/+ + timer.d + + Copyright: 2007 Gerald Stocker + + This file is part of twoapple-reboot. + + twoapple-reboot is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + twoapple-reboot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with twoapple-reboot; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA +/ module timer; class Timer { class Cycle { int delta; uint rollOver; this(uint maxVal) { rollOver = maxVal; restart(); } void restart() { delta = 0 - currentCounter.elapsed(); } uint currentVal() { return (currentCounter.elapsed() + delta) % rollOver; } void update() { delta = currentVal(); } } class Counter { bool delegate() expiry; uint startLength, currentLength; int ticks; bool shouldContinue; this(uint start) { shouldContinue = true; startLength = currentLength = ticks = start; addCounter(this); } this(uint start, bool delegate() expiration) { this(start); initCounter(this); expiry = expiration; } final uint elapsed() { return currentLength - ticks; } final void tick() { --ticks; if (ticks == 0) { reset(); } } final void forceExpire() { ticks = 1; tick(); } final void discard() { expiry = &nullExpiry; forceExpire(); } private final void resume() { currentLength = ticks; } private final bool expire() { ticks = currentLength = startLength; return expiry(); } private bool nullExpiry() { return false; } } class DelayedCounter : Counter { uint realStart; bool delegate() realExpiry; this(uint start, bool delegate() expiration, uint delay) { realStart = start; realExpiry = expiration; super(delay, &becomeReal); } private bool becomeReal() { ticks = currentLength = startLength = realStart; expiry = realExpiry; bool retval = expiry(); initCounter(this); return retval; } } Cycle[] cycles; Counter[] counters; Counter primaryCounter, currentCounter; uint hertz; this(uint primaryStart, uint hz) { hertz = hz; cycles.length = 10; counters.length = 10; cycles.length = 0; counters.length = 0; currentCounter = primaryCounter = new Counter(primaryStart); } final void onPrimaryStop(bool delegate() expiration) { primaryCounter.expiry = expiration; } Cycle startCycle(uint maxVal) { cycles.length = cycles.length + 1; cycles[$-1] = new Cycle(maxVal); return cycles[$-1]; } void tick() { currentCounter.tick(); } private void deleteCounters() { int numCounters = cast(int)counters.length; int lastCounter; main: for (int counter = 0; counter < counters.length; ++counter) { lastCounter = counter; while (!counters[counter].shouldContinue) { numCounters--; if (++counter >= counters.length) break main; } currentCounter = counters[lastCounter] = counters[counter]; } if (numCounters < counters.length) { counters.length = numCounters; } } private void addCounter(Counter newCounter) { counters.length = counters.length + 1; counters[$-1] = newCounter; } private void initCounter(Counter newCounter) { if (newCounter.ticks < currentCounter.ticks) { reset(newCounter); } else { newCounter.ticks += currentCounter.elapsed(); } } private void reset(Counter newCounter = null) { // update cycle counts for (int cycle = 0; cycle < cycles.length; ++cycle) { cycles[cycle].update(); } // update counter counts for (int counter = 0; counter < counters.length; ++counter) { if (counters[counter] !is currentCounter && counters[counter] !is newCounter) counters[counter].ticks -= currentCounter.elapsed(); } // check for expired counters for (int counter = 0; counter < counters.length; ++counter) { if (counters[counter].ticks <= 0) counters[counter].shouldContinue = counters[counter].expire(); else counters[counter].resume(); } //delete counters that should be deleted deleteCounters(); // set current counter for (int counter = 0; counter < counters.length; ++counter) { if (counters[counter].ticks < currentCounter.ticks) currentCounter = counters[counter]; } } }