/+ + d6502/cpu.d + + Copyright: 2007 Gerald Stocker + + This file is part of twoapple-reboot. + + twoapple-reboot is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + twoapple-reboot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with twoapple-reboot; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA +/ module d6502.cpu; import d6502.base; class Cpu(bool strict, bool cumulative) : CpuBase!(strict, cumulative) { static string InitOpcodes() { string initCalls; for (int op = 0; op < 256; ++op) { initCalls ~= "opcodes[0x" ~ hexByte(op) ~ "] = &opcode" ~ hexByte(op) ~ ";\n"; } return initCalls; } this() { mixin(InitOpcodes()); flag = new StatusRegister(); } const ushort STACK_BASE = 0x0100; const ushort NMI_VECTOR = 0xFFFA; const ushort RESET_VECTOR = 0xFFFC; const ushort IRQ_VECTOR = 0xFFFE; void delegate()[256] opcodes; bool continueExecution; static if (cumulative) int totalCycles; debug(disassemble) { import hacking.debugger; import std.stdio; } final override void run(bool continuous) { assert ((memory.read !is null) && (memory.write !is null)); assert (clock.tick !is null); continueExecution = continuous; do { if (signalActive) handleSignals(); static if (cumulative) totalCycles = 0; opcodePC = programCounter; opcode = read(programCounter++); /+ TODO: call sync delegate +/ opcodes[opcode](); debug(disassemble) { writefln(Debugger.disassemble(this, cmosMap) ~ Debugger.displayRegisters(this)); } } while (continueExecution); } final override void stop() { continueExecution = false; } final override void resetLow() { resetActive = signalActive = true; } final override void nmiLow(bool signalLow) { nmiActive = signalLow; if (!signalLow) nmiArmed = true; signalActive = testSignals(); } final override void irqLow(bool signalLow) { irqActive = signalLow; signalActive = testSignals(); } final bool testSignals() { return (resetActive || nmiActive || irqActive); } final void handleSignals() { bool checkNMI() { if (nmiActive && nmiArmed) { nmiArmed = false; return true; } return false; } if (resetActive) doReset(); else if (checkNMI()) do_IRQ_or_NMI(NMI_VECTOR); else if ((!flag.interrupt) && irqActive) do_IRQ_or_NMI(IRQ_VECTOR); } void do_IRQ_or_NMI(ushort vector) { doInterrupt(vector, (flag.toByte() & ~0x10)); } final void doInterrupt(ushort vector, ubyte statusByte) { pushWord(programCounter); push(statusByte); flag.interrupt = true; programCounter = readWord(vector, cast(ushort)(vector + 1)); static if (cumulative) clock.tick(totalCycles); } void doReset() { static if (cumulative) { totalCycles += 2; } else { clock.tick(); clock.tick(); } peek(STACK_BASE + stackPointer); --stackPointer; peek(STACK_BASE + stackPointer); --stackPointer; peek(STACK_BASE + stackPointer); --stackPointer; flag.interrupt = true; resetActive = false; signalActive = testSignals(); programCounter = readWord(RESET_VECTOR, RESET_VECTOR + 1); static if (cumulative) clock.tick(totalCycles); } final ubyte read(ushort addr) { static if (cumulative) ++totalCycles; else clock.tick(); return memory.read(addr); } final void write(ushort addr, ubyte val) { static if (cumulative) ++totalCycles; else clock.tick(); memory.write(addr, val); } final void peek(ushort addr) { static if (cumulative) ++totalCycles; else clock.tick(); static if (strict) memory.read(addr); } final void poke(ushort addr, ubyte val) { static if (cumulative) ++totalCycles; else clock.tick(); static if (strict) memory.write(addr, val); } final ubyte readFinal(ushort addr) { static if (cumulative) clock.tick(++totalCycles); else { clock.tick(); } return memory.read(addr); } final void writeFinal(ushort addr, ubyte val) { static if (cumulative) clock.tick(++totalCycles); else { clock.tick(); } memory.write(addr, val); } final ushort readWord(ushort addrLo, ushort addrHi) { ushort word = read(addrLo); return word | (read(addrHi) << 8); } final void push(ubyte val) { write((STACK_BASE + stackPointer), val); --stackPointer; /+ TODO: call stack overflow delegate +/ } final void pushWord(ushort val) { push(val >> 8); push(val & 0xFF); } final ubyte readStack() { ++stackPointer; /+ TODO: call stack underflow delegate +/ return read(STACK_BASE + stackPointer); } final ubyte pull() { peek(STACK_BASE + stackPointer); return readStack(); } final ushort pullWord() { ushort word = pull(); return word | (readStack() << 8); } final ubyte readByteOperand() { return (operand1 = read(programCounter++)); } final ushort readWordOperand() { operand1 = read(programCounter++); operand2 = read(programCounter++); return (operand1 | (operand2 << 8)); } ushort* spuriousAddress; ushort badAddress, baseAddress, primaryAddress; ubyte readVal, writeVal; final ushort tryShortcut(bool noShortcut, ushort goodAddress) { badAddress = (baseAddress & 0xFF00) | cast(ubyte)goodAddress; if (badAddress != goodAddress) peek(*spuriousAddress); else if (noShortcut) peek(goodAddress); return goodAddress; } final void addrRelative(byte offset) { peek(programCounter); baseAddress = programCounter; programCounter = tryShortcut(false, cast(ushort)(programCounter + offset)); } final void addrZeropage() { primaryAddress = readByteOperand(); } final void addrAbsolute() { primaryAddress = readWordOperand(); } final void addrZeropageX() { baseAddress = badAddress = readByteOperand(); peek(*spuriousAddress); primaryAddress = cast(ubyte)(baseAddress + xIndex); } final void addrZeropageY() { baseAddress = badAddress = readByteOperand(); peek(*spuriousAddress); primaryAddress = cast(ubyte)(baseAddress + yIndex); } final void addrIndirectX() { baseAddress = badAddress = readByteOperand(); peek(*spuriousAddress); ushort vector = cast(ubyte)(baseAddress + xIndex); primaryAddress = readWord(vector, cast(ubyte)(vector + 1)); } final void addrAbsoluteX(bool write) { baseAddress = readWordOperand(); primaryAddress = tryShortcut(write, cast(ushort)(baseAddress + xIndex)); } final void addrAbsoluteY(bool write) { baseAddress = readWordOperand(); primaryAddress = tryShortcut(write, cast(ushort)(baseAddress + yIndex)); } final void addrIndirectY(bool write) { ubyte vector = readByteOperand(); baseAddress = readWord(vector, cast(ubyte)(vector + 1)); primaryAddress = tryShortcut(write, cast(ushort)(baseAddress + yIndex)); } void dec_addWithCarry(ubyte val) { int a = accumulator; int al = (a & 0x0F) + (val & 0x0F) + flag.carry; if (al >= 0x0A) al = ((al + 0x06) & 0x0F) + 0x10; a = (a & 0xF0) + (val & 0xF0) + al; flag.negative_ = cast(ubyte)a; flag.zero_ = cast(ubyte)(accumulator + val + flag.carry); flag.overflow = (!((accumulator ^ val) & 0x80)) && ((val ^ a) & 0x80); if (a >= 0xA0) a = a + 0x60; flag.carry = (a >= 0x100); accumulator = cast(ubyte)a; } void dec_subWithCarry(ubyte val) { int a = accumulator; int al = (a & 0x0F) - (val & 0x0F) - !flag.carry; if (al < 0) al = ((al - 0x06) & 0x0F) - 0x10; a = (a & 0xF0) - (val & 0xF0) + al; if (a < 0) a = a - 0x60; uint diff = accumulator - val - !flag.carry; flag.overflow = ((accumulator ^ diff) & 0x80) && ((accumulator ^ val) & 0x80); flag.carry = (diff < 0x100); flag.zero_ = flag.negative_ = cast(ubyte)diff; accumulator = cast(ubyte)a; } final void hex_addWithCarry(ubyte val) { uint sum = accumulator + val + flag.carry; flag.overflow = (!((accumulator ^ val) & 0x80)) && ((val ^ sum) & 0x80); flag.carry = (sum > 0xFF); flag.zero_ = flag.negative_ = (accumulator = cast(ubyte)sum); } final void hex_subWithCarry(ubyte val) { uint diff = accumulator - val - (flag.carry ? 0 : 1); flag.overflow = ((accumulator ^ diff) & 0x80) && ((accumulator ^ val) & 0x80); flag.carry = (diff < 0x100); flag.zero_ = flag.negative_ = (accumulator = cast(ubyte)diff); } final ubyte compare(ubyte reg, ubyte val) { flag.carry = (reg >= val); return cast(ubyte)(reg - val); } final void bitTest(ubyte val) { flag.negative_ = val; flag.zero_ = accumulator & val; flag.overflow = ((val & 0x40) != 0); } final ubyte shiftLeft(ubyte val) { flag.carry = (val > 0x7F); return cast(ubyte)(val << 1); } final ubyte rotateLeft(ubyte val) { bool oldCarry = flag.carry; flag.carry = (val > 0x7F); val = cast(ubyte)(val << 1 | (oldCarry ? 1 : 0)); return val; } final ubyte shiftRight(ubyte val) { flag.carry = ((val & 0x01) != 0); return val >> 1; } final ubyte rotateRight(ubyte val) { bool oldCarry = flag.carry; flag.carry = ((val & 0x01) != 0); val = (val >> 1 | (oldCarry ? 0x80 : 0)); return val; } final ubyte increment(ubyte val) { return cast(ubyte)(val + 1); } final ubyte decrement(ubyte val) { return cast(ubyte)(val - 1); } static string SimpleOpcode(string name, string opcode, string action) { string code = "peek(programCounter);\n"; code ~= (action == "") ? "" : (action ~ ";"); static if (cumulative) code ~= "clock.tick(totalCycles);\n"; return "override void opcode" ~ opcode ~ "()\n{\n" ~ code ~ "\n}\n"; } static string UpdateNZ(string action) { return "flag.zero_ = flag.negative_ = (" ~ action ~ ");" ~ "\n"; } static string RegisterOpcode(string name, string opcode, string action) { string code = "peek(programCounter);\n"; code ~= UpdateNZ(action); static if (cumulative) code ~= "clock.tick(totalCycles);\n"; return "override void opcode" ~ opcode ~ "()\n{\n" ~ code ~ "}\n"; } static string BranchOpcode(string name, string opcode, string action) { string code = "readByteOperand();\n" ~ "if (" ~ action ~ ") addrRelative(cast(byte)operand1);\n"; static if (cumulative) code ~= "clock.tick(totalCycles);\n"; return "override void opcode" ~ opcode ~ "()\n{\n" ~ code ~ "}\n"; } static string Type1Address(string name, string rw, int[] opcodes) { string type = (rw == "Write") ? "true" : "false"; string modes = "[[\"" ~ name ~ "\", \"" ~ rw ~ "\"], \n"; for (int op = 0; op < opcodes.length; ++op) { int opcode = opcodes[op]; modes ~= "[\"" ~ hexByte(opcode) ~ "\", \""; final switch ((opcode & 0b00011100) >> 2) { case 0: modes ~= "IndirectX()"; break; case 1: modes ~= "Zeropage()"; break; case 2: modes ~= "Immediate"; break; case 3: modes ~= "Absolute()"; break; case 4: modes ~= "IndirectY("~ type ~ ")"; break; case 5: modes ~= "ZeropageX()"; break; case 6: modes ~= "AbsoluteY(" ~ type ~ ")"; break; case 7: modes ~= "AbsoluteX(" ~ type ~ ")"; break; } modes ~= "\"]"; if (op != (opcodes.length - 1)) modes ~= ", "; modes ~= "\n"; } return modes ~ "]\n"; } static string Type2Address(string name, string rw, int[] opcodes) { string type = (rw == "Write") ? "true" : "false"; string index = (name[2] == 'X') ? "Y" : "X"; string modes = "[[\"" ~ name ~ "\", \"" ~ rw ~ "\"], \n"; for (int op = 0; op < opcodes.length; ++op) { int opcode = opcodes[op]; modes ~= "[\"" ~ hexByte(opcode) ~ "\", \""; final switch ((opcode & 0b00011100) >> 2) { case 0: modes ~= "Immediate"; break; case 1: modes ~= "Zeropage()"; break; case 3: modes ~= "Absolute()"; break; case 5: modes ~= "Zeropage" ~ index ~ "()"; break; case 7: modes ~= "Absolute" ~ index ~ "(" ~ type ~ ")"; break; } modes ~= "\"]"; if (op != (opcodes.length - 1)) modes ~= ", "; modes ~= "\n"; } return modes ~ "]\n"; } static string Opcode(string[][] details, string action) { string methods; for (int op = 1; op < details.length; ++op) { methods ~= "override void opcode" ~ details[op][0] ~ "()\n{\n"; if (details[op][1] == "Immediate") { methods ~= "primaryAddress = programCounter++;\n" ~ action ~ "operand1 = readVal;\n"; } else { methods ~= "addr" ~ details[op][1] ~ ";\n" ~ action; } methods ~= "}\n"; } return methods; } static string Read(string action) { return UpdateNZ(action ~ " (readVal = readFinal(primaryAddress))"); } static string Decimal(string action) { string code = action ~ "(readVal = readFinal(primaryAddress));\n"; return "if (flag.decimal) dec_" ~ code ~ "else hex_" ~ code; } static string Compare(string action) { return UpdateNZ("compare(" ~ action ~ ", (readVal = readFinal(primaryAddress)))"); } static string Write(string action) { return "writeFinal(primaryAddress, " ~ action ~ ");\n"; } static string BitTest() { return "bitTest(readVal = readFinal(primaryAddress));\n"; } mixin(SimpleOpcode("CLC", "18", "flag.carry = false")); mixin(SimpleOpcode("SEC", "38", "flag.carry = true")); mixin(SimpleOpcode("CLI", "58", "flag.interrupt = false")); mixin(SimpleOpcode("SEI", "78", "flag.interrupt = true")); mixin(SimpleOpcode("CLV", "B8", "flag.overflow = false")); mixin(SimpleOpcode("CLD", "D8", "flag.decimal = false")); mixin(SimpleOpcode("SED", "F8", "flag.decimal = true")); mixin(SimpleOpcode("NOP", "EA", "")); mixin(SimpleOpcode("PHP", "08", "push(flag.toByte())")); mixin(SimpleOpcode("PLP", "28", "flag.fromByte(pull())")); mixin(SimpleOpcode("PHA", "48", "push(accumulator)")); mixin(SimpleOpcode("TXS", "9A", "stackPointer = xIndex")); mixin(RegisterOpcode("PLA", "68", "accumulator = pull()")); mixin(RegisterOpcode("TSX", "BA", "xIndex = stackPointer")); mixin(RegisterOpcode("TAX", "AA", "xIndex = accumulator")); mixin(RegisterOpcode("TXA", "8A", "accumulator = xIndex")); mixin(RegisterOpcode("DEX", "CA", "xIndex -= 1")); mixin(RegisterOpcode("INX", "E8", "xIndex += 1")); mixin(RegisterOpcode("TAY", "A8", "yIndex = accumulator")); mixin(RegisterOpcode("TYA", "98", "accumulator = yIndex")); mixin(RegisterOpcode("DEY", "88", "yIndex -= 1")); mixin(RegisterOpcode("INY", "C8", "yIndex += 1")); mixin(BranchOpcode("BPL", "10", "flag.negative_ < 0x80")); mixin(BranchOpcode("BMI", "30", "flag.negative_ > 0x7F")); mixin(BranchOpcode("BVC", "50", "!flag.overflow")); mixin(BranchOpcode("BVS", "70", "flag.overflow")); mixin(BranchOpcode("BCC", "90", "!flag.carry")); mixin(BranchOpcode("BCS", "B0", "flag.carry")); mixin(BranchOpcode("BNE", "D0", "flag.zero_ != 0")); mixin(BranchOpcode("BEQ", "F0", "flag.zero_ == 0")); mixin(RegisterOpcode("ASL A", "0A", "accumulator = shiftLeft(accumulator)")); mixin(RegisterOpcode("ROL A", "2A", "accumulator = rotateLeft(accumulator)")); mixin(RegisterOpcode("LSR A", "4A", "accumulator = shiftRight(accumulator)")); mixin(RegisterOpcode("ROR A", "6A", "accumulator = rotateRight(accumulator)")); mixin(Opcode(mixin(Type1Address( "LDA", "Read", [0xA1, 0xA5, 0xA9, 0xAD, 0xB1, 0xB5, 0xB9, 0xBD])), Read("accumulator ="))); mixin(Opcode(mixin(Type1Address( "ORA", "Read", [0x01, 0x05, 0x09, 0x0D, 0x11, 0x15, 0x19, 0x1D])), Read("accumulator |="))); mixin(Opcode(mixin(Type1Address( "AND", "Read", [0x21, 0x25, 0x29, 0x2D, 0x31, 0x35, 0x39, 0x3D])), Read("accumulator &="))); mixin(Opcode(mixin(Type1Address( "EOR", "Read", [0x41, 0x45, 0x49, 0x4D, 0x51, 0x55, 0x59, 0x5D])), Read("accumulator ^="))); mixin(Opcode(mixin(Type1Address( "ADC", "Read", [0x61, 0x65, 0x69, 0x6D, 0x71, 0x75, 0x79, 0x7D])), Decimal("addWithCarry"))); mixin(Opcode(mixin(Type1Address( "SBC", "Read", [0xE1, 0xE5, 0xE9, 0xED, 0xF1, 0xF5, 0xF9, 0xFD])), Decimal("subWithCarry"))); mixin(Opcode(mixin(Type1Address( "CMP", "Read", [0xC1, 0xC5, 0xC9, 0xCD, 0xD1, 0xD5, 0xD9, 0xDD])), Compare("accumulator"))); mixin(Opcode(mixin(Type1Address( "STA", "Write", [0x81, 0x85, 0x8D, 0x91, 0x95, 0x99, 0x9D])), Write("accumulator"))); mixin(Opcode(mixin(Type2Address( "LDX", "Read", [0xA2, 0xA6, 0xAE, 0xB6, 0xBE])), Read("xIndex ="))); mixin(Opcode(mixin(Type2Address( "LDY", "Read", [0xA0, 0xA4, 0xAC, 0xB4, 0xBC])), Read("yIndex ="))); mixin(Opcode(mixin(Type2Address( "CPX", "Read", [0xE0, 0xE4, 0xEC])), Compare("xIndex"))); mixin(Opcode(mixin(Type2Address( "CPY", "Read", [0xC0, 0xC4, 0xCC])), Compare("yIndex"))); mixin(Opcode(mixin(Type2Address( "STX", "Write", [0x86, 0x8E, 0x96])), Write("xIndex"))); mixin(Opcode(mixin(Type2Address( "STY", "Write", [0x84, 0x8C, 0x94])), Write("yIndex"))); mixin(Opcode(mixin(Type2Address( "BIT", "Read", [0x24, 0x2C])), BitTest())); /* BRK */ final override void opcode00() { peek(programCounter); ++programCounter; doInterrupt(IRQ_VECTOR, flag.toByte()); } /* JSR */ final override void opcode20() { ushort finalAddress = (operand1 = read(programCounter++)); peek(STACK_BASE + stackPointer); pushWord(programCounter); finalAddress |= ((operand2 = read(programCounter)) << 8); static if (cumulative) clock.tick(totalCycles); programCounter = finalAddress; } /* RTI */ final override void opcode40() { peek(programCounter); flag.fromByte(pull()); programCounter = readStack() | (readStack() << 8); static if (cumulative) clock.tick(totalCycles); } /* JMP $$$$ */ final override void opcode4C() { programCounter = readWordOperand(); static if (cumulative) clock.tick(totalCycles); } /* RTS */ final override void opcode60() { peek(programCounter); programCounter = pullWord(); peek(programCounter); static if (cumulative) clock.tick(totalCycles); ++programCounter; } }