opcodes = array( 0x00 => array( 'BRK', 'StackInt' ), 0x01 => array( 'ORA', 'DPIndexXInd' ), 0x02 => array( 'COP', 'StackInt' ), 0x03 => array( 'ORA', 'StackRel' ), 0x04 => array( 'TSB', 'DP' ), 0x05 => array( 'ORA', 'DP' ), 0x06 => array( 'ASL', 'DP' ), 0x07 => array( 'ORA', 'DPIndLong' ), 0x08 => array( 'PHP', 'StackPush' ), 0x09 => array( 'ORA', 'Imm' ), 0x0A => array( 'ASL', 'Acc' ), 0x0B => array( 'PHD', 'StackPush' ), 0x0C => array( 'TSB', 'Abs' ), 0x0D => array( 'ORA', 'Abs' ), 0x0E => array( 'ASL', 'Abs' ), 0x0F => array( 'ORA', 'AbsLong' ), 0x10 => array( 'BPL', 'PCRel' ), 0x11 => array( 'ORA', 'DPIndIndexY' ), 0x12 => array( 'ORA', 'DPInd' ), 0x13 => array( 'ORA', 'StackRelIndexY' ), 0x14 => array( 'TRB', 'DP' ), 0x15 => array( 'ORA', 'DPIndexX' ), 0x16 => array( 'ASL', 'DPIndexX' ), 0x17 => array( 'ORA', 'DPIndexYLong' ), 0x18 => array( 'CLC', 'Implied' ), 0x19 => array( 'ORA', 'AbsIndexY' ), 0x1A => array( 'INC', 'Acc' ), 0x1B => array( 'TCS', 'Implied' ), 0x1C => array( 'TRB', 'Abs' ), 0x1D => array( 'ORA', 'AbsIndexX' ), 0x1E => array( 'ASL', 'AbsIndexX' ), 0x1F => array( 'ORA', 'AbsIndexXLong' ), 0x20 => array( 'JSR', 'Abs' ), 0x21 => array( 'AND', 'DPIndexXind' ), 0x22 => array( 'JSL', 'AbsLong' ), 0x23 => array( 'AND', 'StackRel' ), 0x24 => array( 'BIT', 'DP' ), 0x25 => array( 'AND', 'DP' ), 0x26 => array( 'ROL', 'DP' ), 0x27 => array( 'AND', 'DPIndLong' ), 0x28 => array( 'PLP', 'StackPull' ), 0x29 => array( 'AND', 'Imm' ), 0x2A => array( 'ROL', 'Acc' ), 0x2B => array( 'PLD', 'StackPull' ), 0x2C => array( 'BIT', 'Abs' ), 0x2D => array( 'AND', 'Abs' ), 0x2E => array( 'ROL', 'Abs' ), 0x2F => array( 'AND', 'AbsLong' ), 0x30 => array( 'BMI', 'PCRel' ), 0x31 => array( 'AND', 'DPIndIndexY' ), 0x32 => array( 'AND', 'DPInd' ), 0x33 => array( 'AND', 'StackRelIndexY' ), 0x34 => array( 'BIT', 'DPIndexX' ), 0x35 => array( 'AND', 'DPIndexX' ), 0x36 => array( 'ROL', 'DPIndexX' ), 0x37 => array( 'AND', 'DPIndIndexYLong' ), 0x38 => array( 'SEC', 'Implied' ), 0x39 => array( 'AND', 'AbsIndexY' ), 0x3A => array( 'DEC', 'Acc' ), 0x3B => array( 'TSC', 'Implied' ), 0x3C => array( 'BIT', 'AbsIndexX' ), 0x3D => array( 'AND', 'AbsIndexX' ), 0x3E => array( 'ROL', 'AbsIndexX' ), 0x3F => array( 'AND', 'AbsIndexXLong' ), 0x40 => array( 'RTI', 'StackRTI' ), 0x41 => array( 'EOR', 'DPIndexXind' ), 0x42 => array( 'WDM', 'WDM' ), 0x43 => array( 'EOR', 'StackRel' ), 0x44 => array( 'MVP', 'BlockMove' ), 0x45 => array( 'EOR', 'DP' ), 0x46 => array( 'LSR', 'DP' ), 0x47 => array( 'EOR', 'DPIndLong' ), 0x48 => array( 'PHA', 'StackPush' ), 0x49 => array( 'EOR', 'Imm' ), 0x4A => array( 'LSR', 'Acc' ), 0x4B => array( 'PHK', 'StackPush' ), 0x4C => array( 'JMP', 'Abs' ), 0x4D => array( 'EOR', 'Abs' ), 0x4E => array( 'LSR', 'Abs' ), 0x4F => array( 'EOR', 'AbsLong' ), 0x50 => array( 'BVC', 'PCRel' ), 0x51 => array( 'EOR', 'DPIndIndexY' ), 0x52 => array( 'EOR', 'DPInd' ), 0x53 => array( 'EOR', 'StackRelIndexY' ), 0x54 => array( 'MVN', 'BlockMove' ), 0x55 => array( 'EOR', 'DPIndexX' ), 0x56 => array( 'LSR', 'DPIndexX' ), 0x57 => array( 'EOR', 'DPIndIndexYLong' ), 0x58 => array( 'CLI', 'Implied' ), 0x59 => array( 'EOR', 'AbsIndexY' ), 0x5A => array( 'PHY', 'StackPush' ), 0x5B => array( 'TCD', 'Implied' ), 0x5C => array( 'JMP', 'AbsLong' ), 0x5D => array( 'EOR', 'AbsIndexX' ), 0x5E => array( 'LSR', 'AbsIndexX' ), 0x5F => array( 'EOR', 'AbsIndexXLong' ), 0x60 => array( 'RTS', 'StackRTS' ), 0x61 => array( 'ADC', 'DPIndexXInd' ), 0x62 => array( 'PER', 'StackPCRel' ), 0x63 => array( 'ADC', 'StackRel' ), 0x64 => array( 'STZ', 'DP' ), 0x65 => array( 'ADC', 'DP' ), 0x66 => array( 'ROR', 'DP' ), 0x67 => array( 'ADC', 'DPIndLong' ), 0x68 => array( 'PLA', 'StackPull' ), 0x69 => array( 'ADC', 'Imm' ), 0x6A => array( 'ROR', 'Acc' ), 0x6B => array( 'RTL', 'StackRTL' ), 0x6C => array( 'JMP', 'AbsInd' ), 0x6D => array( 'ADC', 'Abs' ), 0x6E => array( 'ROR', 'Abs' ), 0x6F => array( 'ADC', 'AbsLong' ), 0x70 => array( 'BVS', 'PCRel' ), 0x71 => array( 'ADC', 'DPIndIndexY' ), 0x72 => array( 'ADC', 'DPInd' ), 0x73 => array( 'ADC', 'StackRelIndexY' ), 0x74 => array( 'STZ', 'DPIndexX' ), 0x75 => array( 'ADC', 'DPIndexX' ), 0x76 => array( 'ROR', 'DPIndexX' ), 0x77 => array( 'ADC', 'DPIndIndexYLong' ), 0x78 => array( 'SEI', 'Implied' ), 0x79 => array( 'ADC', 'AbsIndexY' ), 0x7A => array( 'PLY', 'StackPull' ), 0x7B => array( 'TDC', 'Implied' ), 0x7C => array( 'JMP', 'AbsIndexXInd' ), 0x7D => array( 'ADC', 'AbsIndexX' ), 0x7E => array( 'ROR', 'AbsIndexX' ), 0x7F => array( 'ADC', 'AbsIndexXLong' ), 0x80 => array( 'BRA', 'PCRel' ), 0x81 => array( 'STA', 'DPIndexXind' ), 0x82 => array( 'BRL', 'PCRelLong' ), 0x83 => array( 'STA', 'StackRel' ), 0x84 => array( 'STY', 'DP' ), 0x85 => array( 'STA', 'DP' ), 0x86 => array( 'STX', 'DP' ), 0x87 => array( 'STA', 'DPIndLong' ), 0x88 => array( 'DEY', 'Implied' ), 0x89 => array( 'BIT', 'Imm' ), 0x8A => array( 'TXA', 'Implied' ), 0x8B => array( 'PHB', 'StackPush' ), 0x8C => array( 'STY', 'Abs' ), 0x8D => array( 'STA', 'Abs' ), 0x8E => array( 'STX', 'Abs' ), 0x8F => array( 'STA', 'AbsLong' ), 0x90 => array( 'BCC', 'PCRel' ), 0x91 => array( 'STA', 'DPIndIndexY' ), 0x92 => array( 'STA', 'DPInd' ), 0x93 => array( 'STA', 'StackRelIndexY' ), 0x94 => array( 'STY', 'DPIndexX' ), 0x95 => array( 'STA', 'DPIndexX' ), 0x96 => array( 'STX', 'DPIndexY' ), 0x97 => array( 'STA', 'DPIndIndexYLong' ), 0x98 => array( 'TYA', 'Implied' ), 0x99 => array( 'STA', 'AbsIndexY' ), 0x9A => array( 'TXS', 'Implied' ), 0x9B => array( 'TXY', 'Implied' ), 0x9C => array( 'STZ', 'Abs' ), 0x9D => array( 'STA', 'AbsIndexX' ), 0x9E => array( 'STZ', 'AbsIndexX' ), 0x9F => array( 'STA', 'AbsIndexXLong' ), 0xA0 => array( 'LDY', 'Imm' ), 0xA1 => array( 'LDA', 'DPIndexXInd' ), 0xA2 => array( 'LDX', 'Imm' ), 0xA3 => array( 'LDA', 'StackRel' ), 0xA4 => array( 'LDY', 'DP' ), 0xA5 => array( 'LDA', 'DP' ), 0xA6 => array( 'LDX', 'DP' ), 0xA7 => array( 'LDA', 'DPIndLong' ), 0xA8 => array( 'TAY', 'Implied' ), 0xA9 => array( 'LDA', 'Imm' ), 0xAA => array( 'TAX', 'Implied' ), 0xAB => array( 'PLB', 'StackPull' ), 0xAC => array( 'LDY', 'Abs' ), 0xAD => array( 'LDA', 'Abs' ), 0xAE => array( 'LDX', 'Abs' ), 0xAF => array( 'LDA', 'AbsLong' ), 0xB0 => array( 'BCS', 'PCRel' ), 0xB1 => array( 'LDA', 'DPIndIndexY' ), 0xB2 => array( 'LDA', 'DPInd' ), 0xB3 => array( 'LDA', 'StackRelIndexY' ), 0xB4 => array( 'LDY', 'DPIndexX' ), 0xB5 => array( 'LDA', 'DPIndexX' ), 0xB6 => array( 'LDX', 'DPIndexY' ), 0xB7 => array( 'LDA', 'DPIndIndexYLong' ), 0xB8 => array( 'CLV', 'Implied' ), 0xB9 => array( 'LDA', 'AbsIndexY' ), 0xBA => array( 'TSX', 'Implied' ), 0xBB => array( 'TYX', 'Implied' ), 0xBC => array( 'LDY', 'AbsIndexX' ), 0xBD => array( 'LDA', 'AbsIndexX' ), 0xBE => array( 'LDX', 'AbsIndexY' ), 0xBF => array( 'LDA', 'AbsIndexXLong' ), 0xC0 => array( 'CPY', 'Imm' ), 0xC1 => array( 'CMP', 'DPIndexXInd' ), 0xC2 => array( 'REP', 'Imm' ), 0xC3 => array( 'CMP', 'StackRel' ), 0xC4 => array( 'CPY', 'DP' ), 0xC5 => array( 'CMP', 'DP' ), 0xC6 => array( 'DEC', 'DP' ), 0xC7 => array( 'CMP', 'DPIndLong' ), 0xC8 => array( 'INY', 'Implied' ), 0xC9 => array( 'CMP', 'Imm' ), 0xCA => array( 'DEX', 'Implied' ), 0xCB => array( 'WAI', 'Implied' ), 0xCC => array( 'CPY', 'Abs' ), 0xCD => array( 'CMP', 'Abs' ), 0xCE => array( 'DEC', 'Abs' ), 0xCF => array( 'CMP', 'AbsLong' ), 0xD0 => array( 'BNE', 'PCRel' ), 0xD1 => array( 'CMP', 'DPIndIndexY' ), 0xD2 => array( 'CMP', 'DPInd' ), 0xD3 => array( 'CMP', 'StackRelIndexY' ), 0xD4 => array( 'PEI', 'StackDPInd' ), 0xD5 => array( 'CMP', 'DPIndexX' ), 0xD6 => array( 'DEC', 'DPIndexX' ), 0xD7 => array( 'CMP', 'DPIndIndexYLong' ), 0xD8 => array( 'CLD', 'Implied' ), 0xD9 => array( 'CMP', 'AbsIndexY' ), 0xDA => array( 'PHX', 'StackPush' ), 0xDB => array( 'STP', 'Implied' ), 0xDC => array( 'JML', 'AbsIndLong' ), 0xDD => array( 'CMP', 'AbsIndexX' ), 0xDE => array( 'DEC', 'AbsIndexX' ), 0xDF => array( 'CMP', 'AbsIndexXLong' ), 0xE0 => array( 'CPX', 'Imm' ), 0xE1 => array( 'SBC', 'DPIndexXInd' ), 0xE2 => array( 'SEP', 'Imm' ), 0xE3 => array( 'SBC', 'StackRel' ), 0xE4 => array( 'CPX', 'DP' ), 0xE5 => array( 'SBC', 'DP' ), 0xE6 => array( 'INC', 'DP' ), 0xE7 => array( 'SBC', 'DPIndLong' ), 0xE8 => array( 'INX', 'Implied' ), 0xE9 => array( 'SBC', 'Imm' ), 0xEA => array( 'NOP', 'Implied' ), 0xEB => array( 'XBA', 'Implied' ), 0xEC => array( 'CPX', 'Abs' ), 0xED => array( 'SBC', 'Abs' ), 0xEE => array( 'INC', 'Abs' ), 0xEF => array( 'SBC', 'AbsLong' ), 0xF0 => array( 'BEQ', 'PCRel' ), 0xF1 => array( 'SBC', 'DPIndIndexY' ), 0xF2 => array( 'SBC', 'DPInd' ), 0xF3 => array( 'SBC', 'StackRelIndexY' ), 0xF4 => array( 'PEA', 'StackAbs' ), 0xF5 => array( 'SBC', 'DPIndexX' ), 0xF6 => array( 'INC', 'DPIndexX' ), 0xF7 => array( 'SBC', 'DPIndIndexYLong' ), 0xF8 => array( 'SED', 'Implied' ), 0xF9 => array( 'SBC', 'AbsIndexY' ), 0xFA => array( 'PLX', 'StackPull' ), 0xFB => array( 'XCE', 'Implied' ), 0xFC => array( 'JSR', 'AbsIndexXInd' ), 0xFD => array( 'SBC', 'AbsIndexX' ), 0xFE => array( 'INC', 'AbsIndexX' ), 0xFF => array( 'SBC', 'AbsIndexXLong' ), ); } /** * rel_offset( $pc, $offset ) - compute absolute offset vs program counter for a branch offset * * @param $pc int, $offset int */ private function rel_offset( $pc, $offset, $offset2 ) { if( $offset > 127 ) { $result = $pc - (256-$offset); } else { $result = $pc + $offset; } $result += $offset2+1; return $result; } /** * rel_long_offset( $pc, $offset ) - compute absolute offset vs program counter for a branch offset * * @param $pc int, $offset int */ private function rel_long_offset( $pc, $offset, $offset2 ) { if( $offset > 32767 ) { $result = $pc - (65536-$offset); } else { $result = $pc + $offset; } $result += $offset2+1; return $result; } /** * print_instruction( $opcode_txt, $opcode, $mode, $arg_bytes, $pc ) - Output text-friendly disassembled output for one instruction * * @param $opcode_txt str, $opcode int, $mode str, $arg_bytes str, $pc int */ public function print_instruction( $opcode_txt, $opcode, $mode, $arg_bytes, $pc ) { // first print the program counter and hex bytes switch( strlen( $arg_bytes )) { case 0: $output = sprintf( '%06X- %02X ', $pc, $opcode ); break; case 1: $output = sprintf( '%06X- %02X %02X ', $pc, $opcode, ord($arg_bytes[0]) ); break; case 2: $output = sprintf( '%06X- %02X %02X %02X ', $pc, $opcode, ord($arg_bytes[0]), ord($arg_bytes[1]) ); break; case 3: $output = sprintf( '%06X- %02X %02X %02X %02X ', $pc, $opcode, ord($arg_bytes[0]), ord($arg_bytes[1]), ord($arg_bytes[2]) ); break; } // now the opcode $output .= $opcode_txt; // now the args depending on mode switch( $mode ) { case 'Implied': case 'StackPull': case 'StackPush': case 'StackRTI': case 'StackRTS': case 'Acc': break; case 'DP': $output .= sprintf( ' %02X', ord($arg_bytes[0] )); break; case 'DPIndexX': $output .= sprintf( ' %02X,X', ord($arg_bytes[0] )); break; case 'DPIndexY': $output .= sprintf( ' %02X,Y', ord($arg_bytes[0] )); break; case 'DPIndexXInd': $output .= sprintf( ' (%02X,X)', ord($arg_bytes[0] )); break; case 'DPInd': $output .= sprintf( ' (%02X)', ord($arg_bytes[0] )); break; case 'DPIndIndexY': $output .= sprintf( ' (%02X),Y', ord($arg_bytes[0] )); break; case 'Imm': if( strlen( $arg_bytes ) == 2 ) { $output .= sprintf( ' #%02X%02X', ord($arg_bytes[1]), ord($arg_bytes[0])); } else { $output .= sprintf( ' #%02X', ord($arg_bytes[0] )); } break; case 'PCRel': if( ord($arg_bytes[0]) > 127) { $output .= sprintf( ' %04X {-%02X}', $this->rel_offset( $pc, ord($arg_bytes[0]),strlen($arg_bytes)), 256-ord($arg_bytes[0])); } else { $output .= sprintf( ' %04X {+%02X}', $this->rel_offset( $pc, ord($arg_bytes[0]),strlen($arg_bytes)), ord($arg_bytes[0])); } break; case 'Abs': $output .= sprintf( ' %02X%02X', ord($arg_bytes[1]), ord($arg_bytes[0])); break; case 'AbsIndexX': $output .= sprintf( ' %02X%02X,X', ord($arg_bytes[1]), ord($arg_bytes[0])); break; case 'AbsIndexY': $output .= sprintf( ' %02X%02X,Y', ord($arg_bytes[1]), ord($arg_bytes[0])); break; case 'AbsIndexXInd': $output .= sprintf( ' (%02X%02X,X)', ord($arg_bytes[1]), ord($arg_bytes[0])); break; case 'AbsInd': $output .= sprintf( ' (%02X%02X)', ord($arg_bytes[1]), ord($arg_bytes[0])); break; case 'WDM': case 'StackInt': if( strlen( $arg_bytes ) > 0 ) { $output .= sprintf( ' %02X', ord($arg_bytes[0] )); } break; case 'AbsIndLong': $output .= sprintf( ' (%02X%02X)', ord($arg_bytes[1]), ord($arg_bytes[0])); break; case 'AbsLong': $output .= sprintf( ' %02X%02X%02X', ord($arg_bytes[2]), ord($arg_bytes[1]), ord($arg_bytes[0])); break; case 'AbsIndexXLong': $output .= sprintf( ' %02X%02X%02X,X', ord($arg_bytes[2]), ord($arg_bytes[1]), ord($arg_bytes[0])); break; case 'BlockMove': $output .= sprintf( ' %02X,%02X', ord($arg_bytes[1]), ord($arg_bytes[0])); break; case 'DPIndLong': $output .= sprintf( ' [%02X]', ord($arg_bytes[0] )); break; case 'DPIndIndexYLong': $output .= sprintf( ' [%02X],Y', ord($arg_bytes[0] )); break; case 'StackPCRel': case 'PCRelLong': $offset = (ord($arg_bytes[1])*256)+ord($arg_bytes[0]); if( $offset > 32767 ) { $output .= sprintf( ' %04X {-%02X}', $this->rel_long_offset( $pc, $offset, strlen($arg_bytes)), 65536-$offset); } else { $output .= sprintf( ' %04X {+%02X}', $this->rel_long_offset( $pc, $offset, strlen($arg_bytes)), $offset); } break; case 'StackAbs': $output .= sprintf( ' %02X%02X', ord($arg_bytes[1]), ord($arg_bytes[0])); break; case 'StackDPInd': $output .= sprintf( ' %02X', ord($arg_bytes[0])); break; case 'StackRel': $output .= sprintf( ' %02X,S', ord($arg_bytes[0])); break; case 'StackRelIndexY': $output .= sprintf( ' (%02X,S),Y', ord($arg_bytes[0])); break; } return $output; } /** * disassemble( $m_flag, $x_flag, $e_flag, $origin, $data, $personality ) - Disassemble some data * * @param $m_flag bool, $x_flag bool, $e_flag bool, $origin int, $data str, $personality obj * @return mixed */ public function disassemble( $m_flag, $x_flag, $e_flag, $origin, $data, $personality ) { $pc = $origin; $data_index = 0; $last_output = ''; echo " ORG ".sprintf('%06X',$origin)."\n"; if( $m_flag > 0) { $print_m = '1'; } else { $print_m = '0'; } if( $x_flag > 0 ) { $print_x = '1'; } else { $print_x = '0'; } echo " MX %{$print_m}{$print_x}\n\n"; while( $data_index < strlen( $data )) { $opcode = $data[$data_index]; $opcode_txt = $this->opcodes[ord($opcode)][0]; $mode = $this->opcodes[ord($opcode)][1]; // get opcode width $width = 0; switch( $mode ) { case 'Acc': case 'Implied': case 'StackPull': case 'StackPush': case 'StackRTI': case 'StackRTL': case 'StackRTS': $width = 1; break; case 'DP': case 'DPIndexX': case 'DPIndexY': case 'DPIndexXInd': case 'DPInd': case 'DPIndLong': case 'DPIndIndexY': case 'DPIndIndexYLong': case 'PCRel': case 'StackRel': case 'StackRelIndexY': case 'StackDPInd': $width = 2; break; case 'Abs': case 'AbsIndexX': case 'AbsIndexY': case 'AbsIndexXInd': case 'AbsInd': case 'AbsIndLong': case 'BlockMove': case 'PCRelLong': case 'StackAbs': case 'StackPCRel': $width = 3; break; case 'AbsLong': case 'AbsIndexXLong': $width = 4; break; case 'StackInt': if( $e_flag ) { $width = 1; } else { $width = 2; } break; case 'Imm': $width = 2; if( $e_flag == 0 ) { if( in_array( $opcode_txt, array( 'CPX', 'CPY', 'LDX', 'LDY' ))) { if( $x_flag == 0 ) { $width = 3; } } elseif( in_array( $opcode_txt, array( 'ADC', 'AND', 'BIT', 'CMP', 'EOR', 'LDA', 'ORA', 'SBC' ))) { if( $m_flag == 0 ) { $width = 3; } } } break; case 'WDM': $width = 2; break; default: $width = 1; break; } // switch // fetch arguments if any $arg_bytes = ''; for( $ind=1;$ind<$width;$ind++ ) { $arg_bytes .= $data[$data_index + $ind]; } $output = $this->print_instruction( $opcode_txt, ord($opcode), $mode, $arg_bytes, $pc ); // Personality support $this_output = substr( $output, 22 ); $comment = $personality->check( $last_output, $this_output ); if( $comment ) { for($pad=strlen($output);$pad<42;$pad++) { $output .= ' '; } $output .= '; '.$comment; } $last_output = $this_output; echo "{$output}\n"; $pc += $width; $data_index += $width; } // for } }