# twoapple-reboot **An Apple II emulator for Linux, written in the D programming language** twoapple-reboot is a fork of [twoapple](https://code.google.com/p/twoapple) updated to work with the latest version of D on both 32- and 64-bit Linux. ### Building twoapple-reboot works with dmd 2.058; I haven't tried it with ldc/gdc. It depends on [gtkd](http://www.dsource.org/projects/gtkd) and [Derelict2](http://www.dsource.org/projects/derelict) Build by running `make` in the `src` directory; if the dependencies aren't installed to standard import/lib paths, you can do ``` make GTKD=/path/to/gtkd DERELICT=/path/to/Derelict2 ``` ### Use For now, see README.orig ### TODO + use new D2 features + better UI + cassette emulation + more peripherals