
206 lines
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package izapple2
import (
To implement a hard drive we just have to support boot from #PR7 and the PRODOS expectations.
Beneath Prodos, section 6-6, 7-13 and 5-8. (http://www.apple-iigs.info/doc/fichiers/beneathprodos.pdf)
Apple IIc Technical Reference, 2nd Edition. Chapter 8. https://ia800207.us.archive.org/19/items/AppleIIcTechnicalReference2ndEd/Apple%20IIc%20Technical%20Reference%202nd%20ed.pdf
// CardSmartport represents a SmartPort card
type CardSmartport struct {
hardDiskDevice smartPortDevice
hardDiskBlocks uint32
mliParams uint16
trace bool
// NewCardSmartport creates a new SmartPort card
func NewCardSmartport() *CardSmartport {
var c CardSmartport
c.name = "Smartport Card"
return &c
// GetInfo returns smartport info
func (c *CardSmartport) GetInfo() map[string]string {
info := make(map[string]string)
info["trace"] = strconv.FormatBool(c.trace)
return info
// LoadImage loads a disk image
func (c *CardSmartport) LoadImage(filename string) error {
device, err := NewSmartPortHardDisk(c, filename)
if err == nil {
device.trace = c.trace
c.hardDiskDevice = device
c.hardDiskBlocks = device.disk.GetSizeInBlocks() // Needed for the PRODOS status
return err
func (c *CardSmartport) assign(a *Apple2, slot int) {
c.addCardSoftSwitchR(0, func() uint8 {
// Prodos entry point
command := a.mmu.Peek(0x42)
unit := a.mmu.Peek(0x43) & 0x0f
// Generate Smarport compatible params
var params []uint8
if command == proDosDeviceCommandStatus {
params = []uint8{
5, unit,
a.mmu.Peek(0x44), a.mmu.Peek(0x45), // data address
} else {
params = []uint8{
7, unit,
a.mmu.Peek(0x44), a.mmu.Peek(0x45), // data address
a.mmu.Peek(0x46), a.mmu.Peek(0x47), 0, // block number
result := c.hardDiskDevice.exec(command, params)
if c.trace {
fmt.Printf("[CardSmartport] PRODOS command $%x on slot %v, unit $%x, result $%02x.\n", command, slot, unit, result)
return result
c.addCardSoftSwitchR(1, func() uint8 {
// Blocks available, low byte
return uint8(c.hardDiskBlocks)
c.addCardSoftSwitchR(2, func() uint8 {
// Blocks available, high byte
return uint8(c.hardDiskBlocks)
c.addCardSoftSwitchR(3, func() uint8 {
// Smart port entry point
command := c.a.mmu.Peek(c.mliParams + 1)
paramsAddress := uint16(c.a.mmu.Peek(c.mliParams+2)) + uint16(c.a.mmu.Peek(c.mliParams+3))<<8
paramsSize := int(a.mmu.Peek(paramsAddress + 0))
params := make([]uint8, paramsSize)
for i := 0; i < paramsSize; i++ {
params[i] = a.mmu.Peek(paramsAddress + uint16(i))
unit := params[1]
result := c.hardDiskDevice.exec(command, params)
if c.trace {
fmt.Printf("[CardSmartport] Smart port command $%x on slot %v, unit $%x, result $%02x.\n", command, slot, unit, result)
return result
c.addCardSoftSwitchW(4, func(value uint8) {
c.mliParams = (c.mliParams & 0xff00) + uint16(value)
if c.trace {
fmt.Printf("[CardSmartport] Smart port LO: 0x%x.\n", c.mliParams)
c.addCardSoftSwitchW(5, func(value uint8) {
c.mliParams = (c.mliParams & 0x00ff) + (uint16(value) << 8)
if c.trace {
fmt.Printf("[CardSmartport] Smart port HI: 0x%x.\n", c.mliParams)
c.cardBase.assign(a, slot)
func buildHardDiskRom(slot int) []uint8 {
data := make([]uint8, 256)
ssBase := 0x80 + uint8(slot<<4)
copy(data, []uint8{
// Preamble bytes to comply with the expectation in $Cn01, 3, 5 and 7
0xa9, 0x20, // LDA #$20
0xa9, 0x00, // LDA #$00
0xa9, 0x03, // LDA #$03
0xa9, 0x00, // LDA #$00
// Boot code: SS will load block 0 in address $0800. The jump there.
// Note: after execution the first block expects $42 to $47 to have
// valid values to read block 0. At least Total Replay expects that.
0xa9, 0x01, // LDA·#$01
0x85, 0x42, // STA $42 ; Command READ(1)
0xa9, 0x00, // LDA·#$00
0x85, 0x43, // STA $43 ; Unit 0
0x85, 0x44, // STA $44 ; Dest LO($0800)
0x85, 0x46, // STA $46 ; Block LO(0)
0x85, 0x47, // STA $47 ; Block HI(0)
0xa9, 0x08, // LDA·#$08
0x85, 0x45, // STA $45 ; Dest HI($0800)
0xad, ssBase, 0xc0, // LDA $C0n1 ;Call to softswitch 0.
0xa2, uint8(slot << 4), // LDX $s7 ; Slot on hign nibble of X
0x4c, 0x01, 0x08, // JMP $801 ; Jump to loaded boot sector
if slot == 7 {
// It should be 0 for SmartPort, but with 0 it's not bootable with the II+ ROM
// See http://www.1000bit.it/support/manuali/apple/technotes/udsk/tn.udsk.2.html
data[0x07] = 0x3c
// Entrypoints and Smartport body
copy(data[0x40:], []uint8{
0x4c, 0x80, 0xc0 + uint8(slot), // JMP $cs80 ; Prodos Entrypoint
// 3 bytes later, smartport entrypoint. Uses the ProDos MLI calling convention
0x68, // PLA
0x8d, ssBase + 4, 0xc0, // STA $c0n4 ; Softswitch 4, store LO(cmdBlock)
0xa8, // TAY ; We will need it later
0x68, // PLA
0x8d, ssBase + 5, 0xc0, // STA $c0n5 ; Softswitch 5, store HI(cmdBlock)
0x48, // PHA
0x98, // TYA
0x18, // CLC
0x69, 0x03, // ADC #$03 ; Fix return address past the cmdblock
0x48, // PHA
0xad, ssBase + 3, 0xc0, // LDA $C0n3 ; Softswitch 3, execute command. Error code in reg A.
0x18, // CLC ; Clear carry for no errors.
0xF0, 0x01, // BEQ $01 ; Skips the SEC if reg A is zero
0x38, // SEC ; Set carry on errors
0x60, // RTS
// Prodos entrypoint body
copy(data[0x80:], []uint8{
0xad, ssBase + 0, 0xc0, // LDA $C0n0 ; Softswitch 0, execute command. Error code in reg A.
0x48, // PHA
0xae, ssBase + 1, 0xc0, // LDX $C0n1 ; Softswitch 1, LO(Blocks), STATUS needs that in reg X.
0xac, ssBase + 2, 0xc0, // LDY $C0n2 ; Softswitch 2, HI(Blocks). STATUS needs that in reg Y.
0x18, // CLC ; Clear carry for no errors.
0x68, // PLA ; Sets Z if no error
0xF0, 0x01, // BEQ $01 ; Skips the SEC if reg A is zero
0x38, // SEC ; Set carry on errors
0x60, // RTS
data[0xfc] = 0
data[0xfd] = 0
data[0xfe] = 3 // Status and Read. No write, no format. Single volume
data[0xff] = 0x40 // Driver entry point
return data