import * as os from 'os'; import * as util from 'util'; import * as path from 'path'; import * as toolCache from '@actions/tool-cache'; import * as core from '@actions/core'; function getDownloadURL(version: string): string { switch (os.type()) { case 'Linux': return util.format('', version, version); case 'Darwin': return util.format('', version, version); case 'Windows_NT': default: return util.format('', version, version); } } async function downloadCadius(version: string) { let cachedToolpath = toolCache.find('cadius', version); if (!cachedToolpath) { let downloadPath; try { downloadPath = await toolCache.downloadTool(getDownloadURL(version)); } catch (exception) { console.log(exception) throw new Error(util.format("Failed to download Cadius from location ", getDownloadURL(version))); } const extractedPath = await toolCache.extractZip(downloadPath); cachedToolpath = await toolCache.cacheDir(path.join(extractedPath, 'cadius'), 'cadius', version); } core.addPath(cachedToolpath) } async function run() { let version = core.getInput('version', { 'required': true }); await downloadCadius(version); console.log(`Cadius version: '${version}' has been downloaded and added to path`); } run().catch(core.setFailed);