package com.bytezone.diskbrowser.applefile; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.utilities.HexFormatter; public class IconFile extends AbstractFile { private final int iBlkNext; private final int iBlkID; private final int iBlkPath; private final String iBlkName; private final List icons = new ArrayList (); public IconFile (String name, byte[] buffer) { super (name, buffer); iBlkNext = HexFormatter.getLong (buffer, 0); iBlkID = HexFormatter.getShort (buffer, 4); iBlkPath = HexFormatter.getLong (buffer, 6); iBlkName = HexFormatter.getHexString (buffer, 10, 16); int ptr = 26; while (true) { int dataLen = HexFormatter.getShort (buffer, ptr); if (dataLen == 0 || (dataLen + ptr) > buffer.length) break; icons.add (new Icon (buffer, ptr)); ptr += dataLen; } } @Override public String getText () { StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder ("Name : " + name + "\n\n"); text.append (String.format ("Next Icon file .. %d%n", iBlkNext)); text.append (String.format ("Block ID ........ %d%n", iBlkID)); text.append (String.format ("Block path ...... %d%n", iBlkPath)); text.append (String.format ("Block name ...... %s%n", iBlkName)); text.append ("\n"); for (Icon icon : icons) { text.append (icon); text.append ("\n\n"); } return text.toString (); } class Icon { byte[] buffer; int iDataLen; String pathName; String dataName; int iDataType; int iDataAux; Image largeImage; Image smallImage; public Icon (byte[] fullBuffer, int ptr) { iDataLen = HexFormatter.getShort (fullBuffer, ptr); buffer = new byte[iDataLen]; System.arraycopy (fullBuffer, ptr, buffer, 0, buffer.length); int len = buffer[2] & 0xFF; pathName = new String (buffer, 3, len); len = buffer[66] & 0xFF; dataName = new String (buffer, 67, len); iDataType = HexFormatter.getShort (buffer, 82); iDataAux = HexFormatter.getShort (buffer, 84); largeImage = new Image (buffer, 86); smallImage = new Image (buffer, 86 + largeImage.size ()); } @Override public String toString () { StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder (); text.append (String.format ("Data length .. %04X%n", iDataLen)); text.append (String.format ("Path name .... %s%n", pathName)); text.append (String.format ("Data name .... %s%n", dataName)); text.append ("\n"); text.append (largeImage); text.append ("\n"); text.append ("\n"); text.append (smallImage); return text.toString (); } } class Image { int iconType; int iconSize; int iconHeight; int iconWidth; byte[] main; byte[] mask; public Image (byte[] buffer, int ptr) { iconType = HexFormatter.getShort (buffer, ptr); iconSize = HexFormatter.getShort (buffer, ptr + 2); iconHeight = HexFormatter.getShort (buffer, ptr + 4); iconWidth = HexFormatter.getShort (buffer, ptr + 6); main = new byte[iconSize]; mask = new byte[iconSize]; System.arraycopy (buffer, ptr + 8, main, 0, iconSize); System.arraycopy (buffer, ptr + 8 + iconSize, mask, 0, iconSize); } public int size () { return 8 + iconSize * 2; } @Override public String toString () { StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder (); text.append (String.format ("Icon type .... %04X%n", iconType)); text.append (String.format ("Icon size .... %d%n", iconSize)); text.append (String.format ("Icon height .. %d%n", iconHeight)); text.append (String.format ("Icon width ... %d%n%n", iconWidth)); appendIcon (text, main); text.append ("\n\n"); appendIcon (text, mask); return text.toString (); } /* Offset Color RGB Mini-Palette 0 Black 000 0 1 Blue 00F 1 2 Yellow FF0 2 3 White FFF 3 4 Black 000 0 5 Red D00 1 6 Green 0E0 2 7 White FFF 3 8 Black 000 0 9 Blue 00F 1 10 Yellow FF0 2 11 White FFF 3 12 Black 000 0 13 Red D00 1 14 Green 0E0 2 15 White FFF 3 The displayMode word bits are defined as: Bit 0 selectedIconBit 1 = invert image before copying Bit 1 openIconBit 1 = copy light-gray pattern instead of image Bit 2 offLineBit 1 = AND light-gray pattern to image being copied Bits 3-7 reserved. Bits 8-11 foreground color to apply to black part of black & white icons Bits 12-15 background color to apply to white part of black & white icons Bits 0-2 can occur at once and are tested in the order 1-2-0. "Color is only applied to the black and white icons if bits 15-8 are not all 0. Colored pixels in an icon are inverted by black pixels becoming white and any other color of pixel becoming black." */ private void appendIcon (StringBuilder text, byte[] buffer) { int rowBytes = 1 + (iconWidth - 1) / 2; for (int i = 0; i < main.length; i += rowBytes) { for (int ptr = i, max = i + rowBytes; ptr < max; ptr++) { int left = (byte) ((buffer[ptr] & 0xF0) >> 4); int right = (byte) (buffer[ptr] & 0x0F); text.append (String.format ("%X %X ", left, right)); } text.append ("\n"); } if (text.length () > 0) text.deleteCharAt (text.length () - 1); } } }