package izapple2 import "fmt" /* A smartPort device */ type smartPortDevice interface { exec(call *smartPortCall) uint8 } const ( smartPortCommandStatus = 0 smartPortCommandReadBlock = 1 smartPortCommandWriteBlock = 2 smartPortCommandFormat = 3 smartPortCommandControl = 4 smartPortCommandInit = 5 smartPortCommandOpen = 6 smartPortCommandClose = 7 smartPortCommandRead = 8 smartPortCommandWrite = 9 ) const ( smartPortStatusCodeDevice = 0 smartPortStatusCodeDeviceControlBlock = 1 smartPortStatusCodeNewline = 2 smartPortStatusCodeDeviceInfo = 3 ) const ( smartPortStatusCodeTypeBlock = uint8(1) << 7 smartPortStatusCodeTypeWrite = uint8(1) << 6 smartPortStatusCodeTypeRead = uint8(1) << 5 smartPortStatusCodeTypeOnline = uint8(1) << 4 smartPortStatusCodeTypeFormat = uint8(1) << 3 smartPortStatusCodeTypeProtected = uint8(1) << 2 smartPortStatusCodeTypeInterruping = uint8(1) << 1 smartPortStatusCodeTypeOpen = uint8(1) << 0 ) const ( smartPortNoError = uint8(0) smartPortBadCommand = uint8(1) smartPortErrorIO = uint8(0x27) smartPortErrorNoDevice = uint8(0x28) smartPortErrorWriteProtected = uint8(0x2b) ) type smartPortCall struct { host *CardSmartPort command uint8 address uint16 // When the params are on the Apple memory params []uint8 // When the params are built externally as on a ProDOS to SP translation } func newSmartPortCall(host *CardSmartPort, command uint8, address uint16) *smartPortCall { var spc smartPortCall = host spc.command = command spc.address = address spc.params = nil return &spc } func newSmartPortCallSynthetic(host *CardSmartPort, command uint8, params []uint8) *smartPortCall { var spc smartPortCall = host spc.command = command spc.address = 0xffff spc.params = params return &spc } func (spc *smartPortCall) unit() uint8 { return spc.param8(1) } func (spc *smartPortCall) statusCode() uint8 { if spc.command != smartPortCommandStatus { panic("Status code paremeter requeted for a non status smartPort call") } return spc.param8(4) } func (spc *smartPortCall) param8(offset uint8) uint8 { if spc.params == nil { return + uint16(offset)) } if int(offset) >= len(spc.params) { panic("Synthetised smartpot call out of range") } return spc.params[offset] } func (spc *smartPortCall) param16(offset uint8) uint16 { return uint16(spc.param8(offset)) + uint16(spc.param8(offset+1))<<8 } func (spc *smartPortCall) param24(offset uint8) uint32 { return uint32(spc.param8(offset)) + uint32(spc.param8(offset+1))<<8 + uint32(spc.param8(offset+2))<<16 } func (spc *smartPortCall) paramData(offset uint8) []uint8 { address := uint16(spc.param8(offset)) + uint16(spc.param8(offset+1))<<8 size := data := make([]uint8, size) for i := 0; i < int(size); i++ { data[i] = + 2 + uint16(i)) } return data } func (spc *smartPortCall) String() string { switch spc.command { case smartPortCommandStatus: return fmt.Sprintf("STATUS(%v, unit=%v, code=%v)", spc.command, spc.unit(), spc.statusCode()) case smartPortCommandReadBlock: return fmt.Sprintf("READBLOCK(%v, unit=%v, block=%v)", spc.command, spc.unit(), spc.param24(4)) case smartPortCommandWriteBlock: return fmt.Sprintf("WRITEBLOCK(%v, unit=%v, block=%v)", spc.command, spc.unit(), spc.param24(4)) case smartPortCommandControl: return fmt.Sprintf("CONTROL(%v, unit=%v, code=%v)", spc.command, spc.unit(), spc.param8(4)) case smartPortCommandInit: return fmt.Sprintf("INIT(%v, unit=%v)", spc.command, spc.unit()) case smartPortCommandOpen: return fmt.Sprintf("OPEN(%v, unit=%v)", spc.command, spc.unit()) case smartPortCommandClose: return fmt.Sprintf("CLOSE(%v, unit=%v)", spc.command, spc.unit()) case smartPortCommandRead: return fmt.Sprintf("READ(%v, unit=%v, pos=%v, len=%v)", spc.command, spc.unit(), spc.param24(6), spc.param16(4)) case smartPortCommandWrite: return fmt.Sprintf("WRITE(%v, unit=%v, pos=%v, len=%v)", spc.command, spc.unit(), spc.param24(6), spc.param16(4)) default: return fmt.Sprintf("UNKNOWN(%v, unit=%v)", spc.command, spc.unit()) } } func smartPortErrorMessage(code uint8) string { switch code { case smartPortNoError: return "SUCCESS" case smartPortBadCommand: return "BAD_COMMAND" case smartPortErrorIO: return "ERROR_IO" case smartPortErrorNoDevice: return "NO_DEVICE" case smartPortErrorWriteProtected: return "WRITE_PROTECT_ERROR" default: return string(code) } }