package com.bytezone.diskbrowser.visicalc; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; class Expression extends AbstractValue { private final List operators = new ArrayList (); private final List signs = new ArrayList (); public Expression (Cell cell, String text) { super (cell, text); String line = balanceBrackets (text); // add trailing right brackets if necessary if (Condition.isCondition (text)) { values.add (new Condition (cell, text)); signs.add ("(+)"); // reduce() needs this return; } int ptr = 0; while (ptr < line.length ()) { // check for optional leading + or - char ch = line.charAt (ptr); if (ch == '-') { signs.add ("(-)"); ch = line.charAt (++ptr); } else { signs.add ("(+)"); if (ch == '+') ch = line.charAt (++ptr); } // check for mandatory function/sub-expression/number/cell reference switch (ch) { case '@': // function String functionText = getFunctionCall (line.substring (ptr)); ptr += functionText.length (); values.add (cell.getFunction (functionText)); break; case '(': // parentheses block String bracketText = getBalancedText (line.substring (ptr)); ptr += bracketText.length (); values.add (new Expression (cell, bracketText.substring (1, bracketText.length () - 1))); break; case '#': // no idea System.out.printf ("Hash character [%s] in [%s]%n", ch, line); ptr++; break; default: if (ch == '.' || (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')) // number { String numberText = getNumberText (line.substring (ptr)); ptr += numberText.length (); values.add (new Number (cell, numberText)); } else if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') // cell address { String addressText = getAddressText (line.substring (ptr)); ptr += addressText.length (); values.add (cell.getCell (addressText)); } else { System.out.printf ("Unexpected character [%s] in [%s]%n", ch, line); return; } } // check for possible continuation operator if (ptr < line.length ()) { ch = line.charAt (ptr); if (ch == '+' || ch == '-' || ch == '*' || ch == '/' || ch == '^') operators.add (line.substring (ptr, ++ptr)); else { System.out.printf ("Unknown operator [%s] in [%s]%n", ch, line); return; } } } assert values.size () > 0; valueType = values.get (0).getValueType (); } Value reduce () { return values.size () == 1 && signs.get (0).equals ("(+)") ? values.get (0) : this; } Value get (int index) { if (index < 0 || index >= values.size ()) throw new IllegalArgumentException (); return values.get (index); } @Override public String getType () { return "Expression"; } @Override public void calculate () { assert values.size () > 0; try { Value thisValue = values.get (0); thisValue.calculate (); if (valueType == ValueType.NUMBER) value = thisValue.getDouble (); else bool = thisValue.getBoolean (); if (!thisValue.isValid ()) // ERROR / NA { valueType = thisValue.getValueType (); return; } String sign = signs.get (0); if (sign.equals ("(-)")) value *= -1; for (int i = 1; i < values.size (); i++) // only NUMBER will enter here { thisValue = values.get (i); thisValue.calculate (); if (!thisValue.isValid ()) { valueType = thisValue.getValueType (); return; } double nextValue = thisValue.getDouble (); sign = signs.get (i); if (sign.equals ("(-)")) nextValue *= -1; String operator = operators.get (i - 1); if (operator.equals ("+")) value += nextValue; else if (operator.equals ("-")) value -= nextValue; else if (operator.equals ("*")) value *= nextValue; else if (operator.equals ("/")) { if (nextValue == 0) { valueResult = ValueResult.ERROR; return; } value /= nextValue; } else if (operator.equals ("^")) value = Math.pow (value, nextValue); if (Double.isNaN (value)) { valueResult = ValueResult.ERROR; return; } } } catch (Exception e) { valueResult = ValueResult.ERROR; e.printStackTrace (); return; } } private String balanceBrackets (String input) { String line = input.trim (); int leftBracket = 0; int rightBracket = 0; for (char c : line.toCharArray ()) if (c == '(') leftBracket++; else if (c == ')') rightBracket++; if (leftBracket != rightBracket) { if (rightBracket > leftBracket) { System.out.printf ("**** Unbalanced brackets: left:%d, right:%d ****%n", leftBracket, rightBracket); System.out.println (input); return "@ERROR"; } while (rightBracket < leftBracket) { line = line + ")"; rightBracket++; } } return line; } // called for functions and expressions private String getBalancedText (String text) { int ptr = text.indexOf ('('); // find first left parenthesis if (ptr < 0) return text; int depth = 1; while (++ptr < text.length ()) // find matching right parenthesis { if (text.charAt (ptr) == ')') { --depth; if (depth == 0) break; } else if (text.charAt (ptr) == '(') ++depth; } return text.substring (0, ptr + 1); // include closing parenthesis } // reads text up to the next comma that is not part of a function // text does not include the outer brackets or calling function name static String getParameter (String text) { int depth = 0; int ptr = 0; while (ptr < text.length ()) { char c = text.charAt (ptr); if (c == '(') ++depth; else if (c == ')') --depth; else if (c == ',' && depth == 0) break; ++ptr; } return text.substring (0, ptr); } // receives a string starting with the function name private String getFunctionCall (String text) { if (text.charAt (0) != '@') throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Bad function name: " + text); for (String functionName : Function.functionList) if (text.startsWith (functionName)) { if (functionName.endsWith ("(")) // if function has parameters return getBalancedText (text); // return full function call return functionName; // return function name only } throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Bad function name: " + text); } private String getNumberText (String text) { int ptr = 0; while (++ptr < text.length ()) { char c = text.charAt (ptr); if (c != '.' && (c < '0' || c > '9')) break; } return text.substring (0, ptr); } private String getAddressText (String text) { int ptr = 0; while (++ptr < text.length ()) { char c = text.charAt (ptr); if ((c < '0' || c > '9') && (c < 'A' || c > 'Z')) break; } return text.substring (0, ptr); } public String fullText () { StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder (); int ptr = 0; for (Value value : values) { assert value != null; text.append (signs.get (ptr)); text.append (value.getDouble ()); if (ptr < operators.size ()) text.append (operators.get (ptr++)); } return text.toString (); } @Override public String toString () { StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder (); text.append (String.format ("%s%n", LINE)); text.append ( String.format (FMT4, "Exprss", getFullText (), valueType, getValueText (this))); int index = 0; for (Value value : values) { String sign = signs.get (index); if (!"(+)".equals (sign)) text.append (String.format (FMT2, "sign", sign)); text.append (String.format (FMT4, value.getType (), value.getFullText (), value.getValueType (), getValueText (value))); if (index < operators.size ()) text.append (String.format (FMT2, "operator", operators.get (index))); ++index; } return text.toString (); } }