/************************************************************************/ /* KEGS: Apple //gs Emulator */ /* Copyright 2002 by Kent Dickey */ /* */ /* This code is covered by the GNU GPL */ /* */ /* The KEGS web page is kegs.sourceforge.net */ /* You may contact the author at: kadickey@alumni.princeton.edu */ /************************************************************************/ const char rcsid_macdriver_c[] = "@(#)$KmKId: macdriver.c,v 1.19 2004-03-23 17:27:56-05 kentd Exp $"; // Quartz: CreateCGContextForPort vs QDBeginCGContext // Use CGDisplayMoveCursorToPoint(kCGDirectMainDisplay) to warp pointer // Use CGPointMake to get a point #include #include "defc.h" #include "protos_macdriver.h" #define MAX_STATUS_LINES 7 #define X_LINE_LENGTH 88 #define MAX_MAC_ARGS 128 WindowRef g_main_window; int g_quit_seen = 0; EventHandlerUPP g_quit_handler_UPP; EventHandlerUPP g_dummy_event_handler_UPP; RgnHandle g_event_rgnhandle = 0; int g_ignore_next_click = 0; int g_mainwin_active = 0; GDHandle g_gdhandle = 0; int g_mac_mouse_x = 0; int g_mac_mouse_y = 0; FMFontFamily g_status_font_family; extern Kimage g_mainwin_kimage; int g_mac_argc = 0; char *g_mac_argv[MAX_MAC_ARGS]; word32 g_mac_shift_control_state = 0; extern char g_argv0_path[]; extern word32 g_red_mask; extern word32 g_green_mask; extern word32 g_blue_mask; extern int g_red_left_shift; extern int g_green_left_shift; extern int g_blue_left_shift; extern int g_red_right_shift; extern int g_green_right_shift; extern int g_blue_right_shift; int g_use_shmem = 0; extern int Verbose; extern int g_warp_pointer; extern int g_screen_depth; extern int g_force_depth; int g_screen_mdepth = 0; extern int g_send_sound_to_file; extern int g_quit_sim_now; extern int g_config_control_panel; int g_auto_repeat_on = -1; int g_x_shift_control_state = 0; extern int Max_color_size; extern word32 g_palette_8to1624[256]; extern word32 g_a2palette_8to1624[256]; int g_alt_left_up = 1; int g_alt_right_up = 1; extern word32 g_full_refresh_needed; extern int g_border_sides_refresh_needed; extern int g_border_special_refresh_needed; extern int g_status_refresh_needed; extern int g_lores_colors[]; extern int g_a2vid_palette; extern int g_installed_full_superhires_colormap; extern int g_screen_redraw_skip_amt; extern word32 g_a2_screen_buffer_changed; extern char *g_status_ptrs[MAX_STATUS_LINES]; extern const char g_kegs_version_str[]; #if 0 char g_printf_buf[4096]; int g_debug_file_fd = -1; /* HACK to debug startup issues when launched from Finder */ int printf(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; int ret; va_start(ap, fmt); ret = vsnprintf(g_printf_buf, 4090, fmt, ap); if(g_debug_file_fd < 0) { g_debug_file_fd = open("/tmp/kegs.out", O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC, 0x1b6); fprintf(stdout, "g_debug_file_fd = %d, %d\n", g_debug_file_fd, errno); } write(1, g_printf_buf, strlen(g_printf_buf)); write(g_debug_file_fd, g_printf_buf, strlen(g_printf_buf)); va_end(ap); return ret; } #endif pascal OSStatus quit_event_handler(EventHandlerCallRef call_ref, EventRef event, void *ignore) { OSStatus err; err = CallNextEventHandler(call_ref, event); if(err == noErr) { g_quit_seen = 1; } return err; } void show_alert(const char *str1, const char *str2, const char *str3, int num) { char buf[256]; DialogRef alert; DialogItemIndex out_item_hit; CFStringRef cfstrref; if(num != 0) { snprintf(buf, 250, "%s%s%s: %d", str1, str2, str3, num); } else { snprintf(buf, 250, "%s%s%s", str1, str2, str3); } cfstrref = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, buf, kCFStringEncodingMacRoman); CreateStandardAlert(kAlertStopAlert, cfstrref, CFSTR("Click OK"), NULL, &alert); RunStandardAlert(alert, NULL, &out_item_hit); } pascal OSStatus my_cmd_handler( EventHandlerCallRef handlerRef, EventRef event, void *userdata) { OSStatus osresult; HICommand command; word32 command_id; osresult = eventNotHandledErr; GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamDirectObject, typeHICommand, NULL, sizeof(HICommand), NULL, &command); command_id = (word32)command.commandID; switch(command_id) { case 'Kbep': SysBeep(10); osresult = noErr; break; case 'abou': show_alert("KEGSMAC v", g_kegs_version_str, ", Copyright 2004 Kent Dickey\n" "Latest version at http://kegs.sourceforge.net/\n", 0); osresult = noErr; break; case 'KCFG': g_config_control_panel = !g_config_control_panel; osresult = noErr; break; case 'quit': break; case 'swin': /* not sure what this is, but Panther sends it */ break; default: printf("commandID %08x unknown\n", command_id); SysBeep(90); break; } return osresult; } int g_upd_count = 0; void update_window(void) { SetPortWindowPort(g_main_window); PenNormal(); g_full_refresh_needed = -1; g_a2_screen_buffer_changed = -1; g_status_refresh_needed = 1; g_border_sides_refresh_needed = 1; g_border_special_refresh_needed = 1; g_upd_count++; if(g_upd_count > 250) { g_upd_count = 0; } } struct char_int_un { union { char c[4]; UInt32 uint; } u; char c2[2]; }; typedef struct char_int_un Char_int; int g_event_count = 0; void show_event(UInt32 event_class, UInt32 event_kind, int handled) { Char_int char_int; if(handled == 0 && event_class != 'cgs ') { char_int.c2[0] = 0; char_int.u.uint = event_class; printf("Event %d: %08x = %s, %d\n", g_event_count, (int)event_class, &(char_int.u.c[0]), (int)event_kind); } g_event_count++; } pascal OSStatus my_win_handler(EventHandlerCallRef handlerRef, EventRef event, void *userdata) { OSStatus os_result; UInt32 event_kind; os_result = eventNotHandledErr; // SysBeep(1); event_kind = GetEventKind(event); // show_alert("win handler", event_kind); if(event_kind == kEventWindowDrawContent) { update_window(); } if(event_kind == kEventWindowClose) { g_quit_sim_now = 1; g_quit_seen = 1; my_exit(0); } else { show_event(GetEventClass(event), event_kind, 0); update_window(); } return os_result; } pascal OSStatus dummy_event_handler(EventHandlerCallRef call_ref, EventRef in_event, void *ignore) { OSStatus err; EventHandlerRef installed_handler; EventTypeSpec event_spec = { kEventClassApplication, kEventAppQuit }; // From http://developer.apple.com/qa/qa2001/qa1061.html // Trick to move main event queue to use ReceiveNextEvent in an event // handler called by RunApplicationEventLoop err = InstallApplicationEventHandler(g_quit_handler_UPP, 1, &event_spec, NULL, &installed_handler); kegsmain(g_mac_argc, g_mac_argv); return noErr; } void mac_update_modifiers(word32 state) { word32 state_xor; int is_up; state = state & (cmdKey | shiftKey | alphaLock | optionKey | controlKey); state_xor = g_mac_shift_control_state ^ state; is_up = 0; if(state_xor & controlKey) { is_up = ((state & controlKey) == 0); adb_physical_key_update(0x36, is_up); } if(state_xor & alphaLock) { is_up = ((state & alphaLock) == 0); adb_physical_key_update(0x39, is_up); } if(state_xor & shiftKey) { is_up = ((state & shiftKey) == 0); adb_physical_key_update(0x38, is_up); } if(state_xor & cmdKey) { is_up = ((state & cmdKey) == 0); adb_physical_key_update(0x37, is_up); } if(state_xor & optionKey) { is_up = ((state & optionKey) == 0); adb_physical_key_update(0x3a, is_up); } g_mac_shift_control_state = state; } void mac_warp_mouse() { Rect port_rect; Point win_origin_pt; CGPoint cgpoint; CGDisplayErr cg_err; GetPortBounds(GetWindowPort(g_main_window), &port_rect); SetPt(&win_origin_pt, port_rect.left, port_rect.top); LocalToGlobal(&win_origin_pt); cgpoint = CGPointMake( (float)(win_origin_pt.h + X_A2_WINDOW_WIDTH/2), (float)(win_origin_pt.v + X_A2_WINDOW_HEIGHT/2)); cg_err = CGDisplayMoveCursorToPoint(kCGDirectMainDisplay, cgpoint); } void check_input_events() { OSStatus err; EventTargetRef target; EventRef event; UInt32 event_class, event_kind; byte mac_keycode; UInt32 keycode; UInt32 modifiers; Point mouse_point, mouse_delta_point; WindowRef window_ref; int button, button_state; EventMouseButton mouse_button; int handled; int mouse_events; int is_up; int in_win; int ignore; if(g_quit_seen) { exit(0); } SetPortWindowPort(g_main_window); mouse_events = 0; target = GetEventDispatcherTarget(); while(1) { err = ReceiveNextEvent(0, NULL, kEventDurationNoWait, true, &event); if(err == eventLoopTimedOutErr) { break; } if(err != noErr) { printf("err: %d\n", (int)err); break; } event_class = GetEventClass(event); event_kind = GetEventKind(event); handled = 0; switch(event_class) { case kEventClassKeyboard: handled = 1; keycode = 0; modifiers = 0; GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamKeyMacCharCodes, typeChar, NULL, sizeof(byte), NULL, &mac_keycode); GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamKeyCode, typeUInt32, NULL, sizeof(UInt32), NULL, &keycode); GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamKeyModifiers, typeUInt32, NULL, sizeof(UInt32), NULL, &modifiers); mac_update_modifiers((word32)modifiers); // Key up/down event is_up = -1; switch(event_kind) { case kEventRawKeyDown: is_up = 0; //printf("key down: %02x, %08x\n", // (int)mac_keycode, (int)keycode); break; case kEventRawKeyUp: is_up = 1; //printf("key up: %02x, %08x\n", // (int)mac_keycode, (int)keycode); break; case kEventRawKeyModifiersChanged: is_up = -1; //printf("key xxx: %08x\n", (int)modifiers); break; } if(is_up >= 0) { adb_physical_key_update((int)keycode, is_up); } break; case kEventClassMouse: handled = 2; mouse_events++; GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamMouseLocation, typeQDPoint, NULL, sizeof(Point), NULL, &mouse_point); GetWindowRegion(g_main_window, kWindowContentRgn, g_event_rgnhandle); in_win = PtInRgn(mouse_point, g_event_rgnhandle); // in_win = 1 if it was in the contect region of window err = GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamMouseDelta, typeQDPoint, NULL, sizeof(Point), NULL, &mouse_delta_point); button = 0; button_state = -1; switch(event_kind) { case kEventMouseDown: button_state = 7; handled = 3; break; case kEventMouseUp: button_state = 0; handled = 3; break; } if(button_state >= 0) { GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamMouseButton, typeMouseButton, NULL, sizeof(EventMouseButton), NULL, &mouse_button); button = mouse_button; if(button > 1) { button = 4 - button; button = 1 << button; } ignore = (button_state != 0) && (!in_win || g_ignore_next_click); ignore = ignore || !g_mainwin_active; if(ignore) { // Outside of A2 window, ignore clicks button = 0; } if(button_state == 0) { g_ignore_next_click = 0; } } GlobalToLocal(&mouse_point); if(g_warp_pointer) { if(err == 0) { g_mac_mouse_x += mouse_delta_point.h; g_mac_mouse_y += mouse_delta_point.v; } mac_warp_mouse(); } else { g_mac_mouse_x = mouse_point.h -BASE_MARGIN_LEFT; g_mac_mouse_y = mouse_point.v -BASE_MARGIN_TOP; } #if 0 printf("Mouse %d at: %d,%d button:%d, button_st:%d\n", mouse_events, g_mac_mouse_x, g_mac_mouse_y, button, button_state); printf("Mouse deltas: err:%d, %d,%d\n", (int)err, mouse_delta_point.h, mouse_delta_point.v); #endif update_mouse(g_mac_mouse_x, g_mac_mouse_y, button_state, button & 7); if(g_warp_pointer) { g_mac_mouse_x = A2_WINDOW_WIDTH/2; g_mac_mouse_y = A2_WINDOW_HEIGHT/2; update_mouse(g_mac_mouse_x, g_mac_mouse_y,0,-1); } break; case kEventClassApplication: switch(event_kind) { case kEventAppActivated: handled = 1; g_mainwin_active = 1; window_ref = 0; GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamWindowRef, typeWindowRef, NULL, sizeof(WindowRef), NULL, &window_ref); if(window_ref == g_main_window) { g_ignore_next_click = 1; } break; case kEventAppDeactivated: handled = 1; g_mainwin_active = 0; g_ignore_next_click = 1; break; } break; } show_event(event_class, event_kind, handled); if(handled != 1) { (void)SendEventToEventTarget(event, target); } ReleaseEvent(event); } return; } void temp_run_application_event_loop(void) { OSStatus err; EventRef dummy_event; EventHandlerRef install_handler; EventTypeSpec event_spec = { 'KWIN', 'KWIN' }; // Create UPP for dummy_event_handler and for quit_event_handler err = noErr; dummy_event = 0; g_dummy_event_handler_UPP = NewEventHandlerUPP(dummy_event_handler); g_quit_handler_UPP = NewEventHandlerUPP(quit_event_handler); if((g_dummy_event_handler_UPP == 0) || (g_quit_handler_UPP == 0)) { err = memFullErr; } if(err == noErr) { err = InstallApplicationEventHandler(g_dummy_event_handler_UPP, 1, &event_spec, 0, &install_handler); if(err == noErr) { err = MacCreateEvent(NULL, 'KWIN', 'KWIN', GetCurrentEventTime(), kEventAttributeNone, &dummy_event); if(err == noErr) { err = PostEventToQueue(GetMainEventQueue(), dummy_event, kEventPriorityHigh); } if(err == noErr) { RunApplicationEventLoop(); } (void)RemoveEventHandler(install_handler); } } if(dummy_event != NULL) { ReleaseEvent(dummy_event); } } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { ProcessSerialNumber my_psn; IBNibRef nibRef; EventHandlerUPP handlerUPP; EventTypeSpec cmd_event[3]; #if 0 MenuBarHandle mbar_handle; MenuRef menu_ref; #endif Rect win_rect; OSStatus err; char *argptr; int slash_cnt; int i; /* Prepare argv0 */ slash_cnt = 0; argptr = argv[0]; for(i = strlen(argptr); i >= 0; i--) { if(argptr[i] == '/') { slash_cnt++; if(slash_cnt == 3) { strncpy(&(g_argv0_path[0]), argptr, i); g_argv0_path[i] = 0; } } } printf("g_argv0_path is %s\n", g_argv0_path); g_mac_argv[0] = argv[0]; g_mac_argc = 1; i = 1; while((i < argc) && (g_mac_argc < MAX_MAC_ARGS)) { if(!strncmp(argv[i], "-psn", 4)) { /* skip this argument */ } else { g_mac_argv[g_mac_argc++] = argv[i]; } i++; } InitCursor(); g_event_rgnhandle = NewRgn(); g_status_font_family = FMGetFontFamilyFromName("\pCourier"); SetRect(&win_rect, 0, 0, X_A2_WINDOW_WIDTH, X_A2_WINDOW_HEIGHT + MAX_STATUS_LINES*16 + 8); OffsetRect(&win_rect, 64, 50); // Create a Nib reference passing the name of the nib file // CreateNibReference only searches into the application bundle. err = CreateNibReference(CFSTR("main"), &nibRef); require_noerr( err, CantGetNibRef ); // Once the nib reference is created, set the menu bar. err = SetMenuBarFromNib(nibRef, CFSTR("MenuBar")); require_noerr( err, CantSetMenuBar ); #if 0 mbar_handle = GetMenuBar(); SetMenuBar(mbar_handle); printf("mbar_handle: %p\n", mbar_handle); menu_ref = NewMenu(1, "\pTest"); printf("menu_ref: %p\n", menu_ref); AppendMenu(menu_ref, "\pTest item 1"); InsertMenu(menu_ref, 0); // ShowMenuBar(); // Don't call ShowMenuBar: it prevents menubar update! DrawMenuBar(); InvalMenuBar(); #endif err = CreateNewWindow(kDocumentWindowClass, kWindowStandardDocumentAttributes | kWindowStandardHandlerAttribute, &win_rect, &g_main_window); //printf("CreateNewWindow ret: %d, g_main_window: %p\n", (int)err, // g_main_window); err = SetWindowTitleWithCFString(g_main_window, CFSTR("KEGSMAC")); // We don't need the nib reference anymore. DisposeNibReference(nibRef); SysBeep(120); handlerUPP = NewEventHandlerUPP( my_cmd_handler ); cmd_event[0].eventClass = kEventClassCommand; cmd_event[0].eventKind = kEventProcessCommand; InstallWindowEventHandler(g_main_window, handlerUPP, 1, &cmd_event[0], (void *)g_main_window, NULL); handlerUPP = NewEventHandlerUPP(my_win_handler); cmd_event[0].eventClass = kEventClassWindow; cmd_event[0].eventKind = kEventWindowDrawContent; cmd_event[1].eventClass = kEventClassWindow; cmd_event[1].eventKind = kEventWindowUpdate; cmd_event[2].eventClass = kEventClassWindow; cmd_event[2].eventKind = kEventWindowClose; err = InstallWindowEventHandler(g_main_window, handlerUPP, 3, &cmd_event[0], (void *)g_main_window, NULL); require_noerr(err, CantCreateWindow); // Get screen depth g_gdhandle = GetGDevice(); g_screen_mdepth = (**((**g_gdhandle).gdPMap)).pixelSize; g_screen_depth = g_screen_mdepth; //printf("g_screen_depth = %d, depth: %d, bytes: %d\n", g_screen_depth, // (**g_gdhandle).gdCCDepth, (**g_gdhandle).gdCCBytes); if(g_screen_depth > 16) { /* 32-bit display */ g_red_mask = 0xff; g_green_mask = 0xff; g_blue_mask = 0xff; g_red_left_shift = 16; g_green_left_shift = 8; g_blue_left_shift = 0; g_red_right_shift = 0; g_green_right_shift = 0; g_blue_right_shift = 0; } else if(g_screen_depth > 8) { /* 16-bit display */ g_red_mask = 0x1f; g_green_mask = 0x1f; g_blue_mask = 0x1f; g_red_left_shift = 10; g_green_left_shift = 5; g_blue_left_shift = 0; g_red_right_shift = 3; g_green_right_shift = 3; g_blue_right_shift = 3; } // show_alert("About to show window", (int)g_main_window); update_window(); // The window was created hidden so show it. ShowWindow( g_main_window ); BringToFront( g_main_window ); update_window(); // Make us pop to the front a different way err = GetCurrentProcess(&my_psn); if(err == noErr) { (void)SetFrontProcess(&my_psn); } // Call the event loop temp_run_application_event_loop(); CantCreateWindow: CantSetMenuBar: CantGetNibRef: show_alert("ending", "", "error code", err); return err; } void x_update_color(int col_num, int red, int green, int blue, word32 rgb) { } void x_update_physical_colormap() { } void show_xcolor_array() { int i; for(i = 0; i < 256; i++) { printf("%02x: %08x\n", i, g_palette_8to1624[i]); } } void xdriver_end() { printf("xdriver_end\n"); } void x_get_kimage(Kimage *kimage_ptr) { PixMapHandle pixmap_handle; GWorldPtr world; Rect world_rect; OSStatus err; word32 *wptr; byte *ptr; int row_bytes; int width; int height; int depth, mdepth; int size; width = kimage_ptr->width_req; height = kimage_ptr->height; depth = kimage_ptr->depth; mdepth = kimage_ptr->mdepth; size = 0; if(depth == g_screen_depth) { SetRect(&world_rect, 0, 0, width, height); err = NewGWorld( &world, 0, &world_rect, NULL, NULL, 0); pixmap_handle = GetGWorldPixMap(world); err = LockPixels(pixmap_handle); ptr = (byte *)GetPixBaseAddr(pixmap_handle); row_bytes = ((*pixmap_handle)->rowBytes & 0x3fff); kimage_ptr->width_act = row_bytes / (mdepth >> 3); mac_printf("Got depth: %d, bitmap_ptr: %p, width: %d\n", depth, ptr, kimage_ptr->width_act); mac_printf("pixmap->base: %08x, rowbytes: %08x, pixType:%08x\n", (int)(*pixmap_handle)->baseAddr, (*pixmap_handle)->rowBytes, (*pixmap_handle)->pixelType); wptr = (word32 *)(*pixmap_handle); mac_printf("wptr: %p=%08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x\n", wptr, wptr[0], wptr[1], wptr[2], wptr[3], wptr[4], wptr[5], wptr[6], wptr[7]); kimage_ptr->dev_handle = pixmap_handle; kimage_ptr->data_ptr = ptr; } else { /* allocate buffers for video.c to draw into */ size = (width*height*mdepth) >> 3; ptr = (byte *)malloc(size); if(ptr == 0) { mac_printf("malloc for data fail, mdepth:%d\n", mdepth); exit(2); } kimage_ptr->data_ptr = ptr; kimage_ptr->dev_handle = (void *)-1; } mac_printf("kim: %p, dev:%p data: %p, size: %08x\n", kimage_ptr, kimage_ptr->dev_handle, kimage_ptr->data_ptr, size); } void dev_video_init() { int lores_col; int i; printf("Preparing graphics system\n"); video_get_kimages(); if(g_screen_depth != 8) { // Get g_mainwin_kimage video_get_kimage(&g_mainwin_kimage, 0, g_screen_depth, g_screen_mdepth); } for(i = 0; i < 256; i++) { lores_col = g_lores_colors[i & 0xf]; video_update_color_raw(i, lores_col); g_a2palette_8to1624[i] = g_palette_8to1624[i]; } g_installed_full_superhires_colormap = 1; fflush(stdout); } void x_redraw_status_lines() { Rect rect; Pattern white_pattern; char tmp_buf[256]; char *buf; int len; int line; int height; int margin; SetPortWindowPort(g_main_window); PenNormal(); height = 16; margin = 0; TextFont(g_status_font_family); TextFace(normal); TextSize(12); SetRect(&rect, 0, X_A2_WINDOW_HEIGHT + margin, X_A2_WINDOW_WIDTH, X_A2_WINDOW_HEIGHT + margin + MAX_STATUS_LINES*height); GetQDGlobalsWhite(&white_pattern); FillRect(&rect, &white_pattern); for(line = 0; line < MAX_STATUS_LINES; line++) { buf = g_status_ptrs[line]; if(buf == 0) { /* skip it */ continue; } MoveTo(10, X_A2_WINDOW_HEIGHT + height*line + margin + height); len = MIN(250, strlen(buf)); strncpy(&tmp_buf[1], buf, len); tmp_buf[0] = len; DrawString(&tmp_buf[0]); } } void x_push_kimage(Kimage *kimage_ptr, int destx, int desty, int srcx, int srcy, int width, int height) { PixMapHandle pixmap_handle; Rect src_rect, dest_rect; CGrafPtr window_port; SetPortWindowPort(g_main_window); pixmap_handle = kimage_ptr->dev_handle; window_port = GetWindowPort(g_main_window); SetRect(&src_rect, srcx, srcy, srcx + width, srcy + height); SetRect(&dest_rect, destx, desty, destx + width, desty + height); CopyBits( (BitMap *)(*pixmap_handle), GetPortBitMapForCopyBits(window_port), &src_rect, &dest_rect, srcCopy, NULL); } void x_push_done() { } void x_auto_repeat_on(int must) { } void x_auto_repeat_off(int must) { } void x_hide_pointer(int do_hide) { if(do_hide) { HideCursor(); } else { ShowCursor(); } }