errno, "Unable to open '%s'",
err = kNuErrFileOpen;
goto bail;
err = Nu_NuArchiveNew(ppArchive);
if (err != kNuErrNone)
goto bail;
pArchive = *ppArchive;
pArchive->openMode = kNuOpenRO;
pArchive->archiveFp = fp;
fp = NULL;
pArchive->archivePathnameUNI = strdup(archivePathnameUNI);
err = Nu_ReadMasterHeader(pArchive);
if (err != kNuErrNone) {
if (pArchive != NULL) {
(void) Nu_CloseAndFree(pArchive);
*ppArchive = NULL;
if (fp != NULL)
return err;
* Open a temp file. If "fileName" contains six Xs ("XXXXXX"), it will
* be treated as a mktemp-style template, and modified before use (so
* pass a copy of the string in).
* Thought for the day: consider using Win32 SetFileAttributes() to make
* temp files hidden. We will need to un-hide it before rolling it over.
static NuError Nu_OpenTempFile(UNICHAR* fileNameUNI, FILE** pFp)
NuArchive* pArchive = NULL; /* dummy for NU_BLOB */
NuError err = kNuErrNone;
int len;
* If this is a mktemp-style template, use mktemp or mkstemp to fill in
* the blanks.
* BUG: not all implementations of mktemp actually generate a unique
* name. We probably need to do probing here. Some BSD variants like
* to complain about mktemp, since it's generally a bad way to do
* things.
len = strlen(fileNameUNI);
if (len > 6 && strcmp(fileNameUNI + len - 6, "XXXXXX") == 0) {
#if defined(HAVE_MKSTEMP) && defined(HAVE_FDOPEN)
int fd;
DBUG(("+++ Using mkstemp\n"));
/* this modifies the template *and* opens the file */
fd = mkstemp(fileNameUNI);
if (fd < 0) {
err = errno ? errno : kNuErrFileOpen;
Nu_ReportError(NU_BLOB, kNuErrNone, "mkstemp failed on '%s'",
goto bail;
DBUG(("--- Fd-opening temp file '%s'\n", fileNameUNI));
*pFp = fdopen(fd, kNuFileOpenReadWriteCreat);
if (*pFp == NULL) {
err = errno ? errno : kNuErrFileOpen;
goto bail;
/* file is open, we're done */
goto bail;
char* result;
DBUG(("+++ Using mktemp\n"));
result = mktemp(fileNameUNI);
if (result == NULL) {
Nu_ReportError(NU_BLOB, kNuErrNone, "mktemp failed on '%s'",
err = kNuErrInternal;
goto bail;
/* now open the filename as usual */
DBUG(("--- Opening temp file '%s'\n", fileNameUNI));
#if defined(HAVE_FDOPEN)
int fd;
fd = open(fileNameUNI, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_EXCL|O_BINARY, 0600);
if (fd < 0) {
err = errno ? errno : kNuErrFileOpen;
goto bail;
*pFp = fdopen(fd, kNuFileOpenReadWriteCreat);
if (*pFp == NULL) {
err = errno ? errno : kNuErrFileOpen;
goto bail;
if (access(fileNameUNI, F_OK) == 0) {
err = kNuErrFileExists;
goto bail;
*pFp = fopen(fileNameUNI, kNuFileOpenReadWriteCreat);
if (*pFp == NULL) {
err = errno ? errno : kNuErrFileOpen;
goto bail;
return err;
* Open an archive in read-write mode, optionally creating it if it doesn't
* exist.
NuError Nu_OpenRW(const UNICHAR* archivePathnameUNI,
const UNICHAR* tmpPathnameUNI, uint32_t flags, NuArchive** ppArchive)
NuError err;
FILE* fp = NULL;
FILE* tmpFp = NULL;
NuArchive* pArchive = NULL;
char* tmpPathDup = NULL;
Boolean archiveExists;
Boolean newlyCreated;
if (archivePathnameUNI == NULL || !strlen(archivePathnameUNI) ||
tmpPathnameUNI == NULL || !strlen(tmpPathnameUNI) ||
ppArchive == NULL || (flags & ~(kNuOpenCreat|kNuOpenExcl)) != 0)
return kNuErrInvalidArg;
archiveExists = (access(archivePathnameUNI, F_OK) == 0);
* Open or create archive file.
if (archiveExists) {
if ((flags & kNuOpenCreat) && (flags & kNuOpenExcl)) {
err = kNuErrFileExists;
Nu_ReportError(NU_BLOB, err, "File '%s' exists",
goto bail;
fp = fopen(archivePathnameUNI, kNuFileOpenReadWrite);
newlyCreated = false;
} else {
if (!(flags & kNuOpenCreat)) {
err = kNuErrFileNotFound;
Nu_ReportError(NU_BLOB, err, "File '%s' not found",
goto bail;
fp = fopen(archivePathnameUNI, kNuFileOpenReadWriteCreat);
newlyCreated = true;
if (fp == NULL) {
if (errno == EACCES)
err = kNuErrFileAccessDenied;
err = kNuErrFileOpen;
Nu_ReportError(NU_BLOB, errno, "Unable to open '%s'",
goto bail;
* Treat zero-length files as newly-created archives.
if (archiveExists && !newlyCreated) {
long length;
err = Nu_GetFileLength(NULL, fp, &length);
if (!length) {
DBUG(("--- treating zero-length file as newly created archive\n"));
newlyCreated = true;
* Create a temp file. We don't need one for a newly-created archive,
* at least not right away. It's possible the caller could add some
* files, flush the changes, and then want to delete them without
* closing and reopening the archive.
* So, create a temp file whether we think we need one or not. Won't
* do any harm, and might save us some troubles later.
tmpPathDup = strdup(tmpPathnameUNI);
err = Nu_OpenTempFile(tmpPathDup, &tmpFp);
if (err != kNuErrNone) {
Nu_ReportError(NU_BLOB, err, "Failed opening temp file '%s'",
goto bail;
err = Nu_NuArchiveNew(ppArchive);
if (err != kNuErrNone)
goto bail;
pArchive = *ppArchive;
pArchive->openMode = kNuOpenRW;
pArchive->newlyCreated = newlyCreated;
pArchive->archivePathnameUNI = strdup(archivePathnameUNI);
pArchive->archiveFp = fp;
fp = NULL;
pArchive->tmpFp = tmpFp;
tmpFp = NULL;
pArchive->tmpPathnameUNI = tmpPathDup;
tmpPathDup = NULL;
if (archiveExists && !newlyCreated) {
err = Nu_ReadMasterHeader(pArchive);
} else {
if (err != kNuErrNone) {
if (pArchive != NULL) {
(void) Nu_CloseAndFree(pArchive);
*ppArchive = NULL;
if (fp != NULL)
if (tmpFp != NULL)
if (tmpPathDup != NULL)
Nu_Free(pArchive, tmpPathDup);
return err;
* ===========================================================================
* Update an archive
* ===========================================================================
* Write the NuFX master header at the current offset.
NuError Nu_WriteMasterHeader(NuArchive* pArchive, FILE* fp,
NuMasterHeader* pHeader)
NuError err;
long crcOffset;
uint16_t crc;
Assert(pArchive != NULL);
Assert(fp != NULL);
Assert(pHeader != NULL);
Assert(pHeader->mhMasterVersion == kNuOurMHVersion);
crc = 0;
Nu_WriteBytes(pArchive, fp, pHeader->mhNufileID, kNufileIDLen);
err = Nu_FTell(fp, &crcOffset);
Nu_WriteTwo(pArchive, fp, 0);
Nu_WriteFourC(pArchive, fp, pHeader->mhTotalRecords, &crc);
Nu_WriteDateTimeC(pArchive, fp, pHeader->mhArchiveCreateWhen, &crc);
Nu_WriteDateTimeC(pArchive, fp, pHeader->mhArchiveModWhen, &crc);
Nu_WriteTwoC(pArchive, fp, pHeader->mhMasterVersion, &crc);
Nu_WriteBytesC(pArchive, fp, pHeader->mhReserved1,
kNufileMasterReserved1Len, &crc);
Nu_WriteFourC(pArchive, fp, pHeader->mhMasterEOF, &crc);
Nu_WriteBytesC(pArchive, fp, pHeader->mhReserved2,
kNufileMasterReserved2Len, &crc);
/* go back and write the CRC (sadly, the seek will flush the stdio buf) */
pHeader->mhMasterCRC = crc;
err = Nu_FSeek(fp, crcOffset, SEEK_SET);
Nu_WriteTwo(pArchive, fp, pHeader->mhMasterCRC);
/* check for errors in any of the above writes */
if ((err = Nu_HeaderIOFailed(pArchive, fp)) != kNuErrNone) {
Nu_ReportError(NU_BLOB, err, "Failed writing master header");
goto bail;
DBUG(("--- Master header written successfully at %ld (crc=0x%04x)\n",
crcOffset - kNufileIDLen, crc));
return err;
* ===========================================================================
* Close an archive
* ===========================================================================
* Close all open files, and free the memory associated with the structure.
* If it's a brand-new archive, and we didn't add anything to it, then we
* want to remove the stub archive file.
static void Nu_CloseAndFree(NuArchive* pArchive)
if (pArchive->archiveFp != NULL) {
DBUG(("--- Closing archive\n"));
pArchive->archiveFp = NULL;
if (pArchive->tmpFp != NULL) {
DBUG(("--- Closing and removing temp file\n"));
pArchive->tmpFp = NULL;
Assert(pArchive->tmpPathnameUNI != NULL);
if (remove(pArchive->tmpPathnameUNI) != 0) {
Nu_ReportError(NU_BLOB, errno, "Unable to remove temp file '%s'",
/* keep going */
if (pArchive->newlyCreated && Nu_RecordSet_IsEmpty(&pArchive->origRecordSet))
DBUG(("--- Newly-created archive unmodified; removing it\n"));
if (remove(pArchive->archivePathnameUNI) != 0) {
Nu_ReportError(NU_BLOB, errno, "Unable to remove archive file '%s'",
* Flush pending changes to the archive, then close it.
NuError Nu_Close(NuArchive* pArchive)
NuError err = kNuErrNone;
uint32_t flushStatus;
Assert(pArchive != NULL);
if (!Nu_IsReadOnly(pArchive))
err = Nu_Flush(pArchive, &flushStatus);
if (err == kNuErrNone)
else {
DBUG(("--- Close NuFlush status was 0x%4lx\n", flushStatus));
if (err != kNuErrNone) {
DBUG(("--- Nu_Close returning error %d\n", err));
return err;
* ===========================================================================
* Delete and replace an archive
* ===========================================================================
* Delete the archive file, which should already have been closed.
NuError Nu_DeleteArchiveFile(NuArchive* pArchive)
Assert(pArchive != NULL);
Assert(pArchive->archiveFp == NULL);
Assert(pArchive->archivePathnameUNI != NULL);
return Nu_DeleteFile(pArchive->archivePathnameUNI);
* Rename the temp file on top of the original archive. The temp file
* should be closed, and the archive file should be deleted.
NuError Nu_RenameTempToArchive(NuArchive* pArchive)
Assert(pArchive != NULL);
Assert(pArchive->archiveFp == NULL);
Assert(pArchive->tmpFp == NULL);
Assert(pArchive->archivePathnameUNI != NULL);
Assert(pArchive->tmpPathnameUNI != NULL);
return Nu_RenameFile(pArchive->tmpPathnameUNI,