
211 lines
6.3 KiB

// Apple 2 floppy disk support
#ifndef __FLOPPY_H__
#define __FLOPPY_H__
// MAX_PATH isn't defined in stdlib.h on *nix, so we do it here...
#ifdef __GCCUNIX__
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdlib.h> // for MAX_PATH on MinGW/Darwin
// Kludge for Win64
#ifndef MAX_PATH
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
// N.B.: All 32/16-bit values are stored in little endian. Which means, to
// read/write them safely, we need to use translators as this code may or
// may not be compiled on an architecture that supports little endian
// natively.
struct WOZTrack
uint8_t bits[6646];
uint16_t byteCount;
uint16_t bitCount;
uint16_t splicePoint;
uint8_t spliceNibble;
uint8_t spliceBitCount;
uint16_t reserved;
struct WOZMetadata
uint8_t metaTag[4]; // "META"
uint32_t metaSize; // Size of the META chunk
uint8_t data[]; // Variable length array of metadata
struct WOZ
// Header
uint8_t magic[8]; // "WOZ1" $FF $0A $0D $0A
uint32_t crc32; // CRC32 of the remaining data in the file
// INFO chunk
uint8_t infoTag[4]; // "INFO"
uint32_t infoSize; // Always 60 bytes long
uint8_t infoVersion; // Currently 1
uint8_t diskType; // 1 = 5 1/4", 2 = 3 1/2"
uint8_t writeProtected; // 1 = write protected disk
uint8_t synchronized; // 1 = cross-track sync was used during imaging
uint8_t cleaned; // 1 = fake bits removed from image
uint8_t creator[32]; // Software that made this image, padded with 0x20
uint8_t pad1[23]; // Padding to 60 bytes
// TMAP chunk
uint8_t tmapTag[4]; // "TMAP"
uint32_t tmapSize; // Always 160 bytes long
uint8_t tmap[160]; // Track map, with empty tracks set to $FF
// TRKS chunk
uint8_t trksTag[4]; // "TRKS"
uint32_t trksSize; // Varies, depending on # of tracks imaged
WOZTrack track[]; // Variable length array for the track data proper
struct WOZTrack2
uint16_t startingBlock; // 512 byte block # where this track starts (relative to the start of the file)
uint16_t blockCount; // # of blocks in this track
uint32_t bitCount; // # of bits in this track
struct WOZ2
// Header
uint8_t magic[8]; // "WOZ2" $FF $0A $0D $0A
uint32_t crc32; // CRC32 of the remaining data in the file
// INFO chunk
uint8_t infoTag[4]; // "INFO"
uint32_t infoSize; // Always 60 bytes long
uint8_t infoVersion; // Currently 1
uint8_t diskType; // 1 = 5 1/4", 2 = 3 1/2"
uint8_t writeProtected; // 1 = write protected disk
uint8_t synchronized; // 1 = cross-track sync was used during imaging
uint8_t cleaned; // 1 = fake bits removed from image
uint8_t creator[32]; // Software that made this image, padded with 0x20
uint8_t diskSides; // 5 1/4" disks always have 1 side (v2 from here on)
uint8_t bootSectorFmt; // 5 1/4" only (0=unknown, 1=16 sector, 2=13 sector, 3=both)
uint8_t optimalBitTmg; // In ticks, standard for 5 1/4" is 32 (4 µs)
uint16_t compatibleHW; // Bitfield showing hardware compatibility (1=][, 2=][+, 4=//e (unenh), 8=//c, 16=//e (enh), 32=IIgs, 64=//c+, 128=///, 256=///+)
uint16_t requiredRAM; // Minimum size in K, 0=unknown
uint16_t largestTrack; // Number of 512 byte blocks used by largest track
uint8_t pad1[14]; // Padding to 60 bytes
// TMAP chunk
uint8_t tmapTag[4]; // "TMAP"
uint32_t tmapSize; // Always 160 bytes long
uint8_t tmap[160]; // Track map, with empty tracks set to $FF
// TRKS chunk
uint8_t trksTag[4]; // "TRKS"
uint32_t trksSize; // Varies, depending on # of tracks imaged
WOZTrack2 track[160]; // Actual track info (corresponding to TMAP data)
uint8_t data[]; // Variable length array for the track data proper
class FloppyDrive
bool LoadImage(const char * filename, uint8_t driveNum = 0);
bool SaveImage(uint8_t driveNum = 0);
bool SaveImageAs(const char * filename, uint8_t driveNum = 0);
void CreateBlankImage(uint8_t driveNum = 0);
void SwapImages(void);
const char * ImageName(uint8_t driveNum = 0);
void EjectImage(uint8_t driveNum = 0);
bool IsEmpty(uint8_t driveNum = 0);
bool IsWriteProtected(uint8_t driveNum = 0);
void SetWriteProtect(bool, uint8_t driveNum = 0);
int DriveLightStatus(uint8_t driveNum = 0);
void SaveState(FILE *);
void LoadState(FILE *);
void InitWOZ(uint8_t driveNum = 0);
bool CheckWOZ(const uint8_t * wozData, uint32_t wozSize, uint8_t driveNum = 0);
bool SaveWOZ(uint8_t driveNum);
uint32_t ReadLong(FILE *);
void WriteLong(FILE *, uint32_t);
void WriteLongLE(FILE *, uint32_t);
void WriteWordLE(FILE *, uint16_t);
void WriteZeroes(FILE *, uint32_t);
// I/O functions ($C0Ex accesses)
void ControlStepper(uint8_t addr);
void ControlMotor(uint8_t addr);
void DriveEnable(uint8_t addr);
void SetShiftLoadSwitch(uint8_t state);
void SetReadWriteSwitch(uint8_t state);
uint8_t DataRegister(void);
void DataRegister(uint8_t);
void RunSequencer(uint32_t);
void DetectImageType(const char * filename, uint8_t driveNum);
void WriteBits(uint8_t * dest, uint8_t * src, uint16_t bits, uint16_t * start);
void WOZifyImage(uint8_t driveNum);
char imageName[2][MAX_PATH];
uint8_t * disk[2];
uint32_t diskSize[2];
uint8_t diskType[2];
bool imageDirty[2];
uint8_t motorOn;
uint8_t activeDrive;
uint8_t ioMode;
uint8_t dataRegister;
uint8_t phase[2];
uint8_t headPos[2];
bool ioHappened;
uint32_t currentPos[2];
WOZ * woz[2];
uint8_t cpuDataBus;
uint8_t slSwitch; // Shift/Load soft switch
uint8_t rwSwitch; // Read/Write soft switch
uint8_t readPulse; // Disk read head "pulse" signal
uint8_t pulseClock; // Disk read head bitstream "pulse clock"
uint8_t sequencerState;
uint32_t driveOffTimeout;
uint8_t zeroBitCount;
uint16_t trackLength[2];
// And here are some private class variables (to reduce function
// redundancy):
static uint8_t doSector[16];
static uint8_t poSector[16];
static uint8_t wozHeader[9];
static uint8_t wozHeader2[9];
static uint8_t standardTMAP[141];
static uint8_t sequencerROM[256];
static uint8_t bitMask[8];
static char nameBuf[MAX_PATH];
void InstallFloppy(uint8_t slot);
extern FloppyDrive floppyDrive[];
#endif // __FLOPPY_H__