/+ + peripheral/langcard.d + + Copyright: 2007 Gerald Stocker + + This file is part of twoapple-reboot. + + twoapple-reboot is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + twoapple-reboot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with twoapple-reboot; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA +/ module peripheral.langcard; import peripheral.base; import device.base; import memory; import std.conv; private: string MakeRAMSwitches(bool isIIe) { string ramSwitches; for (int sw = 0xC080; sw <= 0xC08F; ++sw) { ramSwitches ~= "void read" ~ hex4Digits(sw) ~ "()\n{\n" ~ MakeRAMSwitch(sw, false, isIIe) ~ "}\n"; ramSwitches ~= "void write" ~ hex4Digits(sw) ~ "()\n{\n" ~ MakeRAMSwitch(sw, true, isIIe) ~ "}\n"; } return ramSwitches; } string MakeRAMSwitch(int sw, bool write, bool isIIe) { string ramSwitch; ramSwitch ~= CallRAMFunction(isIIe, "setBank(" ~ hex4Digits((sw & 0b1000) >> 3 ) ~ ")") ~ "\n"; if (((sw & 0b11) == 0b11) || ((sw & 0b11) == 0b00)) ramSwitch ~= CallRAMFunction(isIIe, "enableRead()") ~ "\n"; else ramSwitch ~= CallRAMFunction(isIIe, "disableRead()") ~ "\n"; if ((sw & 0b1) == 0b0) ramSwitch ~= CallRAMFunction(isIIe, "clearPreWrite()") ~ "\n" ~ CallRAMFunction(isIIe, "disableWrite()") ~ "\n"; else { if (write) ramSwitch ~= CallRAMFunction(isIIe, "clearPreWrite()") ~ "\n"; else ramSwitch ~= CallRAMFunction(isIIe, "checkEnableWrite()") ~ "\n"; } return ramSwitch; } string CallRAMFunction(bool isIIe, string func) { if (!isIIe) { return "implementation." ~ func ~ ";"; } else { return "onboard." ~ func ~ ";\n" ~ "if (auxslot !is null) auxslot." ~ func ~ ";"; } } enum langcardSwitches = [ mixin(MakeSwitch([0xC080], "R0", "readC080")), mixin(MakeSwitch([0xC081], "R0", "readC081")), mixin(MakeSwitch([0xC082], "R0", "readC082")), mixin(MakeSwitch([0xC083], "R0", "readC083")), mixin(MakeSwitch([0xC084], "R0", "readC084")), mixin(MakeSwitch([0xC085], "R0", "readC085")), mixin(MakeSwitch([0xC086], "R0", "readC086")), mixin(MakeSwitch([0xC087], "R0", "readC087")), mixin(MakeSwitch([0xC088], "R0", "readC088")), mixin(MakeSwitch([0xC089], "R0", "readC089")), mixin(MakeSwitch([0xC08A], "R0", "readC08A")), mixin(MakeSwitch([0xC08B], "R0", "readC08B")), mixin(MakeSwitch([0xC08C], "R0", "readC08C")), mixin(MakeSwitch([0xC08D], "R0", "readC08D")), mixin(MakeSwitch([0xC08E], "R0", "readC08E")), mixin(MakeSwitch([0xC08F], "R0", "readC08F")), mixin(MakeSwitch([0xC080], "W", "writeC080")), mixin(MakeSwitch([0xC081], "W", "writeC081")), mixin(MakeSwitch([0xC082], "W", "writeC082")), mixin(MakeSwitch([0xC083], "W", "writeC083")), mixin(MakeSwitch([0xC084], "W", "writeC084")), mixin(MakeSwitch([0xC085], "W", "writeC085")), mixin(MakeSwitch([0xC086], "W", "writeC086")), mixin(MakeSwitch([0xC087], "W", "writeC087")), mixin(MakeSwitch([0xC088], "W", "writeC088")), mixin(MakeSwitch([0xC089], "W", "writeC089")), mixin(MakeSwitch([0xC08A], "W", "writeC08A")), mixin(MakeSwitch([0xC08B], "W", "writeC08B")), mixin(MakeSwitch([0xC08C], "W", "writeC08C")), mixin(MakeSwitch([0xC08D], "W", "writeC08D")), mixin(MakeSwitch([0xC08E], "W", "writeC08E")), mixin(MakeSwitch([0xC08F], "W", "writeC08F")) ]; public: class HighRam { AddressDecoder decoder; ReadFunc origRead; WriteFunc origWrite; Memory lowerChunk, upperChunk; bool preWrite; bool readEn, writeEn; bool enabled; int current4KBank; this() { initMemory(); } abstract void initMemory(); void init(AddressDecoder addrDecode, ReadFunc read, WriteFunc write) { decoder = addrDecode; origRead = read; origWrite = write; } void reboot() { preWrite = false; lowerChunk.reboot(); upperChunk.reboot(); current4KBank = 0; forceReadDisable(); forceWriteEnable(); } void clearPreWrite() { preWrite = false; } void forceReadDisable() { readEn = true; disableRead(); } void forceReadEnable() { readEn = false; enableRead(); } void forceWriteEnable() { writeEn = false; enableWrite(); } void enableRead() { if ((!readEn) && enabled) { decoder.installRead(lowerChunk); decoder.installRead(upperChunk); } readEn = true; } void disableRead() { if (readEn && enabled) { decoder.readPages[0xD0..0x100] = origRead; } readEn = false; } void checkEnableWrite() { if (preWrite) enableWrite(); preWrite = true; } void enableWrite() { if ((!writeEn) && enabled) { decoder.installWrite(lowerChunk); decoder.installWrite(upperChunk); } writeEn = true; } void disableWrite() { if (writeEn && enabled) { decoder.writePages[0xD0..0x100] = origWrite; } writeEn = false; } abstract void setLowerBank(int bank); void setBank(int bank) { setLowerBank(bank); current4KBank = bank; } } class HighRam_II : HighRam { PrimaryMem e000ffff; BankMem d000dfff; this() { super(); enabled = true; } void initMemory() { d000dfff = new BankMem(0xD000, 0x1000, 2); e000ffff = new PrimaryMem(0xE000, 0x2000); lowerChunk = d000dfff; upperChunk = e000ffff; } void setDebugName(string name) { e000ffff.debugName = name; d000dfff.setDebugNames(name); } void setLowerBank(int bank) { d000dfff.setBank(bank); } } class HighRam_IIe : HighRam { bool isOnboard; int numBanks; SubBankMem d000dfff; BankMem e000ffff; this(bool isOnboard_, int banks) { numBanks = banks; super(); isOnboard = isOnboard_; } void initMemory() { d000dfff = new SubBankMem(0xD000, 0x1000, numBanks, 2); e000ffff = new BankMem(0xE000, 0x2000, numBanks); lowerChunk = d000dfff; upperChunk = e000ffff; } void setLowerBank(int bank) { d000dfff.setSubBank(bank); } void resetBanks() { e000ffff.setBank(0); d000dfff.setPrimaryBank(0); d000dfff.setSubBank(0); } void enable(bool newState) { if (enabled == newState) return; enabled = newState; if (newState) { if (writeEn) forceWriteEnable(); if (readEn) forceReadEnable(); } } void setDebugName(string name) { string[] names; names.length = numBanks; if (numBanks > 1) { for (int b = 0; b < numBanks; ++b) names[b] = name ~ " " ~ to!string(b); } else { names[0] = name; } e000ffff.setDebugNames(name); d000dfff.setDebugNames(names); } void reboot() { enabled = isOnboard; super.reboot(); } void reset() { enabled = isOnboard; preWrite = false; resetBanks(); current4KBank = 0; disableRead(); enableWrite(); } } class HighRam_Null : HighRam_IIe { this() { super(false, 0); } void initMemory() { lowerChunk = new ZeroMem(0xD000, 0x1000); upperChunk = new ZeroMem(0xE000, 0x2000); } void setLowerBank(int bank) {} void resetBanks() {} } class LanguageCard : Peripheral { HighRam_II implementation; mixin(MakeRAMSwitches(false)); mixin(InitSwitches("", langcardSwitches)); this() { implementation = new HighRam_II(); implementation.setDebugName("Language card"); } void reboot() { implementation.reboot(); } } class LanguageCard_IIe { HighRam_IIe onboard, auxslot; ubyte delegate() kbdLatch; mixin(MakeRAMSwitches(true)); mixin(InitSwitches("", langcardSwitches ~ [ mixin(MakeSwitch([0xC011], "R", "readBank2Switch")), mixin(MakeSwitch([0xC012], "R", "readReadSwitch")) ])); this() { onboard = new HighRam_IIe(true, 1); onboard.setDebugName("High RAM"); } void init(AddressDecoder addrDecode, ReadFunc read, WriteFunc write) { onboard.init(addrDecode, read, write); auxslot.init(addrDecode, read, write); } void reboot() { onboard.reboot(); auxslot.reboot(); } void reset() { onboard.reset(); auxslot.reset(); } void enableAuxSlot(bool isAuxSlot) { onboard.enable(!isAuxSlot); auxslot.enable(isAuxSlot); } ubyte readBank2Switch() { return kbdLatch() | ((onboard.current4KBank == 0) ? 0x80 : 0x00); } ubyte readReadSwitch() { return kbdLatch() | (onboard.readEn ? 0x80 : 0x00); } }