Denis Molony e3eb32d493 tidying
2021-02-23 20:06:42 +10:00

1138 lines
39 KiB

package com.bytezone.diskbrowser.applefile;
import static com.bytezone.diskbrowser.utilities.Utility.getIndent;
import static com.bytezone.diskbrowser.utilities.Utility.isDigit;
import static com.bytezone.diskbrowser.utilities.Utility.isHighBitSet;
import static com.bytezone.diskbrowser.utilities.Utility.isLetter;
import static com.bytezone.diskbrowser.utilities.Utility.isPossibleNumber;
import static com.bytezone.diskbrowser.utilities.Utility.unsignedShort;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.utilities.HexFormatter;
import com.bytezone.diskbrowser.utilities.Utility;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public class ApplesoftBasicProgram extends BasicProgram implements ApplesoftConstants
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private static final String underline =
+ "----------------------------------------------";
private static final Pattern dimPattern =
Pattern.compile ("[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*[$%]?\\([0-9]+(,[0-9]+)*\\)[,:]?");
private static final String NEWLINE = "\n";
private static final int LEFT_MARGIN = 5;
private static final int RIGHT_MARGIN = 33;
private final List<SourceLine> sourceLines = new ArrayList<> ();
private final int endPtr;
private final int longestVarName;
private final Map<Integer, List<Integer>> gotoLines = new TreeMap<> ();
private final Map<Integer, List<Integer>> gosubLines = new TreeMap<> ();
private final Map<Integer, List<Integer>> constantsInt = new TreeMap<> ();
private final Map<Float, List<Integer>> constantsFloat = new TreeMap<> ();
private final Map<String, List<Integer>> callLines = new TreeMap<> ();
private final Map<String, List<Integer>> symbolLines = new TreeMap<> ();
private final Map<String, List<Integer>> functionLines = new TreeMap<> ();
private final Map<String, List<Integer>> arrayLines = new TreeMap<> ();
private final Map<String, List<String>> uniqueSymbols = new TreeMap<> ();
private final Map<String, List<String>> uniqueArrays = new TreeMap<> ();
final List<Integer> stringsLine = new ArrayList<> ();
final List<String> stringsText = new ArrayList<> ();
private final String formatLeft;
private final String formatLineNumber;
private final String formatRight;
final String formatCall;
private final int maxDigits;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public ApplesoftBasicProgram (String name, byte[] buffer)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
super (name, buffer);
int ptr = 0;
while (buffer[ptr + 1] != 0) // msb of link field
SourceLine line = new SourceLine (this, buffer, ptr);
sourceLines.add (line);
checkXref (line);
ptr += line.length; // assumes lines are contiguous
endPtr = ptr;
longestVarName = getLongestName ();
formatLeft = longestVarName > 7 ? "%-" + longestVarName + "." + longestVarName + "s "
: "%-7.7s ";
formatRight = formatLeft.replace ("-", "");
formatCall = longestVarName > 7 ? "%-" + longestVarName + "s " : "%-7s ";
maxDigits = getMaxDigits ();
formatLineNumber = "%" + maxDigits + "d ";
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
public String getText ()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder ();
if (basicPreferences.showHeader)
addHeader (text);
if (showDebugText)
return getDebugText (text);
if (sourceLines.size () == 0)
text.append ("\n\nThis page intentionally left blank");
return text.toString ();
if (basicPreferences.formatApplesoft)
getUserFormat (text);
getAppleFormat (text);
if (basicPreferences.showAllXref)
addXref (text);
return Utility.rtrim (text);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private void getAppleFormat (StringBuilder fullText)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
int loadAddress = getLoadAddress ();
int ptr = 0;
int linkField;
StringBuilder currentLine = new StringBuilder ();
while ((linkField = unsignedShort (buffer, ptr)) != 0)
int lineNumber = unsignedShort (buffer, ptr + 2);
currentLine.append (String.format (" %d ", lineNumber));
ptr += 4;
if (basicPreferences.appleLineWrap)
ptr = appendWithWrap (currentLine, ptr);
ptr = appendWithOutWrap (currentLine, ptr);
if (ptr != (linkField - loadAddress))
System.out.printf ("%s: ptr: %04X, nextLine: %04X%n", name, ptr + loadAddress,
// ptr = linkField - loadAddress; // use this when tested
currentLine.append (NEWLINE);
fullText.append (currentLine);
currentLine.setLength (0);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private int appendWithOutWrap (StringBuilder currentLine, int ptr)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
byte b;
while ((b = buffer[ptr++]) != 0)
if (isHighBitSet (b))
String token = String.format (" %s ", ApplesoftConstants.tokens[b & 0x7F]);
currentLine.append (token);
switch (b)
case Utility.ASCII_CR:
currentLine.append (NEWLINE);
if (currentLine.length () > 0)
currentLine.deleteCharAt (currentLine.length () - 1);
case Utility.ASCII_LF:
int indent = getIndent (currentLine);
currentLine.append ("\n");
for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++)
currentLine.append (" ");
currentLine.append ((char) b);
return ptr;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private int appendWithWrap (StringBuilder currentLine, int ptr)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
byte b;
int cursor = currentLine.length (); // controls when to wrap
while ((b = buffer[ptr++]) != 0)
if (isHighBitSet (b))
String token = String.format (" %s ", ApplesoftConstants.tokens[b & 0x7F]);
currentLine.append (token);
cursor = incrementCursor (currentLine, cursor, token.length ());
switch (b)
case Utility.ASCII_CR:
currentLine.append (NEWLINE);
cursor = 0;
if (cursor > 0)
currentLine.deleteCharAt (currentLine.length () - 1);
case Utility.ASCII_LF:
currentLine.append ("\n");
for (int i = 0; i < cursor; i++)
currentLine.append (" ");
currentLine.append ((char) b);
cursor = incrementCursor (currentLine, cursor, 1);
return ptr;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private int incrementCursor (StringBuilder currentLine, int cursor, int size)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
assert size <= 9; // longest token possible (7 plus 2 spaces)
cursor += size;
if ((cursor) >= RIGHT_MARGIN)
if (cursor >= 40) // already wrapped
cursor -= 40;
cursor = LEFT_MARGIN;
currentLine.append ("\n ".substring (0, cursor + 1));
return cursor;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private void getUserFormat (StringBuilder fullText)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
int indentSize = 2;
boolean insertBlankLine = false;
Stack<String> loopVariables = new Stack<> ();
int alignEqualsPos = 0;
int baseOffset = 7; // 5 digit line number + 2 spaces
for (SourceLine line : sourceLines)
StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder (String.format ("%5d", (line.lineNumber)));
int indent = loopVariables.size (); // each full line starts at the loop indent
int ifIndent = 0; // IF statement(s) limit back indentation by NEXT
for (SubLine subline : line.sublines)
// Allow empty statements (caused by a single colon)
if (subline.isEmpty ())
// A REM statement might conceal an assembler routine
// - see P.CREATE on Diags2E.DSK
if ( (TOKEN_REM) && subline.containsToken ())
int address = getLoadAddress () + subline.startPtr + 1; // skip the REM token
fullText.append (text + String.format ("REM - Inline assembler @ $%02X (%d)%n",
address, address));
String padding = " ".substring (0, text.length () + 2);
for (String asm : getRemAssembler (subline))
fullText.append (padding + asm + NEWLINE);
// Beagle Bros often have multiline REM statements
if ( (TOKEN_REM) && basicPreferences.formatRem
&& subline.containsControlChars ())
subline.addFormattedRem (text);
fullText.append (text + NEWLINE);
// Reduce the indent by each NEXT, but only as far as the IF indent allows
if ( (TOKEN_NEXT))
popLoopVariables (loopVariables, subline);
indent = Math.max (ifIndent, loopVariables.size ());
// Are we joining REM lines with the previous subline?
if (!basicPreferences.splitRem && subline.isJoinableRem ())
// Join this REM statement to the previous line, so no indenting
fullText.deleteCharAt (fullText.length () - 1); // remove newline
fullText.append (" ");
else // ... otherwise do all the indenting
// Align assign statements if required
if (basicPreferences.alignAssign)
alignEqualsPos = alignEqualsPosition (subline, alignEqualsPos);
int column = indent * indentSize + baseOffset;
while (text.length () < column)
text.append (" ");
// Add the current text, then reset it
String lineText = subline.getAlignedText (alignEqualsPos);
if ( (TOKEN_DATA) && basicPreferences.deleteExtraDataSpace)
lineText = lineText.replaceFirst ("DATA ", "DATA ");
// Check for a wrappable REM/DATA/DIM statement
// (see SEA BATTLE on DISK283.DSK)
int inset = Math.max (text.length (), getIndent (fullText)) + 1;
if ( (TOKEN_REM) && lineText.length () > basicPreferences.wrapRemAt)
List<String> lines = splitLine (lineText, basicPreferences.wrapRemAt, ' ');
addSplitLines (lines, text, inset);
else if ( (TOKEN_DATA)
&& lineText.length () > basicPreferences.wrapDataAt)
List<String> lines = splitLine (lineText, basicPreferences.wrapDataAt, ',');
addSplitLines (lines, text, inset);
else if ( (TOKEN_DIM) && basicPreferences.splitDim)
List<String> lines = splitDim (lineText);
addSplitLines (lines, text, inset);
text.append (lineText);
// Check for a wrappable PRINT or INPUT statement
if (basicPreferences.wrapPrintAt > 0 // not currently used
&& countChars (text, Utility.ASCII_QUOTE) == 2 // just start and end quotes
&& countChars (text, Utility.ASCII_CARET) == 0) // no control characters
wrapPrint (fullText, text, lineText);
fullText.append (text + NEWLINE);
text.setLength (0);
// Calculate indent changes that take effect after the current subline
if ( (TOKEN_IF))
ifIndent = ++indent;
else if ( (TOKEN_FOR))
String latestLoopVar = loopVariables.size () > 0 ? loopVariables.peek () : "";
if (!subline.forVariable.equals (latestLoopVar)) // don't add repeated loop
loopVariables.push (subline.forVariable);
else if (basicPreferences.blankAfterReturn && (TOKEN_RETURN)
&& subline.isFirst ())
insertBlankLine = true;
if (insertBlankLine)
fullText.append (NEWLINE);
insertBlankLine = false;
// Reset alignment value if we just left an IF
// - the indentation will be different now
if (ifIndent > 0)
alignEqualsPos = 0;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private void addXref (StringBuilder fullText)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
if (basicPreferences.showSymbols)
if (!symbolLines.isEmpty ())
showSymbolsLeft (fullText, symbolLines, "Var");
if (!arrayLines.isEmpty ())
showSymbolsLeft (fullText, arrayLines, "Array");
if (basicPreferences.showDuplicateSymbols)
if (!uniqueSymbols.isEmpty ())
showDuplicates (fullText, uniqueSymbols, "Var");
if (!uniqueArrays.isEmpty ())
showDuplicates (fullText, uniqueArrays, "Array");
if (basicPreferences.showFunctions && !functionLines.isEmpty ())
showSymbolsLeft (fullText, functionLines, "Fnction");
if (basicPreferences.showConstants)
if (!constantsInt.isEmpty ())
showSymbolsRightInt (fullText, constantsInt, "Integer");
if (!constantsFloat.isEmpty ())
showSymbolsRightFloat (fullText, constantsFloat, "Float");
if (stringsLine.size () > 0)
heading (fullText, formatRight, "Line", "String");
for (int i = 0; i < stringsLine.size (); i++)
fullText.append (String.format (formatRight + "%s%n", stringsLine.get (i),
stringsText.get (i)));
if (basicPreferences.showXref)
if (!gosubLines.isEmpty ())
showSymbolsRight (fullText, gosubLines, "GOSUB");
if (!gotoLines.isEmpty ())
showSymbolsRight (fullText, gotoLines, "GOTO");
if (basicPreferences.showCalls && !callLines.isEmpty ())
showSymbolsLeftRight (fullText, callLines, " CALL");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private int getMaxDigits ()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
if (sourceLines.size () == 0)
return 4; // anything non-zero
SourceLine lastLine = sourceLines.get (sourceLines.size () - 1);
return (lastLine.lineNumber + "").length ();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private void heading (StringBuilder fullText, String format, String... heading)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
if (fullText.charAt (fullText.length () - 2) != '\n')
fullText.append (NEWLINE);
fullText.append (String.format (format, underline));
fullText.append (underline);
fullText.append (NEWLINE);
fullText.append (String.format (format, heading[0]));
if (heading.length == 1)
fullText.append ("Line numbers");
fullText.append (heading[1]);
fullText.append (NEWLINE);
fullText.append (String.format (format, underline));
fullText.append (underline);
fullText.append (NEWLINE);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private void showDuplicates (StringBuilder fullText, Map<String, List<String>> map,
String heading)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
boolean headingShown = false;
for (String key : map.keySet ())
List<String> usage = map.get (key);
if (usage.size () > 1)
if (!headingShown)
headingShown = true;
heading (fullText, formatLeft, heading, "Duplicate Names");
String line = usage.toString ();
line = line.substring (1, line.length () - 1);
fullText.append (String.format ("%-6s %s%n", key, line));
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private void showSymbolsLeft (StringBuilder fullText, Map<String, List<Integer>> map,
String heading)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
heading (fullText, formatLeft, heading);
for (String symbol : map.keySet ()) // left-justify strings
if (symbol.length () <= 7)
appendLineNumbers (fullText, String.format (formatLeft, symbol),
map.get (symbol));
appendLineNumbers (fullText, symbol + " ", map.get (symbol));
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private void showSymbolsLeftRight (StringBuilder fullText,
Map<String, List<Integer>> map, String heading)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
heading (fullText, formatLeft, heading);
for (String symbol : map.keySet ()) // left-justify strings
if (isNumeric (symbol))
appendLineNumbers (fullText, String.format (formatRight, symbol),
map.get (symbol));
else if (symbol.length () <= 7)
appendLineNumbers (fullText, String.format (formatLeft, symbol),
map.get (symbol));
appendLineNumbers (fullText, symbol + " ", map.get (symbol));
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private boolean isNumeric (String value)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
byte[] bytes = value.getBytes ();
int start = value.charAt (0) == Utility.ASCII_MINUS ? 1 : 0;
for (int i = start; i < bytes.length; i++)
if (!isPossibleNumber (bytes[i]))
return false;
return true;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private void showSymbolsRight (StringBuilder fullText, Map<Integer, List<Integer>> map,
String heading)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
heading (fullText, formatRight, heading);
for (Integer symbol : map.keySet ()) // right-justify integers
appendLineNumbers (fullText, String.format (formatRight, symbol), map.get (symbol));
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private void showSymbolsRightInt (StringBuilder fullText,
Map<Integer, List<Integer>> map, String heading)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
heading (fullText, formatRight, heading);
for (int symbol : map.keySet ()) // right-justify integers
appendLineNumbers (fullText, String.format (formatRight, symbol), map.get (symbol));
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private void showSymbolsRightFloat (StringBuilder fullText,
Map<Float, List<Integer>> map, String heading)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
heading (fullText, formatRight, heading);
for (float symbol : map.keySet ()) // right-justify integers
appendLineNumbers (fullText, String.format (formatRight, symbol), map.get (symbol));
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private void appendLineNumbers (StringBuilder fullText, String symbol,
List<Integer> lineNumbers)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder ();
text.append (symbol);
for (int lineNo : lineNumbers)
if (text.length () > underline.length () - maxDigits + longestVarName)
fullText.append (text);
fullText.append (NEWLINE);
text.setLength (0);
text.append (String.format (formatRight, ""));
text.append (String.format (formatLineNumber, lineNo));
if (text.length () > longestVarName + 3)
fullText.append (text + "\n");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private int getLongestName ()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
int longestName = 0;
longestName = getLongestName (symbolLines, longestName);
longestName = getLongestName (arrayLines, longestName);
longestName = getLongestName (functionLines, longestName);
return longestName;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private int getLongestName (Map<String, List<Integer>> map, int longestName)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
for (String symbol : map.keySet ())
if (symbol.length () > longestName)
longestName = symbol.length ();
return longestName;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private void wrapPrint (StringBuilder fullText, StringBuilder text, String lineText)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
List<String> lines = splitPrint (lineText);
if (lines != null)
int offset = text.indexOf ("PRINT");
if (offset < 0)
offset = text.indexOf ("INPUT");
String fmt = "%-" + offset + "." + offset + "s%s%n";
String padding = text.substring (0, offset);
for (String s : lines)
fullText.append (String.format (fmt, padding, s));
padding = "";
fullText.append (text + "\n");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private List<String> splitPrint (String line)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
int first = line.indexOf ("\"") + 1;
int last = line.indexOf ("\"", first + 1) - 1;
if (first != 7 || (last - first) <= basicPreferences.wrapPrintAt)
return null;
int charsLeft = last - first + 1;
List<String> lines = new ArrayList<> ();
String padding = line.substring (0, 7);
line = line.substring (7);
String sub;
while (true)
if (line.length () >= basicPreferences.wrapPrintAt)
sub = line.substring (0, basicPreferences.wrapPrintAt);
line = line.substring (basicPreferences.wrapPrintAt);
sub = line;
line = "";
String subline = padding + sub;
charsLeft -= basicPreferences.wrapPrintAt;
if (charsLeft > 0)
lines.add (subline);
lines.add (subline + line);
padding = " ";
return lines;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private List<String> splitLine (String line, int wrapLength, char breakChar)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
int spaceAt = 0;
while (spaceAt < line.length () && line.charAt (spaceAt) != ' ')
String indent = spaceAt < 8 ? " ".substring (0, spaceAt + 1) : " ";
List<String> lines = new ArrayList<> ();
while (line.length () > wrapLength)
int breakAt = wrapLength - 1;
while (breakAt > spaceAt && line.charAt (breakAt) != breakChar)
if (breakAt <= spaceAt)
lines.add (line.substring (0, breakAt + 1)); // keep breakChar at end
line = indent + line.substring (breakAt + 1);
while (line.length () > wrapLength) // no breakChars found
lines.add (line.substring (0, wrapLength));
line = indent + line.substring (wrapLength);
lines.add (line);
return lines;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private List<String> splitDim (String line)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
List<String> lines = new ArrayList<> ();
Matcher m = dimPattern.matcher (line);
while (m.find ())
lines.add (" " + ());
if (lines.size () > 0)
lines.set (0, "DIM " + lines.get (0).trim ());
return lines;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private void addSplitLines (List<String> lines, StringBuilder text, int indent)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
boolean first = true;
for (String line : lines)
if (first)
first = false;
text.append (line);
text.append (
"\n ".substring (0, indent) + line);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private int countChars (StringBuilder text, byte ch)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
int total = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < text.length (); i++)
if (text.charAt (i) == ch)
return total;
// Decide whether the current subline needs to be aligned on its equals sign. If so,
// and the column hasn't been calculated, read ahead to find the highest position.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private int alignEqualsPosition (SubLine subline, int currentAlignPosition)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
if (subline.equalsPosition > 0) // does the line have an equals sign?
if (currentAlignPosition == 0)
currentAlignPosition = findHighest (subline); // examine following sublines
return currentAlignPosition;
return 0; // reset it
// The IF processing is so that any assignment that is being aligned doesn't continue
// to the next full line (because the indentation has changed).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private int findHighest (SubLine startSubline)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
boolean started = false;
int highestAssign = startSubline.equalsPosition;
fast: for (SourceLine line : sourceLines)
boolean inIf = false;
for (SubLine subline : line.sublines)
if (started)
// Stop when we come to a line without an equals sign (except for non-split REMs).
// Lines that start with a REM always break.
if (subline.equalsPosition == 0
// && (splitRem || ! (TOKEN_REM) || subline.isFirst ()))
&& (basicPreferences.splitRem || !subline.isJoinableRem ()))
break fast; // of champions
if (subline.equalsPosition > highestAssign)
highestAssign = subline.equalsPosition;
else if (subline == startSubline)
started = true;
else if ( (TOKEN_IF))
inIf = true;
if (started && inIf)
return highestAssign;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private String getDebugText (StringBuilder text)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
int linkField = unsignedShort (buffer, 0);
int programLoadAddress = linkField - getLineLength (0);
for (SourceLine sourceLine : sourceLines)
text.append (String.format ("%5d %s%n", sourceLine.lineNumber,
HexFormatter.formatNoHeader (buffer, sourceLine.linePtr, 4,
programLoadAddress + sourceLine.linePtr)));
for (SubLine subline : sourceLine.sublines)
String token = getDisplayToken (buffer[subline.startPtr]);
String formattedHex = HexFormatter.formatNoHeader (buffer, subline.startPtr,
subline.length, programLoadAddress + subline.startPtr);
for (String bytes : formattedHex.split (NEWLINE))
text.append (String.format (" %-8s %s%n", token, bytes));
token = "";
text.append (NEWLINE);
// check for assembler routines after the basic code
if (endPtr < buffer.length)
int length = buffer.length - endPtr;
int ptr = endPtr;
if (length >= 2)
text.append (" ");
text.append (
HexFormatter.formatNoHeader (buffer, endPtr, 2, programLoadAddress + ptr));
text.append ("\n\n");
ptr += 2;
length -= 2;
if (length > 0)
// show the extra bytes as a hex dump
String formattedHex = HexFormatter.formatNoHeader (buffer, ptr,
buffer.length - ptr, programLoadAddress + ptr);
for (String bytes : formattedHex.split (NEWLINE))
text.append (String.format (" %s%n", bytes));
// show the extra bytes as a disassembly
byte[] extraBuffer = new byte[length];
System.arraycopy (buffer, ptr, extraBuffer, 0, extraBuffer.length);
AssemblerProgram assemblerProgram =
new AssemblerProgram ("extra", extraBuffer, programLoadAddress + ptr);
text.append ("\n");
text.append (assemblerProgram.getText ());
return Utility.rtrim (text);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private String getDisplayToken (byte b)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
if (isHighBitSet (b))
return ApplesoftConstants.tokens[b & 0x7F];
else if (isDigit (b) || isLetter (b))
return "";
return "*******";
// A REM statement might conceal an assembler routine
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private String[] getRemAssembler (SubLine subline)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
AssemblerProgram program = new AssemblerProgram ("REM assembler",
subline.getBuffer (), getLoadAddress () + subline.startPtr + 1);
return program.getAssembler ().split ("\n");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private void addHeader (StringBuilder pgm)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
pgm.append ("Name : " + name + "\n");
pgm.append (String.format ("Length : $%04X (%<,d)%n", buffer.length));
pgm.append (String.format ("Load at : $%04X (%<,d)%n%n", getLoadAddress ()));
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
int getLoadAddress ()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
return (buffer.length > 1) ? unsignedShort (buffer, 0) - getLineLength (0) : 0;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private int getLineLength (int ptr)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
int linkField = unsignedShort (buffer, ptr);
if (linkField == 0)
return 2;
ptr += 4; // skip link field and line number
int length = 5;
while (ptr < buffer.length && buffer[ptr++] != 0)
// System.out.printf ("Length: %4d, Ptr: %4d%n", length, ptr);
assert length == ptr;
return length;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private void popLoopVariables (Stack<String> loopVariables, SubLine subline)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
if (subline.nextVariables.length == 0) // naked NEXT
if (loopVariables.size () > 0)
loopVariables.pop ();
for (String variable : subline.nextVariables) // e.g. NEXT X,Y,Z
while (loopVariables.size () > 0)
if (sameVariable (variable, loopVariables.pop ()))
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private boolean sameVariable (String v1, String v2)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
return getUniqueName (v1).equals (getUniqueName (v2));
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private void checkUniqueName (String symbol, Map<String, List<String>> map)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
String uniqueName = getUniqueName (symbol);
List<String> usage = map.get (uniqueName);
if (usage == null)
usage = new ArrayList<> ();
map.put (uniqueName, usage);
if (!usage.contains (symbol))
usage.add (symbol);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private String getUniqueName (String symbol)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
int ptr = symbol.length () - 1;
if (symbol.charAt (ptr) == Utility.ASCII_DOLLAR // string
|| symbol.charAt (ptr) == Utility.ASCII_PERCENT) // integer
return (ptr <= 1) ? symbol : symbol.substring (0, 2) + symbol.substring (ptr + 1);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private void checkXref (SourceLine line)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
for (SubLine subline : line.sublines)
for (String symbol : subline.getVariables ())
checkVar (symbol, line.lineNumber, symbolLines, uniqueSymbols);
for (String symbol : subline.getArrays ())
checkVar (symbol, line.lineNumber, arrayLines, uniqueArrays);
for (String symbol : subline.getFunctions ())
checkFunction (line.lineNumber, symbol);
for (int targetLine : subline.getGosubLines ())
addNumberInt (line.lineNumber, targetLine, gosubLines);
for (int targetLine : subline.getGotoLines ())
addNumberInt (line.lineNumber, targetLine, gotoLines);
for (int num : subline.getConstantsInt ())
addNumberInt (line.lineNumber, num, constantsInt);
for (float num : subline.getConstantsFloat ())
addNumberFloat (line.lineNumber, num, constantsFloat);
if (subline.callTarget != null)
addString (line.lineNumber, subline.callTarget, callLines);
for (String s : subline.getStringsText ())
stringsText.add (s);
stringsLine.add (line.lineNumber);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
void checkVar (String var, int lineNumber, Map<String, List<Integer>> map,
Map<String, List<String>> unique)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
List<Integer> lines = map.get (var);
if (lines == null)
lines = new ArrayList<> ();
map.put (var, lines);
if (lines.size () == 0)
lines.add (lineNumber);
int lastLine = lines.get (lines.size () - 1);
if (lastLine != lineNumber)
lines.add (lineNumber);
checkUniqueName (var, unique);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
void checkFunction (int sourceLine, String var)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
List<Integer> lines = functionLines.get (var);
if (lines == null)
lines = new ArrayList<> ();
functionLines.put (var, lines);
addLine (lines, sourceLine);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private void addNumberInt (int sourceLine, Integer key, Map<Integer, List<Integer>> map)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
List<Integer> lines = map.get (key);
if (lines == null)
lines = new ArrayList<> ();
map.put (key, lines);
addLine (lines, sourceLine);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private void addNumberFloat (int sourceLine, Float key, Map<Float, List<Integer>> map)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
List<Integer> lines = map.get (key);
if (lines == null)
lines = new ArrayList<> ();
map.put (key, lines);
addLine (lines, sourceLine);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private void addString (int sourceLine, String key, Map<String, List<Integer>> map)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
List<Integer> lines = map.get (key);
if (lines == null)
lines = new ArrayList<> ();
map.put (key, lines);
addLine (lines, sourceLine);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
private void addLine (List<Integer> lines, int lineNumber)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
if (lines.size () == 0)
lines.add (lineNumber);
int lastLine = lines.get (lines.size () - 1);
if (lastLine != lineNumber)
lines.add (lineNumber);