Apply return optimization to enum and pointer return types.

This commit is contained in:
Stephen Heumann 2022-12-19 20:03:13 -06:00
parent d68e0b268f
commit 030f3ff9e1

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@ -831,6 +831,26 @@ var
size: longint; {size of the struct/union}
tk: tokenType; {structure name token}
procedure ReturnValue (tp: baseTypeEnum);
{ generate code to return a value of specified type }
begin {ReturnValue}
if (returnCount = 0)
and (token.kind = rbracech)
and (statementList^.next = nil)
and (vaInfoLLN = 0)
and (tp in [cgByte,cgUByte,cgWord,cgUWord,cgLong,cgULong])
then begin
Gen0t(pc_rev, tp);
skipReturn := true;
end {if}
Gen2t(pc_str, 0, 0, tp);
end; {ReturnValue}
begin {ReturnStatement}
if fIsNoreturn then
if (lint & lintReturn) <> 0 then
@ -857,20 +877,10 @@ var
case fType^.kind of
scalarType: if fType^.baseType in [cgQuad,cgUQuad] then
Gen0t(pc_sto, fType^.baseType)
else if (returnCount = 0)
and (token.kind = rbracech)
and (statementList^.next = nil)
and (vaInfoLLN = 0)
and (fType^.baseType in
then begin
Gen0t(pc_rev, fType^.baseType);
skipReturn := true;
end {else if}
Gen2t(pc_str, 0, 0, fType^.baseType);
enumType: Gen2t(pc_str, 0, 0, cgWord);
pointerType: Gen2t(pc_str, 0, 0, cgULong);
enumType: ReturnValue(cgWord);
pointerType: ReturnValue(cgULong);
unionType: begin
Gen2(pc_mov, long(size).msw, long(size).lsw);