2014-06-05 08:08:38 -07:00

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Memory map of the Apple II ROMs


+ $F800-$FFFF Monitor. Handles screen I/O and keyboard input. Also has a
monitor.asm disassembler, memory dump, memory move, memory compare, step and trace
functions, lo-res graphics routines, multiply and divide routines, and
more. This monitor has the cleanest code of all the Apple II
monitors. Every one after this had to patch the monitor to add
functions while still remaining (mostly) compatible. Complete source
code is in the manual.
+ $F689-F7FC Sweet-16 interpreter. Sweet-16 code has been benchmarked to be about
sweet16.asm half the size of pure 6502 code but 5-8 times slower. The renumber
routine in the Programmer's Aid #1 is written in Sweet-16, where small
size was much more important than speed. Complete source code is in
the manual.
+ $F500-F63C Mini-assembler. This lets you type in assembly code, one line at a
$F666-F668 time, and it will assemble the proper bytes. No labels or equates are
miniasm.asm supportedit is a MINI assembler. Complete source code is in the
+ $F425-F4FB Floating point routines. Woz's first plans for his 6502 BASIC included
$F63D-F65D floating point, but he abandoned them when he realized he could finish
fp.asm faster by going integer only. He put these routines in the ROMs but
they are not called from anywhere. Complete source code is in the
$E000-F424 Integer BASIC by Woz (Steve Wozniak, creator of the Apple II). "That
intbasic.asm BASIC, which we shipped with the first Apple II's, was never
assembledever. There was one handwritten copy, all handwritten, all
hand assembled." Woz, October 1984.
$D800-DFFF Empty ROM socket. There was at least one third party ROM add-on.
$D000-D7FF Programmer's Aid #1missing from the original Apple II, this is a ROM
add-on Apple sold that contains Integer BASIC utilities such as
high-resolution graphics support, renumber, append, tape verify,
music, and a RAM test. Complete source code is in the manual.

Differences found

The autostart ROM listing has $FFFE:FFFF pointing to IRQ ($FA40). The apple2+.rom file I have points to $FF59 (OLDRST).