# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # !! Note 1: this configuration file is for installed linapple # !! If you have edited Makefile (in src directory of linaple package) # !! to change INSTDIR - path where lianpple are to be installed # !! you should consider change some paths for disk images and FTP local directory # !! in order to let linapple find proper way to access needed stuff # Note 2: Default install directory (for *nix) is /usr/local/linapple/ # (defined in Make file in src directory as INSTDIR variable) # # linapple.conf - config file used by LinApple, Apple][ (Apple2, Apple 2) emulator for Linux and other systems with SDL support # # Please, note: This file is for linapple version 2.0 and above # # Remember - all lines beginning with '#' are considered comments. # All values are CASE SENSITIVE, you should not use, for example, 'joystick 0' instead of 'Joystick 0'. #################################################################### # First of all let us determine our machine type # that is: # 0 - old Apple][, right out of the hands of Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs in far 1977? year. # 1 - Apple][+ - same as Apple][ with somewhat enbettered functionality # 2 - Apple//e - Enhanced Apple][ with 80-column mode and other useful additions # 3 - Apple//e enhanced - currently same as Apple//e? Please, ask Tom Charlesworth about it. # Default is 3 Computer Emulation = 2 #################################################################### # # Sound Emulation. # Possible values currently are 0 - none, and 1 - use SDL Audio for sounds # Default is 1 Sound Emulation = 1 ####################################################################### # # Soundcard Type means what do you want to use in Slot7 as a sound card # # 0 - uninit //?? # 1 - nothing - disable sound card in Slot 4 # 2 - use Mockingboard in Slot 4 (Mockingboard is like SoundBlaster for PC, if you hear about it) # 3 - use Phasor in Slot 4. Phasor is also a sort of ancient sound cards. Ahhh, what sounds they have!!! # # Default value is 2 (use Mockingboard). # But, please, remember, that currently Mockingboard/Phasor support was not done fully in linapple. # I need some help for this to port it from AppleWin. ^_^ Soundcard Type = 2 ####################################################################### # # Joysticks, those sticks of joy! There may be 2 joysticks at the same time # Possible values are: # 0 - joystick disabled # 1 - use PC joystick #1 or #2, for corresponding joystick # 2 - Keyboard standard # 3 - Keyboard centered # When joysticks used as a keyboard, they are stuck to Numpad keys (1-9 - axis movement, 0 - button1, . - button2) # when centered used, axis of joystick will be centered after releasing any cursor (Numpad 1..9) key. # otherwise it assumed to be pressed always # 4 - Use mouse as a joystick. Rather interesting thing, try it. Useful in Fantavision(tm)by Broderbund Software # Default values are 2 for Joystick 0, and 0 for Joystick 1 Joystick 0 = 0 Joystick 1 = 0 # For Joysticks you can define which Joystick index number, axis number, and buttons. # # Default for Joystick 1 is index 0, axis 0 and 1, buttons 0 and 1. # Default for Joystick 2 is index 1, axis 0 and 1, button 0. Joy0Index = 0 Joy1Index = 1 Joy0Button1 = 0 Joy0Button2 = 1 Joy1Button1 = 0 Joy0Axis0 = 0 Joy0Axis1 = 1 Joy1Axis0 = 0 Joy1Axis1 = 1 # Enable Quitting the program with by pressing two joystick buttons at the same time # Default is disabled, default buttons are 8 and 9. JoyExitEnable = 0 JoyExitButton0 = 8 JoyExitButton1 = 9 ########################################################################## # # Serial Port joins your Apple][ machine to any device through serial ports. # Possible values are 0 - disabled, and 1 to 100 which means device /dev/ttyS0 .. /dev/ttyS99 relatively # # Default is 0, disabled. Needs testing. Serial Port = 0 ########################################################################## # Emulation Speed is speed of emulator. # Values are from 0 (lowest speed) till 40 (fastest) # Default value is 10 (normal speed - 1 MHz) Emulation Speed = 10 ########################################################################## # # Enhance Disk Speed - if the disk spinning should be as in real computer # Possible values - 0 - yes, the disk spinning speed is like in real Apple][ # and 1 - use enhanced disk speed. # Default is 1. Enhance Disk Speed = 1 ########################################################################## # # Video Emulation - a type of video emulation. # Please, remember that you always can change it using F9 key in emulator. # Possible values are: # 0 - use monochrome screen with given color as white (see below Monochrome Color section) # Color modes, which names speak for themselves. # 1 - Color Standard # 2 - Color Text Optimized # 3 - Color TV emulation # 4 - Color Half-Shift # Monochrome modes with predefined monochrome colors # 5 - Monochrome Amber # 6 - Monochrome Green # 7 - Monochrome White # # Default value is 3 - Color TV emulation! Video Emulation = 1 ########################################################################## # # Monochrome Color - define monochrome color that suit you best here. # Color defined as #RRGGBB, where RR - 2 digits for Red color intensity, GG - same for Green color, and BB for Blue. # All digits are in HEX-format, 0-9 and A - F. # Default value is #C0C0C0. Monochrome Color = #FFC010 ########################################################################## # # Mouse in slot 4. Yes, old Apples][ have it! First they saw it in Xerox Development Center. # Possible values are 0 - off, and 1 - on. # Remember, that you can not use Mouse and Mockingboard/Phasor at the same time, for they use same slot (#4). # So, before enabling mouse support in your machine, switch off Mockingboard (see section above). # Default is 0. Mouse in slot 4 = 0 ########################################################################## # # Parallel printer allows you to print any DOS3.3 or Applesoft Basic(tm) output to specified file # (after PR#1 at DOS3.3 prompt) # # Default is Printer.txt in working directory (which is set inside linapple bin) Parallel Printer Filename = ########################################################################## # # HDD - Hard Disk Device for Apple][ # # Harddisk Enable. Same as for mouse. 0 means no Harddisk support, and 1 - yes, give that Harddisk! # Remember, that hard disk images for Apple][ are in .HDV format as a rule (with .hdv extensions) # Hard disk uses Slot 7 in Apple][. So, to access it use something like '] PR#7' at Applesoft Basic(tm) prompt. # Default is 0. Harddisk Enable = 0 # HDV Starting Directory is the starting directory for choose HDV disk images # Default: your home directory (if not set) HDV Starting Directory = # And you may also predefine hard disk images here, for 1 and 2 correspondingly. # Please, use Shift+F3 and Shift+F4 in emulator for change them in real time. # Remember, that values given here will be rewritten if you change them in emulator. # Default - do not use any HDV images Harddisk Image 1 = Harddisk Image 2 = ########################################################################## # # Slot 6 Directory - starting directory for chosing Apple's disk images in slot 6 # (usual slot for FDD 140Kb Apple's disks) # # Default: your home directory (if not set) Slot 6 Directory = # You may also provide images to be inserted in 1 and 2 drive (D1 or D2) of Slot 6 at startup # Default: do not use, starting with image named Master.dsk in current directory # To get access to the disk in second drive(D2), use something like '] CATALOG,D2' at Applesoft DOS(tm) prompt. Disk Image 1 = Disk Image 2 = # The next parameter defines if you wish to auto-load these disk images in drives at startup! # Default value is 0 (Off), suggested: 1 (On) Slot 6 Autoload = 0 ########################################################################## # # Save State Filename - file name for saving/loading state with keys F11 and F12 in emulator. # Default is none. Note: you can choose it at runtime by pressing F11 (for saving) or F12 (for loading) Save State Filename = # SaveSate Directory is a directory where current states will be saved by using F11,F12 (or ALT+F11, ALT+F12 keys, or Ctrl+0..9, Ctrl+Shift+0..9) #Default is none, which means your home directory Save State Directory = # Define if you wish to save state on exit and restore it at startup by the next parameter: # Possible values are 0 - off, and 1 - on. When On, save state will be saved in Save State Filename at exit, # and will be restored at startup # Default value is 0. Save State On Exit = 0 ########################################################################## # # Next parameters enables some functions at startup # # Fullscreen - if emulator should startup in Fullscreen mode (0 - no, 1 - yes!) # Boot at startup - if emulator should boot after starting up from Disk1 in SLot 6 (0 - yes, 1 - no) # Booting at startup disables show logo. # # Show Leds 1/0 - show leds while accessing disks (140Kb and HDD) or not, default - 1 Fullscreen = 0 Boot at Startup = 0 Show Leds = 1 ########################################################################## # # FTP Server - full path to default FTP server with Apple2 disk images # FTP UserPass - user:password for accessing this server # FTP Local Dir - path on local disk to store downloaded ftp files, # !!! Warning: FTP Local Dir should be existing directory with write access either FTP won't work # Note : FTP Server MUST end with '/' sign either it won't work! FTP Local Dir should not end with '/' # Note : Also there must be cache directory (e.g. directory named `cache` inside FTP Local Dir # where all downloaded directories are cached for 3 days FTP Server = ftp://ftp.apple.asimov.net/pub/apple_II/images/games/ FTP ServerHDD = ftp://ftp.apple.asimov.net/pub/apple_II/images/ FTP UserPass = anonymous:my-mail@mail.com # YOU MUST SET THIS TO USE FTP! and it must have a cache subdir of FTP will fail # So if your FTP Local Dir = /home/user/temp you need a directory /home/user/temp/cache FTP Local Dir = /home/user/temp ########################################################################## # # Screen properties # Note: not all screen sizes can work in full screen mode, so be careful # Also if you are using not default mode, the speed of emulator can fall, # which can be spotted on old machines # Use this as screen factor in zooming screen. # Values less than 1.0 will make screen smaller and vice versa! # Suggested values are 0.3 till 3.0? # Screen factor = 1.5 # Note: if you want to use Screen Width and Screen Height directly, comment out `Screen factor` whole option # otherwise they won't take effect # Default Screen Width is 560, Screen Height is 384 Screen Width = 800 Screen Height = 600 ########################################################################## # Disable SDL Mouse Cursor, Handy for Full screen emulation. # Default is enabled DisableCursor = 0