2011-02-16 00:23:43 +00:00

148 lines
4.0 KiB

#include <ProFUSE/Exception.h>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace ProFUSE;
Exception::~Exception() throw()
const char *Exception::what()
return _string.c_str();
const char *Exception::errorString()
return "";
const char *POSIXException::errorString()
return strerror(error());
const char *ProDOSException::errorString()
switch (error())
case badSystemCall:
return "Bad System Call";
case invalidPcount:
return "Invalid Parameter Count";
case gsosActive:
return "GS/OS Active";
case devNotFound:
return "Device Not Found";
case invalidDevNum:
return "Invalid Device Number";
case drvrBadReq:
return "Driver Bad Request";
case drvrBadCode:
return "Driver Bad Code";
case drvrBadParm:
return "Driver Bad Parameter";
case drvrNotOpen:
return "Driver Not Open";
case drvrPriorOpen:
return "Driver Prior Open";
case irqTableFull:
return "IRQ Table Full";
case drvrNoResrc:
return "Driver No Resource";
case drvrIOError:
return "Driver IO Error";
case drvrNoDevice:
return "Driver No Device";
case drvrBusy:
return "Driver Busy";
case drvrWrtProt:
return "Driver Write Protected";
case drvrBadCount:
return "Driver Bad Count";
case drvrBadBlock:
return "Driver Bad Block";
case drvrDiskSwitch:
return "Driver Disk Switch";
case drvrOffLine:
return "Driver Off Line";
case badPathSyntax:
return "Bad Path Syntax";
case invalidRefNum:
return "Invalid Ref Num";
case pathNotFound:
return "Path Not Found";
case volNotFound:
return "Volume Not Found";
case fileNotFound:
return "File Not Found";
case dupPathName:
return "Duplicate Path Name";
case volumeFull:
return "Volume Full";
case volDirFull:
return "Volume Directory Full";
case badFileFormat:
return "Bad File Format";
case badStoreType:
return "Bad Storage Type";
case eofEncountered:
return "End of File";
case outOfRange:
return "Out of Range";
case invalidAccess:
return "Invalid Access";
case buffTooSmall:
return "Buffer Too Small";
case fileBusy:
return "File Busy";
case dirError:
return "Directory Error";
case unknownVol:
return "Unknown Volume";
case paramRangeError:
return "Parameter Range Error";
case outOfMem:
return "Out of Memory";
case dupVolume:
return "Duplicate Volume";
case notBlockDev:
return "Not a Block Device";
case invalidLevel:
return "Invalid Level";
case damagedBitMap:
return "Damaged Bit Map";
case badPathNames:
return "Bad Path Names";
case notSystemFile:
return "Not a System File";
case osUnsupported:
return "OS Unsupported";
case stackOverflow:
return "Stack Overflow";
case dataUnavail:
return "Data Unavailable";
case endOfDir:
return "End Of Directory";
case invalidClass:
return "Invalid Class";
case resForkNotFound:
return "Resource Fork Not Found";
case invalidFSTID:
return "Invalid FST ID";
case devNameErr:
return "Device Name Error";
case resExistsErr:
return "Resource Exists Error";
case resAddErr:
return "Resource Add Error";
return "";
return "";