package com.bytezone.diskbrowser.applefile; import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.utilities.HexFormatter; // only used by Prodos text files - note the fixed block size of 512 - bad! // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------// public class TextBuffer // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { public final byte[] buffer; public final int reclen; public final int firstRecNo; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// public TextBuffer (byte[] tempBuffer, int reclen, int firstBlock) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { this.reclen = reclen; // calculate recNo of first full record int firstByte = firstBlock * 512; // logical byte # int rem = firstByte % reclen; firstRecNo = firstByte / reclen + (rem > 0 ? 1 : 0); int offset = (rem > 0) ? reclen - rem : 0; int availableBytes = tempBuffer.length - offset; int totalRecords = (availableBytes - 1) / reclen + 1; // should check whether the two buffers are identical, and maybe skip this // step buffer = new byte[totalRecords * reclen]; int copyBytes = Math.min (availableBytes, buffer.length); if (copyBytes < 0) System.out.printf ("offset %d len %d copy %d%n", offset, buffer.length, copyBytes); else System.arraycopy (tempBuffer, offset, buffer, 0, copyBytes); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// @Override public String toString () // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// { StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder (); text.append ("Record length : " + reclen + "\n"); text.append ("First record : " + firstRecNo + "\n\n"); text.append (HexFormatter.format (buffer, 0, buffer.length) + "\n"); return text.toString (); } }