package; import android.util.Log; import android.view.MotionEvent; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue; // Change touchscreen events into an absolute joystick position and // a joystick button. Handles up to two fingers down. The first one that moves // becomes a joystick, the second acts as a button. You can also fire a button // by tapping a single finger. // Quick and dirty. class TouchJoystick { private ConcurrentLinkedQueue mEventQueue; private TouchSpecialZone mSpecialZone = null; private int mTouchSlop; private int mMotionPointer = -1; // active pointer Id private int mButton1 = 0; // buttons pressed? lower two bits. private MotionEvent trackA; // original A down event private MotionEvent trackB; // original B down event private int trackAIndex = -1; // index into trackA that pointerA is in private int trackBIndex = -1; // index into trackB that pointerB is in private int pointerA = -1; // pointer Id in 'A' slot private int pointerB = -1; // pointer Id in 'B' slot public TouchJoystick(ConcurrentLinkedQueue q) { mEventQueue = q; mTouchSlop = android.view.ViewConfiguration.getTouchSlop(); // TODO: Avoid deprecated interface, read docs on replacement: // final ViewConfiguration configuration = ViewConfiguration.get(context); // mTouchSlop = configuration.getScaledTouchSlop(); } public void setSpecialZone(TouchSpecialZone zone) { mSpecialZone = zone; } private void reset_tracks(boolean resetA, boolean resetB) { if (resetA && trackA != null) { trackA.recycle(); trackA = null; trackAIndex = -1; pointerA = -1; } if (resetB && trackB != null) { trackB.recycle(); trackB = null; trackBIndex = -1; pointerB = -1; } } private boolean isPastSlop(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, int e1index, int e2index) { // Log.w("kegs", "SLOP " + " " + e1 + " " + e2); if (Math.abs(e2.getX(e2index) - e1.getX(e1index)) >= mTouchSlop) { return true; } else if (Math.abs(e2.getY(e2index) - e1.getY(e1index)) >= mTouchSlop) { return true; } else { return false; } } public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent e) { final int action = e.getActionMasked(); final int pointerIndex = e.getActionIndex(); final int pointerId = e.getPointerId(pointerIndex); // Log.w("kegs", "touch " + action + " " + pointerId + " ##" + pointerA + "## " + trackA + " ##" + pointerB + "## " + trackB); if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN || action == MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN) { if (trackA != null && trackB != null) { // We are already tracking two fingers. return false; } if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN || e.getPointerCount() > 1) { // we have two fingers down now, so might as well press the button. mButton1 = 1; mEventQueue.add(new Event.JoystickKegsEvent(0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, mButton1)); } // start tracking it so that we can test it for SLOP if (trackA == null) { trackA = MotionEvent.obtain(e); trackAIndex = pointerIndex; pointerA = pointerId; } else { if (trackB != null) { trackB.recycle(); } trackB = MotionEvent.obtain(e); trackBIndex = pointerIndex; pointerB = pointerId; } } else if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) { if (mMotionPointer == -1) { // No primary pointer is set, see if one has moved enough to be primary. if (pointerId == pointerA && isPastSlop(trackA, e, trackAIndex, pointerIndex)) { mMotionPointer = pointerId; if (trackB == null) { // In case the secondary pointer is now primary. mButton1 = 0; mEventQueue.add(new Event.JoystickKegsEvent(0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, mButton1)); } } else if (pointerId == pointerB && isPastSlop(trackB, e, trackBIndex, pointerIndex)) { mMotionPointer = pointerId; if (trackA == null) { // In case the secondary pointer is now primary. mButton1 = 0; mEventQueue.add(new Event.JoystickKegsEvent(0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, mButton1)); } } } if (pointerId == mMotionPointer) { // SEND JOYSTICK MOVEMENT based on track{A,B} if (pointerId == pointerA) { send_position(trackA, e, trackAIndex, pointerIndex); } else if (pointerId == pointerB) { send_position(trackB, e, trackBIndex, pointerIndex); } else { // probably an additional finger was down that we had latched onto, ignore it. // Log.e("kegs", "movement for pointerId " + pointerId + " is unknown!"); } } } else if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP || action == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP || action == MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL) { if (pointerId == mMotionPointer) { // recenter joystick // 0, 0 would be center, but it's "too perfect" mEventQueue.add(new Event.JoystickKegsEvent(61, -33, mButton1)); mMotionPointer = -1; } else { if (mMotionPointer == -1) { // No active movement, assume this click/release should be a button press/release. // TODO it probably shouldn't be sent if they had their finger down for more than 500ms or so. if (mSpecialZone != null && !, pointerId)) { mButton1 = 1; mEventQueue.add(new Event.JoystickKegsEvent(0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, mButton1)); } } // SEND JOYSTICK BUTTON UP mButton1 = 0; mEventQueue.add(new Event.JoystickKegsEvent(0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, mButton1)); } reset_tracks(pointerId == pointerA, pointerId == pointerB); } return true; } private void send_position(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, int e1index, int e2index) { // Send absolute position, -32767 to 32767 // TODO Still trying to find a good translation from distance to axis value. // Consider looking at DPI and at pressure changes. // (Would like to capture just 'rolling the thumb') // Examples of things that didn't work so well... // (log8 - 1.3) * 42000 ; (log10 - 1.0) * 45000 ; (log5 - 1.7) * 50000 // final float x1 = e2.getX(e2index) - e1.getX(e1index); // final int x2 = (int)(((Math.log(Math.abs(x1))/logVal) - 1.7) * 50000); // final int x3 = Math.max(0, Math.min(32767, x2)) * (x1 < 0 ? -1 : 1); // Currently using linear over 18 pixels. (32768/18) final float x1 = e2.getX(e2index) - e1.getX(e1index); final int x3 = (int)(x1 * 1820); final float y1 = e2.getY(e2index) - e1.getY(e1index); final int y3 = (int)(y1 * 1820); // Log.w("kegs", "joystick " + x3 + " " + y3 + " " + mButton1); mEventQueue.add(new Event.JoystickKegsEvent(x3, y3, mButton1)); } }