#include #include "emu.h" static u32 frames_done; static u32 vblanks; void irq_vblank () { if (vblanks++ == 60) { consoleClear(); iprintf("FPS %i\n", frames_done); frames_done = 0; vblanks = 0; } } void emu_reset () { sound_reset(); mem_reset(); cpu_reset(); } int valid_rom_crc (const u16 crc) { const u16 known_crcs[] = { 0xAC8F, // 12288 BASIC.ROM 0x3F44, // 12288 apple.rom 0x9CB5, // 12288 A2ROM.BIN }; int i; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(known_crcs)/sizeof(u16); i++) if (crc == known_crcs[i]) return 1; return 0; } void emu_init () { u16 crc; int valid_crc; keysSetRepeat(30, 10); keyboardShow(); // Set some sane defaults emu_vsync = 0; // Setup the video hardware video_init(); #if 1 // Load the appropriate bios if (load_bin("BASIC.ROM", 0xD000, 0x3000, &crc)) { valid_crc = valid_rom_crc(crc); iprintf("BIOS CRC16 %04x (%s)\n", crc, (valid_crc) ? "Valid" : "Invalid"); // Refuse to load a wrong bios if (!valid_crc) while (1); } else { iprintf("No BASIC.ROM found. Halting."); while (1); } // Load the disk rom in place load_buf(disk_rom, 0xc600, 0x100); #else if (load_bin("6502_functional_test.bin", 0x0, -1, NULL) > 0) { const u16 reset_patch = 0x0400; iprintf("Test rom loaded\n"); iprintf("PC : %04x\n", mainram[0xFFFD]<<8|mainram[0xFFFC]); iprintf("Routing the reset vector to %04x\n", reset_patch); mainram[0xFFFC] = reset_patch&0xFF; mainram[0xFFFD] = (reset_patch>>8)&0xFF; } #endif basename = NULL; // Used by the fps counter frames_done = 0; vblanks = 0; // Fire the counter irqSet(IRQ_VBLANK, irq_vblank); irqEnable(IRQ_VBLANK); emu_reset(); } void emu_run () { while (1) { cpu_run(17030); video_draw(); update_input(); frames_done++; if (keysDown()&KEY_START) pause_menu(); sound_play(); if (emu_vsync) swiWaitForVBlank(); bgUpdate(); } }