//@ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //@ Copyright: 2007 Gerald Stocker //@ //@ This file is part of Twoapple. //@ //@ Twoapple is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify //@ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by //@ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or //@ (at your option) any later version. //@ //@ Twoapple is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //@ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //@ MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the //@ GNU General Public License for more details. //@ //@ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License //@ along with Twoapple; if not, write to the Free Software //@ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA //@ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// import std.stdio; import d6502.base; import timer; import memory; import system.base; import ui.monitor; import ui.sound; import ui.inputevents; import gthread.Thread; import gtk.Main; import glgdk.GLdInit; import gtkc.gdktypes; import gtkc.gtktypes; import peripheral.base; import peripheral.diskii; import peripheral.langcard; import peripheral.saturn128; class TestSystem : II { this(ubyte[] romDump) { super(romDump); } void setRom(ubyte[] rom_data) { uint rom_len = cast(uint)rom_data.length; memory_.mainRom.data_[0..12288] = rom_data[(rom_len - 12288)..rom_len]; } } import std.file; import std.string; import device.speaker; import ui.mainwindow; import video.laz_engine; // XXX Only needed for initializing peripheralStatus import gtk.VBox; import peripheral.base; void main(string[] args) { // Init GTK Thread.init(null); Main.init(args); GLdInit.init(args); // open config input = new Input(); monitor = new Monitor(); auto screen = new LazEngine(); monitor.installScreen(screen); // XXX should make it so this can happen after system? peripheralStatus = new VBox(false, 3); appWindow = new TwoappleMainWindow(); // Get ROM file TwoappleFile romFile = TwoappleFilePicker.open("ROM file", &checkRomFile); if (romFile is null) return; System sys; if ((args.length > 1) && (args[1] == "--iie")) sys = new IIe(cast(ubyte[])std.file.read(romFile.fileName)); else sys = new II(cast(ubyte[])std.file.read(romFile.fileName)); appWindow.initSystem(sys); // XXX hack appWindow.configChanged = true; debug(disassemble) { input.pauseButton.setActive(true); } appWindow.mainLoop(); // save config } string checkRomFile(TwoappleFile checkFile) { ulong fsize = checkFile.fileSize(); // XXX allow 12288 for II/II+ ? if (fsize >= 20480 && fsize <= 32768) return null; else return "Invalid ROM file"; }