## SOME NOTES ON SETTING UP GITLAB RUNNER TO BUILD ON WINDOWS # Based on: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ci-multi-runner/blob/master/docs/install/windows.md ## STEP 1 - Install Gitlab Runner # Download from page above, run CMD prompt as Administrator and then run the runner exe in there ## STEP 2 - Register it with your server # First open Administrator CMD prompt then run the following commands. # REGISTER: Enter your Gitlab CI details gitlab-ci-multi-runner-windows-386.exe register ## STEP 3 - Install Service # Note the use of ".\IEUser" to indicate local account! gitlab-ci-multi-runner-windows-386.exe install --user .\IEUser --password Passw0rd! ## STEP 4 - Start service gitlab-ci-multi-runner-windows-386.exe start # If you have any problems with the service not starting due to: # "Failed to start gitlab-runner: The service did not start due to a # logon failure." # Try going to Services and edit the properties of the gitlab-runner service. # Go to the "Log On" tab and re-enter the password/credentials and see if # that helps. ## STEP 5 - Make sure gitlab-runner is using the correct shell # It defaults to CMD, go to the directory where the gitlab-runner # commands were run and edit the "config.toml" file. Under the line # that says: executor = "shell" # add: shell = "bash" # # Also, make sure that if you type "bash" from a CMD prompt, # that it runs the Cygwin shell. If it can't find the bash command, # go to the Environment Variables Control Panel for your computer and # add "c:\cygwin\bin" to your PATH variable. ## PREREQUISITE # The project is currently being build in Cygwin. # I install Cygwin with all "Devel" and "Perl" packages. # I also search for and add any SDL2 or FreeType libs just in case. # You'll also need git installed for cmdline usage on Windows. # Add your ~/.ssh/id_rsa using git bash (or cygwin) so that # gitlab runner can check out your project