Master.dsk - disk image with Applesoft(tm) DOS 3.3 inside. See Apple license (on for details.
At first start you should see some nice splashscreen. Press F2 to start emualtion. Master.dsk should load, and you will see an DOS3.3(tm) prompt. By pressing F3 you may select an image file name (usually having extensions .dsk, .do, .po) into Slot 6 Drive 1. After selecting it, you either can reboot anew (by pressing F2 key) and try to boot from the inserted disk, or type any DOS3.3(tm) commands to view disk contents and to run any program located in it. Common DOS commands are `CATALOG' (like `ls' in Linux), `BRUN FILENAME' - running any binary (B) program, or `RUN FILENAME' - running any Basic program (A or I). Usually, most game images have alternative way to run programs in them.
You may find a lot of disk images on may be the largest and the oldest ftp archive for various Apple ][ stuff -
From version 2 of linapple you are able to download such images directly from FTP! Use Alt+F3 or Alt+F4 for charging drive 1 and drive 2 for slot 6 (if you know what I am about :) ) - they are just common disk sources of Apple 2 computer for reading/writing its files, such as system, games, utilities and so on. Change `FTP Local Dir` parameter in linnaple. conf file to point to some writable directory and make directory named `cache` inside it (install routine does it for you).
Other possible key commands of linapple are the following:
F1 - Show help screen
F2 - Cold reset
Shift+F2 - Reload conf file and restart
F3, F4 - Choose an image file name for floppy disk in Slot 6 drive 1 or 2 respectively
Shift+F3, Shift+F4 - The same thing for Apple hard disks (in Slot 7)
Alt+F3,Alt+F4 - same as F3,F4 using FTP (see linapple.conf about configuring FTP accounts)
Alt+Shift+F3, Alt+Shift+F4 - same as Shift+F3, Shift+F4 but using FTP account (see above)
F5 - Swap drives for Slot 6
F6 - Toggle fullscreen mode
F7 - Reserved for Debugger!
F8 - Save current screen as a .bmp file
Shift+F8 - Save settings changable in runtime in conf file
F9 - Cycle through various video modes
F10 - Quit emulator
F11 - Save current state to file, Alt+F11 - quick save
F12 - Reload it from file, Alt+F12 - quick load
Ctrl+0..9 - fast load state snapshot with corresponding number, saved previously by
Ctrl+Shift+0..9 - fast save snapshot to current snapshot directory with corresponding number 0..9
Ctrl+F12 - Hot reset
Pause - Pause emulator
Scroll Lock - Toggle full speed
Num pad keys:
Grey + - Speed up emulator
Grey - - Speed it down
Grey * - Normal speed
Other powerful way to control behaviour of linapple is to change different settings in linapple.conf file, which should be located in the same directory where linapple is. Please, see linapple.conf contents to know what each setting means.
Note one point, too. When mouse works as a joystick, or Mouse Interface is on, when you first left-click on the window of emulator, mouse cursor is grabbed for using inside it. To release cursor, you should click left-mouse button again with SHIFT or CTRL key pressed. In fullscreen mode mouse cursor is always grabbed, to release it you may want to switch to windowed mode by pressing F6 key.
In version 1.1 appeared VideoBenchmark: start linapple with -b command-line key to see its results, like this:
$ ./linapple -b - run VideoBenchmark and exit emulator. Note: if fullscreen mode is on in linapple.conf, then
VideoBenchmark will be runned in fullscreen mode.
In version 2 besides FTP support there is also support for changable Window sizes (see at the end of linapple.conf file for details).
Just be aware when you are not running emulator on its native mode (560x384) you can suffer slowdown if you are using old box.
-- We need to get rid of some SOUND glitches. HELP!
I just owe at 9300 lines of code of AppleWin debugger. Michael Pohoreski, you are he-man, I tell you.
Besides Debugger.cpp alone, there are some helper files such as Debugger_Assembler.cpp,
Debugger_Console.cpp, Debugger_Display.cpp and so on. Who is able to port it to linapple?
Who knows how does that great thing work? Please, help adopting it to lianpple.
All sources for sound support are in Mockingboard.cpp and SoundCore.cpp.
SDL Audio used. Speakers are working out in Speaker.cpp. Who may think, heh?
From version 1.1 Mockingboard support are done.
More testing and debugging needed, of course. I would be grateful for any comment or suggestion regarding linapple, and using it on OSes other than Linux.
I am beotiger, you may contact me at your will by my email