* Right-rotate 32-bit value in &loc (DP or 16-bit address) by &n positions macro ROTR4 &loc,&n aif &n>16,.dorotl lda &loc+2 lcla &i &i seta &n .rotrloop lsr a ;to set carry ror &loc ror &loc+2 &i seta &i-1 aif &i>0,.rotrloop ago .end .dorotl ROTL4 &loc,32-&n .end mend * Left-rotate 32-bit value in &loc (DP or 16-bit address) by &n positions macro ROTL4 &loc,&n aif &n>16,.dorotr2 lda &loc lcla &i &i seta &n .rotlloop2 asl a ;to set carry rol &loc+2 rol &loc &i seta &i-1 aif &i>0,.rotlloop2 ago .end2 .dorotr2 ROTR4 &loc,32-&n .end2 mend * &to := &from ROTR4 &n macro ROTR4MOVE &to,&from,&n aif &n>16,.dorotl3 lda &from sta &to lda &from+2 sta &to+2 lcla &i &i seta &n .rotrloop3 lsr a ;to set carry ror &to ror &to+2 &i seta &i-1 aif &i>0,.rotrloop3 ago .end3 dorotl3 ROTL4MOVE &to,&from,32-&n .end3 mend * &to := &from ROTL4 &n macro ROTL4MOVE &to,&from,&n aif &n>16,.dorotr4 lda &from+2 sta &to+2 lda &from sta &to lcla &i &i seta &n .rotlloop4 asl a ;to set carry rol &to+2 rol &to &i seta &i-1 aif &i>0,.rotlloop4 ago .end4 .dorotr4 ROTR4MOVE &to,&from,32-&n .end4 mend * This makes a function wrapper that is callable from C, * taking a pointer to the context structure as its argument. macro CFunction &fn phb plx ply tdc pld plb plb phy phx plb pha jsl &fn pld rtl mend * Macros to operate on elements of the message schedule (W) macro &lab lda_w &i,&inc lcla &j &j seta &i .modloop1 aif &j<20,.goodidx1 &j seta &j-20 ago .modloop1 .goodidx1 aif C:&inc<>0,.haveinc lcla &inc .haveinc &lab lda w+(&j)*4+&inc mend macro &lab eor_w &i,&inc lcla &j &j seta &i .modloop2 aif &j<20,.goodidx2 &j seta &j-20 ago .modloop2 .goodidx2 aif C:&inc<>0,.haveinc lcla &inc .haveinc &lab eor w+(&j)*4+&inc mend macro &lab sta_w &i,&inc lcla &j &j seta &i .modloop3 aif &j<20,.goodidx3 &j seta &j-20 ago .modloop3 .goodidx3 aif C:&inc<>0,.haveinc lcla &inc .haveinc &lab sta w+(&j)*4+&inc mend macro &lab rol_w &i,&inc lcla &j &j seta &i .modloop4 aif &j<20,.goodidx4 &j seta &j-20 ago .modloop4 .goodidx4 aif C:&inc<>0,.haveinc lcla &inc .haveinc &lab rol w+(&j)*4+&inc mend * Compute one part of the message schedule (20 elements) macro ComputeSchedule &part lcla &i ; Flip the endianness of W_0 to W_15 (the current chunk of the message) aif &part<>1,.skippart1 .loop1 lda w+&i*4 xba ldx w+&i*4+2 sta w+&i*4+2 txa xba sta w+&i*4 &i seta &i+1 aif &i<16,.loop1 .skippart1 ; compute the rest of the message schedule (W_16 to W_79) aif &part=1,.loop2 &i seta (&part-1)*20 .loop2 lda_w &i-3 eor_w &i-8 eor_w &i-14 eor_w &i-16 sta_w &i asl a ; to set carry lda_w &i-3,2 eor_w &i-8,2 eor_w &i-14,2 eor_w &i-16,2 rol a sta_w &i,2 rol_w &i &i seta &i+1 aif &i<&part*20,.loop2 mend * One iteration of the loop for processing blocks. * The a,b,c,d,e variables are given as parameters so we can aviod cycling them. macro BlockLoopIter &a,&b,&c,&d,&e,&part stx idx ROTL4MOVE temp,&a,5 * f_0 to f_19 aif &part<>1,.skip1 lda &c eor &d and &b eor &d clc adc #$7999 sta f_plus_k lda &c+2 eor &d+2 and &b+2 eor &d+2 adc #$5A82 sta f_plus_k+2 .skip1 * f_20 to f_39 aif &part<>2,.skip2 lda &b eor &c eor &d clc adc #$EBA1 sta f_plus_k lda &b+2 eor &c+2 eor &d+2 adc #$6ED9 sta f_plus_k+2 .skip2 * f_40 to f_59 aif &part<>3,.skip3 lda &c ora &d and &b sta f40temp lda &c and &d ora f40temp clc adc #$BCDC sta f_plus_k lda &c+2 ora &d+2 and &b+2 sta f40temp lda &c+2 and &d+2 ora f40temp adc #$8F1B sta f_plus_k+2 .skip3 * f_60 to f_79 aif &part<>4,.skip4 lda &b eor &c eor &d clc adc #$C1D6 sta f_plus_k lda &b+2 eor &c+2 eor &d+2 adc #$CA62 sta f_plus_k+2 .skip4 ldx idx clc lda w,x adc temp tay lda w+2,x adc temp+2 tax clc tya adc &e tay txa adc &e+2 tax clc tya adc f_plus_k sta &e txa adc f_plus_k+2 sta &e+2 ROTL4 &b,30 ldx idx inx inx inx inx mend * One part of the loop for processing blocks (20 iterations) macro BlockLoopPart &part loop&part anop BlockLoopIter a_,b,c,d,e,&part BlockLoopIter e,a_,b,c,d,&part BlockLoopIter d,e,a_,b,c,&part BlockLoopIter c,d,e,a_,b,&part BlockLoopIter b,c,d,e,a_,&part cpx #20*4 bge endloop&part jmp loop&part endloop&part anop mend