package com.bytezone.diskbrowser.infocom; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.infocom.Instruction.Operand; import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.infocom.Instruction.OperandType; class Routine extends InfocomAbstractFile implements Iterable, Comparable { private static final String padding = " "; int startPtr, length, strings, locals; List parameters = new ArrayList (); List instructions = new ArrayList (); List calls = new ArrayList (); List calledBy = new ArrayList (); List actions = new ArrayList (); // not used yet public Routine (int ptr, Header header, int caller) { super (String.format ("Routine %05X", ptr), header.buffer); locals = buffer[ptr] & 0xFF; if (locals > 15) { System.out.println ("Too many locals: " + locals); return; } startPtr = ptr++; // also used to flag a valid routine calledBy.add (caller); for (int i = 1; i <= locals; i++) { parameters.add (new Parameter (i, header.getWord (ptr))); // default values ptr += 2; } while (true) { if (buffer[ptr] == 0 || buffer[ptr] == 0x20 || buffer[ptr] == 0x40) { System.out.println ("Bad instruction found : " + ptr); return; } Instruction instruction = new Instruction (buffer, ptr, header); instructions.add (instruction); if (instruction.isCall () && instruction.opcode.callTarget > 0) // not stack-based calls.add (instruction.opcode.callTarget); if (instruction.isPrint ()) strings++; for (Operand operand : instruction.opcode.operands) if (operand.operandType == OperandType.VAR_GLOBAL) header.globals.addRoutine (this, operand); ptr += instruction.length (); // is it a backwards jump? if (instruction.isJump () && () < ptr && !moreCode (ptr)) break; // is it an unconditional return? if (instruction.isReturn () && !moreCode (ptr)) break; } length = ptr - startPtr; hexBlocks.add (new HexBlock (startPtr, length, null)); // check for branches outside this routine if (true) { int endPtr = startPtr + length; for (Instruction ins : instructions) { int target = () > 256 ? () : ins.opcode.jumpTarget > 256 ? ins.opcode.jumpTarget : 0; if (target == 0) continue; if (ins.isBranch () && (target > endPtr || target < startPtr)) System.out.println (ins); if (ins.isJump () && (target > endPtr || target < startPtr)) System.out.println (ins); } } } // test whether the routine contains any instructions pointing to this address private boolean moreCode (int ptr) { for (Instruction ins : instructions) { if (ins.isBranch () && () == ptr) return true; // should this be calling () ? if (ins.isJump () && ins.opcode.jumpTarget == ptr) return true; } return false; } public void addCaller (int caller) { calledBy.add (caller); } @Override public String getText () { StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder (); text.append (String.format ("Called by : %3d%n", calledBy.size ())); text.append (String.format ("Calls : %3d%n%n", calls.size ())); text.append (String.format ("%s%05X : %d%n", padding, startPtr, locals)); for (Parameter parameter : parameters) text.append (padding + parameter.toString () + "\n"); text.append ("\n"); for (Instruction instruction : instructions) text.append (instruction + "\n"); return text.toString (); } class Parameter { int value; int sequence; public Parameter (int sequence, int value) { this.value = value; this.sequence = sequence; } @Override public String toString () { return String.format ("%05X : L%02d : %d", (startPtr + (sequence - 1) * 2 + 1), sequence, value); } } @Override public Iterator iterator () { return instructions.iterator (); } @Override public int compareTo (Routine o) { return startPtr - o.startPtr; } }