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package apple2
import (
// Apple2 represents all the components and state of the emulated machine
type Apple2 struct {
cpu *core6502.State
mmu *memoryManager
io *ioC0Page
cg *CharacterGenerator
cards []cardBase
isApple2e bool
panicSS bool
activeSlot int // Slot that has the addressing 0xc800 to 0ccfff
commandChannel chan int
cycleDurationNs float64 // Inverse of the cpu clock in Ghz
isColor bool
fastMode bool
fastRequestsCounter int
const (
// CpuClockMhz is the actual Apple II clock speed
CpuClockMhz = 14.318 / 14
cpuClockEuroMhz = 14.238 / 14
// NewApple2 instantiates an apple2
func NewApple2(romFile string, charRomFile string, clockMhz float64,
isColor bool, fastMode bool, panicSS bool) *Apple2 {
var a Apple2
a.mmu = newMemoryManager(&a)
a.cpu = core6502.NewNMOS6502(a.mmu)
if charRomFile != "" {
a.cg = NewCharacterGenerator(charRomFile)
a.commandChannel = make(chan int, 100)
a.isColor = isColor
a.fastMode = fastMode
a.panicSS = panicSS
if clockMhz <= 0 {
// Full speed
a.cycleDurationNs = 0
} else {
a.cycleDurationNs = 1000.0 / clockMhz
// Set the io in 0xc000
a.io = newIoC0Page(&a)
a.mmu.setPages(0xc0, 0xc0, a.io)
return &a
// AddDisk2 insterts a DiskII controller
func (a *Apple2) AddDisk2(slot int, diskRomFile string, diskImage string) {
d := newCardDisk2(diskRomFile)
d.cardBase.insert(a, slot)
if diskImage != "" {
diskette := loadDisquette(diskImage)
//diskette.saveNib(diskImage + "bak")
// AddLanguageCard inserts a 16Kb card
func (a *Apple2) AddLanguageCard(slot int) {
d := newCardLanguage()
d.cardBase.insert(a, slot)
// AddSaturnCard inserts a 128Kb card
func (a *Apple2) AddSaturnCard(slot int) {
d := newCardSaturn()
d.cardBase.insert(a, slot)
// ConfigureStdConsole uses stdin and stdout to interface with the Apple2
func (a *Apple2) ConfigureStdConsole(stdinKeyboard bool, stdoutScreen bool) {
if !stdinKeyboard && !stdoutScreen {
// Init frontend
fe := newAnsiConsoleFrontend(a, stdinKeyboard)
if stdinKeyboard {
if stdoutScreen {
go fe.textModeGoRoutine()
// SetKeyboardProvider attaches an external keyboard provider
func (a *Apple2) SetKeyboardProvider(kb KeyboardProvider) {
// SetSpeakerProvider attaches an external keyboard provider
func (a *Apple2) SetSpeakerProvider(s SpeakerProvider) {
const (
// CommandToggleSpeed toggles cpu speed between full speed and actual Apple II speed
CommandToggleSpeed = iota + 1
// CommandToggleColor toggles between NTSC color TV and Green phospor monitor
// SendCommand enqueues a command to the emulator thread
func (a *Apple2) SendCommand(command int) {
a.commandChannel <- command
func (a *Apple2) executeCommand(command int) {
switch command {
case CommandToggleSpeed:
if a.cycleDurationNs == 0 {
a.cycleDurationNs = 1000.0 / CpuClockMhz
} else {
a.cycleDurationNs = 0
case CommandToggleColor:
a.isColor = !a.isColor
const maxWaitDuration = 100 * time.Millisecond
// Run starts the Apple2 emulation
func (a *Apple2) Run(log bool) {
// Start the processor
referenceTime := time.Now()
for {
// Run a 6502 step
// Execute meta commands
commandsPending := true
for commandsPending {
select {
case command := <-a.commandChannel:
commandsPending = false
if a.cycleDurationNs != 0 && a.fastRequestsCounter <= 0 {
// Wait until next 6502 step has to run
clockDuration := time.Since(referenceTime)
simulatedDuration := time.Duration(float64(a.cpu.GetCycles()) * a.cycleDurationNs)
waitDuration := simulatedDuration - clockDuration
if waitDuration > maxWaitDuration {
// We have to wait too long. Let's fast forward
referenceTime = referenceTime.Add(-waitDuration)
waitDuration = 0
if waitDuration > 0 {
// LoadRom loads a binary file to the top of the memory.
const (
apple2RomSize = 12 * 1024
apple2eRomSize = 16 * 1024
func (a *Apple2) requestFastMode() {
// Note: if the fastMode is shorter than maxWaitDuration, there won't be any gain.
if a.fastMode {
func (a *Apple2) releaseFastMode() {
if a.fastMode {