fix for memory detection

This commit is contained in:
Dagen Brock 2015-10-25 14:49:28 -05:00
parent 07e635e613
commit 8601f35783

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@ -1745,10 +1745,6 @@ MainMenuStrs
hex 00,00
* Creates a 256 byte map of each bank, "BankRam"
* The map shows whether it's Built-in RAM, ROM, Expansion RAM, etc.
@ -1775,18 +1771,35 @@ DetectRam
sta BankMap+$FC ;
sta BankMap+$FD ;
ldx #$10 ;ROM3 starts scan at bank 10
bra :detectloop
bra :writeloop
:rom0or1 ;no additional mappings
lda #$FE ;ROM1 end bank FE
sta :endbankscan+1 ;but change our max scan bank
sta :endbankscan2+1 ;but change our max scan bank
ldx #$02 ;ROM0/1 starts scan at bank 02
:detectloop txa ;we'll store the bank number
:writeloop txa ;we'll store the bank number
sta :writer+3 ;overwrite bank address
sta :reader+3
sta :compare+1
eor #$FF ;INVERT
:writer stal $000000 ;should overwrite first byte
cpx #$E0
bne :endbankscan
ldx #$F0 ;skip to bank F0 (skip banks E0-EF)
:endbankscan cpx #$FC ;ROM3 end bank (default)
bcc :writeloop ;blt
tyx ;restore start bank
:detectloopread txa
sta :reader+3
eor #$FF
sta :compare+1
:reader ldal $000000
:compare cmp #$00
bne :notused
@ -1794,15 +1807,17 @@ DetectRam
lda #BankRAMFastExpansion ;store mapping
sta BankMap,x
:continue inx
cpx #$E0 ;skip banks $E0-$EF
bcc :endbankscan ; <E0
cpx #$F0
bcs :endbankscan ; >= F0 (>EF)
ldx #$F0 ;skip to bank F0
bra :detectloop
:endbankscan cpx #$FC ;ROM3 end bank (default)
bcc :detectloop ;blt
cpx #$E0
bne :endbankscan2
ldx #$F0 ;skip to bank F0 (skip banks E0-EF)
:endbankscan2 cpx #$FC ;ROM3 end bank (default)
bcc :detectloopread ;blt
* This part looks for the lowest and highest banks to pre-populate
* the Start Bank and End Bank for the tests.
;let's find low/high to simplify things
ldx #$ff
:lowloop lda BankMap,x