The ORCA Linker 2.0.3 from the Opus ][ CD

This commit is contained in:
mikew50 2017-10-01 21:26:59 -06:00
commit 748ae356d7
29 changed files with 52 additions and 0 deletions

LICENSE Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
The ORCA Linker is released by the copyright holder under the terms of the original copyright.
The Byte Works, Inc. grants you the right to use this source code privately, fork it, and change it.
You may not redistribute the code in any form other than submission to this repository without the written permission of the copyright holder.
The copyright holder decided to do things this way for two reasons:
1. Reserve commercial distribution rights.
2. Ensure that any contributions and updates are available from a centralized source (this GitHib repository, for now).

14 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
# Linker
Apple IIGS ORCA Linker, a link editor for the Apple IIGS object module format
If you would like to make changes to this linker and distribute them to others, feel free to submit them here. If the changes apply to compilation on and for an Apple IIGS, they will generally be approved for distribution on the master branch. For changes that run on a different platform, the project will either be forked or a new repository will be created, as appropriate.
The general conditions that must be met before a change is released on master are:
1. The modified linker must compile under the currently released version of ORCA/M.
2. The ORCA compilers must pass their test suites using the new linker, or the test suite must be suitably modified, too.
Contact if you need contributor access.
A complete distribution of the ORCA languages, including installers and documentation, is available from the Juiced GS store at It is distributed as part of the Opus ][ package.

backup Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
if "{#}" != "1" echo Form: backup [day] exit 65535 end set dest /library/mike/{1}/linker set list backup count directpage linker.notes linkit make smac set list {list} exp.asm exp.mac set list {list} file.asm file.mac set list {list} linker.asm linker.mac linker.rez set list {list} out.asm out.mac set list {list} pass1.asm pass1.mac set list {list} pass2.asm pass2.mac set list {list} seg.asm seg.mac set list {list} symbol.asm symbol.mac set list {list} exp.asm exp.mac set list {list} util.asm util.mac unset exit create {dest} >.null >&.null for i in {list} newer {dest}/{i} {i} if {Status} != 0 copy -c {i} {dest}/{i} end end

count Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
set list directPage linker.asm set list {list} util.asm set list {list} file.asm set list {list} pass1.asm set list {list} pass2.asm set list {list} seg.asm set list {list} symbol.asm set list {list} exp.asm set list {list} out.asm wc {list}

directpage Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
; ; Global constants ; OBJ gequ $B1 object file LIB gequ $B2 library file EXE gequ $B5 executable file ; ; direct page map ; r0 gequ $0 general purpose registers r1 gequ $1 r2 gequ $2 r3 gequ $3 r4 gequ $4 r5 gequ $5 r6 gequ $6 r7 gequ $7 r8 gequ $8 r9 gequ $9 r10 gequ $A r11 gequ $B r12 gequ $C r13 gequ $D r14 gequ $E r15 gequ $F r16 gequ $10 r17 gequ $11 r18 gequ $12 r19 gequ $13 slist gequ $14 list of input names kname gequ $18 output file name (nil for none) sdisp gequ $1C disp to next char in slist fname gequ $1E ptr to current input file name basename gequ $22 ptr to root file name seg gequ $26 pointer to the first byte in the segment sp gequ $2A pointer to the next byte to process len gequ $2E # bytes left in the current file pc gequ $32 program counter dictionary gequ $36 current library dictionary buffer libSymbols gequ $3A ptr to first library symbol libNames gequ $3E ptr to first library name didLibSegment gequ $42 library segment processed flag libDisp gequ $44 disp in the file being processed libLength gequ $48 length of the library symbol table op gequ $4C output buffer pointer opst gequ $50 op at start of last lConst dp gequ $54 dictionary pointer dictSize gequ $58 remaining size of dictionary dy gequ $5A ptr to next byte in the dynamic segment expStart gequ $5E start of express segment expOffset gequ $62 offset table in express segment expMap gequ $66 segment map in express segment expHeader gequ $6A header table in express segment fMark gequ $6E file mark for express segment ! $52 next available spot

exp.asm Executable file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

exp.mac Executable file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

file.asm Executable file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

file.mac Executable file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

linker.asm Executable file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

linker.mac Executable file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

linker.notes Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
ORCA/Linker 2.0.3 Copyright 1996, Byte Works Inc. -- Change List -------------------------------------------------------------- 2.0.3 1. Fixed bug that caused programs with more than one dynamic segment to link improperly. (Ian Brumby) 2. Fixed bug that caused approximately one in 65536 load segments to be trashed with a random word placed every 14 bytes through the segment. 2.0.2 1. Fixed bug that caused the linker to step on memory that did not belong to it when the +m flag was used. The most common symptom of this bug was crashing during the second or subsequent compile when using PRIZM. (Kurtis Carter) 2.0.1 1. Fixed bug that caused the current location counter (* in assembly language parlance) to be evaluated incorrectly in some expressions. -- Documentation Update ----------------------------------------------------- No changes.

linker.rez Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
#include "types.rez" resource rVersion(1) { { 2, /* Major revision */ 0, /* Minor revision */ 3, /* Bug version */ release, /* Release stage */ 0, /* Non-final release # */ }, verUS, /* Region code */ "ORCA/Linker", /* Short version number */ "Copyright 1996, Byte Works, Inc." /* Long version number */ };

linkit Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
echo set auxtype $DB01 set auxtype $DB01 set list obj/linker obj/util obj/file obj/pass1 obj/pass2 obj/seg obj/symbol obj/exp obj/out echo link {Parameters} {list} 13/SysLib keep=obj/linker link {Parameters} {list} 13/SysLib keep=obj/linker

make Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
* * Linker * unset exit Newer obj/linker linker.rez if {status} != 0 set exit on echo compile -e linker.rez keep=obj/linker compile -e linker.rez keep=obj/linker unset exit end if {#} == 0 then Newer obj/linker.a linker.asm linker.macros directPage if {Status} != 0 set linker linker end Newer obj/util.a util.asm util.macros directPage if {Status} != 0 set util util end Newer obj/file.a file.asm file.macros directPage if {Status} != 0 set file file end Newer obj/pass1.a pass1.asm pass1.macros directPage if {Status} != 0 set pass1 pass1 end Newer obj/pass2.a pass2.asm pass2.macros directPage if {Status} != 0 set pass2 pass2 end Newer obj/seg.a seg.asm seg.macros directPage if {Status} != 0 set seg seg end Newer obj/symbol.a symbol.asm symbol.macros directPage if {Status} != 0 set symbol symbol end Newer obj/exp.a exp.asm exp.macros directPage if {Status} != 0 set exp exp end Newer obj/out.a out.asm out.2 out.macros directPage if {Status} != 0 set out out end set exit on for i in {linker} {util} {file} {pass1} {pass2} {seg} {symbol} {exp} {out} echo assemble +t +e {i}.asm assemble +t +e {i}.asm end else set exit on for i echo assemble +t +e {i}.asm assemble +t +e {i}.asm end end linkit set echo on copy -c obj/linker 5

obj/README.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
This directory is used by the make file for storing object files.

out.asm Executable file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

out.mac Executable file

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pass1.asm Executable file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

pass1.mac Executable file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

pass2.asm Executable file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

pass2.mac Executable file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

seg.asm Executable file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

seg.mac Executable file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

smac Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
macro &lab da &op &lab dc a3"&op" dc i1'0' mend macro &lab cmpl &n1,&n2 &lab lda 2+&n1 cmp 2+&n2 bne ~&syscnt lda &n1 cmp &n2 ~&syscnt anop mend MACRO &LAB DOS &ADR &LAB DC I"L:~&SYSNAME&SYSCNT" ~&SYSNAME&SYSCNT DC C"&ADR" MEND MACRO &LAB MOVE4 &F,&T &LAB ~SETM LDA 2+&F STA 2+&T LDA &F STA &T ~RESTM MEND macro &lab sub &parms,&work &lab anop aif c:&work,.a lclc &work &work setc 0 .a gbla &totallen gbla &worklen &worklen seta &work &totallen seta 0 aif c:&parms=0,.e lclc &len lclc &p lcla &i &i seta c:&parms .b &p setc &parms(&i) &len amid &p,2,1 aif "&len"=":",.c &len amid &p,1,2 &p amid &p,4,l:&p-3 ago .d .c &len amid &p,1,1 &p amid &p,3,l:&p-2 .d &p equ &totallen+3+&work &totallen seta &totallen+&len &i seta &i-1 aif &i,^b .e tsc aif &work=0,.f sec sbc #&work tcs .f phd tcd mend macro &lab ret &r &lab anop lclc &len aif c:&r,.a lclc &r &r setc 0 &len setc 0 ago .h .a &len amid &r,2,1 aif "&len"=":",.b &len amid &r,1,2 &r amid &r,4,l:&r-3 ago .c .b &len amid &r,1,1 &r amid &r,3,l:&r-2 .c aif &len<>2,.d ldy &r ago .h .d aif &len<>4,.e ldx &r+2 ldy &r ago .h .e aif &len<>10,.g ldy #&r ldx #^&r ago .h .g mnote 'Not a valid return length',16 mexit .h aif &totallen=0,.i lda &worklen+1 sta &worklen+&totallen+1 .i pld tsc clc adc #&worklen+&totallen tcs aif &len=0,.j tya .j rts mend MACRO &LAB MOVE &AD1,&AD2,&LEN &LAB ANOP LCLB &LA LCLB &LI LCLC &C AIF C:&LEN,.A1 LCLC &LEN &LEN SETC #2 .A1 &LA SETB S:LONGA &LI SETB S:LONGI AIF S:LONGA.AND.S:LONGI,.A REP #32*(.NOT.&LA)+16*(.NOT.&LI) LONGA ON LONGI ON .A &C AMID &LEN,1,1 AIF "&C"<>"#",.D &C AMID &LEN,2,L:&LEN-1 AIF &C<>2,.D &C AMID &AD1,1,1 AIF "&C"<>"{",.B &AD1 AMID &AD1,2,L:&AD1-2 &AD1 SETC (&AD1) .B LDA &AD1 &C AMID &AD2,1,1 AIF "&C"<>"{",.C &AD2 AMID &AD2,2,L:&AD2-2 &AD2 SETC (&AD2) .C STA &AD2 AGO .G .D &C AMID &AD1,1,1 AIF "&C"="#",.F &C AMID &LEN,1,1 AIF "&C"<>"{",.E &LEN AMID &LEN,2,L:&LEN-2 &LEN SETC (&LEN) .E &C AMID &LEN,1,1 AIF "&C"="#",.E1 LDA &LEN DEC A AGO .E2 .E1 LDA &LEN-1 .E2 LDX #&AD1 LDY #&AD2 MVN &AD1,&AD2 AGO .G .F LDA &AD1 STA &AD2 LDA &LEN-2 LDX #&AD2 LDY #&AD2+1 MVN &AD2,&AD2 .G AIF (&LA+&LI)=2,.I SEP #32*(.NOT.&LA)+16*(.NOT.&LI) AIF &LA,.H LONGA OFF .H AIF &LI,.I LONGI OFF .I MEND

symbol.asm Executable file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

symbol.mac Executable file

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util.asm Executable file

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util.mac Executable file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long