minor tweaks, pre-kfest.

1. deref vcr after fcr is created, in case it moved.
2. fcr and vcr go hand-in-hand, so no need to check each in the action table
3. add boot loader (not quite working yet)
This commit is contained in:
Kelvin Sherlock 2018-07-12 21:54:57 -04:00
parent ffd5cf9826
commit 9e0fe043ed
4 changed files with 353 additions and 960 deletions

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ ASMFLAGS=-case on -l
all : host.driver host.fst all : host.driver host.fst boot.sys
host.fst : host.fst.o host.fst : host.fst.o
$(LD) -t \$$BD -at \$$0000 $< -o $@ $(LD) -t \$$BD -at \$$0000 $< -o $@
@ -22,9 +22,15 @@ host.driver.o : host.driver.aii gsos.equ
host.fst.o : host.fst.aii gsos.equ fst.equ records.equ fst.macros host.fst.o : host.fst.aii gsos.equ fst.equ records.equ fst.macros
boot: boot.o
$(LD) $< -o $@
boot.sys: boot
mpw makebiniigs -p $< -o $@ -t \$$FF
.PHONY : clean .PHONY : clean
clean : clean :
$(RM) -- host.fst host.driver *.o $(RM) -- host.fst host.driver boot.sys boot *.o
%.o : %.aii %.o : %.aii
$(ASM) $(ASMFLAGS) $< -o $@ $(ASM) $(ASMFLAGS) $< -o $@

boot.aii Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
; Host FST boot loader.
string asis
case on
include 'gsos.equ'
include 'fst.macros'
include 'records.equ'
&lab call_host
&lab dc.b $42, $ff
&lab host_print
&lab dc.b $42, $fe
&lab host_hexdump
&lab dc.b $42, $fd
gbuffer equ $9a00
header proc org $2000
import startup
import readfile
import getbootname
import getfstname
export aux_value
jmp startup
dc.w readfile
dc.w getbootname
dc.w getfstname
dc.w startup-header
aux_value dc.w 0
; getfst_name(name*)
getfstname proc
nameptr equ $0
plx ; rts
sta <nameptr
sta <nameptr+2
ldy |fst_str
short m
lda fst_str,y
sta [nameptr],y
bpl @loop
long m
lda #0
fst_str str.w 'Host.fst'
getbootname proc
nameptr equ $0
plx ; rts
sta <nameptr
sta <nameptr+2
ldy |volume_str
short m
lda volume_str,y
sta [nameptr],y
bpl @loop
long m
lda #0
volume_str str.w ':Host'
readfile proc
import OpenDCB:OpenRecGS
import CloseDCB:CloseRecGS
import ReadDCB:IORecGS
import open_read_close
plx ; rts
sta ReadDCB.dataBuffer
sta ReadDCB.dataBuffer+2
sta OpenDCB.pathname
sta OpenDCB.pathname+2
phx ; rts
jsr open_read_close
bcs @error
lda OpenDCB.fileType
sta 3,s
lda OpenDCB.auxType
sta 5,s
lda OpenDCB.eof
sta 7,s
lda OpenDCB.eof+2
sta 9,s
lda #0
@error ; A should have error code....
open_read_close proc
; pathname, dataBuffer set up in DCBs.
import OpenDCB:OpenRecGS
import CloseDCB:CloseRecGS
import ReadDCB:IORecGS
import fakedp
with fst_parms
lda #fakedp
lda gbuffer
sta scratch
lda #OpenDCB
sta param_blk_ptr
lda #^OpenDCB
sta param_blk_ptr+2
stz dev1_num
stz dev2_num
lda OpenDCB.pathname
sta path1_ptr
lda OpenDCB.pathname+2
sta path1_ptr+2
stz path2_ptr
stz path2_ptr+2
lda #$4000
sta path_flag
lda #11
sta span1
stz span2
ldx #$2010
stx call_number
bcs @exit
; x = cookie for open/close.
txy ; cookie
lda OpenDCB.eof
sta ReadDCB.requestCount
lda OpenDCB.eof+2
sta ReadDCB.requestCount+2
; global data buffer -
; readline mask.
stz $9a00
stz ReadDCB.transferCount
stz ReadDCB.transferCount+2
lda #ReadDCB
sta param_blk_ptr
lda #^ReadDCB
sta param_blk_ptr+2
stz dev1_num
stz dev2_num
stz path1_ptr
stz path1_ptr+2
stz path2_ptr
stz path2_ptr+2
stz path_flag
stz span1
stz span2
ldx #$2012
stx call_number
; close...
lda #CloseDCB
sta param_blk_ptr
lda #^CloseDCB
sta param_blk_ptr+2
ldx #$2014
stx call_number
lda scratch
sta gbuffer
scratch ds.w 1
startup proc
long m,x
import OpenDCB:OpenRecGS
import CloseDCB:CloseRecGS
import ReadDCB:IORecGS
import aux_value
; 1. open/read/close start.gsos
; 2. execute start.gsos
lda #15
sta OpenDCB.pCount
lda #start_str
sta OpenDCB.pathname
lda #^start_str
sta OpenDCB.pathname+2
lda #1
sta OpenDCB.requestAccess
lda #1
sta CloseDCB.pCount
lda #3
sta ReadDCB.pCount
lda #$6800
sta ReadDCB.dataBuffer
lda #$0000
sta ReadDCB.dataBuffer+2
jsr open_read_close
lda OpenDCB.auxType
sta aux_value
lda #$1000 ; want *:System:Drivers:Boot.Driver
ldx #0
ldy #0
jmp $6803
start_str str.w 'System:Start.GS.OS'
Data record
export OpenDCB, CloseDCB, ReadDCB
OpenDCB ds OpenRecGS
CloseDCB ds CloseRecGS
ReadDCB ds IORecGS
; needs to be last.
export fakedp

View File

@ -1,929 +0,0 @@
MPW IIGS Assembler - Ver 1.2 18-Feb-17 Page 1
Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1987-1990
Loc SLoc Object Code Addr T M Source Statement
include 'gsos.equ'
DEFAULT &var,&value
&var EQU &value
; ` prevents expansion during macro processing.
0000 0000 1 DEBUG_S16 EQU 0
DEFAULT `DebugSymbols,0
0000 0000 1 DebugSymbols EQU 0
* The following are equates for GS/OS error codes.
0000 0000 no_error equ $00 ; no error has occured
0000 0001 bad_system_call equ $01 ; bad system call number
0000 0002 fst_load_fail equ $02 ; couldn't load FST
0000 0004 invalid_pcount equ $04 ; invalid parameter count
0000 0007 gsos_active equ $07 ; gsos already active
0000 0010 dev_not_found equ $10 ; device not found
0000 0011 invalid_dev_num equ $11 ; invalid device number
0000 0020 drvr_bad_req equ $20 ; bad request or command
0000 0021 drvr_bad_code equ $21 ; bad control or status code
0000 0022 drvr_bad_parm equ $22 ; bad call parameter
0000 0023 drvr_not_open equ $23 ; character device not open
0000 0024 drvr_prior_open equ $24 ; character device already open
0000 0025 irq_table_full equ $25 ; interrupt table full
0000 0026 drvr_no_resrc equ $26 ; resources not available
0000 0027 drvr_io_error equ $27 ; I/O error
0000 0028 drvr_no_dev equ $28 ; device not connected
0000 0029 drvr_busy equ $29 ; driver is busy & not available
0000 002B drvr_wr_prot equ $2B ; device is write protected
0000 002C drvr_bad_count equ $2C ; invalid byte count
0000 002D drvr_bad_block equ $2D ; invalid block number
0000 002E drvr_disk_sw equ $2E ; disk has been switched
0000 002F drvr_off_line equ $2F ; device off line / no media present
0000 0040 bad_path_syntax equ $40 ; invalid pathname syntax
0000 0043 invalid_ref_num equ $43 ; invalid reference number
0000 0044 path_not_found equ $44 ; subdirectory does not exist
0000 0045 vol_not_found equ $45 ; volume not found
0000 0046 file_not_found equ $46 ;
0000 0047 dup_pathname equ $47 ; create or rename with existing name
0000 0048 volume_full equ $48 ;
0000 0049 vol_dir_full equ $49 ; volume directory full
0000 004A version_error equ $4A ;
0000 004B bad_store_type equ $4B ; bad storage type
0000 004C end_of_file equ $4C ;
0000 004D out_of_range equ $4D ; position out of range
0000 004E invalid_access equ $4E ; access not allowed
0000 004F buff_too_small equ $4F ; buffer too small
0000 0050 softerrorlow equ $50 ; errors from $50 to $6f are soft errors
0000 0050 file_busy equ $50 ; file is already open
0000 0051 dir_error equ $51 ; directory error
0000 0052 unknown_vol equ $52 ; unknown volume type
0000 0053 parm_range_err equ $53 ; parameter out of range
0000 0054 out_of_mem equ $54 ; out of memory
0000 0057 dup_volume equ $57 ; duplicate volume name
0000 0058 not_block_dev equ $58 ; not a block device
0000 0059 invalid_level equ $59 ; specified level outside legal range
0000 005A damaged_bitmap equ $5A ; block number too large
0000 005B bad_path_names equ $5B ; invalid pathnames for change_path
MPW IIGS Assembler - Ver 1.2 18-Feb-17 Page 2
Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1987-1990
Loc SLoc Object Code Addr T M Source Statement
0000 005C not_system_file equ $5C ; not an executable file
0000 005D os_unsupported equ $5D ; operating system not supported
0000 005F stack_overflow equ $5F ; too many applications on stack
0000 0060 data_unavail equ $60 ; data unavailable
0000 0061 end_of_dir equ $61 ; end of directory has been reached
0000 0062 invalid_class equ $62 ; invalid FST call class
0000 0063 res_not_found equ $63 ; file does not contain req. resource
0000 0064 invalid_fst_id equ $64 ; specified FST is not present in system
0000 0065 invalid_fst_op equ $65 ; FST does not handle this type of call
0000 0066 fst_caution equ $66 ; FST handled call, but result is weird
0000 0067 dup_device equ $67 ; used internally only!!!
0000 0068 dev_list_full equ $68 ; device list is full
0000 0069 sup_list_full equ $69 ; supervisor list is full
0000 006A fst_error equ $6A ;generic FST error
0000 006F softerrorhigh equ $6f ; maximum soft error number allowed
0000 0070 resource_exist equ $70 ;Cannot expand file, resource already exist
0000 0071 res_add_err equ $71 ;cannot add resource fork to this type file.
0000 0088 network_error equ $88 ;Generic network error.
* System Service Table Equates:
0001 FC00 dev_dispatcher equ $01FC00 ;dev_dispatch (initialized by new dev dispatcher)
0001 FC04 cache_find_blk equ $01FC04 ;cash_find
0001 FC08 cache_add_blk equ $01FC08 ;cash_add
0001 FC0C cache_init equ $01FC0C ;cache initialization
0001 FC10 cache_shutdn equ $01FC10 ;cash_shutdown
0001 FC14 cache_del_blk equ $01FC14 ;cash_delete
0001 FC18 cache_del_vol equ $01FC18 ;cash_del_vol
0001 FC1C alloc_seg equ $01FC1C ;alloc_zero
0001 FC20 release_seg equ $01FC20 ;deallocate
0001 FC24 alloc_vcr equ $01FC24 ;allocvcr
0001 FC28 release_vcr equ $01FC28 ;releasevcr
0001 FC2C alloc_fcr equ $01FC2C ;allocfcr
0001 FC30 release_fcr equ $01FC30 ;releasefcr
0001 FC34 swap_out equ $01FC34 ;swapout
0001 FC38 deref equ $01FC38 ;deref2
0001 FC3C get_sys_gbuf equ $01FC3C ;s_get_sys_gbuf
0001 FC40 sys_exit equ $01FC40 ;s_sys_exit
0001 FC44 sys_death equ $01FC44 ;s_sys_death
0001 FC48 find_vcr equ $01FC48 ;findvcr
0001 FC4C find_fcr equ $01FC4C ;findfcr
0001 FC50 set_sys_speed equ $01FC50 ;set system speed (initialized by new dev dispatcher
0001 FC54 cache_flsh_def equ $01FC54 ;flush deferred blocks from cache
0001 FC58 rename_vcr equ $01FC58 ;renamevcr
0001 FC5C rename_fcr equ $01FC5C ;renamefcr
0001 FC60 get_vcr equ $01FC60 ;getvcr
0001 FC64 get_fcr equ $01FC64 ;getfcr
0001 FC68 lock_mem equ $01FC68 ;lockmem
0001 FC6C unlock_mem equ $01FC6C ;unlockmem
0001 FC70 move_info equ $01FC70 ;block move routines
0001 FC74 cvt_0to1 equ $01FC74 ;cvt0to1
0001 FC78 cvt_1to0 equ $01FC78 ;cvt1to0
0001 FC7C replace_80 equ $01FC7C ;replace80
0001 FC80 to_b0_core equ $01FC80 ;to_bank0_core
0001 FC84 gen_dispatch equ $01FC84 ;g_dispatch
0001 FC88 signal equ $01FC88 ;signal_event
0001 FC8C get_sys_buf equ $01FC8C ;get_b0_buf
0001 FC90 set_disksw equ $01FC90 ;set_disk_sw (initialized by new dev dispatcher)
0001 FC94 report_error equ $01FC94 ;s_report_error
0001 FC98 mount_message equ $01FC98 ;s_mount_msg
0001 FC9C full_error equ $01FC9C ;s_full_error
0001 FCA0 report_fatal equ $01FCA0 ;s_report_fatal
0001 FCA4 sup_drvr_disp equ $01FCA4 ;supervisory dispatcher
0001 FCA8 install_driver equ $01FCA8 ;install device driver
0001 FCAC get_boot_pfx equ $01FCAC ;s_get_boot_pfx
0001 FCB0 set_boot_pfx equ $01FCB0 ;s_set_boot_pfx
0001 FCB4 alloc_cache_seg equ $01FCB4 ;low_allocate
0001 FCB8 get_stked_id equ $01FCB8 ;get id of prog at top of GQUIT stack
0001 FCBC dyn_slot_arbiter equ $01FCBC ;slot arbitration routine (initialized by new dev di
MPW IIGS Assembler - Ver 1.2 18-Feb-17 Page 3
Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1987-1990
Loc SLoc Object Code Addr T M Source Statement
0001 FCC0 parse_pathname equ $01FCC0 ;parse a pathname
0001 FCC4 post_os_event equ $01FCC4 ;notify external code about os event.
0001 FCC8 dynamic_install equ $01FCC8 ;install drivers (new init by SCM to JML INSERT_DRIV
0001 FCCC dev_mgr_svc equ $01FCCC ;device manager entry (initialized by new dev dispat
0001 FCD0 old_dev_disp equ $01FCD0 ;old device dispatcher (new init by SCM to JML DEV_D
0001 FCD4 init_parse_path equ $01FCD4 ;initialize for parse_path.
; Event codes for os_event
0000 0040 volmod_event equ $0040 ; event code for volume modified
0000 0008 disk_in_event equ $0008 ; disk inserted event
; Driver command codes
0000 0000 drvr_startup equ 0
0000 0001 drvr_open equ 1
0000 0002 drvr_read equ 2
0000 0003 drvr_write equ 3
0000 0004 drvr_close equ 4
0000 0005 drvr_status equ 5
0000 0006 drvr_control equ 6
0000 0007 drvr_flush equ 7
0000 0008 drvr_shutdown equ 8
0000 0001 drvr_get_dib equ 1
; Driver control and status call codes
0000 0000 stat_status equ 0
0000 0001 stat_config equ 1
* System Death error codes
0000 000A vcr_unusable equ $000A ; VCR is unusable/inconsistent
0000 000B fcr_unusable equ $000B ; FCR is unusable/inconsistent
0000 4000 vcr_swapped equ $4000 ;FLAG:Volume is swapped out (1 = true)
0000 BFFF vcr_swapped_in equ $BFFF ;FLAG:Volume is swapped in
0000 2000 vcr_wr_enable equ $2000 ;FLAG:Volume has been seen write enabled
0000 DFFF vcr_wr_unknown equ $DFFF ;FLAG:Volume has not been seen wrenbld
* access bits.
0000 0001 read_enabled equ $0001 ;1=Read Enabled
0000 0002 write_enabled equ $0002 ;1=Write Enabled
0000 0020 backup_enabled equ $0020 ;1=Needs to be backed up
0000 0040 rename_enabled equ $0040 ;1=Rename allowed
0000 0080 destroy_enabled equ $0080 ;1=Destroy is enabled
0000 0001 read_access equ $01
0000 0002 write_access equ $02
0000 0004 invis_bit equ $04
0000 0003 read_write_acc equ $03
; used by ProDOS
0000 8002 in_cache equ $8002
; records
00000 0000 dev_parms record 0
MPW IIGS Assembler - Ver 1.2 18-Feb-17 Page 4
Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1987-1990
Loc SLoc Object Code Addr T M Source Statement
00000 0000 ;--------------------------------------------------
00000 0000 ; Here are the device driver fields
00000 0000 ;--------------------------------------------------
00000 0000 dev_num ds.w 1 ; device number being called
00000 0002 dev_callnum ds.w 1 ; call number
00000 0004
00000 0004 dev_dev_id ; device ID (get_dib_ptr)
00000 0004 dev_buff ; I/O buffer address
00000 0004 ds.l 1
00000 0008
00000 0008 dev_req_cnt ds.l 1 ; request count
00000 000C dev_xfer_cnt ds.l 1 ; transfer count
00000 0010 dev_blk_num ds.l 1 ; block number
00000 0014 dev_blk_size ds.w 1 ; block size
00000 0016
00000 0016 dev_fst_num ; FST number
00000 0016 dev_stat_code ; status code
00000 0016 dev_ctrl_code ; control code
00000 0016 ds.w 1
00000 0018 dev_vol_id ds.w 1 ; volume ID (???)
00000 001A dev_cache_pr ds.w 1 ; cache priority
00000 001C dev_cache_ptr ds.l 1 ; cache pointer
00000 0020 dev_dib_ptr ds.l 1 ; pointer to DIB
00000 0024 endr
; gs/os direct page.
00000 0030 fst_parms record $0030
00000 0030 call_number ds.w 1 ; FST call number
00000 0032 param_blk_ptr ds.l 1 ; pointer to user's parameter block
00000 0036
00000 0036 ;dev_num ; device number from parameter block
00000 0036 dev1_num ds.w 1 ; alias name for dev_num
00000 0038
00000 0038 dev2_num ds.w 1 ; second device number
00000 003A
00000 003A path1_ptr ; ptr to 1st partial/entire pathname
00000 003A fcr_ptr ds.l 1 ; pointer to file control record
00000 003E
00000 003E path2_ptr ; ptr to 2nd partial/entire pathname
00000 003E vcr_ptr ds.l 1 ; pointer to volume control record
00000 0042
00000 0042 path_flag ds.w 1 ; flag for path information
00000 0044 span1 ds.w 1 ; largest distance between path1 term.
00000 0046 span2 ds.w 1 ; max dist. between separators for path2
00000 0048 endr
include 'fst.macros'
; dispatch table for variable-pcount structures.
&lab dispatch &table
ldy &table,x
jsr (&table+2,x)
bpl @loop
str.&size ; &arg, ...
lclc &str
MPW IIGS Assembler - Ver 1.2 18-Feb-17 Page 5
Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1987-1990
Loc SLoc Object Code Addr T M Source Statement
lcla &i, &l
&str setc &setting('string')
if &size<>'' THEN
dc.&size @end-@start
&i seta 1
&l seta &nbr(&syslist)
WHILE &i<=&l DO
dc.b &syslist[&i]
&i seta &i+1
long &p1,&p2
lcla &bits
&bits seta %00000000
;&p1 setc &lc(&p1)
;&p2 setc &lc(&p2)
if &p1='m' OR &p2='m' THEN
&bits seta &bits+%00100000
longa on
if &p1='x' OR &p2='x' THEN
&bits seta &bits+%00010000
longi on
IF &bits<>0 THEN
rep #&bits
short &p1,&p2
lcla &bits
&bits seta %00000000
;&p1 setc &lc(&p1)
;&p2 setc &lc(&p2)
if &p1='m' OR &p2='m' THEN
&bits seta &bits+%00100000
longa off
if &p1='x' OR &p2='x' THEN
&bits seta &bits+%00010000
longi off
IF &bits<>0 THEN
sep #&bits
MPW IIGS Assembler - Ver 1.2 18-Feb-17 Page 6
Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1987-1990
Loc SLoc Object Code Addr T M Source Statement
&l ~ConvSeconds &p1,&p2,&p3
&l ph2 &p1
ph4 &p2
ph4 &p3
ldx #$3703
jsl $E10000
&l ~Long2Hex &p1,&p2,&p3
&l ph4 &p1
ph4 &p2
ph2 &p3
ldx #$230B
jsl $E10000
&l ~Int2Hex &p1,&p2,&p3
&l ph2 &p1
ph4 &p2
ph2 &p3
ldx #$220B
jsl $E10000
&l _DebugHexDump
&l ldx #$0fff
jsl $e10000
&l ~DebugHexDump &p1,&p2
&l ph4 &p1
ph2 &p2
ldx #$0fff
jsl $e10000
&l _DebugGetTrace
&l ldx #$10ff
jsl $e10000
&l ~DebugGetTrace
&l ldx #$10ff
jsl $e10000
&l _DebugSetTrace
&l ldx #$11ff
jsl $e10000
&l ~DebugSetTrace &p1
&l ph2 &p1
ldx #$11ff
jsl $e10000
MPW IIGS Assembler - Ver 1.2 18-Feb-17 Page 7
Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1987-1990
Loc SLoc Object Code Addr T M Source Statement
; borrowed from orca/m
; mpw's pushword/pushlong have bugs and generally sucks
ph2 &n1
IF &n1='*' THEN
IF &n1[1:1]='#' THEN
pea &n1[2:255]
IF &n1[1:1]='<' THEN
pei &n1
lda &n1
ph4 &n1
IF &n1='*' THEN
IF &n1[1:1]='#' THEN
pea |(&n1[2:255])>>16
pea |&n1[2:255]
IF &n1[1:1]='<' THEN
pei &n1+2
pei &n1
lda &n1+2
lda &n1
; _rts.cc -> return iff carry clear
&l _rts.&cond
if &cond='cc' THEN
bcs @ok
if &cond='cs' THEN
bcc @ok
if &cond='eq' THEN
bne @ok
if &cond='ne' THEN
beq @ok
if &cond='mi' THEN
bpl @ok
MPW IIGS Assembler - Ver 1.2 18-Feb-17 Page 8
Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1987-1990
Loc SLoc Object Code Addr T M Source Statement
if &cond='pl' THEN
bmi @ok
if &cond='vs' THEN
bvc @ok
if &cond='vc' THEN
bvs @ok
; reverse subtract.
&l rsb &target
eor #$ffff
adc &target
entry entry, startup, open, close, read, write, flush, status, control, shutdown
;entry open_flag, ss_count, status_word
string asis
00000 0000 header proc
00000 0000 0006 dc.w dib-header
00002 0002 0001 dc.w 1 ; 1 device
00004 0004 0000 dc.w 0 ; no config list
00006 0006
00006 0006
00006 0006 00000000 dib dc.l 0 ;Link pointer to next DIB
0000A 000A 00000000 dc.l entry ;Entry pointer
0000E 000E 0FE0 dc.w %0000111111100000 ;Characteristics
00010 0010 00000000 dc.l 0 ;Block count
00014 0014 str.b 'HOST' ;Device name with length
00014 0014 1
00014 0014 1 lclc &str
00014 0014 1 lcla &i, &l
00014 0014 1
00014 0014 1 &str setc &setting('string')
00014 0014 1 STRING asis
00014 0014 1
00014 0014 1 if &size<>'' THEN
00014 0014 04 1 dc.b @end-@start
00015 0015 1 ENDIF
00015 0015 1
00015 0015 1 @start
00015 0015 1
00015 0015 1 &i seta 1
00015 0015 1 &l seta &nbr(&syslist)
00015 0015 1
00015 0015 1 WHILE &i<=&l DO
00015 0015 484F5354 1 dc.b 'HOST'
00019 0019 1 &i seta &i+1
00019 0019 1 ENDWHILE
00019 0019 1 WHILE &i<=&l DO
00019 0019 1 ENDWHILE
00019 0019 1
00019 0019 1 @end
00019 0019 1
00019 0019 1 STRING ASIS
00019 0019 1
MPW IIGS Assembler - Ver 1.2 18-Feb-17 Page 9
Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1987-1990
Loc SLoc Object Code Addr T M Source Statement
00019 0019 202020202020 dcb.b 32-5,$20
00034 0034 8007 dc.w $8007 ;Slot number
00036 0036 0001 dc.w 1 ;Unit number
00038 0038 1000 dc.w $1000 ;Version number
0003A 003A 0010 dc.w $0010 ;ID # file server
0003C 003C 0000 dc.w 0 ;No header link
0003E 003E 0000 dc.w 0 ;No forward link
00040 0040 00000000 dc.l 0 ;extended dib ptr
00044 0044 0000 dc.w 0 ;Device number
00046 0046
00046 0046 endp
00046 0000 entry proc
00046 0000
00046 0000 longa on
00046 0000 longi on
00046 0000
00046 0000 8B 3 phb ;Save the GS/OS bank register
00047 0001
00047 0001 4B 3 phk
00048 0002 AB 4 plb
00049 0003
00049 0003 C9 0009 3 cmp #8+1 ;Max command number
0004C 0006 90 05 00053 2 bcc @dispatch
0004E 0008 A9 0020 3 lda #drvr_bad_req
00051 000B 80 05 00058 3 bra exit
00053 000D
00053 000D @dispatch
00053 000D 0A 2 asl a
00054 000E AA 2 tax
00055 000F FC FFFF 8 jsr (table,x)
00058 0012
00058 0012
00058 0012 exit
00058 0012 AB 4 plb
00059 0013 C9 0001 3 cmp #1
0005C 0016 6B 6 rtl
0005D 0017
0005D 0017 table
0005D 0017 0000 dc.w startup
0005F 0019 0000 dc.w open
00061 001B 0000 dc.w read
00063 001D 0000 dc.w write
00065 001F 0000 dc.w close
00067 0021 0000 dc.w status
00069 0023 0000 dc.w control
0006B 0025 0000 dc.w flush
0006D 0027 0000 dc.w shutdown
0006F 0029
0006F 0029 endp
0006F 0000 data record
0006F 0000 export ss_count, open_flag, status_word
0006F 0000
0006F 0000 0000 ss_count dc.w 0
00071 0002 0000 open_flag dc.w 0
00073 0004
00073 0004 ; copied via get_device_status
00073 0004 0010 status_word dc.w $0010
00075 0006 00000000 blocks dc.l 0
00079 000A endr
00079 0000 flush proc
00079 0000 A9 0000 3 lda #no_error
0007C 0003 60 6 rts
0007D 0004 endp
0007D 0000 read proc
0007D 0000 with dev_parms
0007D 0000
0007D 0000 ; todo - disk switch error logic....
MPW IIGS Assembler - Ver 1.2 18-Feb-17 Page 10
Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1987-1990
Loc SLoc Object Code Addr T M Source Statement
0007D 0000
0007D 0000 64 0C 4 stz dev_xfer_cnt
0007F 0002 64 0E 4 stz dev_xfer_cnt+2
00081 0004 A5 08 4 lda dev_req_cnt
00083 0006 05 0A 4 ora dev_req_cnt+2
00085 0008 F0 03 0008A 2 beq exit
00087 000A
00087 000A A9 0088 3 lda #network_error
0008A 000D exit
0008A 000D 60 6 rts
0008B 000E endp
0008B 0000 write proc
0008B 0000 with dev_parms
0008B 0000
0008B 0000 ; todo - disk switch error logic....
0008B 0000
0008B 0000 64 0C 4 stz dev_xfer_cnt
0008D 0002 64 0E 4 stz dev_xfer_cnt+2
0008F 0004 A5 08 4 lda dev_req_cnt
00091 0006 05 0A 4 ora dev_req_cnt+2
00093 0008 F0 03 00098 2 beq exit
00095 000A
00095 000A A9 0088 3 lda #network_error
00098 000D exit
00098 000D 60 6 rts
00099 000E endp
00099 0000 startup proc
00099 0000 9C FFFF 5 stz open_flag
0009C 0003 EE FFFF 8 inc ss_count
0009F 0006 A9 0000 3 lda #no_error
000A2 0009 60 6 rts
000A3 000A endp
000A3 0000 shutdown proc
000A3 0000 9C FFFF 5 stz ss_count
000A6 0003 A9 0000 3 lda #no_error
000A9 0006 60 6 rts
000AA 0007 endp
000AA 0000 open proc
000AA 0000
000AA 0000 A9 0000 3 lda #no_error
000AD 0003 60 6 rts
000AE 0004
000AE 0004 endp
000AE 0000 close proc
000AE 0000
000AE 0000 A9 0000 3 lda #no_error
000B1 0003 60 6 rts
000B2 0004
000B2 0004 endp
000B2 0000 status proc
000B2 0000 with dev_parms
000B2 0000
000B2 0000 A5 16 4 lda <dev_stat_code
000B4 0002 C9 0005 3 cmp #4+1
000B7 0005 90 04 000BD 2 bcc @dispatch
000B9 0007 A9 0021 3 lda #drvr_bad_code
000BC 000A 60 6 rts
000BD 000B @dispatch
000BD 000B
000BD 000B 0A 2 asl a
000BE 000C AA 2 tax
000BF 000D
000BF 000D ; pre-zero transfer count
000BF 000D 64 0C 4 stz <dev_xfer_cnt
000C1 000F 64 0E 4 stz <dev_xfer_cnt+2
000C3 0011
MPW IIGS Assembler - Ver 1.2 18-Feb-17 Page 11
Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1987-1990
Loc SLoc Object Code Addr T M Source Statement
000C3 0011 A5 08 4 lda dev_req_cnt
000C5 0013 ; check for 0-sized request...
000C5 0013 05 0A 4 ora dev_req_cnt+2
000C7 0015 F0 2D 000F6 2 beq exit
000C9 0017
000C9 0017 7C FFFF 6 jmp (table,x)
000CC 001A table
000CC 001A 0024 dc.w get_device_status
000CE 001C 0050 dc.w get_config_params
000D0 001E 0050 dc.w get_wait_status
000D2 0020 004C dc.w get_format_options
000D4 0022 004C dc.w get_partition_map
000D6 0024
000D6 0024 get_device_status
000D6 0024 A5 0A 4 lda dev_req_cnt+2
000D8 0026 D0 20 000FA 2 bne bad_parm
000DA 0028
000DA 0028 A5 08 4 lda dev_req_cnt
000DC 002A C9 0002 3 cmp #2
000DF 002D 90 19 000FA 2 bcc bad_parm
000E1 002F C9 0007 3 cmp #6+1
000E4 0032 B0 14 000FA 2 bcs bad_parm
000E6 0034
000E6 0034 85 0C 4 sta <dev_xfer_cnt
000E8 0036 A8 2 tay
000E9 0037 88 2 dey
000EA 0038 E2 30 3 sep #$30
000EC 003A longa off
000EC 003A @loop
000EC 003A B9 FFFF 4 lda status_word,y
000EF 003D 97 04 6 sta [dev_buff],y
000F1 003F 88 2 dey
000F2 0040 10 F8 000EC 2 bpl @loop
000F4 0042 C2 30 3 rep #$30
000F6 0044 longa on
000F6 0044
000F6 0044
000F6 0044 exit
000F6 0044 A9 0000 3 lda #no_error
000F9 0047 60 6 rts
000FA 0048
000FA 0048 A9 0022 3 bad_parm lda #drvr_bad_parm
000FD 004B 60 6 rts
000FE 004C
000FE 004C
000FE 004C get_partition_map
000FE 004C get_format_options
000FE 004C A9 0000 3 lda #no_error
00101 004F 60 6 rts
00102 0050
00102 0050 get_config_params
00102 0050 get_wait_status
00102 0050 A5 0A 4 lda dev_req_cnt+2
00104 0052 D0 F4 000FA 2 bne bad_parm
00106 0054
00106 0054 A5 08 4 lda dev_req_cnt
00108 0056 C9 0002 3 cmp #2
0010B 0059 D0 ED 000FA 2 bne bad_parm
0010D 005B 85 0C 4 sta <dev_xfer_cnt
0010F 005D
0010F 005D A9 0000 3 lda #0
00112 0060 87 04 7 sta [dev_buff]
00114 0062 A9 0000 3 lda #no_error
00117 0065 60 6 rts
00118 0066
00118 0066 endp
00118 0000 control proc
00118 0000 with dev_parms
00118 0000
00118 0000 A5 16 4 lda <dev_ctrl_code
0011A 0002 C9 000A 3 cmp #9+1
0011D 0005 90 04 00123 2 bcc @dispatch
0011F 0007 A9 0021 3 lda #drvr_bad_code
MPW IIGS Assembler - Ver 1.2 18-Feb-17 Page 12
Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1987-1990
Loc SLoc Object Code Addr T M Source Statement
00122 000A 60 6 rts
00123 000B @dispatch
00123 000B 0A 2 asl a
00124 000C AA 2 tax
00125 000D 7C FFFF 6 jmp (table,x)
00128 0010
00128 0010
00128 0010 entry null, set_wait
00128 0010 table
00128 0010 0000 dc.w null ; reset
0012A 0012 0000 dc.w null ; format
0012C 0014 0000 dc.w null ; eject
0012E 0016 0000 dc.w null ; set ctrl
00130 0018 0000 dc.w set_wait ; set wait
00132 001A 0000 dc.w null ; set format
00134 001C 0000 dc.w null ; set partition
00136 001E 0000 dc.w null ; arm signal
00138 0020 0000 dc.w null ; disarm signal
0013A 0022 0000 dc.w null ; set partition map
0013C 0024
0013C 0024 A9 0000 3 null lda #no_error
0013F 0027 60 6 rts
00140 0028
00140 0028 set_wait
00140 0028 ; verify wait status is 0.
00140 0028 A5 0A 4 lda dev_req_cnt+2
00142 002A D0 0B 0014F 2 bne @bad_parm
00144 002C A5 08 4 lda dev_req_cnt
00146 002E C9 0002 3 cmp #2
00149 0031 D0 04 0014F 2 bne @bad_parm
0014B 0033 A7 04 7 lda [dev_buff]
0014D 0035 F0 03 00152 2 beq @exit
0014F 0037 @bad_parm
0014F 0037 A9 0022 3 lda #drvr_bad_parm
00152 003A @exit
00152 003A 60 6 rts
00153 003B endp
Elapsed time: 0.16 seconds.
Assembly complete - no errors found. 853 lines.

View File

@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
entry fd_op_ro entry fd_op_ro
entry create entry create
entry destroy entry destroy
entry change_path entry change_path
@ -337,11 +336,22 @@ app_entry proc
stz cookie stz cookie
; check fcr bit. ; check fcr bit.
; n = fcr/vcr-based
; v = path-based
bit table,x bit table,x
bpl @check_vcr bmi @vcr
bvc @call
; path checking...
jsr check_path1
bcc @call
jml sys_exit
; deref vcr and fcr.
ldx fcr_ptr ldx fcr_ptr
ldy fcr_ptr+2 ldy fcr_ptr+2
jsl deref jsl deref
@ -351,35 +361,13 @@ app_entry proc
lda [my_fcr],y lda [my_fcr],y
sta cookie sta cookie
ldx <tmp
bit table,x
bvc @check_path
ldx vcr_ptr ldx vcr_ptr
ldy vcr_ptr+2 ldy vcr_ptr+2
jsl deref jsl deref
stx my_vcr stx my_vcr
sty my_vcr+2 sty my_vcr+2
ldx <tmp
lda table,x
and #path_used
beq @call
; path checking...
jsr check_path1
bcc @call
jml sys_exit
@call @call
ldx <tmp
; fake an rtl address for sys_exit ; fake an rtl address for sys_exit
; otherwise, would need to jml sys_exit from functions. ; otherwise, would need to jml sys_exit from functions.
pea |(sys_exit-1)>>8 pea |(sys_exit-1)>>8
@ -468,10 +456,10 @@ max_app_call equ *-app_table-2
; insight - vcr and fcr always go together.
fcr_used equ $8000 vcr_used equ $8000
vcr_used equ $4000 fcr_used equ $0000
path_used equ $2000 path_used equ $4000
table ; stores max pcount + 1 table ; stores max pcount + 1
dc.w 0 dc.w 0
@ -1064,6 +1052,12 @@ open proc
sty my_fcr+2 sty my_fcr+2
; need to re-deref the vcr? ; need to re-deref the vcr?
ldx vcr_ptr
ldy vcr_ptr+2
jsl deref
stx my_vcr
sty my_vcr+2
ldy #vcr.open_count ldy #vcr.open_count
lda [my_vcr],y lda [my_vcr],y