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synced 2025-03-11 22:36:43 +00:00
This updates the various dialogs to use the new functions. The help system should be fully functional now.
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251 lines
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* CiderPress
* Copyright (C) 2007 by faddenSoft, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
* See the file LICENSE for distribution terms.
* Class for the "view files" dialog box.
#include "GenericArchive.h"
#include "resource.h"
class MainWindow;
* Implementation of the "view files" dialog box.
* The default window size is actually defined over in Preferences.cpp.
* The window size is a "sticky" pref (i.e. not stored in registry).
class ViewFilesDialog : public CDialog {
ViewFilesDialog(CWnd* pParentWnd = NULL) :
CDialog(IDD_FILE_VIEWER, pParentWnd)
//fpMainWindow = NULL;
fpSelSet = NULL;
fpHolder = NULL;
fpOutput = NULL;
fTypeFace = "";
fPointSize = 0;
fNoWrapText = false;
fBusy = false;
fpRichEditOle = NULL;
fFirstResize = false;
fpFindDialog = NULL;
fFindDown = false;
fFindMatchCase = false;
fFindMatchWholeWord = false;
virtual ~ViewFilesDialog(void) {
delete fpHolder;
delete fpOutput;
// Windows will handle destruction of fpFindDialog (child window)
void SetSelectionSet(SelectionSet* pSelSet) { fpSelSet = pSelSet; }
CString GetTextTypeFace(void) const { return fTypeFace; }
void SetTextTypeFace(const WCHAR* name) { fTypeFace = name; }
int GetTextPointSize(void) const { return fPointSize; }
void SetTextPointSize(int size) { fPointSize = size; }
//bool GetNoWrapText(void) const { return fNoWrapText; }
void SetNoWrapText(bool val) { fNoWrapText = val; }
* Window creation. Stuff the desired text into the RichEdit box.
virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(void) override;
* Override OnOK/OnCancel so we don't bail out while we're in the middle of
* loading something. It would actually be kind of nice to be able to do
* so, so someday we should make the "cancel" button work, or perhaps allow
* prev/next to skip over the thing being loaded. "TO DO"
virtual void OnOK(void) override;
virtual void OnCancel(void) override;
virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) override;
* Window creation stuff. Set the icon and the "gripper".
afx_msg int OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpcs);
* Window is going away. Save the current size.
afx_msg void OnDestroy(void);
* When the window resizes, we have to tell the edit box to expand, and
* rearrange the controls inside it.
afx_msg void OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy);
* Restrict the minimum window size to something reasonable.
afx_msg void OnGetMinMaxInfo(MINMAXINFO* pMMI);
afx_msg void OnFviewNext(void);
afx_msg void OnFviewPrev(void);
afx_msg void OnFviewFont(void);
afx_msg void OnFviewPrint(void);
afx_msg void OnFviewFind(void);
afx_msg void OnFviewData(void);
afx_msg void OnFviewRsrc(void);
afx_msg void OnFviewCmmt(void);
afx_msg void OnFviewFmtBest(void);
afx_msg void OnFviewFmtHex(void);
afx_msg void OnFviewFmtRaw(void);
afx_msg void OnFormatSelChange(void);
afx_msg void OnHelp(void) {
MyApp::HandleHelp(this, HELP_TOPIC_FILE_VIEWER);
//afx_msg void OnFviewWrap(void);
afx_msg LRESULT OnFindDialogMessage(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
* Adjust the positions and sizes of the controls.
* This relies on MinMaxInfo to guarantee that nothing falls off an edge.
void ShiftControls(int deltaX, int deltaY);
//void MoveControl(int id, int deltaX, int deltaY);
//void StretchControl(int id, int deltaX, int deltaY);
void NewFontSelected(bool resetBold);
* Display a buffer of text in the RichEdit control.
* The RichEdit dialog will hold its own copy of the data, so "pHolder" can
* be safely destroyed after this returns.
* "fileName" is for display only.
void DisplayText(const WCHAR* fileName);
* Set up the fpHolder. Does not reformat the data, just loads the source
* material and runs the applicability tests.
* Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure.
int ReformatPrep(GenericEntry* pEntry);
* Reformat a file.
* Returns 0 if the file was reformatted, -1 if not
int Reformat(const GenericEntry* pEntry,
ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part, ReformatHolder::ReformatID id);
* Configure the radio buttons that determine which part to view, enabling
* only those that make sense.
* Try to keep the previously-set button set.
* If "pEntry" is NULL, all buttons are disabled (useful for first-time
* initialization).
void ConfigurePartButtons(const GenericEntry* pEntry);
* Figure out which part of the file is selected (data/rsrc/comment).
* If no part is selected, throws up its hands and returns kPartData.
ReformatHolder::ReformatPart GetSelectedPart(void);
void ForkSelectCommon(ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part);
* Set up the entries in the drop box based on the "applicable" array in
* fpHolder. The set of values is different for each part of the file.
* Returns the default reformatter ID. This is always entry #0.
ReformatHolder::ReformatID ConfigureFormatSel(
ReformatHolder::ReformatPart part);
* Return the combo box index for the entry whose "data" field matches "val".
* Returns -1 if the entry couldn't be found.
int FindByVal(CComboBox* pCombo, DWORD val);
* Enable or disable all of the format selection buttons.
void EnableFormatSelection(BOOL enable);
* Find the next ocurrence of the specified string.
void FindNext(const WCHAR* str, bool down, bool matchCase,
bool wholeWord);
// pointer to main window, so we can ask for text to view
//MainWindow* fpMainWindow;
// stuff to display
SelectionSet* fpSelSet;
// edit control
CRichEditCtrl fEditCtrl;
// currently loaded file
ReformatHolder* fpHolder;
// most recent conversion
ReformatOutput* fpOutput;
// current title of window
CString fTitle;
// used to display a "gripper" in the bottom right of the dialog
CGripper fGripper;
// last size of the window, so we can shift things around
CRect fLastWinSize;
// font characteristics
CString fTypeFace; // name of font
int fPointSize; // size, in points
// do we want to scroll or wrap?
bool fNoWrapText;
// the message pump in the progress updater can cause NufxLib reentrancy
// (alternate solution: disable the window while we load stuff)
bool fBusy;
// this is *really* annoying
bool fFirstResize;
// used for stuffing images in; points at something inside RichEdit ctrl
IRichEditOle* fpRichEditOle;
CFindReplaceDialog* fpFindDialog;
CString fFindLastStr;
bool fFindDown;
bool fFindMatchCase;
bool fFindMatchWholeWord;