2016-08-06 17:17:16 +10:00

229 lines
7.9 KiB
Executable File

package com.bytezone.diskbrowser.applefile;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.applefile.Relocator.MultiDiskAddress;
import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.utilities.FileFormatException;
import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.utilities.HexFormatter;
public class PascalSegment extends AbstractFile implements PascalConstants
private final static int BLOCK_SIZE = 512;
final int segmentNoHeader;
private int segmentNoBody;
private final int blockOffset;
private final Relocator relocator;
public int blockNo;
// public int newBlockNo;
public final int size;
private final int segKind;
private final int textAddress;
private final int machineType;
private final int version;
private final int intrinsSegs1;
private final int intrinsSegs2;
private final int slot;
private int totalProcedures;
private List<PascalProcedure> procedures;
private List<MultiDiskAddress> addresses;
public PascalSegment (String name, byte[] fullBuffer, int seq, int blockOffset,
Relocator relocator)
super (name, fullBuffer); // sets this.buffer to the full buffer temporarily
this.slot = seq;
this.blockOffset = blockOffset;
this.relocator = relocator;
this.blockNo = HexFormatter.intValue (fullBuffer[seq * 4], fullBuffer[seq * 4 + 1]);
this.size = HexFormatter.intValue (fullBuffer[seq * 4 + 2], fullBuffer[seq * 4 + 3]);
segKind = HexFormatter.intValue (fullBuffer[0xC0 + seq * 2],
fullBuffer[0xC0 + seq * 2 + 1]);
textAddress = HexFormatter.intValue (fullBuffer[0xE0 + seq * 2],
fullBuffer[0xE0 + seq * 2 + 1]);
// segment 1 is the main segment, 2-6 are used by the system, and 7
// onwards is for the program
this.segmentNoHeader = fullBuffer[0x100 + seq * 2] & 0xFF;
int flags = fullBuffer[0x101 + seq * 2] & 0xFF;
// 0 unknown,
// 1 positive byte sex p-code
// 2 negative byte sex p-code (apple pascal)
// 3-9 6502 code (7 = apple 6502)
machineType = flags & 0x0F;
version = (flags & 0xD0) >> 5;
intrinsSegs1 = HexFormatter.intValue (fullBuffer[0x120 + seq * 4],
fullBuffer[0x120 + seq * 4 + 1]);
intrinsSegs2 = HexFormatter.intValue (fullBuffer[0x120 + seq * 4 + 2],
fullBuffer[0x120 + seq * 4 + 3]);
int offset = blockNo * 512;
if (relocator != null)
// if (segmentNoHeader > 1)
// {
int sizeInBlocks = (size - 1) / BLOCK_SIZE + 1;
int targetBlock = blockNo + blockOffset;
addresses = relocator.getMultiDiskAddress (name, targetBlock, sizeInBlocks);
if (addresses.size () > 0)
MultiDiskAddress multiDiskAddress = addresses.get (0);
if (multiDiskAddress.diskNumber == 1)
offset = (multiDiskAddress.physicalBlockNumber - blockOffset) * BLOCK_SIZE;
offset = -1;
// }
if (offset < 0)
buffer = new byte[0];
else if (offset < fullBuffer.length)
buffer = new byte[size]; // replaces this.buffer with the segment buffer only
System.arraycopy (fullBuffer, offset, buffer, 0, size);
totalProcedures = buffer[size - 1] & 0xFF;
segmentNoBody = buffer[size - 2] & 0xFF;
if (segmentNoHeader == 0)
System.out.printf ("Zero segment header in %s seq %d%n", name, seq);
else if (segmentNoBody != segmentNoHeader)
System.out.println (
"Segment number mismatch : " + segmentNoBody + " / " + segmentNoHeader);
throw new FileFormatException ("Error in PascalSegment");
void setMultiDiskAddresses (List<MultiDiskAddress> addresses)
this.addresses = addresses;
private void buildProcedureList ()
procedures = new ArrayList<PascalProcedure> (totalProcedures);
for (int i = 1; i <= totalProcedures; i++)
procedures.add (new PascalProcedure (buffer, i));
public String toText ()
int sizeInBlocks = (size - 1) / BLOCK_SIZE + 1;
return String.format (
" %2d %02X %02X %04X %-8s %-15s%3d " + "%02X %d %d %d %d %s",
slot, blockNo, sizeInBlocks, size, name, SegmentKind[segKind], textAddress,
segmentNoHeader, machineType, version, intrinsSegs1, intrinsSegs2,
getMultiDiskAddresses ());
public String getText ()
if (procedures == null)
buildProcedureList ();
StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder ();
String title = "Segment - " + name;
text.append (title + "\n"
+ "===============================".substring (0, title.length ()) + "\n\n");
String warning = segmentNoBody == segmentNoHeader ? ""
: String.format (" (%02X in routine)", segmentNoBody);
text.append (String.format ("Address........ %02X%n", blockNo));
// if (addresses != null)
text.append (String.format ("Multi disk .... %s%n", getMultiDiskAddresses ()));
text.append (String.format ("Length......... %04X%n", buffer.length));
text.append (String.format ("Machine type... %d%n", machineType));
text.append (String.format ("Version........ %d%n", version));
text.append (String.format ("Segment........ %02X%s%n", segmentNoHeader, warning));
text.append (String.format ("Total procs.... %d%n", procedures.size ()));
text.append ("\nProcedure Dictionary\n====================\n\n");
int len = procedures.size () * 2 + 2;
if (false)
text.append (HexFormatter.format (buffer, buffer.length - len, len) + "\n\n");
text.append ("Proc Offset Lvl Entry Exit Parm Data Proc header\n");
text.append (
"---- ------ --- ----- ---- ---- ---- --------------------\n");
for (PascalProcedure procedure : procedures)
if (procedure.valid)
int address = size - procedure.slot * 2 - 2;
text.append (String.format (
" %3d %04X %3d %04X %04X %04X %04X (%04X - %04X = %04X)%n",
procedure.procedureNo, procedure.offset, procedure.procLevel,
procedure.codeStart, procedure.codeEnd, procedure.parmSize,
procedure.dataSize, address, procedure.offset, procedure.procOffset));
text.append (String.format (" %3d %04X%n", procedure.slot, procedure.offset));
text.append ("\nStrings\n=======\n");
for (PascalProcedure pp : procedures)
List<PascalCodeStatement> strings = pp.extractStrings ();
for (PascalCodeStatement cs : strings)
text.append (
String.format (" %2d %04X %s%n", pp.procedureNo, cs.ptr, cs.text));
for (PascalProcedure procedure : procedures)
if (procedure.valid)
text.append (procedure);
return text.toString ();
private String getMultiDiskAddresses ()
String multiDiskAddressText = "";
int sizeInBlocks = (size - 1) / BLOCK_SIZE + 1;
// if (segmentNoHeader == 1) // main segment
// {
// multiDiskAddressText = String.format ("1:%03X", (blockNo + blockOffset));
// }
// else
if (relocator != null)
int targetBlock = blockNo + blockOffset;
List<MultiDiskAddress> addresses =
relocator.getMultiDiskAddress (name, targetBlock, sizeInBlocks);
if (addresses.isEmpty ())
multiDiskAddressText = ".";
StringBuilder locations = new StringBuilder ();
for (MultiDiskAddress multiDiskAddress : addresses)
locations.append (multiDiskAddress.toString () + ", ");
if (locations.length () > 2)
locations.deleteCharAt (locations.length () - 1);
locations.deleteCharAt (locations.length () - 1);
multiDiskAddressText = locations.toString ();
return multiDiskAddressText;