package com.bytezone.diskbrowser.applefile; import java.awt.Color; import; import; import java.util.List; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.prodos.ProdosConstants; import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.utilities.HexFormatter; public abstract class HiResImage extends AbstractFile { protected static PaletteFactory paletteFactory = new PaletteFactory (); private static final byte[] pngHeader = { (byte) 0x89, 0x50, 0x4E, 0x47, 0x0D, 0x0A, 0x1A, 0x0A }; protected static boolean colourQuirks; protected static boolean monochrome; protected int fileType; protected int auxType; protected int eof; protected byte[] unpackedBuffer; protected int paletteIndex; public HiResImage (String name, byte[] buffer) { super (name, buffer); } public HiResImage (String name, byte[] buffer, int loadAddress) { this (name, buffer, loadAddress, false); } public HiResImage (String name, byte[] buffer, int loadAddress, boolean scrunched) { super (name, buffer); this.loadAddress = loadAddress; // for the disassembly listing if (scrunched) this.buffer = unscrunch (buffer); } public HiResImage (String name, byte[] buffer, int fileType, int auxType, int eof) { super (name, buffer); this.fileType = fileType; this.auxType = auxType; this.eof = eof; } protected void createImage () { if (isGif (buffer) || isPng (buffer) || isBmp (buffer)) makeImage (); else if (monochrome) createMonochromeImage (); else createColourImage (); } protected abstract void createMonochromeImage (); protected abstract void createColourImage (); public void checkPalette () { if (!monochrome && paletteIndex != paletteFactory.getCurrentPaletteIndex ()) createImage (); } public void setPalette () { if (!monochrome) createImage (); } public void setColourQuirks (boolean value) { if (colourQuirks == value) return; colourQuirks = value; if (!monochrome) createImage (); } public void setMonochrome (boolean value) { if (monochrome == value) return; monochrome = value; createImage (); } public static void setDefaultColourQuirks (boolean value) { colourQuirks = value; } public static void setDefaultMonochrome (boolean value) { monochrome = value; } /*- Mode Page 1 Page 2 280 x 192 Black & White 0 4 280 x 192 Limited Color 1 5 560 x 192 Black & White 2 6 140 x 192 Full Color 3 7 */ // SHR see - @Override public String getText () { String auxText = ""; StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder ("Image File : " + name); text.append (String.format ("%nFile type : $%02X %s", fileType, ProdosConstants.fileTypes[fileType])); switch (fileType) { case ProdosConstants.FILE_TYPE_PICT: // 0x08 if (auxType < 0x4000) { auxText = "Apple II Graphics File"; byte mode = buffer[0x78]; // 0-7 System.out.println ("Prodos PICT, mode=" + mode); // see mode table above } else if (auxType == 0x4000) auxText = "Packed Hi-Res File"; else if (auxType == 0x4001) auxText = "Packed Double Hi-Res File"; break; case ProdosConstants.FILE_TYPE_PNT: // 0xC0 if (auxType == 0) auxText = "Paintworks Packed SHR Image"; else if (auxType == 1) auxText = "Packed Super Hi-Res Image"; else if (auxType == 2) auxText = "Super Hi-Res Image (Apple Preferred)"; else if (auxType == 3) auxText = "Packed QuickDraw II PICT File"; break; case ProdosConstants.FILE_TYPE_PIC: // 0xC1 if (auxType == 0) auxText = "Super Hi-res Screen Image"; else if (auxType == 1) auxText = "QuickDraw PICT File"; else if (auxType == 2) auxText = "Super Hi-Res 3200 color image"; } if (!auxText.isEmpty ()) text.append (String.format ("%nAux type : $%04X %s", auxType, auxText)); text.append (String.format ("%nFile size : %,d", buffer.length)); text.append (String.format ("%nEOF : %,d", eof)); if (unpackedBuffer != null) { text.append (String.format ("%nUnpacked : %,d%n%n", unpackedBuffer.length)); // text.append (HexFormatter.format (unpackedBuffer)); } return text.toString (); } /* * Unpack the Apple PackBytes format. * * Format is: * ... * * Flag values (first 6 bits of flag byte): * 00xxxxxx: (0-63) 1 to 64 bytes follow, all different * 01xxxxxx: (0-63) 1 to 64 repeats of next byte * 10xxxxxx: (0-63) 1 to 64 repeats of next 4 bytes * 11xxxxxx: (0-63) 1 to 64 repeats of next byte taken as 4 bytes * (as in 10xxxxxx case) */ // Super Hi-res IIGS protected byte[] unpackBytes (byte[] buffer) { // routine found here - byte[] newBuf = new byte[32768]; // this might be wrong byte[] fourBuf = new byte[4]; int ptr = 0, newPtr = 0; while (ptr < buffer.length) { int type = (buffer[ptr] & 0xC0) >> 6; // 0-3 int count = (buffer[ptr++] & 0x3F) + 1; // 1-64 switch (type) { case 0: while (count-- != 0) newBuf[newPtr++] = buffer[ptr++]; break; case 1: byte b = buffer[ptr++]; while (count-- != 0) newBuf[newPtr++] = b; break; case 2: for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) fourBuf[i] = buffer[ptr++]; while (count-- != 0) for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) newBuf[newPtr++] = fourBuf[i]; break; case 3: b = buffer[ptr++]; count *= 4; while (count-- != 0) newBuf[newPtr++] = b; break; } } return newBuf; } // Super Hi-res IIGS protected int unpackLine (byte[] buffer, byte[] newBuf, int newPtr) { byte[] fourBuf = new byte[4]; int ptr = 0; while (ptr < buffer.length) { int type = (buffer[ptr] & 0xC0) >> 6; // 0-3 int count = (buffer[ptr++] & 0x3F) + 1; // 1-64 if (ptr >= buffer.length) break; switch (type) { case 0: while (count-- != 0) if (newPtr < unpackedBuffer.length && ptr < buffer.length) newBuf[newPtr++] = buffer[ptr++]; break; case 1: byte b = buffer[ptr++]; while (count-- != 0) if (newPtr < unpackedBuffer.length) newBuf[newPtr++] = b; break; case 2: for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) if (ptr < buffer.length) fourBuf[i] = buffer[ptr++]; while (count-- != 0) for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) if (newPtr < unpackedBuffer.length) newBuf[newPtr++] = fourBuf[i]; break; case 3: b = buffer[ptr++]; count *= 4; while (count-- != 0) if (newPtr < unpackedBuffer.length) newBuf[newPtr++] = b; break; } } return newPtr; } // Beagle Bros routine to expand a hi-res screen private byte[] unscrunch (byte[] src) { byte[] dst = new byte[0x2000]; int p1 = 0; int p2 = 0; while (p1 < dst.length) { byte b = src[p2++]; if ((b == (byte) 0x80) || (b == (byte) 0xFF)) { b &= 0x7F; int rpt = src[p2++]; for (int i = 0; i < rpt; i++) dst[p1++] = b; } else dst[p1++] = b; } return dst; } protected void makeImage () { try { image = (new ByteArrayInputStream (buffer)); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace (); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) // some BMP files cause this { System.out.println ("Error in makeImage()"); System.out.println (e.getMessage ()); } } public static boolean isGif (byte[] buffer) { if (buffer.length < 6) return false; String text = new String (buffer, 0, 6); return text.equals ("GIF89a") || text.equals ("GIF87a"); } public static boolean isPng (byte[] buffer) { if (buffer.length < pngHeader.length) return false; for (int i = 0; i < pngHeader.length; i++) if (pngHeader[i] != buffer[i]) return false; return true; } public static boolean isBmp (byte[] buffer) { if (buffer.length < 2) return false; String text = new String (buffer, 0, 2); return text.equals ("BM"); } public static PaletteFactory getPaletteFactory () { return paletteFactory; } public static List getPalettes () { return paletteFactory.getPalettes (); } class ColorTable { int id; ColorEntry[] entries = new ColorEntry[16]; public ColorTable () { // default empty table id = -1; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { entries[i] = new ColorEntry (); } } public ColorTable (int id, byte[] data, int offset) { = id; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { entries[i] = new ColorEntry (data, offset); offset += 2; } } String toLine () { StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder (); text.append (String.format (" %X", id)); for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) text.append (String.format (" %04X", entries[i].value)); return text.toString (); } void reverse () { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { ColorEntry temp = entries[i]; entries[i] = entries[15 - i]; entries[15 - i] = temp; } } @Override public String toString () { StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder (); text.append (String.format ("%2d ColorTable%n", id)); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) text.append (String.format (" %2d: %04X", i, entries[i].value)); text.append ("\n"); for (int i = 8; i < 16; i++) text.append (String.format (" %2d: %04X", i, entries[i].value)); return text.toString (); } } class ColorEntry { int value; // 0RGB Color color; public ColorEntry () { // default empty entry value = 0; color = new Color (0, 0, 0); } public ColorEntry (byte[] data, int offset) { value = HexFormatter.unsignedShort (data, offset); int red = ((value >> 8) & 0x0f) * 17; int green = ((value >> 4) & 0x0f) * 17; int blue = (value & 0x0f) * 17; color = new Color (red, green, blue); } @Override public String toString () { return String.format ("ColorEntry: %04X", value); } } class DirEntry { int numBytes; int mode; public DirEntry (byte[] data, int offset) { numBytes = HexFormatter.unsignedShort (data, offset); mode = HexFormatter.unsignedShort (data, offset + 2); } @Override public String toString () { return String.format ("Bytes: %5d, mode: %02X", numBytes, mode); } } }