2018-08-19 17:24:54 -07:00

185 lines
15 KiB
OpenEdge ABL
Executable File

; File: Resources.p
; Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1986-89
; All Rights Reserved
resLogOut = $0; {ResourceConverter - }
resLogIn = $1; {ResourceConverter - }
resLogApp = $0; {ResourceConverter - }
resLogSys = $2; {ResourceConverter - }
(* *** Toolset Errors ***
resForkUsed = $1E01; {Error - Resource fork not empty }
resBadFormat = $1E02; {Error - Format of resource fork is unknown }
resForkEmpty = $1E03; {Error - Resource fork is empty }
resNoCurFile = $1E04; {Error - there are no current open resource files }
resDupID = $1E05; {Error - ID is already used }
resNotFound = $1E06; {Error - resource was not found }
resFileNotFound = $1E07; {Error - resource file not found }
resBadAppID = $1E08; {Error - User ID not found, please call ResourceStartup }
resNoUniqueID = $1E09; {Error - a unique ID was not found }
resBadAttr = $1E0A; {Error - reseved bits in attributes word are not zero }
resHashGone = $1E0B; {Error - the hash count table is no longer valid }
resIndexRange = $1E0D; {Error - index is out of range }
resNoCurApp = $1E0E; {Error - no current application, please call
ResourceStartup }
*** Toolset Errors *** *)
resChanged = $0020; {Resources - }
resPreLoad = $0040; {Resources - }
resProtected = $0080; {Resources - }
resAbsLoad = $0400; {Resources - }
resConverter = $0800; {Resources - }
resMemAttr = $C3F1; {Resources - }
systemMap = $0001; {Resources - }
mapChanged = $0002; {Resources - }
romMap = $0004; {Resources - }
resNameOffset = $10000; {Resources - type holding names }
resNameVersion = $0001; {Resources - }
rIcon = $8001; {Resources - resource type holding names }
rPicture = $8002; {Resources - resource type holding names }
rControlList = $8003; {Resources - resource type holding names }
rControlTemplate = $8004; {Resources - resource type holding names }
rWindow = $8005; {Resources - resource type holding names }
rString = $8006; {Resources - resource type holding names }
rStringList = $8007; {Resources - resource type holding names }
rMenuBar = $8008; {Resources - resource type holding names }
rMenu = $8009; {Resources - resource type holding names }
rMenuItem = $800A; {Resources - resource type holding names }
rTextForLETextBox2 = $800B; {Resources - resource type holding names }
rCtlDefProc = $800C; {Resources - resource type holding names }
rCtlColorTbl = $800D; {Resources - resource type holding names }
rWindParam1 = $800E; {Resources - resource type holding names }
rWindParam2 = $800F; {Resources - resource type holding names }
rWindColor = $8010; {Resources - resource type holding names }
rResName = $8014; {Resources - resource type holding names }
ResID = Longint ;
ResType = Integer ;
ResAttr = Integer ;
ResHeaderRec = RECORD
rFileVersion : Longint; { Format version of resource fork }
rFileToMap : Longint; { Offset from start to resource map record }
rFileMapSize : Longint; { Number of bytes map occupies in file }
rFileMemo : PACKED ARRAY[1..128] OF Byte; { Reserved space for application
rFileRecSize : Longint; { Size of ResHeaderRec Record }
FreeBlockRec = RECORD
blkOffset : Longint;
blkSize : Longint;
ResMapHandle = ^ResMapPtr;
ResMapPtr = ^ResMap;
mapNext : ResMapHandle; { Handle to next resource map }
mapFlag : Integer; { Bit Flags }
mapOffset : Longint; { Map's file position }
mapSize : Longint; { Number of bytes map occupies in file }
mapToIndex : Integer;
mapFileNum : Integer;
mapID : Integer;
mapIndexSize : Longint;
mapIndexUsed : Longint;
mapFreeListSize : Integer;
mapFreeListUsed : Integer;
mapFreeList : ARRAY[1..1] OF FreeBlockRec; { n bytes (array of free block
records) }
ResRefRecPtr = ^ResRefRec;
ResRefRec = RECORD
fResType : ResType;
fResID : ResID;
fResOffset : Longint;
fResAttr : ResAttr;
fResSize : Longint;
fResHandle : Handle;
ResourceSpec = RECORD
resourceType : ResType;
resourceID : ResID;
ResNameEntryPtr = ^ResNameEntry;
ResNameEntry = RECORD
namedResID : ResID;
resName : Str255;
ResNameRecordHandle = ^ResNameRecordPtr;
ResNameRecordPtr = ^ResNameRecord;
ResNameRecord = RECORD
version : Integer;
nameCount : Longint;
resNameEntries : ARRAY[1..1] OF ResNameEntry;
PROCEDURE ResourceBootInit ; Tool $1E,$01;
PROCEDURE ResourceStartup ( userID:Integer) ; Tool $1E,$02;
PROCEDURE ResourceShutdown ; Tool $1E,$03;
FUNCTION ResourceVersion : Integer ; Tool $1E,$04;
PROCEDURE ResourceReset ; Tool $1E,$05;
FUNCTION ResourceStatus : Boolean ; Tool $1E,$06;
PROCEDURE AddResource ( resourceHandle:Handle; resourceAttr:ResAttr;
resourceType:ResType; resourceID:ResID) ; Tool $1E,$0C;
PROCEDURE CloseResourceFile ( fileID:Integer) ; Tool $1E,$0B;
FUNCTION CountResources ( resourceType:ResType) : Longint ; Tool $1E,$22;
FUNCTION CountTypes : Integer ; Tool $1E,$20;
PROCEDURE CreateResourceFile ( auxType:Longint; fileType:Integer;
fileAccess:Integer; fileName:GSString255Ptr) ; Tool $1E,$09;
PROCEDURE DetachResource ( resourceType:ResType; resourceID:ResID) ; Tool
FUNCTION GetCurResourceApp : Integer ; Tool $1E,$14;
FUNCTION GetCurResourceFile : Integer ; Tool $1E,$12;
FUNCTION GetIndResource ( resourceType:ResType; resourceIndex:Longint) : ResID
; Tool $1E,$23;
FUNCTION GetIndType ( typeIndex:Integer) : ResType ; Tool $1E,$21;
FUNCTION GetMapHandle ( fileID:Integer) : ResMapHandle ; Tool $1E,$26;
FUNCTION GetOpenFileRefNum ( fileID:Integer) : Integer ; Tool $1E,$1F;
FUNCTION GetResourceAttr ( resourceType:ResType; resourceID:ResID) : ResAttr ;
Tool $1E,$1B;
FUNCTION GetResourceSize ( resourceType:ResType; currentID:ResID) : Longint ;
Tool $1E,$1D;
FUNCTION HomeResourceFile ( resourceType:ResType; resourceID:ResID) : Integer ;
Tool $1E,$15;
FUNCTION LoadAbsResource ( loadAddress:Longint; maxSize:Longint;
resourceType:ResType; resourceID:ResID) : Handle ; Tool $1E,$27;
FUNCTION LoadResource ( resourceType:ResType; resourceID:ResID) : Handle ; Tool
PROCEDURE MarkResourceChange ( U__changeFlag:Boolean; resourceType:ResType;
resourceID:ResID) ; Tool $1E,$10;
PROCEDURE MatchResourceHandle ( foundRec:Ptr; resourceHandle:Handle) ; Tool
FUNCTION OpenResourceFile ( openAccess:Integer; resourceMapPtr:ResMapPtr;
fileName:GSString255Ptr) : Integer ; Tool $1E,$0A;
PROCEDURE ReleaseResource ( purgeLevel:Integer; resourceType:ResType;
resourceID:ResID) ; Tool $1E,$17;
PROCEDURE RemoveResource ( resourceType:ResType; resourceID:ResID) ; Tool
PROCEDURE ResourceConverter ( converterProc:ProcPtr; resourceType:ResType;
logFlags:Integer) ; Tool $1E,$28;
PROCEDURE SetCurResourceApp ( userID:Integer) ; Tool $1E,$13;
PROCEDURE SetCurResourceFile ( fileID:Integer) ; Tool $1E,$11;
PROCEDURE SetResourceAttr ( resourceAttr:ResAttr; resourceType:ResType;
currentID:ResID) ; Tool $1E,$1C;
FUNCTION SetResourceFileDepth ( searchDepth:Integer) : Integer ; Tool $1E,$25;
PROCEDURE SetResourceID ( newID:ResID; resourceType:ResType; currentID:ResID)
; Tool $1E,$1A;
FUNCTION SetResourceLoad ( readFlag:Integer) : Integer ; Tool $1E,$24;
FUNCTION UniqueResourceID ( IDrange:Integer; resourceType:ResType) : ResID ;
Tool $1E,$19;
PROCEDURE UpdateResourceFile ( fileID:Integer) ; Tool $1E,$0D;
PROCEDURE WriteResource ( resourceType:ResType; resourceID:ResID) ; Tool