joystick and sound enhancements

This commit is contained in:
ArthurFerreira2 2020-08-17 18:39:06 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent 8cd9263453
commit 121850b76c
No known key found for this signature in database
11 changed files with 180 additions and 137 deletions

@ -1,13 +1,19 @@
FLAGS = -std=c99 -pedantic -Wpedantic -Wall -O3 -Werror
# comment this line if you are under Linux
LIBS-WIN32 = -lmingw32 -lSDL2main -Wl,-subsystem,windows
CC = gcc
FLAGS = -std=c99 -pedantic -Wpedantic -Wall -O3
# -Werror
reinetteII+: reinetteII+.c puce6502.c
$(CC) $^ $(FLAGS) $(LIBS-WIN32) $(LIBS) -o $@
# comment this line if you are under Linux :
WIN32-LIBS = -lmingw32 -lSDL2main
# comment this line if you are under Linux :
WIN32-RES = reinetteII+.res
reinetteII+: reinetteII+.c puce6502.c $(WIN32-RES)
$(CC) $^ $(FLAGS) $(WIN32-LIBS) $(LIBS) -o $@
reinetteII+.res: reinetteII+.rc
windres reinetteII+.rc -O coff -o $(WIN32-RES)
all: reinetteII+

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
### reinette goes graphical !
After [reinette]( (Apple 1 emulator) and [reinette II]( (the text only Apple II emulator), I am proud to release **reinette II plus**, a French\* Apple II plus emulator using SDL2.

assets/font-normal.bmp Normal file

Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 958 B

assets/font-reverse.bmp Normal file

Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 958 B

assets/reinetteII+.ico Normal file

Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 60 KiB

assets/screenshots.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 794 KiB

@ -32,28 +32,48 @@
//================================================================ SOFT SWITCHES
uint8_t KBD = 0; // 0xC000, 0xC010 ascii value of keyboard input
bool SPKR = false; // 0xC030 Speaker toggle
bool TEXT = true; // 0xC050 CLRTEXT / 0xC051 SETTEXT
bool MIXED = false; // 0xC052 CLRMIXED / 0xC053 SETMIXED
uint8_t PAGE = 1; // 0xC054 PAGE1 / 0xC055 PAGE2
bool HIRES = false; // 0xC056 GR / 0xC057 HGR
uint8_t PB0 = 0; // 0xC061 Push Button 0 (bit 7) / Open Apple
uint8_t PB1 = 0; // 0xC062 Push Button 1 (bit 7) / Solid Apple
uint8_t PB2 = 0; // 0xC063 Push Button 2 (bit 7) / shift mod !!!
uint8_t GC0 = 0; // 0xC064 Game Controller 0 (bit 7)
uint8_t GC1 = 0; // 0xC065 Game Controller 1 (bit 7)
float TGC0, TGC1; // Timers for GC0 and GC1
float trimGC = .24; // Game Controller trim use F5 and F6 to adjust it
uint8_t KBD = 0; // $C000, $C010 ascii value of keyboard input
bool SPKR = false; // $C030 Speaker toggle
bool TEXT = true; // $C050 CLRTEXT / $C051 SETTEXT
bool MIXED = false; // $C052 CLRMIXED / $C053 SETMIXED
uint8_t PAGE = 1; // $C054 PAGE1 / $C055 PAGE2
bool HIRES = false; // $C056 GR / $C057 HGR
//====================================================================== PADDLES
uint8_t PB0 = 0; // $C061 Push Button 0 (bit 7) / Open Apple
uint8_t PB1 = 0; // $C062 Push Button 1 (bit 7) / Solid Apple
uint8_t PB2 = 0; // $C063 Push Button 2 (bit 7) / shift mod !!!
float GCP[2] = {127, 127}; // GC Position ranging from 0 (left) to 255 right
float GCC[2] = {0}; // GC0 and GC1 Countdown
int GCD[2] = {0}; // GC0 and GC1 Directions (left/down or right/up)
int GCA[2] = {0}; // GC0 and GC1 Action (push or release)
uint8_t GCActionSpeed = 16; // Game Controller speed at which it goes to the edges
uint8_t GCReleaseSpeed = 16; // Game Controller speed at which it returns to center
const float GCFreq = 0.15; // the freq at which the 556 timer decreases the GC values
long long int GCCrigger; // the tick at which the GCs have been reseted
inline float paddle(int pdl){
GCC[pdl] -= (ticks - GCCrigger) * GCFreq;
if (GCC[pdl] < 0) GCC[pdl] = 0;
inline void resetPaddles(){
GCC[0] = GCP[0] * GCP[0];
GCC[1] = GCP[1] * GCP[1];
GCCrigger = ticks;
//======================================================================== AUDIO
#define audioBufferSize 512 // found to be large enought
double rate = 23.19727891156463; // 1023000 Hz / 44100 Hz (the wavSpec.freq)
bool muted = false; // press F9 to mute/unmute
SDL_AudioDeviceID audioDevice;
#define audioBufferSize 4096 // found to be large enought
Sint8 audioBuffer[2][audioBufferSize] = {0}; // see main() for more details
SDL_AudioDeviceID audioDevice;
bool muted = false; // mute/unmute
//====================================================================== DISK ][
@ -112,17 +132,17 @@ int insertFloppy(SDL_Window *wdo, char *filename, int drv){
int saveFloppy(int drive){
if (disk[drive].filename[0] && !disk[drive].readOnly){
if (disk[drive].filename[0] && !disk[drive].readOnly){ // is there's a floppy ? is it writable ?
FILE *f = fopen(disk[drive].filename, "wb");
if (f){
if (fwrite(disk[drive].data, 1, 232960, f) != 232960){
if (f){ // open in write/binary succeeded
if (fwrite(disk[drive].data, 1, 232960, f) != 232960){ // check we could write the full lenght
printf("Write failed\n");
return(0); // failed to write
fclose(f); // release the ressource
return(1); // success
void stepMotor(uint16_t address){
@ -160,7 +180,7 @@ void stepMotor(uint16_t address){
//========================================== MEMORY MAPPED SOFT SWITCHES HANDLER
// this function is called from readMem and writeMem in puce6502
// it complements both functions when address is between 0xC000 and 0xCFFF
// it complements both functions when address 1is between 0xC000 and 0xCFFF
uint8_t softSwitches(uint16_t address, uint8_t value){
static uint8_t dLatch = 0; // disk ][ I/O reg
@ -174,13 +194,13 @@ uint8_t softSwitches(uint16_t address, uint8_t value){
case 0xC020: // TAPEOUT (shall we listen it ?)
case 0xC030: // SPEAKER
case 0xC033: // apple invader
case 0xC033: // apple invader uses it to output sound !
if (!muted){
SPKR = !SPKR; // toggle speaker
Uint32 length = (ticks - lastTick) / rate;
SPKR = !SPKR; // toggle speaker state
Uint32 length = (ticks - lastTick) / 10.65625; // 1023000Hz / 96000Hz = 10.65625
lastTick = ticks;
if (length > audioBufferSize) length = audioBufferSize;
SDL_QueueAudio(audioDevice, audioBuffer[SPKR], length);
SDL_QueueAudio(audioDevice, audioBuffer[SPKR], length | 1); // | 1 TO HEAR HIGH FREQ SOUNDS
@ -196,9 +216,9 @@ uint8_t softSwitches(uint16_t address, uint8_t value){
case 0xC061: return(PB0); // Push Button 0
case 0xC062: return(PB1); // Push Button 1
case 0xC063: return(PB2); // Push Button 2
case 0xC064: return((TGC0-=trimGC) > 192? 0x80: 0x00); // Paddle 0
case 0xC065: return((TGC1-=trimGC) > 192? 0x80: 0x00); // Paddle 1
case 0xC070: TGC0 = GC0; TGC1 = GC1; break; // paddle timer RST
case 0xC064: return(paddle(0) != 0 ? 0x80: 0x00); // Paddle 0
case 0xC065: return(paddle(1) != 0 ? 0x80: 0x00); // Paddle 1
case 0xC070: resetPaddles(); break; // paddle timer RST
case 0xC0E0: // PHASE0OFF
case 0xC0E1: // PHASE0ON
@ -228,7 +248,7 @@ uint8_t softSwitches(uint16_t address, uint8_t value){
else // reading
disk[curDrv].nibble = (disk[curDrv].nibble+1)%0x1A00; // turn floppy
disk[curDrv].nibble = (disk[curDrv].nibble + 1) % 0x1A00; // turn floppy
case 0xC0ED: dLatch = value; break; // Load Data Latch
@ -239,13 +259,14 @@ uint8_t softSwitches(uint16_t address, uint8_t value){
case 0xC0EF: disk[curDrv].writeMode = true; break; // latch for WRITE
default: printf("Uncaught Soft Switch access at %04X\n", address);
// default: printf("Uncaught Soft Switch access at %04X\n", address);
return(0); // catch all
//========================================================== PROGRAM ENTRY POINT
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
@ -253,15 +274,16 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
int zoom = 2;
const float frameDelay = 1000/60; // targeting 60 FPS
float fps = 60;
Uint32 frameStart = 0, frameTime = 0, frame = 0, reftime = 0;
const double frameDelay = 1000.0 / 60.0; // targeting 60 FPS
double fps = 60;
Uint32 frameStart = 0, frameTime = 0, frame = 0;
uint8_t tries = 0; // disk ][ speed-up
SDL_Event event;
bool paused = false, running = true, ctrl, shift, alt;
SDL_bool paused = false, running = true, ctrl, shift, alt;
@ -269,10 +291,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
SDL_Window *wdo = SDL_CreateWindow("reinette II+", SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, \
SDL_Surface *icon = SDL_LoadBMP("icon.bmp"); // add an icon to the window title bar
SDL_SetColorKey(icon, SDL_TRUE, SDL_MapRGB(icon->format, 255, 255, 255));
SDL_SetWindowIcon(wdo, icon);
SDL_RenderSetScale(rdr, zoom, zoom);
@ -280,38 +298,36 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
SDL_AudioSpec desired = {44100, AUDIO_S8, 1, 0, 4096, 0, 0, NULL, NULL};
SDL_AudioSpec desired = {96000, AUDIO_S8, 1, 0, 4096, 0, 0, NULL, NULL};
audioDevice = SDL_OpenAudioDevice(NULL, 0, &desired, NULL, SDL_FALSE);
SDL_PauseAudioDevice(audioDevice, muted);
for (int i=0; i<audioBufferSize; i++){ // two audio buffers, one when the speaker is 'on', the other when it's 'off'
audioBuffer[true][i] = 127; // when SPKR==true : 1/2 of max amplitude
audioBuffer[false][i] = 0; // when SPKR==false : silence
for (int i=1; i<audioBufferSize; i++){ // two audio buffers,
audioBuffer[true][i] = 120; // one used when SPKR is true
audioBuffer[false][i] = -120; // the other when SPKR is false
SDL_Surface *tmpSurface = SDL_LoadBMP("font-normal.bmp");
SDL_Surface *tmpSurface = SDL_LoadBMP("assets/font-normal.bmp"); // load the normal font
SDL_Texture *normCharTexture = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(rdr, tmpSurface);
tmpSurface = SDL_LoadBMP("font-reverse.bmp");
tmpSurface = SDL_LoadBMP("assets/font-reverse.bmp"); // load the reverse font
SDL_Texture *revCharTexture = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(rdr, tmpSurface);
uint16_t vRamBase = 0x0400; // can be $400, $800, $2000 or $4000
uint16_t previousDots[192][40] = {0}; // check which Hi-Res 7 dots needs redraw
int previousBit[192][40] = {0}; // the last bit value of the byte before.
int lineLimit;
uint8_t previousBit[192][40] = {0}; // the last bit value of the byte before.
uint8_t lineLimit;
uint8_t glyph; // a TEXT character, or 2 blocks in GR
bool blink = true; // cursor blinking
uint8_t colorIdx = 0; // to index the color arrays
bool monochrome = false;
uint16_t vRamBase = 0x0400; // can be 0x0400, 0x0800, 0x2000 or 0x4000
enum characterAttribute {A_NORMAL, A_INVERSE, A_FLASH} glyphAttribute;
enum characterAttribute {A_NORMAL, A_INVERSE, A_FLASH} glyphAttr; // character attribute in TEXT
SDL_Rect drvRect[2] = { {272, 188, 4, 4}, {276, 188, 4, 4} }; // disk drive status squares
SDL_Rect pixelGR = {0, 0, 7, 4}; // a block in LoRes
@ -370,66 +386,60 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
FILE *f = fopen("appleII+.rom", "rb"); // load the Apple II+ ROM
FILE *f = fopen("rom/appleII+.rom", "rb"); // load the Apple II+ ROM
if (!f){
printf("Could not open appleII+.rom\n");
printf("Could not open appleII+.rom\n"); // file not found
return(1); // exit
if (fread(rom, 1, ROMSIZE, f) != ROMSIZE){
printf("appleII+.rom should be 12KB\n");
if (fread(rom, 1, ROMSIZE, f) != ROMSIZE){ // the file is too small
printf("appleII+.rom should be 12 KB\n");
return(1); // exit
f = fopen("diskII.rom", "rb"); // load the P5A disk ][ PROM
f = fopen("rom/diskII.rom", "rb"); // load the P5A disk ][ PROM
if (!f){
printf("Could not open diskII.rom\n");
printf("Could not open diskII.rom\n"); // file not found
return(1); // exit
if (fread(slot6, 1, 256, f) != 256){
if (fread(slot6, 1, 256, f) != 256){ // file too small
printf("diskII.rom should be 256 Bytes\n");
return(1); // exit
if (argc > 1) insertFloppy(wdo, argv[1], 0); // load .nib in drive 0
if (argc > 1) insertFloppy(wdo, argv[1], 0); // load .nib in parameter into drive 0
puce6502Reset(); // reset the 6502
//================================================================== MAIN LOOP
reftime = SDL_GetTicks();
while (running){
frameStart = SDL_GetTicks(); // start of a new frame
if (!paused){
puce6502Exec((long long int)(1023000.0 / fps)); // adjusted ~1M/60 to the actual frame rate
int i;
i = 0;
while (disk[curDrv].motorOn && i < 50){ // until motor is off or i reaches 50
puce6502Exec((long long int)(1023000.0 / fps)); // using actualized frame rate
while (disk[curDrv].motorOn && ++tries) // until motor is off or i reaches 255+1=0
puce6502Exec(10000); // artificial drive speed up
//=============================================================== USER INPUT
while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)){
alt = SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_ALT ? true : false;
ctrl = SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_CTRL ? true : false;
shift = SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_SHIFT ? true : false;;
shift = SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_SHIFT ? true : false;
PB0 = alt ? 0xFF : 0x00; // update push button 0
PB1 = ctrl ? 0xFF : 0x00; // update push button 1
PB2 = shift ? 0xFF : 0x00; // update push button 2
if (event.type == SDL_QUIT) running = false; // WM sent TERM signal
// if (event.type == SDL_WINDOWEVENT){
// if (event.type == SDL_WINDOWEVENT){ // pause if the window loses focus
// if(event.window.event == SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_LOST)
// paused = true;
// if (event.window.event == SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_GAINED)
@ -455,12 +465,12 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
case SDLK_F3: if ((zoom-=2) < 0) zoom = 0; // zoom out
case SDLK_F4: if (++zoom > 8) zoom = 8; // zoom in
SDL_SetWindowSize(wdo, 280*zoom, 192*zoom);
SDL_SetWindowSize(wdo, 280 * zoom, 192 * zoom);
SDL_RenderSetScale(rdr, zoom, zoom);
case SDLK_F5: trimGC -= .01; break; // PDL Trim
case SDLK_F6: trimGC += .01; break; // PDL Trim
case SDLK_F5: if (GCReleaseSpeed > 1 ) GCReleaseSpeed -= 2; break; // PDL Trim
case SDLK_F6: if (GCReleaseSpeed < 127) GCReleaseSpeed += 2; break; // PDL Trim
case SDLK_F7: // paste txt from clipboard
if (SDL_HasClipboardText()){
@ -492,13 +502,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
case SDLK_ESCAPE: KBD = 0x9B; break; // ESC
case SDLK_RETURN: KBD = 0x8D; break; // CR
case SDLK_DELETE: KBD = 0x80; break; // DEL->NUL
case SDLK_LEFT: KBD = 0x88; break; // BS
case SDLK_RIGHT: KBD = 0x95; break; // NAK
case SDLK_BACKSPACE: KBD = 0x88; break; // BS
case SDLK_SPACE: KBD = 0xA0; break;
case SDLK_a: KBD = ctrl ? 0x81: 0xC1; break; // a
case SDLK_b: KBD = ctrl ? 0x82: 0xC2; break; // b STX
case SDLK_c: KBD = ctrl ? 0x83: 0xC3; break; // c ETX
@ -525,6 +528,11 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
case SDLK_x: KBD = ctrl ? 0x98: 0xD8; break; // x CANCEL
case SDLK_y: KBD = ctrl ? 0x99: 0xD9; break; // y
case SDLK_z: KBD = ctrl ? 0x9A: 0xDA; break; // z
case SDLK_RETURN: KBD = ctrl ? 0x8A: 0x8D; break; // LF CR
case SDLK_LEFTBRACKET: KBD = ctrl ? 0x9B: 0xDB; break; // [ {
case SDLK_BACKSLASH: KBD = ctrl ? 0x9C: 0xDC; break; // \ |
case SDLK_RIGHTBRACKET: KBD = ctrl ? 0x9D: 0xDD; break; // ] }
case SDLK_BACKSPACE: KBD = ctrl ? 0xDF: 0x88; break; // BS
case SDLK_0: KBD = shift? 0xA9: 0xB0; break; // 0 )
case SDLK_1: KBD = shift? 0xA1: 0xB1; break; // 1 !
case SDLK_2: KBD = shift? 0xC0: 0xB2; break; // 2
@ -542,34 +550,49 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
case SDLK_PERIOD: KBD = shift? 0xBE: 0xAE; break; // . >
case SDLK_SLASH: KBD = shift? 0xBF: 0xAF; break; // / ?
case SDLK_MINUS: KBD = shift? 0xDF: 0xAD; break; // - _
case SDLK_LEFTBRACKET: KBD = shift? 0xFB: 0xDB; break; // [ {
case SDLK_BACKSLASH: KBD = shift? 0xFC: 0xDC; break; // \ |
case SDLK_RIGHTBRACKET: KBD = shift? 0xFD: 0xDD; break; // ] }
case SDLK_BACKQUOTE: KBD = shift? 0xFE: 0xE0; break; // ` ~
case SDLK_LEFT: KBD = 0x88; break; // BS
case SDLK_RIGHT: KBD = 0x95; break; // NAK
case SDLK_SPACE: KBD = 0xA0; break;
case SDLK_ESCAPE: KBD = 0x9B; break;
case SDLK_KP_1: GC0 = 192; break; // pdl0 <-
case SDLK_KP_3: GC0 = 255; break; // pdl0 ->
case SDLK_KP_5: GC1 = 192; break; // pdl1 <-
case SDLK_KP_2: GC1 = 255; break; // pdl1 ->
case SDLK_KP_1: GCD[0] = -1; GCA[0] = 1; break; // pdl0 <-
case SDLK_KP_3: GCD[0] = 1; GCA[0] = 1; break; // pdl0 ->
case SDLK_KP_5: GCD[1] = -1; GCA[1] = 1; break; // pdl1 <-
case SDLK_KP_2: GCD[1] = 1; GCA[1] = 1; break; // pdl1 ->
if (event.type == SDL_KEYUP)
switch (event.key.keysym.sym){
case SDLK_KP_1: GC0 = 224; break; // reset
case SDLK_KP_3: GC0 = 224; break; // the
case SDLK_KP_5: GC1 = 224; break; // paddles
case SDLK_KP_2: GC1 = 224; break; // to center
case SDLK_KP_1: GCD[0] = 1; GCA[0] = 0; break; // pdl0 ->
case SDLK_KP_3: GCD[0] = -1; GCA[0] = 0; break; // pdl0 <-
case SDLK_KP_5: GCD[1] = 1; GCA[1] = 0; break; // pdl1 ->
case SDLK_KP_2: GCD[1] = -1; GCA[1] = 0; break; // pdl1 <-
for (int pdl=0; pdl<2; pdl++){ // update the two paddles positions
if (GCA[pdl]) { // actively pushing the stick
GCP[pdl] += GCD[pdl] * GCActionSpeed;
if (GCP[pdl] > 255) GCP[pdl] = 255;
if (GCP[pdl] < 0 ) GCP[pdl] = 0;
else { // the stick is return back to center
GCP[pdl] += GCD[pdl] * GCReleaseSpeed;
if (GCD[pdl] == 1 && GCP[pdl] > 127) GCP[pdl] = 127;
if (GCD[pdl] == -1 && GCP[pdl] < 127) GCP[pdl] = 127;
//============================================================= VIDEO OUTPUT
if (!TEXT && HIRES){
int word, bits[16], bit, pbit, colorSet, even;
uint16_t word;
uint8_t bits[16], bit, pbit, colorSet, even;
vRamBase = PAGE * 0x2000; // PAGE is 1 or 2
lineLimit = MIXED ? 160 : 192;
@ -578,43 +601,38 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
int x = col * 7;
even = 0;
word = (uint16_t)(ram[ vRamBase + offsetHGR[line] + col + 1 ]) << 8; // put the two next bytes into one word (in reverse order)
word += ram[ vRamBase + offsetHGR[line] + col ];
// check if this group of 7 dots need a redraw (ie was modified)
if (previousDots[line][col] != word || !frame){ // or refresh the full screen every 1 second
for (bit=0; bit<16; bit++) bits[bit] = (word >> bit) & 1; // store all bits of the word into the 'bits' array
word = (uint16_t)(ram[ vRamBase + offsetHGR[line] + col + 1 ]) << 8; // store the two next bytes into 'word'
word += ram[ vRamBase + offsetHGR[line] + col ]; // in reverse order
if (previousDots[line][col] != word || !frame){ // check if this group of 7 dots need a redraw
// or refresh the full screen every 1/2 second
for (bit=0; bit<16; bit++) // store all bits 'word' into 'bits'
bits[bit] = (word >> bit) & 1;
colorSet = bits[7] * 4; // select the right color set
pbit = previousBit[line][col]; // the bit value of the left dot
bit = 0; // starting at 1st bit of 1st byte
while (bit < 15){ // until we reach bit7 of 2nd byte
if (bit == 7){ // moving into the second byte
colorSet = bits[15] * 4; // update the color set
bit++; // skip bit 7
if (monochrome)
colorIdx = bits[bit] * 3; // black if bit==0, white if bit==1
colorIdx = even + colorSet + (bits[bit] << 1) + (pbit);
SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(rdr, hcolor[colorIdx][0], \
hcolor[colorIdx][1], hcolor[colorIdx][2], SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE);
SDL_RenderDrawPoint(rdr, x++, line);
pbit = bits[bit++]; // proceed to the next pixel
even = even ? 0 : 8; // one pixel every two is darker
previousDots[line][col] = word; // update the video cache
if ((col < 37) && (previousBit[line][col + 2] != pbit)){ // check it this dot has a color franging effect on the next dot
if ((col < 37) && (previousBit[line][col + 2] != pbit)){ // check color franging effect on the dot after
previousBit[line][col + 2] = pbit; // set pbit and clear the
previousDots[line][col + 2] = -1; // video cache for next dot
} // if (previousDots[line][col] ...
@ -622,7 +640,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
else if (!TEXT){ // not in text
else if (!TEXT){ // and not in HIRES
vRamBase = PAGE * 0x0400;
lineLimit = MIXED ? 20 : 24;
@ -660,16 +678,16 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
glyph = ram[vRamBase + offsetGR[line] + col]; // read video memory
if (glyph > 0x7F) glyphAttribute = A_NORMAL; // is NORMAL ?
else if (glyph < 0x40) glyphAttribute = A_INVERSE; // is INVERSE ?
else glyphAttribute = A_FLASH; // it's FLASH !
if (glyph > 0x7F) glyphAttr = A_NORMAL; // is NORMAL ?
else if (glyph < 0x40) glyphAttr = A_INVERSE; // is INVERSE ?
else glyphAttr = A_FLASH; // it's FLASH !
glyph &= 0x7F; // unset bit 7
if (glyph > 0x5F) glyph &= 0x3F; // shifts to match
if (glyph < 0x20) glyph |= 0x40; // the ASCII codes
if (glyphAttribute == A_NORMAL || blink)
if (glyphAttr == A_NORMAL || (glyphAttr == A_FLASH && frame < 15))
SDL_RenderCopy(rdr, normCharTexture, &charRects[glyph], &dstRect);
SDL_RenderCopy(rdr, revCharTexture, &charRects[glyph], &dstRect);
@ -690,20 +708,15 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
//========================================================= SDL RENDER FRAME
if (++frame > 30) frame = 0;
frameTime = SDL_GetTicks() - frameStart; // frame duration
if (frameDelay > frameTime) { // do we have time ?
if (frameTime < frameDelay) { // do we have time ?
SDL_Delay(frameDelay - frameTime); // wait 'vsync'
SDL_RenderPresent(rdr); // swap buffers
} // else, skip frame
if (frame > 30) blink = false;
if (frameStart >= reftime + 1000){
fps = (float)(frame * 1000.0) / (float)(frameStart - reftime);
reftime = SDL_GetTicks();
frame = 0;
blink = true;
frameTime = SDL_GetTicks() - frameStart; // update frameTime
fps = (frameDelay / (double)frameTime) * 60.0; // calculate the actual frame rate
} // while (running)

reinetteII+.rc Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
1 ICON "assets/reinetteII+.ico"
BLOCK "StringFileInfo"
BLOCK "040904E4"
VALUE "CompanyName", "Arthur Ferreira"
VALUE "FileDescription", "Apple II+ emulator"
VALUE "FileVersion", ""
VALUE "InternalName", "reinette II plus"
VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Arthur Ferreira"
VALUE "OriginalFilename", "reinetteII+.exe"
VALUE "ProductName", "reinette II plus"
VALUE "ProductVersion", "0.3"
BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
VALUE "Translation", 0x409, 1252

rom/appleII+.rom Normal file

Binary file not shown.

rom/appleII.rom Normal file

Binary file not shown.

rom/diskII.rom Normal file

Binary file not shown.