2018-08-19 17:24:54 -07:00

116 lines
9.2 KiB
OpenEdge ABL
Executable File

; File: Sound.p
; Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1986-89
; All Rights Reserved
(* *** Toolset Errors ***
noDOCFndErr = $0810; {error - no DOC chip found }
docAddrRngErr = $0811; {error - DOC address range error }
noSAppInitErr = $0812; {error - no SAppInit call made }
invalGenNumErr = $0813; {error - invalid generator number }
synthModeErr = $0814; {error - synthesizer mode error }
genBusyErr = $0815; {error - generator busy error }
mstrIRQNotAssgnErr = $0817; {error - master IRQ not assigned }
sndAlreadyStrtErr = $0818; {error - sound tools already started }
unclaimedSndIntErr = $08FF; {error - sound tools already started }
*** Toolset Errors *** *)
ffSynthMode = $0001; {channelGenMode - Free form synthesizer mode }
noteSynthMode = $0002; {channelGenMode - Note synthesizer mode. }
gen0off = $0001; {genMask - param to FFStopSound }
gen1off = $0002; {genMask - param to FFStopSound }
gen2off = $0004; {genMask - param to FFStopSound }
gen3off = $0008; {genMask - param to FFStopSound }
gen4off = $0010; {genMask - param to FFStopSound }
gen5off = $0020; {genMask - param to FFStopSound }
gen6off = $0040; {genMask - param to FFStopSound }
gen7off = $0080; {genMask - param to FFStopSound }
gen8off = $0100; {genMask - param to FFStopSound }
gen9off = $0200; {genMask - param to FFStopSound }
gen10off = $0400; {genMask - param to FFStopSound }
gen11off = $0800; {genMask - param to FFStopSound }
gen12off = $1000; {genMask - param to FFStopSound }
gen13off = $2000; {genMask - param to FFStopSound }
gen14off = $4000; {genMask - param to FFStopSound }
genAvail = $0000; {genStatus - Generator available status }
ffSynth = $0100; {genStatus - Free Form Synthesizer status }
noteSynth = $0200; {genStatus - Note Synthesizer status }
lastBlock = $8000; {genStatus - Last block of wave }
smReadRegister = $00; {Jump Table Offset - Read Register routine }
smWriteRegister = $04; {Jump Table Offset - Write Register routine }
smReadRam = $08; {Jump Table Offset - Read Ram routine }
smWriteRam = $0C; {Jump Table Offset - Write Ram routine }
smReadNext = $10; {Jump Table Offset - Read Next routine }
smWriteNext = $14; {Jump Table Offset - Write Next routine }
smOscTable = $18; {Jump Table Offset - Pointer to Oscillator table }
smGenTable = $1C; {Jump Table Offset - Pointer to generator table }
smGcbAddrTable = $20; {Jump Table Offset - Pointer to GCB address table }
smDisableInc = $24; {Jump Table Offset - Disable Increment routine }
SoundPBHndl = ^SoundPBPtr;
SoundPBPtr = ^SoundParamBlock;
SoundParamBlock = RECORD
waveStart : Ptr; { starting address of wave }
waveSize : Integer; { waveform size in pages }
freqOffset : Integer; { ? formula to be provided }
docBuffer : Integer; { DOC buffer start address, low byte = 0 }
bufferSize : Integer; { DOC buffer start address, low byte = 0 }
nextWavePtr : SoundPBPtr; { Pointer to start of next wave's parameter block
volSetting : Integer; { DOC volume setting. High byte = 0 }
DocRegParamBlkPtr = ^DocRegParamBlk;
oscGenType : Integer;
freqLow1 : Byte;
freqHigh1 : Byte;
vol1 : Byte;
tablePtr1 : Byte;
control1 : Byte;
tableSize1 : Byte;
freqLow2 : Byte;
freqHigh2 : Byte;
vol2 : Byte;
tablePtr2 : Byte;
control2 : Byte;
tableSize2 : Byte;
PROCEDURE SoundBootInit ; Tool $08,$01;
PROCEDURE SoundStartUp ( dPageAddr:Integer) ; Tool $08,$02;
PROCEDURE SoundShutDown ; Tool $08,$03;
FUNCTION SoundVersion : Integer ; Tool $08,$04;
PROCEDURE SoundReset ; Tool $08,$05;
FUNCTION SoundToolStatus : Boolean ; Tool $08,$06;
FUNCTION FFGeneratorStatus ( genNumber:Integer) : Integer ; Tool $08,$11;
FUNCTION FFSoundDoneStatus ( genNumber:Integer) : Boolean ; Tool $08,$14;
FUNCTION FFSoundStatus : Integer ; Tool $08,$10;
PROCEDURE FFStartSound ( genNumFFSynth:Integer; pBlockPtr:SoundPBPtr) ; Tool
PROCEDURE FFStopSound ( genMask:Integer) ; Tool $08,$0F;
FUNCTION GetSoundVolume ( genNumber:Integer) : Integer ; Tool $08,$0C;
FUNCTION GetTableAddress : Ptr ; Tool $08,$0B;
PROCEDURE ReadRamBlock ( destPtr:Ptr; docStart:Integer; byteCount:Integer) ;
Tool $08,$0A;
PROCEDURE SetSoundMIRQV ( sMasterIRQ:Longint) ; Tool $08,$12;
PROCEDURE SetSoundVolume ( volume:Integer; genNumber:Integer) ; Tool $08,$0D;
FUNCTION SetUserSoundIRQV ( userIRQVector:Longint) : Ptr ; Tool $08,$13;
PROCEDURE WriteRamBlock ( srcPtr:Ptr; docStart:Integer; byteCount:Integer) ;
Tool $08,$09;
PROCEDURE FFSetUpSound ( channelGen:Integer; paramBlockPtr:SoundPBPtr) ; Tool
PROCEDURE FFStartPlaying ( genWord:Integer) ; Tool $08,$16;
PROCEDURE SetDOCReg ( pBlockPtr:DocRegParamBlk) ; Tool $08,$17;
PROCEDURE ReadDOCReg (VAR pBlockPtr:DocRegParamBlk) ; Tool $08,$18;