/+ + system/base.d + + Copyright: 2007 Gerald Stocker + + This file is part of twoapple-reboot. + + twoapple-reboot is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + twoapple-reboot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with twoapple-reboot; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA +/ module system.base; import timer; import memory; import d6502.base; private alias d6502.base.CpuBase!(Strict.no, Cumulative.no) CpuBase; import ui.sound; import ui.inputevents; import system.io; import system.video; import iomem; import video.base; import system.peripheral; class System { Timer timer; Timer.Cycle deviceCycle; AddressDecoder decoder; SoftSwitchPage switches; CpuBase cpu; IOMem ioMem; Peripherals peripherals; class Memory { PrimaryMem mainRam; Rom mainRom; VideoPages vidPages; this(ubyte[] romDump) { mainRam = new PrimaryMem(0x0000, 0xC000); mainRam.debugName = "RAM"; mainRom = new Rom(0xD000, 0x3000, romDump[($-12288)..$]); mainRom.debugName = "ROM"; vidPages.lores1 = new SliceMem(0x0400, 0x0400, mainRam); vidPages.lores2 = new SliceMem(0x0800, 0x0400, mainRam); vidPages.hires1 = new SliceMem(0x2000, 0x2000, mainRam); vidPages.hires2 = new SliceMem(0x4000, 0x2000, mainRam); } void reboot() { mainRam.reboot(); vidPages.reboot(); } } Video video_; Memory memory_; IO io_; abstract IO newIO(); abstract CpuBase newCpu(); abstract Video newVideo(ubyte[] vidRom); abstract IOMem newIOMem(); abstract Peripherals newPeripherals(); this(ubyte[] romDump) { initTimer(); initMemory(romDump); initCpu(); initIO(null); // XXX where is vidRom passed in? decoder.nullRead = &video_.scanner.floatingBus; peripherals = newPeripherals(); peripherals.install(cpu, decoder, memory_.mainRom); ioMem.initialize(decoder, switches, timer, peripherals); input.onReset = &reset; switches.setFloatingBus(&video_.scanner.floatingBus); } void reboot() { cpu.reboot(); deviceCycle.restart(); memory_.reboot(); ioMem.reboot(); io_.reboot(); peripherals.reboot(); video_.reboot(); } void initTimer() { // XXX constants? variables? timer = new Timer(10_205, 1_020_484); deviceCycle = timer.startCycle(timer.primaryCounter.startLength * 2); } void initMemory(ubyte[] romDump) { memory_ = new Memory(romDump); decoder = new AddressDecoder(); switches = new SoftSwitchPage(); decoder.installSwitches(switches); decoder.install(memory_.mainRam); decoder.install(memory_.mainRom); ioMem = newIOMem(); } void initCpu() { cpu = newCpu(); debug(disassemble) cpu.memoryName = &decoder.memoryReadName; cpu.tick = &timer.tick; timer.onPrimaryStop(&primaryStop); cpu.memoryRead = &decoder.read; cpu.memoryWrite = &decoder.write; } void initIO(ubyte[] vidRom) { io_ = newIO(); video_ = newVideo(vidRom); } bool primaryStop() { cpu.stop(); return true; } void reset() { peripherals.reset(); cpu.resetLow(); } uint checkpoint() { return timer.primaryCounter.currentLength; } uint sinceCheckpoint(uint cp) { uint currentLength = timer.primaryCounter.currentLength; return ((currentLength == timer.primaryCounter.startLength) ? cp : (cp - currentLength)); } void execute() { cpu.run(true); soundCard.process(); soundCard.start(); video_.signal.update(); deviceCycle.restart(); // XXX peripherals get notification } } class II : System { import d6502.nmosundoc : NmosUndoc; int revision; this(ubyte[] romDump) { // XXX FIXME XXX revision = int.max; super(romDump); } CpuBase newCpu() { return new NmosUndoc!(Strict.no, Cumulative.no)(); } IO newIO() { return new IO_II(switches, timer, deviceCycle); } Video newVideo(ubyte[] vidRom) { return new Video_II(switches, memory_.vidPages, timer, vidRom, &io_.kbd.peekLatch, decoder); } IOMem newIOMem() { return new IOMem(); } Peripherals newPeripherals() { return new Peripherals_II(); } } import ioummu; class IIe : System { import d6502.cmos : Cmos; AuxiliaryCard auxCard; MMU mmu; IOU iou; this(ubyte[] romDump) { // XXX if different or no aux card? //auxMemory = new Memory(); super(romDump); } void reboot() { super.reboot(); auxCard.reboot(); mmu.reboot(); } void reset() { auxCard.reset(); mmu.reset(); super.reset(); } CpuBase newCpu() { // XXX this is enhanced return new Cmos!(Strict.no, Cumulative.no)(); } IO newIO() { return new IO_IIe(switches, timer, deviceCycle); } Video newVideo(ubyte[] vidRom) { return new Video_IIe(switches, memory_.vidPages, timer, vidRom, &io_.kbd.peekLatch, auxCard.vidPages); } IOMem newIOMem() { return mmu.ioMem; } Peripherals newPeripherals() { return new Peripherals_IIe(); } void initMemory(ubyte[] romDump) { mmu = new MMU(); mmu.ioMem = new IOMem_IIe(); mmu.ioMem.setRom(romDump); super.initMemory(romDump); // XXX XXX XXX // allow for different card from config auxCard = new Extended80ColumnCard(); mmu.init(switches, auxCard, decoder, memory_.mainRam, memory_.mainRom); } void initIO(ubyte[] vidRom) { super.initIO(vidRom); iou = new IOU(io_, video_.signal); iou.initSwitches(switches); mmu.initIO(video_.scanner, &io_.kbd.peekLatch); } }