# # Makefile for Microsoft C compilers. Tested against Visual C++ 6.0. # Not pretty but it seems to work. # # Run with "nmake /f Makefile.msc". # # To build without debugging info, use "nmake nodebug=1". # To build with libz, use "nmake libz=1". # To build with libbz2, use "nmake libbz2=1". # # For libz/libbz2, you need to have the appropriate header file(s) either # in this directory or in a standard location that the compiler can find. # # Windows magic TARGETOS = BOTH !include # object files OBJS1 = Archive.obj ArchiveIO.obj Bzip2.obj Compress.obj Crc16.obj Debug.obj OBJS2 = Deferred.obj Deflate.obj Entry.obj Expand.obj FileIO.obj Funnel.obj OBJS3 = Lzc.obj Lzw.obj MiscStuff.obj MiscUtils.obj Record.obj SourceSink.obj OBJS4 = Squeeze.obj Thread.obj Value.obj Version.obj OBJS = $(OBJS1) $(OBJS2) $(OBJS3) $(OBJS4) !ifdef NODEBUG #OPT = $(cdebug) /D NDEBUG /ML OPT = $(cdebug) /ML !else OPT = $(cdebug) /MLd !endif BUILD_FLAGS = /W3 /GX /D "WIN32" !ifdef LIBZ BUILD_FLAGS = $(BUILD_FLAGS) /D "ENABLE_DEFLATE" !endif !ifdef LIBBZ2 BUILD_FLAGS = $(BUILD_FLAGS) /D "ENABLE_BZIP2" !endif # how to compile sources .c.obj: @$(cc) $(OPT) $(BUILD_FLAGS) $(cflags) $(cvars) -o $@ $< PRODUCT = nufxlib.lib all: $(PRODUCT) samples samples:: @echo - @echo - Change to the samples directory and run $(MAKE) there. !ifdef LIBZ @echo - Remember to specify libz=1 !endif !ifdef LIBBZ @echo - Remember to specify libbz2=1 !endif @echo - # this isn't great, but it'll have to do Version.c: Version.c.in copy Version.c.in Version.c @echo - @echo - NOTE: you must update Version.c by hand (use flags=$(OPT)) @echo - nufxlib.lib: $(OBJS) if exist $(PRODUCT) del $(PRODUCT) $(link) -lib /out:$(PRODUCT) $(OBJS) /nologo clean:: del *.obj del $(PRODUCT) Archive.obj: Archive.c NufxLibPriv.h NufxLib.h MiscStuff.h SysDefs.h ArchiveIO.obj: ArchiveIO.c NufxLibPriv.h NufxLib.h MiscStuff.h SysDefs.h Bzip2.obj: Bzip2.c NufxLibPriv.h NufxLib.h MiscStuff.h SysDefs.h Compress.obj: Compress.c NufxLibPriv.h NufxLib.h MiscStuff.h SysDefs.h Crc16.obj: Crc16.c NufxLibPriv.h NufxLib.h MiscStuff.h SysDefs.h Debug.obj: Debug.c NufxLibPriv.h NufxLib.h MiscStuff.h SysDefs.h Deferred.obj: Deferred.c NufxLibPriv.h NufxLib.h MiscStuff.h SysDefs.h Deflate.obj: Deflate.c NufxLibPriv.h NufxLib.h MiscStuff.h SysDefs.h Entry.obj: Entry.c NufxLibPriv.h NufxLib.h MiscStuff.h SysDefs.h Expand.obj: Expand.c NufxLibPriv.h NufxLib.h MiscStuff.h SysDefs.h FileIO.obj: FileIO.c NufxLibPriv.h NufxLib.h MiscStuff.h SysDefs.h Funnel.obj: Funnel.c NufxLibPriv.h NufxLib.h MiscStuff.h SysDefs.h Lzc.obj: Lzc.c NufxLibPriv.h NufxLib.h MiscStuff.h SysDefs.h Lzw.obj: Lzw.c NufxLibPriv.h NufxLib.h MiscStuff.h SysDefs.h MiscStuff.obj: MiscStuff.c NufxLibPriv.h NufxLib.h MiscStuff.h SysDefs.h MiscUtils.obj: MiscUtils.c NufxLibPriv.h NufxLib.h MiscStuff.h SysDefs.h Record.obj: Record.c NufxLibPriv.h NufxLib.h MiscStuff.h SysDefs.h SourceSink.obj: SourceSink.c NufxLibPriv.h NufxLib.h MiscStuff.h SysDefs.h Squeeze.obj: Squeeze.c NufxLibPriv.h NufxLib.h MiscStuff.h SysDefs.h Thread.obj: Thread.c NufxLibPriv.h NufxLib.h MiscStuff.h SysDefs.h Value.obj: Value.c NufxLibPriv.h NufxLib.h MiscStuff.h SysDefs.h Version.obj: Version.c NufxLibPriv.h NufxLib.h MiscStuff.h SysDefs.h