// // main.cpp // xHDServer // // Created by John Brooks on 7/1/16. // Copyright (c) 2016 JB. // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define PORT_STR "usbserial" #if 0 //TODO: Switch xHD client to Z8530 built-in CRC calc /* * http://wiki.synchro.net/ref:xmodem * * This function calculates the CRC used by the XMODEM/CRC Protocol * The first argument is a pointer to the message block. * The second argument is the number of bytes in the message block. * The function returns an integer which contains the CRC. * The low order 16 bits are the coefficients of the CRC. */ static unsigned crc_xmodem(char *ptr, unsigned count) { int crc, i; crc = 0; while (count-- > 0) { crc = crc ^ (unsigned)*ptr++ << 8; for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) if (crc & 0x8000) crc = crc << 1 ^ 0x1021; else crc = crc << 1; } return (crc & 0xFFFF); } #endif int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // Process the command line arguments bool bVerbose = false; bool bLog = true; char *apFilename[2] = {0, 0}; for (int iArg = 1; iArg < argc; iArg++) { if (argv[iArg][0] == '-') { for (int iChar = 1; argv[iArg][iChar]; iChar++) { switch (argv[iArg][iChar]) { case 'v': { bVerbose = true; printf("Verbose: On\n"); break; } case 'n': { bLog = false; if (bVerbose) printf("Logging: Off\n"); break; } } } continue; } for (int iDrive = 0; iDrive < 2; iDrive++) { if (apFilename[iDrive] == 0) { apFilename[iDrive] = argv[iArg]; if (bVerbose) printf("Drive %d: %s\n", iDrive + 1, apFilename[iDrive]); break; } } } if (apFilename[0] == 0) { printf("Usage: %s [-nv] img1 [img2]\n" "\t-n\tno logging\n" "\t-v\tbe verbose\n" "\timg1\tdrive 1 disk image filename\n" "\timg2\tdrive 2 disk image filename\n", argv[0]); return EXIT_FAILURE; } // Memory-map the disk image file(s) char *apFileData[2] = {0, 0}; for (int iDrive = 0; iDrive < 2; iDrive++) { if (apFilename[iDrive] == 0) continue; int fd = open(apFilename[iDrive], O_RDWR, S_IWRITE | S_IREAD); if (fd == -1) { printf("Err: %s - %s\n", apFilename[iDrive], strerror(errno)); return EXIT_FAILURE; } struct stat stats; if (fstat(fd, &stats) == -1) { printf("Err: %s - %s\n", apFilename[iDrive], strerror(errno)); return EXIT_FAILURE; } unsigned int uFilesize = (unsigned int)stats.st_size; apFileData[iDrive] = (char*)mmap(0, uFilesize, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0); if (apFileData[iDrive] == MAP_FAILED) { printf("Err: %s - %s\n", apFilename[iDrive], strerror(errno)); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } // Create a configuration for the serial ports enum sp_return eResult; struct sp_port_config *pSerialConfig = 0; eResult = sp_new_config(&pSerialConfig); assert(eResult == SP_OK); eResult = sp_set_config_baudrate(pSerialConfig, 230400); assert(eResult == SP_OK); eResult = sp_set_config_bits(pSerialConfig, 8); assert(eResult == SP_OK); eResult = sp_set_config_parity(pSerialConfig, SP_PARITY_NONE); assert(eResult == SP_OK); eResult = sp_set_config_stopbits(pSerialConfig, 1); assert(eResult == SP_OK); eResult = sp_set_config_flowcontrol(pSerialConfig, SP_FLOWCONTROL_RTSCTS); assert(eResult == SP_OK); // Find and configure valid serial ports const int MAX_PORTS = 2; int iValidPortCount = 0; struct sp_port *apValidPorts[MAX_PORTS]; { struct sp_port **ports; eResult = sp_list_ports(&ports); assert(eResult == SP_OK); for (int i = 0; ports[i]; i++) { struct sp_port *pPort = ports[i]; if (strstr(sp_get_port_name(pPort), PORT_STR)) { if (bVerbose) { printf("Valid port %d: %s\n", iValidPortCount, sp_get_port_name(pPort)); printf("\tDescr: %s\n", sp_get_port_description(pPort)); int iUsbBus = -1; int iUsbAddress = -1; eResult = sp_get_port_usb_bus_address(pPort, &iUsbBus, &iUsbAddress); assert(eResult == SP_OK); printf("\tUSB: Bus=%d, Address=%d\n", iUsbBus, iUsbAddress); int iUsbVid = -1; int iUsbPid = -1; eResult = sp_get_port_usb_vid_pid(pPort, &iUsbVid, &iUsbPid); assert(eResult == SP_OK); printf("\tUSB: VendorID=$%04X, ProductID=$%04X\n", iUsbVid, iUsbPid); printf("\tManufacturer: %s\n", sp_get_port_usb_manufacturer(pPort)); printf("\tProduct: %s\n", sp_get_port_usb_product(pPort)); printf("\tSerial #: %s\n", sp_get_port_usb_serial(pPort)); } // Retain the port and configure it's settings if (iValidPortCount < MAX_PORTS) { // Copy the valid port since the port list will be freed eResult = sp_copy_port(pPort, &apValidPorts[iValidPortCount++]); assert(eResult == SP_OK); // Use the copied port pPort = apValidPorts[iValidPortCount-1]; // See if the port can be opened and configured enum sp_return eResultOpen; enum sp_return eResultConfig; eResultOpen = sp_open(pPort, SP_MODE_READ_WRITE); eResultConfig = sp_set_config(pPort, pSerialConfig); if (eResultOpen != SP_OK || eResultConfig != SP_OK) { // Port is not valid iValidPortCount--; sp_close(pPort); sp_free_port(pPort); if (bVerbose) printf("\n\t--- Could not open this port ---\n\n"); } } } else // ! usbserial { if (bVerbose) printf("\tskip\t'%s'\n", sp_get_port_name(pPort)); } } sp_free_port_list(ports); } if (iValidPortCount == 0) { printf("Err: No valid port\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } // TODO: Add server shutdown while (1) { unsigned char auReadBuf[256]; for (int iIndex = 0; iIndex < iValidPortCount; iIndex++) { struct sp_port *pPort = apValidPorts[iIndex]; int iTxLen = 0; int iBytesRead; // Look for a command byte iBytesRead = sp_blocking_read(pPort, auReadBuf, 1, 1/*ms timeout*/); if (iBytesRead > 0) { if (bVerbose) printf("P%d) Cmd %02X\n", iIndex, auReadBuf[0]); // Now read 16-bit block number and byte checksum iBytesRead = 1 + sp_blocking_read(pPort, auReadBuf + 1, 3, 1/*ms timeout*/); if (iBytesRead != 4) continue; if (bVerbose) for (int i = 0; i < iBytesRead; i++) printf("\t%02X '%c'\n", auReadBuf[i], auReadBuf[i] & 0x7f); int iChksum = auReadBuf[0] ^ auReadBuf[1] ^ auReadBuf[2]; if (iChksum != auReadBuf[3]) { printf ("--- Chksum failed --- read=%02X,%02X,%02X,%02X, calc=%02X\n", auReadBuf[0], auReadBuf[1], auReadBuf[2], auReadBuf[3], iChksum); continue; } if (bVerbose) printf("\tChksum ok: %02X\n", auReadBuf[4]); // If 4x bytes were read and the checksum passed, process request int iBlock = auReadBuf[1] | (auReadBuf[2] << 8); int iDrive = (auReadBuf[0] >> 2) & 1; char *pDriveData = apFileData[iDrive]; if (pDriveData == 0) { if (bLog) { printf("%d\tN\n", iDrive); fflush(stdout); } // TODO: Make this an I/O error on the client side continue; } pDriveData += iBlock << 9; // Read block if (auReadBuf[0] & 1) { // Echo command packet to confirm the request was received iTxLen = sp_blocking_write(pPort, auReadBuf, 4, 1/*ms timeout*/); if (iTxLen != 4) continue; // Send the requsted block iTxLen = sp_blocking_write(pPort, pDriveData, 512, 5/*ms timeout*/); if (iTxLen < 512) { printf("Err: WriteLen=%d\n",iTxLen); continue; } // Calc data checksum iChksum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 512; i++) iChksum ^= pDriveData[i]; // Send checksum iTxLen = sp_blocking_write(pPort, &iChksum, 1, 30/*ms timeout*/); if (iTxLen != 1) continue; if (bLog) { printf("%d\tR %5d\r", iDrive, iBlock); fflush(stdout); } } else // Write block { static unsigned char auBlockBuf[512 + 1]; int iReadLen = sp_blocking_read(pPort, auBlockBuf, 512 + 1, 30/*ms timeout*/); assert(iReadLen == 512 + 1); iChksum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 512; i++) iChksum ^= auBlockBuf[i]; auReadBuf[3] = iChksum; iTxLen = sp_blocking_write(pPort, auReadBuf, 4, 1/*ms timeout*/); if (0) printf ("Wrt Hdr=%02X,%02X,%02X,%02X, calc=%02X, rcv=%02x\n", auReadBuf[0], auReadBuf[1], auReadBuf[2], auReadBuf[3], iChksum, auBlockBuf[512]); // Block data checksum matches, write it to disk if (iChksum == auBlockBuf[512]) memcpy(pDriveData, auBlockBuf, 512); if (bLog) { printf("%d\t\t\t\tW %5d\r", iDrive, iBlock); fflush(stdout); } } } } } // Close and free valid ports sp_free_config (pSerialConfig); for (int i = 0; i < iValidPortCount; i++) { struct sp_port *pPort = apValidPorts[i]; sp_close(pPort); sp_free_port(pPort); } }