package core6502 func buildOpTransfer(regSrc int, regDst int) opFunc { return func(s *State, line []uint8, opcode opcode) { value := s.reg.getRegister(regSrc) s.reg.setRegister(regDst, value) if regDst != regSP { s.reg.updateFlagZN(value) } } } func buildOpIncDec(inc bool) opFunc { return func(s *State, line []uint8, opcode opcode) { value := resolveValue(s, line, opcode) if opcode.addressMode == modeAbsoluteX || opcode.addressMode == modeAbsoluteY { // Double read, needed to pass A2Audit for the Language Card value = resolveValue(s, line, opcode) } if inc { value++ } else { value-- } s.reg.updateFlagZN(value) resolveSetValue(s, line, opcode, value) } } func buildOpShift(isLeft bool, isRotate bool) opFunc { return func(s *State, line []uint8, opcode opcode) { value := resolveValue(s, line, opcode) oldCarry := s.reg.getFlagBit(flagC) var carry bool if isLeft { carry = (value & 0x80) != 0 value <<= 1 if isRotate { value += oldCarry } } else { carry = (value & 0x01) != 0 value >>= 1 if isRotate { value += oldCarry << 7 } } s.reg.updateFlag(flagC, carry) s.reg.updateFlagZN(value) resolveSetValue(s, line, opcode, value) } } func buildOpLoad(regDst int) opFunc { return func(s *State, line []uint8, opcode opcode) { value := resolveValue(s, line, opcode) s.reg.setRegister(regDst, value) s.reg.updateFlagZN(value) } } func buildOpStore(regSrc int) opFunc { return func(s *State, line []uint8, opcode opcode) { value := s.reg.getRegister(regSrc) resolveSetValue(s, line, opcode, value) } } func buildOpUpdateFlag(flag uint8, value bool) opFunc { return func(s *State, line []uint8, opcode opcode) { s.reg.updateFlag(flag, value) } } func buildOpBranch(flag uint8, test bool) opFunc { return func(s *State, line []uint8, opcode opcode) { if s.reg.getFlag(flag) == test { s.extraCycleBranchTaken = true address := resolveAddress(s, line, opcode) s.reg.setPC(address) } } } func buildOpBranchOnBit(bit uint8, test bool) opFunc { return func(s *State, line []uint8, opcode opcode) { // Note that those operations have two addressing modes: // one for the zero page value, another for the relative jump. // We will have to resolve the first one here. value := s.mem.Peek(uint16(line[1])) bitValue := ((value >> bit) & 1) == 1 if bitValue == test { s.extraCycleBranchTaken = true address := resolveAddress(s, line, opcode) s.reg.setPC(address) } } } func buildOpSetBit(bit uint8, set bool) opFunc { return func(s *State, line []uint8, opcode opcode) { value := resolveValue(s, line, opcode) if set { value = value | (1 << bit) } else { value = value &^ (1 << bit) } resolveSetValue(s, line, opcode, value) } } func opBIT(s *State, line []uint8, opcode opcode) { value := resolveValue(s, line, opcode) acc := s.reg.getA() s.reg.updateFlag(flagZ, value&acc == 0) // The immediate addressing mode (65C02 or 65816 only) does not affect N & V. if opcode.addressMode != modeImmediate { s.reg.updateFlag(flagN, value&(1<<7) != 0) s.reg.updateFlag(flagV, value&(1<<6) != 0) } } func opTRB(s *State, line []uint8, opcode opcode) { value := resolveValue(s, line, opcode) a := s.reg.getA() s.reg.updateFlag(flagZ, (value&a) == 0) resolveSetValue(s, line, opcode, value&^a) } func opTSB(s *State, line []uint8, opcode opcode) { value := resolveValue(s, line, opcode) a := s.reg.getA() s.reg.updateFlag(flagZ, (value&a) == 0) resolveSetValue(s, line, opcode, value|a) } func buildOpCompare(reg int) opFunc { return func(s *State, line []uint8, opcode opcode) { value := resolveValue(s, line, opcode) reference := s.reg.getRegister(reg) s.reg.updateFlagZN(reference - value) s.reg.updateFlag(flagC, reference >= value) } } func operationAnd(a uint8, b uint8) uint8 { return a & b } func operationOr(a uint8, b uint8) uint8 { return a | b } func operationXor(a uint8, b uint8) uint8 { return a ^ b } func buildOpLogic(operation func(uint8, uint8) uint8) opFunc { return func(s *State, line []uint8, opcode opcode) { value := resolveValue(s, line, opcode) result := operation(value, s.reg.getA()) s.reg.setA(result) s.reg.updateFlagZN(result) } } func opADC(s *State, line []uint8, opcode opcode) { value := resolveValue(s, line, opcode) aValue := s.reg.getA() carry := s.reg.getFlagBit(flagC) total := uint16(aValue) + uint16(value) + uint16(carry) signedTotal := int16(int8(aValue)) + int16(int8(value)) + int16(carry) truncated := uint8(total) if s.reg.getFlag(flagD) { totalBcdLo := int(aValue&0x0f) + int(value&0x0f) + int(carry) totalBcdHi := int(aValue>>4) + int(value>>4) if totalBcdLo >= 10 { totalBcdHi++ } totalBcd := (totalBcdHi%10)<<4 + (totalBcdLo % 10) s.reg.setA(uint8(totalBcd)) s.reg.updateFlag(flagC, totalBcdHi > 9) } else { s.reg.setA(truncated) s.reg.updateFlag(flagC, total > 0xFF) } // ZNV flags behave for BCD as if the operation was binary? s.reg.updateFlagZN(truncated) s.reg.updateFlag(flagV, signedTotal < -128 || signedTotal > 127) } func opADCAlt(s *State, line []uint8, opcode opcode) { opADC(s, line, opcode) // The Z and N flags on BCD are fixed in 65c02. s.reg.updateFlagZN(s.reg.getA()) } func opSBC(s *State, line []uint8, opcode opcode) { value := resolveValue(s, line, opcode) aValue := s.reg.getA() carry := s.reg.getFlagBit(flagC) total := 0x100 + uint16(aValue) - uint16(value) + uint16(carry) - 1 signedTotal := int16(int8(aValue)) - int16(int8(value)) + int16(carry) - 1 truncated := uint8(total) if s.reg.getFlag(flagD) { totalBcdLo := 10 + int(aValue&0x0f) - int(value&0x0f) + int(carry) - 1 totalBcdHi := 10 + int(aValue>>4) - int(value>>4) if totalBcdLo < 10 { totalBcdHi-- } totalBcd := (totalBcdHi%10)<<4 + (totalBcdLo % 10) s.reg.setA(uint8(totalBcd)) s.reg.updateFlag(flagC, totalBcdHi >= 10) } else { s.reg.setA(truncated) s.reg.updateFlag(flagC, total > 0xFF) } // ZNV flags behave for SBC as if the operation was binary s.reg.updateFlagZN(truncated) s.reg.updateFlag(flagV, signedTotal < -128 || signedTotal > 127) } func opSBCAlt(s *State, line []uint8, opcode opcode) { opSBC(s, line, opcode) // The Z and N flags on BCD are fixed in 65c02. s.reg.updateFlagZN(s.reg.getA()) } const stackAddress uint16 = 0x0100 func pushByte(s *State, value uint8) { adresss := stackAddress + uint16(s.reg.getSP()) s.mem.Poke(adresss, value) s.reg.setSP(s.reg.getSP() - 1) } func pullByte(s *State) uint8 { s.reg.setSP(s.reg.getSP() + 1) adresss := stackAddress + uint16(s.reg.getSP()) return s.mem.Peek(adresss) } func pushWord(s *State, value uint16) { pushByte(s, uint8(value>>8)) pushByte(s, uint8(value)) } func pullWord(s *State) uint16 { return uint16(pullByte(s)) + (uint16(pullByte(s)) << 8) } func buildOpPull(regDst int) opFunc { return func(s *State, line []uint8, opcode opcode) { value := pullByte(s) s.reg.setRegister(regDst, value) if regDst != regP { s.reg.updateFlagZN(value) } } } func buildOpPush(regSrc int) opFunc { return func(s *State, line []uint8, opcode opcode) { value := s.reg.getRegister(regSrc) if regSrc == regP { value |= flagB + flag5 } pushByte(s, value) } } func opJMP(s *State, line []uint8, opcode opcode) { address := resolveAddress(s, line, opcode) s.reg.setPC(address) } func opNOP(s *State, line []uint8, opcode opcode) {} func opJSR(s *State, line []uint8, opcode opcode) { pushWord(s, s.reg.getPC()-1) address := resolveAddress(s, line, opcode) s.reg.setPC(address) } func opRTI(s *State, line []uint8, opcode opcode) { s.reg.setP(pullByte(s)) s.reg.setPC(pullWord(s)) } func opRTS(s *State, line []uint8, opcode opcode) { s.reg.setPC(pullWord(s) + 1) } func opBRK(s *State, line []uint8, opcode opcode) { pushWord(s, s.reg.getPC()+1) pushByte(s, s.reg.getP()|(flagB+flag5)) s.reg.setFlag(flagI) s.reg.setPC(getWord(s.mem, vectorBreak)) } func opBRKAlt(s *State, line []uint8, opcode opcode) { opBRK(s, line, opcode) /* The only difference in the BRK instruction on the 65C02 and the 6502 is that the 65C02 clears the D (decimal) flag on the 65C02, whereas the D flag is not affected on the 6502. */ s.reg.clearFlag(flagD) } func opSTZ(s *State, line []uint8, opcode opcode) { resolveSetValue(s, line, opcode, 0) }