package com.bytezone.diskbrowser.visicalc; import java.text.DecimalFormat; class Cell implements Comparable, Value { private static final DecimalFormat nf = new DecimalFormat ("$#####0.00"); final Address address; private final Sheet parent; private char format = ' '; private char repeatingChar; private String repeat = ""; private String label; private String expressionText; private Value value; // private boolean hasValue; public Cell (Sheet parent, Address address) { this.parent = parent; this.address = address; } void format (String format) { // /FG - general // /FD - default // /FI - integer // /F$ - dollars and cents // /FL - left justified // /FR - right justified // /F* - graph (histogram) if (format.startsWith ("/F")) this.format = format.charAt (2); else if (format.startsWith ("/-")) { repeatingChar = format.charAt (2); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) repeat += repeatingChar; } else System.out.printf ("Unexpected format [%s]%n", format); } void setValue (String command) { switch (command.charAt (0)) { case '"': label = command.substring (1); break; default: expressionText = command; } // FUTURE.VC if (false) if (address.sortValue == 67) expressionText = "1000"; else if (address.sortValue == 131) expressionText = "10.5"; else if (address.sortValue == 195) expressionText = "12"; else if (address.sortValue == 259) expressionText = "8"; // IRA.VC if (false) if (address.sortValue == 66) expressionText = "10"; else if (address.sortValue == 130) expressionText = "30"; else if (address.sortValue == 194) expressionText = "65"; else if (address.sortValue == 258) expressionText = "1000"; else if (address.sortValue == 386) expressionText = "15"; // CARLOAN.VC if (false) if (address.sortValue == 67) expressionText = "9375"; else if (address.sortValue == 131) expressionText = "4500"; else if (address.sortValue == 195) expressionText = "24"; else if (address.sortValue == 259) expressionText = "11.9"; else if (address.sortValue == 579) expressionText = "D9*G5/(1-((1+G5)^-D4))"; } char getFormat () { return format; } String getText (int colWidth, char defaultFormat) { if (hasValue ()) if (format == 'I') { String integerFormat = String.format ("%%%d.0f", colWidth); return String.format (integerFormat, getValue ()); } else if (format == '$') { String currencyFormat = String.format ("%%%d.%ds", colWidth, colWidth); return String.format (currencyFormat, nf.format (getValue ())); } else if (format == '*') { String graphFormat = String.format ("%%-%d.%ds", colWidth, colWidth); return String.format (graphFormat, "********************"); } else { // this could be improved String numberFormat = String.format ("%%%d.3f", colWidth + 4); String val = String.format (numberFormat, getValue ()); while (val.endsWith ("0")) val = ' ' + val.substring (0, val.length () - 1); if (val.endsWith (".")) val = ' ' + val.substring (0, val.length () - 1); if (val.length () > colWidth) val = val.substring (val.length () - colWidth); return val; } String text; if (label != null) text = label; else if (repeatingChar > 0) text = repeat; else text = "?"; if (format == 'R') { String labelFormat = String.format ("%%%d.%ds", colWidth, colWidth); return (String.format (labelFormat, text)); } else { String labelFormat = String.format ("%%-%d.%ds", colWidth, colWidth); return (String.format (labelFormat, text)); } } @Override public boolean hasValue () { if (label != null || repeatingChar > 0) return false; if (value == null) createValue (); return value.hasValue (); } // this should be called when doing calculations @Override public double getValue () { if (value == null) createValue (); return value.getValue (); } @Override public String getError () { if (value == null) createValue (); return value.getError (); } private void createValue () { if (expressionText == null) { System.out.printf ("%s null expression text %n", address); value = Function.getInstance (parent, "@ERROR()"); } else // could use Number or Cell for simple Values value = new Expression (parent, expressionText); } @Override public String toString () { String contents = ""; if (label != null) contents = "Labl: " + label; else if (repeatingChar != 0) contents = "Rept: " + repeatingChar; else if (expressionText != null) contents = "Exp : " + expressionText; return String.format ("[Cell:%5s %s]", address, contents); } @Override public int compareTo (Cell o) { return address.compareTo (o.address); } }