new cpu skeleton

This commit is contained in:
edmccard 2012-04-08 00:30:17 -04:00
parent 700722c5de
commit e5f3f190a8
1 changed files with 248 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
module cpu6502;
import std.array, std.format;
enum Strict : bool
no, yes
@ -12,8 +15,63 @@ enum Cumulative : bool
class Cpu(bool cumulative)
template is6502(T)
enum is6502 = __traits(getMember, T, "_chip") == "6502";
template is65C02(T)
enum is65C02 = __traits(getMember, T, "_chip") == "65C02";
// The following versions are mutually exclusive.
// OpDelegates: each opcode is a method of the Cpu class.
enum versionCheck = 1;
enum opArray = true;
// OpFunctions: each opcode is a free function with a Cpu argument.
enum versionCheck = 2;
enum opArray = true;
// OpSwitch: each opcode is inlined in a 256-case switch.
enum versionCheck = 3;
enum opArray = false;
// OpNestedSwitch: each opcode is inlined in a nested switch.
// (The outer one switches on the high byte, with each case switching
// on the low byte.)
enum versionCheck = 4;
enum opArray = false;
// At least one of the previous versions must be specified.
static if (!__traits(compiles, { bool b = opArray; })) enum opArray = 0;
static assert (versionCheck);
final class Cpu(string chip, bool strict, bool cumulative)
static assert(chip == "6502" || chip == "65C02" || chip == "65c02");
enum _isCpu = true;
enum _chip = (chip == "6502" ? "6502" : "65C02");
enum _isStrict = strict;
enum _isCumulative = cumulative;
struct _Mem
// Reads a value from system memory.
@ -41,5 +99,193 @@ class Cpu(bool cumulative)
_Clock clock;
ubyte A, X, Y, S, P;
ubyte A, X, Y, S;
ushort PC;
ubyte N, Z;
bool V, D, I, C;
static if (opArray) mixin(OpArrayDef());
// TODO: other methods for stopping cpu
bool keepRunning;
static if (opArray) mixin(OpArrayInit());
final void statusFromByte(ubyte p)
N = p;
V = ((p & 0x40) != 0);
D = ((p & 0x08) != 0);
I = ((p & 0x04) != 0);
Z = ((p & 0x02) ? 0 : 1);
C = ((val & 0x01) != 0);
final ubyte statusToByte()
return (C ? 0x01 : 0) |
((Z == 0) ? 0x02 : 0) |
(I ? 0x04 : 0) |
(D ? 0x08 : 0) |
0x30 | // break and reserved both set
(V ? 0x40 : 0) |
(N & 0x80);
final void run(bool continuous)
keepRunning = continuous;
// TODO debugging info?
ubyte opcode;
do {
// XXX check signals
// XXX figure out cumulative/final cycle stuff
static if (cumulative) {}
opcode =;
} while (keepRunning);
version(OpDelegates) mixin (OpBodies(_chip));
version(OpFunctions) mixin(OpBodies("6502"));
version(OpFunctions) mixin(OpBodies("65C02"));
string OpArrayDef()
return q{void delegate()[256] opcodes;};
else version(OpFunctions)
return q{void function(typeof(this))[256] opcodes;};
return "";
string OpArrayInit()
static if (!opArray) return "";
string ret;
foreach (op; 0..256)
ret ~= "opcodes[0x" ~ Hex2(op) ~ "] = &opcode_" ~ Hex2(op) ~
ret ~= "opcodes[0x" ~ Hex2(op) ~ "] = &opcode_" ~ Hex2(op) ~
return ret;
string OpBodies(string chip)
static if (!opArray) return "";
string ret;
foreach (op; 0..256)
ret ~= "final void opcode_" ~ Hex2(op) ~ "()\n{\n" ~
OpBody(op, chip) ~ "}\n";
ret ~= "void opcode_" ~ Hex2(op) ~
"(T)(T cpu) if (is" ~ chip ~ "!T)\n{\n" ~
OpBody(op, chip) ~ "}\n";
return ret;
string OpExecute(string chip)
return q{opcodes[opcode]();};
return q{opcodes[opcode](this);};
return Switch256(chip);
return Switch16x16(chip);
string Switch256(string chip)
string ret = "final switch (opcode)\n{\n";
foreach (op; 0..256)
ret ~= "case 0x" ~ Hex2(op) ~ ":\n" ~ OpBody(op, chip) ~ "break;\n\n";
return ret ~ "}\n";
string Switch16x16(string chip)
string ret = "final switch (opcode & 0xF0)\n{\n";
foreach (opHi; 0..16)
ret ~= "case 0x" ~ Hex1(opHi) ~ "0:\n" ~
"final switch(opcode & 0x0F)\n{\n";
foreach (opLo; 0..16)
int op = opLo | (opHi << 4);
ret ~= "case 0x0" ~ Hex1(opLo) ~ ":\n" ~ OpBody(op, chip) ~
ret ~= "}\nbreak;\n";
return ret ~ "}\n";
string OpBody(int op, string chip)
return "";
// Custom hex printing.
// (to!string(x, 16) uses uppercase, which makes "8" and "B" hard to
// tell apart, and format("%0.2x", x) can't be used in CTFE.)
enum HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789abcdef";
string Hex1(int dec)
return HEX_DIGITS[dec..dec+1];
string Hex2(int dec)
int highNybble = (dec & 0xF0) >> 4;
int lowNybble = dec & 0x0F;
return HEX_DIGITS[highNybble..highNybble+1] ~
alias Cpu!("6502", false, false) T1;
alias Cpu!("6502", false, true) T2;
alias Cpu!("6502", true, false) T3;
alias Cpu!("6502", true, true) T4;
alias Cpu!("65C02", false, false) T5;
alias Cpu!("65C02", false, true) T6;
alias Cpu!("65C02", true, false) T7;
alias Cpu!("65C02", true, true) T8;
void main()
import std.stdio;