/+ + video/scanner.d + + Copyright: 2007 Gerald Stocker + + This file is part of twoapple-reboot. + + twoapple-reboot is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + twoapple-reboot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with twoapple-reboot; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA +/ module video.scanner; import video.base; import video.offsets; import memory; import timer; import device.base; class Scanner : ScannerBase { uint page; bool graphicsTime, textSwitch, mixedSwitch, hiresSwitch, oldTextSwitch; Mode mode; Timer.Cycle vidCycle; uint frameSkip, frameCount; DataMem[2][3] displayMem; DataMem[2][3] auxDisplayMem; SignalBase signal; ubyte delegate() kbdLatch; bool delegate() drawFrame; void init(Timer timer) { int frameLen = 262 * 65; // XXX PAL: 312 * 65 vidCycle = timer.startCycle(frameLen); graphicsTime = true; timer.new Counter(frameLen, &graphicsTimeOn); timer.new DelayedCounter(frameLen, &frameComplete, frameLen - 1); timer.new DelayedCounter(frameLen, &graphicsTimeOff, 160 * 65); timer.new DelayedCounter(frameLen, &graphicsTimeOn, 192 * 65); timer.new DelayedCounter(frameLen, &graphicsTimeOff, 224 * 65); } void forceFrame() { } void reboot() { page2SwitchOff(); hiresSwitchOff(); mixedSwitchOff(); textSwitchOn(); } void installMemory(DataMem loresPage1, DataMem loresPage2, DataMem hiresPage1, DataMem hiresPage2) { displayMem[Mode.TEXT][0] = loresPage1; displayMem[Mode.TEXT][1] = loresPage2; displayMem[Mode.LORES][0] = loresPage1; displayMem[Mode.LORES][1] = loresPage2; displayMem[Mode.HIRES][0] = hiresPage1; displayMem[Mode.HIRES][1] = hiresPage2; } void installAuxMemory(DataMem loresPage1, DataMem loresPage2, DataMem hiresPage1, DataMem hiresPage2) { auxDisplayMem[Mode.TEXT][0] = loresPage1; auxDisplayMem[Mode.TEXT][1] = loresPage2; auxDisplayMem[Mode.LORES][0] = loresPage1; auxDisplayMem[Mode.LORES][1] = loresPage2; auxDisplayMem[Mode.HIRES][0] = hiresPage1; auxDisplayMem[Mode.HIRES][1] = hiresPage2; } bool graphicsTimeOn() { changeMode({graphicsTime = true;}); return true; } bool graphicsTimeOff() { changeMode({graphicsTime = false;}); return true; } bool frameComplete() { signal.update(); if (shouldUpdate()) drawFrame(); frameCount = ((frameCount + 1) % (frameSkip + 1)); return true; } bool shouldUpdate() { return ((frameCount % (frameSkip + 1)) == 0); } void changeMode(void delegate() change) { oldTextSwitch = textSwitch; change(); Mode newMode = changedMode(); if (newMode != mode) { signal.update(); } mode = newMode; oldTextSwitch = textSwitch; } Mode changedMode() { if (textSwitch) return Mode.TEXT; if (mixedSwitch && !graphicsTime) return Mode.TEXT; if (hiresSwitch) return Mode.HIRES; else return Mode.LORES; } void textSwitchOff() { changeMode({textSwitch = false;}); } void textSwitchOn() { changeMode({textSwitch = true;}); } void mixedSwitchOff() { changeMode({mixedSwitch = false;}); } void mixedSwitchOn() { changeMode({mixedSwitch = true;}); } void hiresSwitchOff() { changeMode({hiresSwitch = false;}); } void hiresSwitchOn() { changeMode({hiresSwitch = true;}); } void page2SwitchOff() { if (page == 1) { signal.update(); page = 0; } } void page2SwitchOn() { if (page == 0) { signal.update(); page = 1; } } Mode getMode() { return mode; } bool checkColorBurst() { return !oldTextSwitch; /+ TODO: For "pretty" mixed mode, return (mode != Mode.TEXT) +/ } uint currentLine() { return vidCycle.currentVal() / 65; } uint currentCol() { return vidCycle.currentVal() % 65; } ubyte* getData(uint vidClock) { return displayMem[mode][page].data + scanOffset(vidClock, mode); } ubyte* getData(uint line, uint col) { return displayMem[mode][page].data + scanOffset(line, col, mode); } ubyte* getData80(uint vidClock) { return auxDisplayMem[mode][page].data + scanOffset(vidClock, mode); } ubyte* getData80(uint line, uint col) { return auxDisplayMem[mode][page].data + scanOffset(line, col, mode); } mixin(InitSwitches("", [ mixin(MakeSwitch([0xC050], "R0W", "textSwitchOff")), mixin(MakeSwitch([0xC051], "R0W", "textSwitchOn")), mixin(MakeSwitch([0xC052], "R0W", "mixedSwitchOff")), mixin(MakeSwitch([0xC053], "R0W", "mixedSwitchOn")) ])); } class Scanner_II : Scanner { import memory: AddressDecoder; AddressDecoder decoder; ubyte floatingBus(ushort addr) { uint clock = vidCycle.currentVal(); if (((clock % 65) < 25) && (mode != Mode.HIRES)) return decoder.read( cast(ushort)(0x1400 + (page * 0x400) + scanOffset(clock, mode))); else return displayMem[mode][page].data[scanOffset(clock, mode)]; } mixin(InitSwitches("super", [ mixin(MakeSwitch([0xC054], "R0W", "page2SwitchOff")), mixin(MakeSwitch([0xC055], "R0W", "page2SwitchOn")), mixin(MakeSwitch([0xC056], "R0W", "hiresSwitchOff")), mixin(MakeSwitch([0xC057], "R0W", "hiresSwitchOn")) ])); } class Scanner_IIe : Scanner { ubyte floatingBus(ushort addr) { return displayMem[mode][page].data[scanOffset(vidCycle.currentVal(), mode)]; // equivalent to getData()[0]; } ubyte readText() { return kbdLatch() | (textSwitch ? 0x80 : 0x00); } ubyte readMixed() { return kbdLatch() | (mixedSwitch ? 0x80 : 0x00); } bool readVBL() { return (vidCycle.currentVal() >= (192 * 65)); } ubyte readLowVBL() { return kbdLatch() | ((!readVBL()) ? 0x80 : 0x00); } mixin(InitSwitches("super", [ mixin(MakeSwitch([0xC019], "R", "readLowVBL")), mixin(MakeSwitch([0xC01A], "R", "readText")), mixin(MakeSwitch([0xC01B], "R", "readMixed")) ])); }